Rhododendron Toxicosis
Rhododendron Toxicosis Basic Information Definition Members of the family Ericaceae, including Rhododendron, Kalmia (Laurel), Pieris, and Leucothoe (Fetter bush) are toxic to humans and livestock. The genus Rhododendron includes the…
Dehydration Basic Information Definition A state in which fluid losses (apparent losses as well as insensible losses combined) outpace fluid intake Synonym(s) • Hypovolemia • Negative fluid balance Epidemiology Species,…
Neutrophils (Neutrophilia, Neutropenia, Bands)
Neutrophils (Neutrophilia, Neutropenia, Bands) Basic Information Definition Neutrophils are the most common white blood cells in the horse. They are of granulocytic origin and are important in bacterial infection and…
Urachal Diverticulum
Urachal Diverticulum Basic Information Definition A diverticulum from the cranial bladder to the umbilicus that is closed at the umbilicus and open at the bladder Epidemiology Risk Factors Neonatal umbilical…
Zinc Phosphide Toxicosis
Zinc Phosphide Toxicosis Basic Information Definition Zinc phosphide is a rodenticide used to kill gophers, ground squirrels, and other burrowing animals as well as mice and rats. Zinc phosphide and…
Temporohyoid Osteoarthropathy
Temporohyoid Osteoarthropathy Basic Information Definition Progressive degenerative osteoarthropathy of the articulation between the stylohyoid bone and the styloid process of the petrous temporal bone (temporohyoid articulation) leading to eventual ankylosis…
Small Colon
Small Colon Intramural Hematoma Basic Information Definition Physical obstruction of the small colon caused by intramural or submucosal hematoma Epidemiology Species, Age, Sex Old horses appear predisposed; however, the rare…
Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy
Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy Basic Information Definition An inherited metabolic myopathy Synonym(s) Equine polysaccharide storage myopathy is referred to by several acronyms, depending on the researcher and laboratory (eg, EPSM, PSSM,…
Exodontia (Oral Extraction)
Exodontia (Oral Extraction) Basic Information Synonym(S) Pulling a tooth Overview and Goal(s) To remove the affected tooth in its entirely via the oral cavity, creating as little collateral damage as…