The Major Histocompatibility Complex

The Major Histocompatibility Complex

In order to trigger an adaptive immune response, antigen molecules must be broken up inside cells, and the fragments generated must then be bound to appropriate antigen-presenting receptors (Figure 11-1). These antigen-presenting receptors are glycoproteins encoded by genes located in a large gene cluster called the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). The receptors are therefore called MHC molecules. Antigen fragments can trigger an immune response only after they have bound to MHC molecules, and these antigen-MHC complexes have bound to T cell antigen receptors. Since the MHC molecules serve as specific antigen receptors, MHC genes determine which antigens can trigger adaptive immunity. Thus the MHC can be considered an organized cluster of genes that control antigen presentation and so determine an animal’s susceptibility to infectious or autoimmune diseases.

Major Histocompatibility Complex

All vertebrates, from cartilaginous fish to mammals, possess cell-surface proteins coded for by genes clustered within an MHC. Each MHC has a fairly consistent structure consisting of about 200 expressed genes distributed over about 3 mb of DNA and divided into three regions containing different classes of MHC gene loci (I, II, and III) (Figure 11-2). Classical class I loci code for the MHC molecules expressed on most nucleated cells. Class I genes can be subdivided into those that are highly polymorphic (class Ia genes) and those that show very little polymorphism (class Ib, Ic, or Id genes). (Polymorphism refers to structural variations between proteins.) Class Id genes are located outside the MHC on a different chromosome. Genes in class II loci, on the other hand, encode polymorphic MHC molecules mainly restricted to professional antigen-presenting cells (dendritic cells, macrophages, and B cells) (Table 11-1). Genes in the class III region code for a diverse mixture of proteins, many of which are linked to innate immunity, such as complement proteins. Although each MHC contains all three gene regions, their gene content, and arrangement vary between species.

The collective name given to the proteins encoded by MHC genes depends on the species. In humans these molecules are called human leukocyte antigen (HLA); in dogs they are called DLA; in rabbits, RLA; in cattle (bovines), BoLA; in horses, ELA; in swine, SLA; and so forth. In some species, MHC molecules were identified as transplantation antigens before their true function was recognized. In these cases, the nomenclature is anomalous. Thus, in the mouse the MHC is called H-2, and in chickens it is called B. The complete set of alleles found within an individual animal’s MHC is called its MHC haplotype.

MHC Class Ia Molecules

Class Ia molecules are expressed on most nucleated cells. In pigs, for example, class I molecules have been detected on lymphocytes, platelets, granulocytes, hepatocytes, kidney cells, and sperm. They are not usually found on mammalian red cells, gametes, neurons, or trophoblast cells. Some cells, such as myocardium and skeletal muscle, may express very few class Ia molecules.


Class Ia molecules consist of two linked glycoprotein chains. An α chain (45 kDa) is associated with a much smaller chain called β2-microglobulin (β2M) (12 kDa). The α chain is inserted in the cell membrane (Figure 11-3). It consists of five domains: three extracellular domains called α1, α2, and α3, each about 100 amino acids long; a transmembrane domain; and a cytoplasmic domain. The antigen-binding site on these molecules is formed by the α1 and α2 domains. β2M consists of a single domain and serves to stabilize the structure.

Gene Arrangement

The size of the MHC class I region varies among mammals. Humans and rodents have the largest, and pigs have the smallest. The chicken class I region is very much smaller than in mammals (Chapter 40). The MHC class I region has a common framework of non-MHC genes, and size differences are mainly due to variations in the size and number of these framework genes.

The number of class Ia gene loci varies between mammals. For example, rats have more than 60, mice have about 30, humans have 20, cattle have 13 to 15, and pigs have 11. Not all these genes are functional. For example, in mice, only two or three class I genes are expressed. The remainder are pseudogenes (defective genes that cannot be expressed). In humans the functional polymorphic genes are called A, B, and C. In mice they are called K and D (and in some strains, L) (Figure 11-4). In other species they are usually numbered.


Some class Ia loci encode proteins with very large numbers of alleles. These allelic differences cause variations in the amino acid sequences of the α1 and α2 domains. This variation is called polymorphism. The most extreme polymorphism is restricted to three to four small regions located within the α1 and α2 domains. In these variable regions, two or three different amino acids may occur at each position. The other domains of MHC class Ia molecules show little variation.

