A Time to Wake, a Time to Sleep
Fig. 11.1 Recording of sleep stages through EEG. Each trace is a representative recording for the indicated stage. Note the increase in voltage amplitude as NREM progresses from stage 1…
Fig. 11.1 Recording of sleep stages through EEG. Each trace is a representative recording for the indicated stage. Note the increase in voltage amplitude as NREM progresses from stage 1…
Fig. 12.1 Regulatory negative feedback system and graphs from its outcome versus time and as a phase portrait. (a) Diagram shows the main components of a regulatory negative feedback system:…
Fig. 10.1 Actograms and periodograms of representative Intact, Nursing-ZT03, and Nursing-ZT19 groups. (a, c, e) Double-plotted actograms of Intact (a), Nursing-ZT03 (c), and Nursing-ZT19 (e) groups. Black and white bars…
Fig. 14.1 The mammalian molecular clock. This circadian molecular clock has a negative feedback loop involving the genes per1-2, cry1-2, bmal1, and clock. Clock and Bmal1 are transcription factors that…
Fig. 4.1 White “piaba,” Stygichthys typhlops (Teleostei: Characiformes), troglobitic fish from phreatic waters in Minas Gerais State, eastern Brazil, showing a high degree of specialization to the subterranean life, including…
Fig. 16.1 Circadian dysfunction in locomotor activity. Mice were placed individually in cages with running wheels, and locomotor activity was recorded under different lighting conditions. Each horizontal row represents an…
Fig. 9.1 Molecular clock of the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). A simplified view of the molecular circadian clock. The mammalian clock is composed of a negative feedback loop involving clock genes…
Fig. 13.1 Schematic diagram explaining the food-entrainable oscillator (FEO) and food-entrainable peripheral oscillator (FEPO). Light signals can entrain the light entrainable oscillator (LEO) by activating the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). On…
Fig. 15.1 Experimental models of circadian desynchronization. Schematic representation of behavioral rhythms under different environmental conditions as observed in the laboratory. Light-dark cycles different from 24 h (i.e., T-cycles) whose…
Fig. 17.1 Retroviral mechanism of infection. The retroviral vector infects and integrates the therapeutic gene (clock gene) into the genome of the host cell, and then the cell transcribes the…