FORTY-ONE: Paresis or Paralysis
Clinical Vignette Sadie, a 2-year-old female black Labrador retriever, is presented for a very acute onset of dragging the right rear limb. Sadie was normal at 10 AM, and when…
SEVENTEEN: Disturbances of Heart Rate, Rhythm, and Pulse
Problem Definition Disturbances of heart rate and cardiac rhythm are commonly present with both cardiac and noncardiac disorders. While some arrhythmias have no clinical consequence, some cause significant hemodynamic compromise,…
EIGHTEEN: Murmurs and Abnormal Heart Sounds
Clinical Vignette An apparently healthy 5-month-old mixed-breed dog presents to you for a routine wellness examination. According to the owner, the puppy is showing no signs of exercise intolerance, weakness,…
Clinical Vignette Missy, a 6-year-old female Shetland sheepdog presents for an acute to subacute onset of weakness, lethargy, poor appetite, and vomiting. Physical examination reveals icteric mucous membranes and mild…
Clinical Vignette A 14-month-old spayed female German shepherd presents with an 8-month history of voluminous diarrhea, weight loss, unthrifty appearance, and pica. She defecates three to four times a day…
THIRTY-THREE: Discolored Urine
Problem Definition and Recognition Urine normally appears as varying shades of yellow to amber. The depth of color is related to urine volume. Dark urine does not necessarily mean concentrated…
FIFTY-SEVEN: Abnormal Blood pH, Anion Gap, and Blood Gases
Acid–Base Disturbances Acid–base disturbances are frequently encountered in veterinary medicine as a result of illness. This chapter provides a basic understanding and recognition of acid–base problems. Terminology The terms used…