Urinary Disorders

7 Urinary Disorders

Differentiation Of Polyuria-Polydipsia, Dysuria, And Incontinence

These three abnormalities must be differentiated early in the diagnostic workup by history or direct observation of urination. Polyuria-polydipsia (pu-pd) means urine production and water consumption in excess of normal. Dysuria means difficult urination and implies unduly frequent urination with small or minimal amounts voided each time. Clients may assume that increased frequency means increased volume. The diagnostician must ascertain whether the amount of urine voided with each micturition is large, small, or unknown. Animals with pu-pd or dysuria are conscious of voiding and do not wake up in puddles of urine, unless they are too weak or in too much pain to get up. Dogs and cats with urinary incontinence may wake up soaked in urine, leave a spot of urine where they slept, or dribble urine as they move.


A precise history and consistently low urine specific gravities (<1.030) suggest pu-pd. Measurement of total water consumption (including water in food) over at least a 24-hour period is necessary to definitively verify polydipsia (normal water intake is 20 to 70 ml/kg/day). This measurement is best performed at the client’s home because some polyuric animals will not readily drink water at a clinic. Quantifying urine production is difficult unless a metabolism cage is available (normal 20 to 45 ml/kg/day).

Pu-pd has many possible causes (Table 7-1). History and physical examination are crucial in evaluating patients with pu-pd (Figure 7-1). Iatrogenic causes must be sought from the history (e.g., diuretics, glucocorticoids, anticonvulsants, high-salt or very–low-protein diets, excessive thyroid supplementation). Aminoglycosides tend to produce polyuric, acute renal failure. Glucocorticoids can cause pu-pd, even when administered rectally or topically. Pyometra is usually suggested by history (2 months post-estrus) or physical examination findings (enlarged uterus, vaginal discharge). If the clinician is unsure whether pyometra is likely, a complete blood count (CBC) and abdominal imaging are usually definitive (neutrophilic leukocytosis with left shift and enlarged uterus). Weight loss plus pu-pd in a cat suggests hyperthyroidism, renal failure, or diabetes mellitus (hyperthyroidism is rare in dogs). Enlarged thyroid glands often may be palpated in the neck in hyperthyroid patients. Feline kidneys are usually palpable; size and contour should be assessed. Postoliguric diuresis is usually diagnosed from the history (e.g., a male cat that has undergone removal of a urethral obstruction). Pu-pd is the most common presenting complaint of owners of hyperadrenal dogs; most affected dogs have a pendulous abdomen, hepatomegaly, alopecia, or a combination thereof on physical examination. Such dogs should undergo adrenal function testing (see Chapter 8). Recent onset of cataracts suggests diabetes mellitus. Peripheral lymphadenopathy suggests lymphoma causing hypercalcemia. Other neoplasms (e.g., anal sac apocrine gland adenocarcinomas) and certain infectious diseases (e.g., systemic mycoses) may also cause hypercalcemia.


Iatrogenic; drugs (e.g., diuretics, corticosteroids, thyroxine, anticonvulsants, aminoglycosides, or amphotericin B); salty or very-low-protein diets History is informative
BUN should be low with low-protein diets
Renal disease Urine specific gravity should be persistently 1.008–1.029 (dogs)
May be azotemic or nonazotemic
For nonazotemic renal failure, measurement of GFR is useful for diagnosis of renal dysfunction as the cause
Upper urinary tract infection May be hyposthenuric
Excretory urography is diagnostic test of choice, but ultrasound may be helpful
Fanconi’s syndrome Usually nonazotemic, hyperchloremic acidosis, glucosuric, and aminoaciduric
Diabetes mellitus Hyperglycemic
Note: Cats are prone to stress-induced hyperglycemia; urine glucose measured at the same time is usually (but not always) negative
Central diabetes insipidus Hyposthenuric when euhydrated (see Figure 7-8)
Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus Hyposthenuric when euhydrated
May be primary (congenital), idiopathic, or secondary (pyelonephritis, hyperadrenocorticism, hypercalcemia, hypokalemia, pyometra, prostatic abscessation, E. coli septicemia, hypoadrenocorticism)
Hyperadrenocorticism Isosthenuric, hyposthenuric, or concentrated urine
Common cause of pu-pd in old dogs, rare in cats
Hypoadrenocorticism Pu-pd occurs in approximately 20% of patients; may closely resemble renal failure but differentiated by absence of a stress leukogram and presence of hyperkalemia despite polyuria; ACTH response test is necessary for confirmation
Hypercalcemia Isosthenuric or hyposthenuric, azotemic or nonazotemic
Hepatic insufficiency Isosthenuric, hyposthenuric, or concentrated; may resemble hyperadrenocorticism (hepatic enzymes may be increased), but can also have normal ALT and SAP
Hyperthyroidism Primarily in older cats but may be iatrogenic because of supplementation
Hyponatremia Loss of sodium from any cause
May cause isosthenuria whenever <120 mEq/L
Post–urethral obstruction Occurs occasionally after removal of a urethral obstruction that has resulted in uremia
Hypokalemia Must be persistent and severe to cause polyuria
Polycythemia vera Rare
Apparent psychogenic polydipsia Concentrate urine in response to water deprivation (see Figure 7-8)
Acromegaly Rare

ACTH, Adrenocorticotropic hormone; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; BUN, blood urea nitrogen; GFR, glomerular filtration rate; SAP, serum alkaline phosphatase.

