A A accommodation; adenine; ampere; anode (anodal); anterior; axial; mass number. A2 aortic second sound (see heart sounds). Aw water activity. Relative to food for human consumption it is an…
P P chemical symbol, phosphorus; symbol, peta-; position; presbyopia; [L.] proximum (near); pulse; [L.] punctum (point); pupil. P1 parental generation. P1,P2,P3 phalanges, numbered from proximal to distal. In horses, called…
O O chemical symbol, oxygen; [L.] oculus (eye); [L.] octarius (pint); opening. O2 oxygen. o- symbol, ortho-. Ω the Greek capital letter omega; symbol for ohm. ω omega, small letter;…
U U chemical symbol, uranium; unit; uracil. U-suture interrupted horizontal mattress suture. UA urinalysis. UAA ochre codon, one of the three stop codons. UAG amber codon, one of the three…
D D chemical symbol, deuterium. 2,4-D see 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. d symbol, deci-; 2′-deoxyribo. d– prefix, dextro-. Δ delta, capital; fourth letter in the Greek alphabet. A symbol for increment. δ…
V V chemical symbol, vanadium; symbol, volt; vision; visual acuity. Vd volume of distribution. VT tidal volume. v. [L.] vena (vein); pl. venae (vv.) [L.]. V–D–J joining see antibody. V…
I I chemical symbol, iodine (L. iodum). Ia antigen MHC class II histocompatibility antigens found primarily on B lymphocytes but also on some macrophages, T lymphocytes and skin. I band…
G G symbol for giga; gingival; glucose; gonidial; guanine. g 1. gravity; the unit of force exerted upon a body during acceleration and deceleration. 2. gram (or grams). γ gamma,…
E e- for words beginning thus, see also those beginning oe-. ε epsilon, small letter; fifth letter in the Greek alphabet. Used to designate random error in regression analysis. η…
H H chemical symbol, hydrogen;; Hounsfield unit. H+ symbol, hydrogen ion. H+,K+-ATPase an enzyme of the gastric parietal cell involved in the terminal step of gastric acid secretion in the…