Lambing Management and Neonatal Care
CHAPTER 91 Lambing Management and Neonatal Care PAULA I. MENZIES PRELAMBING MANAGEMENT OF PREGNANT EWES Midgestation Approximately 40 days after the ram is removed from the flock, scanning for pregnancy…
CHAPTER 91 Lambing Management and Neonatal Care PAULA I. MENZIES PRELAMBING MANAGEMENT OF PREGNANT EWES Midgestation Approximately 40 days after the ram is removed from the flock, scanning for pregnancy…
CHAPTER 137 Reproductive Patterns in Female Bison (Bison bison sp.) KAREN L. GOODROWE, GABRIELA F. MASTROMONACO, LEANNE S. OTHEN REPRODUCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS The female bison is seasonally polyestrous, with estrous cyclicity…
CHAPTER 115 Reproductive Anatomy and Life Cycle of the Male and Female Llama and Alpaca JULIO. SUMAR, GREGG P. ADAMS Present-day alpacas and llamas developed from a common feral ancestry…
CHAPTER 101 Diagnosis of Pregnancy GLEN W. ALMOND Early and accurate identification of pregnant and nonpregnant sows and gilts has a strong potential to increase reproductive efficiency of commercial swine…
CHAPTER 138 Reproductive Management of Bison JERRY C. HAIGH, JOHN. GRINDE REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY Bison in North America are seasonal breeders. Using data collected from several different locales in the Northern…
CHAPTER 28 Surgical Correction of Abnormalities of the Female Reproductive Organs JEAN-PIERRE. HELD, JIM. BLACKFORD SURGICAL CORRECTIONS FOR ABNORMAL PERINEAL CONFORMATION Types of Abnormal Conformations Uterine contamination following a breakdown…
CHAPTER 134 Cervid Semen Collection and Freezing MIKE J. BRINGANS, CLAIRE. PLANTE, JOHN. POLLARD SEASONALITY The cervid species mentioned in this section (wapiti, red deer, whitetailed deer, fallow deer, and…
CHAPTER 7 Clinical Reproductive Anatomy and Physiology of the Mare TIMOTHY J. EVANS, GHEORGHE M. CONSTANTINESCU, VENKATASESHU K. GANJAM The dynamic functions of the ovaries, uterus, embryo, and fetus are…
CHAPTER 98 Clinical Reproductive Physiology and Endocrinology of Sows: Mating Management TIMOTHY J. SAFRANSKI, NANCY M. COX GENETIC SYSTEM The swine industry has embraced crossbreeding systems for several years. The…
CHAPTER 127 Reproductive Behavior of Red Deer and Wapiti GEOFFREY WILLIAM. ASHER, JERRY C. HAIGH, PETER R. WILSON As with other ruminants, female cervids exhibit estrus rather than continual sexual…