The α1 and α2 domains of MHC class I molecules fold together to form an open-ended groove (Figure 11-5). A flat β sheet forms the floor of this groove, and its walls are formed by two α helices (Figure 11-6). This groove binds antigenic peptides, 8 to 10 amino acids in size. The variable regions located along the walls of this groove determine its shape. The shape of the groove in turn determines which peptides can be bound and thus trigger immune responses.

The amino acid variability in the α1 and α2 domains results from variations in the nucleotide sequences between MHC alleles. These nucleotide variations result from point mutations, reciprocal recombination, and gene conversion. Point mutations are simply changes in individual nucleotides. Reciprocal recombination involves crossing over between two chromosomes. In gene conversion, small blocks of DNA are exchanged between different class I genes in a nonreciprocal fashion. The donated DNA blocks may come from nearby nonpolymorphic class I genes, from nonfunctional pseudogenes, or from other polymorphic class I genes. Class I MHC genes have the highest mutation rate of any germline genes yet studied (10−3 mutations per gene per generation in mice). This high mutation rate implies that there are significant advantages to be gained by having very polymorphic MHC genes.

Mammals use two distinct strategies for maintaining high levels of MHC class I diversity. Mice and humans simply use a small number of highly polymorphic genes. In other primates and rats, however, diversity is generated by varying the number and combinations of many different genes. Cattle use both strategies by employing various combinations of six or more classical class I genes, but three of these are also highly polymorphic.

Nonpolymorphic MHC Class I Molecules

Mammalian cells also express many nonpolymorphic class I molecules. Some are encoded by genes within the MHC class I region, others by genes on other chromosomes. They are classified according to their evolutionary origin.

Class Ib molecules show reduced expression and tissue distribution compared with class Ia molecules but are part of the MHC complex. They have limited polymorphism and their genes probably originated from class Ia precursors by gene duplication. For example, the class Ib genes in mice are found in three loci called Q, T, and M (see Figure 11-4). They code for proteins on the surface of regulatory and immature lymphocytes and on hematopoietic cells. These also consist of a membrane-bound α chain associated with β2-microglobulin, so their overall shape and antigen-binding groove are similar to those in MHC class Ia molecules. Since they are not polymorphic, MHC class Ib molecules bind a limited range of ligands. Thus they are receptors for commonly encountered, microbial pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs).

Class Ic genes have limited polymorphism and are found within the MHC but probably originated before the radiation of the placental mammals. Their products include MICA and MICB, specialized proteins that are involved in signaling to natural killer (NK) cells but do not bind antigenic peptides (Chapter 19).

Class Id genes are nonpolymorphic class I–related genes not located on the MHC chromosome. Many of their products contribute to innate immunity since they bind PAMPs. For example, CD1 molecules bind bacterial lipids (Chapter 19). FcRn is a class Id MHC molecule that serves as an antibody (Fc) receptor on epithelial cells. It is expressed on mammary gland epithelium and on the enterocytes of newborn mammals (Chapter 21).

MHC Class II Molecules

Mammals differ in their expression of MHC class II molecules. In rodents, they are restricted to the professional antigen-presenting cells (dendritic cells, macrophages, and B cells) but can be induced on T cells, keratinocytes, and vascular endothelial cells. Resting mouse T cells do not express MHC class II molecules, but in pigs, dogs, cats, mink, and horses, the MHC class II molecules are constitutively expressed on nearly all resting adult T cells. In cattle, most MHC class II molecules are expressed only on B cells and activated T cells. In pigs, resting T cells express MHC class II molecules at about the same level as macrophages. In humans and pigs, MHC class II molecules are expressed on renal vascular endothelium and glomeruli—a fact of significance in kidney graft rejection. The expression of class II molecules is enhanced in rapidly dividing cells and in cells treated with interferon-γ (IFN-γ) (Chapter 14).

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Jul 18, 2016 | Posted by in PHARMACOLOGY, TOXICOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS | Comments Off on The Major Histocompatibility Complex

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