A Selection of Cases Treated

Aug 8, 2017 by in GENERAL Comments Off on A Selection of Cases Treated

6 A SELECTION OF CASES TREATED 6.1 Aggressiveness 6.1.1 Fear-induced aggressiveness Neula Name: Neula Breed: Mixed Sex: Female Age / Imprinting: 3 months / lack of imprinting REASON FOR CONSULTATION…

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Administering the Flower Remedies to Animals: Direct and Indirect Application, and How to Prepare Concentrate Formulas

Aug 8, 2017 by in GENERAL Comments Off on Administering the Flower Remedies to Animals: Direct and Indirect Application, and How to Prepare Concentrate Formulas

2 ADMINISTERING THE FLOWER REMEDIES TO ANIMALS Direct and Indirect Application, and How to Prepare Concentrate Formulas Direct application Direct application is the most common and effective form of oral…

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Aug 8, 2017 by in GENERAL Comments Off on Neutering

10 NEUTERING Questions and Answers (by the Altarriba Foundation) Having an animal sterilized is one of the decisions that indicates the responsibility you have assumed. This chapter is worth reading…

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Useful Formulas

Aug 8, 2017 by in GENERAL Comments Off on Useful Formulas

9 USEFUL FORMULAS Abscesses Also for lumps, fistulas, pimples, nodules, etc. Cream prepared with a neutral base cream or Aloe Vera gel. Crab Apple (cleanse) + Elm (pain sensitive to…

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Most Common Behavioural Problems

Aug 8, 2017 by in GENERAL Comments Off on Most Common Behavioural Problems

5 MOST COMMON BEHAVIOURAL PROBLEMS This book is a practical help guide, in which solutions can be found for the most common behavioural problems in animals in order to improve…

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