Complicated Wounds

Jul 8, 2016 by in EQUINE MEDICINE Comments Off on Complicated Wounds

9 Complicated Wounds Chapter Preview . Skin Lacerations with Skin Deficits or Degloving . Wounds Involving Muscle Damage . Wounds Involving Synovial Structures . Wounds with Exposed bone . Eyelid Injuries . Eye Injuries . Wounds Involving…

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Basic Wound Management

Jul 8, 2016 by in EQUINE MEDICINE Comments Off on Basic Wound Management

6 Basic Wound Management Chapter Preview . History . Restraint . Initial Examination . Wound Lavage . Bandages, Dressings and Dressing Techniques . Management of Wound Exudate . Management of Granulation Tissue After any emergency treatment, such…

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The Pathophysiology of Wound Healing

Jul 8, 2016 by in EQUINE MEDICINE Comments Off on The Pathophysiology of Wound Healing

3 The Pathophysiology of Wound Healing Chapter Preview . Healing . The Healing Process . Wound Contraction Healing Healing is a complex process that, for descriptive purposes, is arbitrarily divided into three temporally…

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Factors that Delay Healing

Jul 8, 2016 by in EQUINE MEDICINE Comments Off on Factors that Delay Healing

4 Factors that Delay Healing Chapter Preview . Infection/Infestation . Movement . Foreign Body . Necrotic Tissue . Altered Local pH . Paucity of Blood Supply . Poor (or Impaired) Oxygen Supply . Poor Nutritional and Health Status…

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Definition of Wounds/Wound Types

Jul 8, 2016 by in EQUINE MEDICINE Comments Off on Definition of Wounds/Wound Types

2 Definition of Wounds/Wound Types Chapter Preview . Graze/Abrasion/Erosion . Bruising . Hematoma . Contusion . Puncture Wound . Incised Wound . Laceration . Complicated Wound . Burns Although wounds are given specific classifications there are many that have…

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Skin Grafting

Jul 8, 2016 by in EQUINE MEDICINE Comments Off on Skin Grafting

7 Skin Grafting Chapter Preview . Classification of Grafts . Pedicle Graft . Free Grafts . Clinico-pathological Consequences of Grafting . Graft Take and Causes of Failure . Summary Grafting is an effective method for the…

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Dealing with Scar Tissue

Jul 8, 2016 by in EQUINE MEDICINE Comments Off on Dealing with Scar Tissue

8 Dealing with Scar Tissue Chapter Preview . Consequences of Scarring . Types of Scar . Limiting the Severity of Scarring . Management of Scar Tissue Scarring is an inevitable consequence of injury. Not…

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General Principles of Wound Managment

Jul 8, 2016 by in EQUINE MEDICINE Comments Off on General Principles of Wound Managment

5 General Principles of Wound Managment Chapter Preview . Owner Protocol for Wound Management . Protocol for Veterinary Attention . Minimizing the Potential Problems of a Wound Owner Protocol for Wound Management (Figure…

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The Future of Wound Management

Jul 8, 2016 by in EQUINE MEDICINE Comments Off on The Future of Wound Management

10 The Future of Wound Management Since 1962 there has been a major revolution in the understanding of wound healing as a physiological process. However, the research has inevitably focused…

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Jul 8, 2016 by in EQUINE MEDICINE Comments Off on Introduction

1 Introduction The temperament and the type of work it has to perform mean that the horse is probably more prone to accidental injury than most other species. Anatomical knowledge…

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