CHAPTER 5 AMPHIBIANS Natalie Mylniczenko COMMON SPECIES KEPT IN CAPTIVITY The class Amphibia is divided into three orders: Anura (frogs and toads), Caudata (salamanders, newts, and sirens), and Gymnophiona (caecilians)….
CHAPTER 9 CHELONIANS Megan Kirchgessner, Mark A. Mitchell COMMON SPECIES KEPT IN CAPTIVITY There are over 285 different species of chelonians in the world.1 Chelonians represent one of the most…
CHAPTER 6 CROCODILIANS Javier Nevarez COMMON SPECIES KEPT IN CAPTIVITY Modern-day crocodilians date back to the Mesozoic era over 65 million years ago, surviving to the present with relatively few…
CHAPTER 4 ORNAMENTAL FISH Stephen M. Miller, Mark A. Mitchell Ornamental fish present an unusual paradox in that they are both well known and unknown to veterinarians. These animals are…
CHAPTER 17 GUINEA PIGS Shannon M. Riggs COMMON SPECIES KEPT IN CAPTIVITY Guinea pigs, Cavia porcellus, are members of the Caviidae family of the order Rodentia. Guinea pigs are native…
CHAPTER 3 INVERTEBRATES Trevor Zachariah, Mark A. Mitchell Invertebrates represent the largest group of animals on Earth, with approximately 1 million species characterized to date. Additional species are being discovered…