Lead ingestion in a puppy
17 Lead ingestion in a puppy Initial presentation Vomiting and seizures Signalment: 5-month-old entire male West Highland white terrier, body weight 3.1 kg Case history The puppy had been vomiting bile…
17 Lead ingestion in a puppy Initial presentation Vomiting and seizures Signalment: 5-month-old entire male West Highland white terrier, body weight 3.1 kg Case history The puppy had been vomiting bile…
6 Oesophageal foreign body in a dog Initial presentation Dysphagia, regurgitation Signalment: 8-month-old entire male Labrador retriever, body weight 20 kg Case history The dog had been regurgitating for about 2…
7 Persistent right aortic arch in a dog Initial presentation Regurgitating, especially food, since weaning Signalment: 3-month-old uncastrated male Border collie, body weight 11 kg Case history The puppy had been…
3 Myasthenia gravis in a dog Initial presentation Regurgitation, cough and weakness/exercise intolerance Signalment: 2-year-old neutered male collie crossbred dog, body weight 19.8 kg Case history The dog had become progressively…
1 Swallowing and regurgitation The oesophagus and swallowing The oesophagus is divided into the cervical, thoracic and abdominal parts. The cervical oesophagus runs ventral and to the left of the…
8 Feline dysautonomia Initial presentation Chronic dysphagia, vomiting, constipation, weight loss Signalment: 2-year-old male neutered domestic shorthaired cat, body weight 3.75 kg Case history The cat had a 5-week history of…
4 Oesophageal stricture in a cat Initial presentation Regurgitation Signalment: 9-year-old male neutered Siamese cat, body weight 3.5 kg Case history The cat had been healthy until 3 weeks prior to…
2 Idiopathic megaoesophagus in a dog Initial presentation Vomiting and regurgitation every 1 to 3 days for at least 6 months; concurrent weight loss and recent (2 to 3 weeks)…
5 Phenobarbitone responsive retching in a dog Initial presentation Gagging, retching and vomiting for 10 days Signalment: 6-year-old neutered male Jack Russell terrier x poodle, body weight 6.6 kg Case history…