Hemoglobin Measurements

Jul 10, 2016 by in INTERNAL MEDICINE Comments Off on Hemoglobin Measurements

Fig. 1. Photograph of the model 6505 UV/vis spectrophotometer from Jenway.   4. Cuvettes.   5. Microplate reader. Fig. 2. Photograph of the Bio-Tek EL800 microplate reader.   6. QuantiChrom™…

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Spreading Depolarization

Jul 10, 2016 by in INTERNAL MEDICINE Comments Off on Spreading Depolarization

Fig. 1. Exemplary recordings showing SD in a mouse brain slice after stepwise increase of [K+] in the bathing medium with (red) and without (blue) ouabain (5 μM). Recordings have…

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Electron Microscopic Assessment

Jul 10, 2016 by in INTERNAL MEDICINE Comments Off on Electron Microscopic Assessment

Fig. 1. (a) Findings in transmission electron microscopy of canine basilar artery. (b) Findings in scanning electron microscopy of canine basilar artery. After perfusion fixation, the brain with arteries is…

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Intracranial Pressure Assessment

Jul 10, 2016 by in INTERNAL MEDICINE Comments Off on Intracranial Pressure Assessment

Fig. 1. Photographs showing MPMS100A-1 Samba201control unit (a), TSD175 ultraminiature optical pressure transducer (b), and the optic fiber probe (c).   3. ICP transducer (Samba Sensors, model TSD175A; Biopac Systems,…

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Neuroimaging Assessment of Cerebral Vasospasm

Jul 10, 2016 by in INTERNAL MEDICINE Comments Off on Neuroimaging Assessment of Cerebral Vasospasm

2. Chaichana K, Riley LH, III, Tamargo RJ (2007) Delayed cerebral vasospasm secondary to bacterial meningitis after lumbosacral spinal surgery: case report. Neurosurgery 60:E206–E207; discussion E207 3. Chaichana KL, Pradilla…

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