Genetic linkage maps
A third generation was also genotyped, as samples from five of the six grandparents were also available. This allowed the generation of a linkage map for ECAX as recombination in…
Genomics of the circadian clock
The Mammalian Clockwork Mechanism Multiple gene-protein-gene feedback loops support the mammalian molecular clock mechanism that exists in almost all mammalian cell types (Reppert & Weaver, 2002). The genes in question…
Molecular genetic testing and karyotyping in the horse
The ISAG Panel defines the minimum number of markers to be used for horse identification and parentage analysis. In practice, panels in current usage contain 17–20 markers. Such panels have…
Genomics of muscle disorders
Eventual sequencing of the GBE1 gene coding sequences resulted in the discovery of a mutation in exon 1 that results in a premature stop codon (Ward et al., 2004). GBED was…
The Y-Chromosome
The horse Y chromosome varies considerably (more than twice as compared to the smallest known size) in length among normal individuals (Hansen, 1984; Power, 1988; our unpublished observations). This polymorphism…
Genomics of reproduction and fertility
Genetics of mare fertility After REEL and gonadal dysgenesis that are caused by chromosomal abnormalities, the most common subfertile phenotype in mares is the failure to become pregnant (Coutinho da…
Genomics of performance
Mitochondrial DNA and Athletic Performance in Thoroughbreds In 2006, Harrison and Turrion-Gomez reported a relationship between mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplotypes and athletic performance in the Thoroughbred (Harrison & Turrion-Gomez, 2006)….