Antigens: Triggers of Adaptive Immunity


Triggers of Adaptive Immunity

Up to now we have considered only the body’s innate reactions to microbial invasion. Innate responses are triggered by recognition of conserved microbial pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) such as microbial nucleic acids or lipopolysaccharides. The triggering of inflammation and the mobilization of phagocytic cells such as neutrophils and macrophages by these molecules contributes to the rapid destruction of microbial invaders. Although this may be sufficient to protect the body, it cannot be guaranteed to provide complete resistance to infection. Nor does the body learn from the experience. Thus a more potent immune response should ideally recognize all the foreign molecules on an invading microbe. In addition, such a response would be able to learn from this experience and, given time, evolve more efficient procedures to combat subsequent invasions. This new and improved response is the function of the adaptive immune system.

During an adaptive immune response, molecules from invading organisms are captured, processed, and presented to the cells of the immune system. These cells have surface receptors that can bind appropriately presented molecules. These bound molecules or antigens then trigger a powerful immune response that ensures an animal’s survival. In addition, the immune system “remembers” these antigens, makes minor adjustments, and by adapting, responds even more effectively when it encounters these organisms again.

Microbial Antigens

Bacterial Antigens

Bacteria are single-celled prokaryotic organisms consisting of a cytoplasm containing the essential elements of cell structure surrounded by a lipid-rich cytoplasmic membrane (Figure 9-1). Outside the cytoplasmic membrane is a thick, carbohydrate-rich cell wall. The major components of the bacterial surface thus include the cell wall and its associated protein structures, the capsule, the pili, and the flagella. The cell wall of Gram-positive organisms is largely composed of peptidoglycan (chains of alternating N-acetyl glucosamine and N-acetyl muramic acid cross-linked by short peptide side chains) (see Figure 2-2). Gram-positive cell walls also contain lipoteichoic acids that are involved in the transport of ions across the cell wall. The cell wall in Gram-negative organisms, in contrast, consists of a thin layer of peptidoglycan covered by an outer membrane consisting of a lipopolysaccharide. Most of the antigenicity of Gram-negative bacteria is associated with the lipopolysaccharide. This consists of an oligosaccharide attached to a lipid (lipid A) and to a series of repeating trisaccharides. The structure of these trisaccharides determines the antigenicity of the organism. Many bacteria are classified according to this antigenic structure. For example, the genus Salmonella contains a major species, Salmonella enterica, that is classified into more than 2300 serovars based on antigenicity. These polysaccharide antigens are called O antigens. The outer cell wall lipopolysaccharides of Gram-negative bacteria bind to toll-like receptors (TLRs) and other pattern-recognition receptors and induce the production of inflammatory cytokines when an animal is infected. These cytokines cause a fever and sickness, so bacterial lipopolysaccharides are also called endotoxins.

Bacterial capsules consist mainly of polysaccharides that are usually good antigens. The capsules protect bacteria against phagocytosis and intracellular destruction, whereas anticapsular antibodies can overcome the effects of the capsule and protect an infected animal. Capsular antigens are collectively called K antigens.

Pili and fimbriae are short projections that cover the surfaces of some Gram-negative bacteria; they are classified as F or K antigens. Pili bind bacteria together and play a role in bacterial conjugation and movement. Fimbriae bind bacteria to cell surfaces. Antibodies to fimbrial proteins may be protective since they can prevent bacteria from sticking to body surfaces. Bacterial flagella are long filaments used for bacterial movement. They consist of a single protein called flagellin. Flagellar antigens are collectively called H antigens.

Other significant bacterial antigens include the porins, the heat-shock proteins, and the exotoxins. The porins are proteins that form pores on the surface of Gram-negative organisms. Heat-shock proteins are generated in large amounts in stressed bacteria. The exotoxins are toxic proteins secreted by bacteria or released into the surrounding environment when they die. Exotoxins are highly immunogenic proteins and stimulate the production of antibodies called antitoxins. Many exotoxins, when treated with a mild protein-denaturing agent such as formaldehyde, lose their toxicity but retain their antigenicity. Toxins modified in this way are called toxoids. Toxoids may be used as vaccines to prevent disease caused by toxigenic bacteria such as Clostridium tetani. Bacterial nucleic acids rich in unmethylated CpG sequences serve both as effective antigens for the adaptive immune system and as potent stimulators of innate immunity acting through TLRs.

Viral Antigens

Viruses are very small organisms that can grow only inside living cells. They are thus “obligate,” intracellular parasites. Viruses usually have a relatively simple structure consisting of a nucleic acid core surrounded by a protein layer (Figure 9-2). This protein layer is termed the capsid, and it consists of multiple subunits called capsomeres. Capsid proteins are good antigens, highly capable of stimulating antibody formation. Some viruses may also be surrounded by an envelope containing lipoproteins and glycoproteins. A complete viral particle is called a virion. When a virus infects an animal, the virion proteins are processed and trigger adaptive immune responses. Viruses, however, are not always found free in the circulation but live within cells, where they are protected from the unwelcome attentions of antibodies. Indeed, viral nucleic acid can be integrated into a cell’s genome. In this situation, the viral genes code for new proteins, some of which are expressed on the surface of infected cells. These proteins, although they are synthesized inside an animal’s own cells, can still bind to antigen receptors and provoke adaptive immunity. These newly synthesized foreign proteins are called endogenous antigens to distinguish them from the foreign antigens that enter from the outside and are called exogenous antigens.

Nonmicrobial Antigens

Invading microorganisms are not the only source of foreign material entering the body. Food contains many foreign molecules that under some circumstances may trigger immune responses and cause an allergic reaction. Likewise, inhaled dusts can contain antigenic particles such as pollen grains, and these may enter the body through the respiratory system. Foreign molecules may be injected directly into the body through a snake or mosquito bite, or by a veterinarian. Furthermore, foreign proteins may be injected into animals for experimental purposes. Organ grafts are an effective way of administering a large amount of foreign material to an animal.

Cell Surface Antigens

The outer membrane of every mammalian cell consists of a fluid lipid bilayer with a complex mixture of protein molecules embedded in it. Most of these proteins can act as antigens if they are injected into another species or even into a different individual of the same species. For example, glycoproteins known as blood-group antigens are found on the surface of red blood cells. Early attempts to transfuse blood between unrelated individuals usually met with disaster because the transfused cells were rapidly destroyed. Investigation revealed that the problem was due to the presence of naturally occurring antibodies against these foreign red cell glycoprotein antigens.

Nucleated cells, such as leukocytes, possess hundreds of different protein molecules on their surface. These proteins are good antigens and readily provoke an immune response when injected experimentally into a different species. These surface molecules are classified by the CD system (Chapter 4). Other cell surface proteins may provoke an immune response (such as graft rejection) if transferred into a genetically different individual of the same species. The cell surface proteins that trigger graft rejection are called histocompatibility antigens. Histocompatibility antigens are of such importance in immunology that they warrant a complete chapter of their own (Chapter 11).

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Jul 18, 2016 | Posted by in PHARMACOLOGY, TOXICOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS | Comments Off on Antigens: Triggers of Adaptive Immunity

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