Rolling and shaking
Preferred rolling places Horses usually choose one or two preferred rolling spots and this may help to establish herd bonding by coating them in the ‘herd smell’. Wild horses and…
The forelimb
Scapula Humerus Radius Ulna Knee or carpus (consisting of seven or eight carpal bones) Cannon (large metacarpal) bone Two splint bones (medial and small metacarpals) Long pastern (first phalanx) Short…
The hind limb
Tibia and fibula Tarsal bones of the hock Three metacarpals (cannon and splint bones) Long pastern (first phalanx) Short pastern (second phalanx) Pedal bone (third phalanx) Two sesamoid bones Navicular…
The head and neck
The eyes are situated deep within the orbits, offering them some degree of protection. They each sit in a pad of fat which provides a cushioning effect. When horses are…