Wound Dressing
Wound Dressing Biologic Dressings Basic Information Procedure • Equine amnion (EA): EA is believed to have most of the qualities of an ideal dressing. Despite its occlusive properties in the…
Neoplasia, Nasal and Paranasal
Neoplasia, Nasal and Paranasal Basic Information Definition Tumors of the nasal passage and paranasal sinuses are uncommon and include a wide range of tumor types, reflecting the diverse tissues present…
Ocular Nerve Blocks
Ocular Nerve Blocks Standard Basic Information Synonym(s) Palpebral nerve blocks Frontal nerve blocks Overview and Goal(s) Because of the strength of the horse’s periocular muscles, palpebral and/or frontal nerve denervation…
Motor Neuron Disease, Equine
Motor Neuron Disease, Equine Basic Information Definition An acquired destruction of lower motor neurons in the brainstem and spinal cord of affected horses leading to clinical signs characterized by postural…
Myeloencephalopathy, Equine Degenerative
Myeloencephalopathy, Equine Degenerative Basic Information Definition Progressive, symmetrical neurologic condition with prominent ataxia and weakness resulting from widespread degeneration of the spinal cord and brainstem Synonym(s) Neuroaxonal dystrophy of Morgan…
Polyneuritis Basic Information Definition Neurologic disease of horses characterized by inflammation and damage to multiple spinal nerve roots and especially affecting the cauda equina and cranial nerves (CNs) but all…
Passive Transfer
Passive Transfer Basic Information Definition • Measurement of the antibody (IgG) concentrations in the neonate to determine if adequate absorption of maternal antibodies has occurred following ingestion of colostrum. •…