If the cause is not obvious, a urinalysis, CBC, and biochemical profile are the next steps (see Figure 7-1). Urinary tract infections (UTIs) may be secondary to hyperadrenocorticism or diabetes mellitus, but renal infection (i.e., bacterial pyelonephritis) can cause pu-pd. Neutrophilic leukocytosis, azotemia, white blood cell (WBC) casts, renal pain, or hyposthenuria may occur with pyelonephritis. Pyelonephritis can be difficult to diagnose; excretory urography is the diagnostic method of choice (although abnormalities may also be found with ultrasonography if the renal pelvis can be imaged). Sometimes a presumptive diagnosis can only be made by the necessity for long-term antibiotic therapy after failure of short-term therapy. Clinicopathologic screening often reveals changes indicative of the cause of pu-pd (e.g., renal failure, hyperadrenocorticism, hepatic insufficiency, hypercalcemia, diabetes mellitus) (see Figure 7-1). Serum thyroxine determinations are always indicated in older cats (i.e., >10 years old).

Many dogs with hyperadrenocorticism are obviously cushingoid on physical examination (i.e., cutaneous abnormalities, potbellied appearance, and hepatomegaly). Common CBC and serum chemistry profile changes include lymphopenia, eosinopenia, and increased serum alkaline phosphatase (SAP), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and serum cholesterol. Approximately 40% to 50% of hyperadrenal dogs have UTI. Bacteriuria is often the only abnormality on urinalysis (i.e., no hematuria or pyuria). Adrenal function tests (see Chapter 8) or hepatic biopsy may be necessary to distinguish hyperadrenocorticism from primary hepatic disease.

Renal failure, hypercalcemic nephropathy, and hypoadrenocorticism can resemble each other. The first two usually produce pu-pd, whereas the last causes it in 15% to 25% of affected dogs. Each may have azotemia, decreased renal concentrating ability (e.g., specific gravity 1.012 to 1.029), and hypercalcemia (10% to 15% of renal failure patients and 30% of hypoadrenal dogs). Most hypoadrenal patients have a serum Na : K of less than or equal to 27 : 1 with hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, or both. Classically, no stress leukogram exists despite the animal being ill. An adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) stimulation test (see Chapter 8) is needed to confirm the diagnosis, because other disorders may cause similar changes. Most azotemic renal failure patients are hyperphosphatemic and only mildly hypercalcemic (i.e., <13 mg/dl), whereas most animals with hypercalcemia of nonrenal origin are normophosphatemic or mildly hypophosphatemic and may be markedly hypercalcemic. Nevertheless, distinguishing whether hypercalcemia is the cause or consequence of renal failure can be difficult if persistent hypercalcemia has produced renal damage plus hyperphosphatemia (especially when hypercalcemia is mild [11.5 to 14 mg/dl]). Such patients need a thorough search for neoplasia and require measurement of ionized calcium and parathyroid hormone (PTH) concentrations (see Chapter 8). Most dogs with hypoadrenocorticism and primary renal failure have normal to decreased ionized calcium, whereas animals with primary hypercalcemic disorders (i.e., hyperparathyroidism, hypercalcemia of malignancy) have increased ionized calcium concentrations.

More extensive testing is necessary if the diagnosis is still uncertain (see Figure 7-1). Some dogs with renal failure are polyuric because of loss of functional nephron number (may occur with 67% reduction in renal function) but maintain a sufficient glomerular filtration rate (GFR) to avoid azotemia (which requires a 75% reduction in GFR). A creatinine or iohexol clearance test is a noninvasive way to identify these patients. Water deprivation and antidiuretic hormone (ADH) response testing can be useful if the patient is not azotemic. Elimination of other causes also allows a reasonable tentative diagnosis.

Persistent hyposthenuria suggests diabetes insipidus, although hyperadrenocorticism, hepatic insufficiency, and psychogenic polydipsia are also possible. Adrenal and hepatic function testing, water deprivation and ADH response testing, or both may be indicated. Water deprivation testing should not be performed unless a CBC, urinalysis, and biochemical profile have been evaluated. Animals with metabolic causes of pu-pd can be harmed by iatrogenic dehydration.


Alterations in behavior associated with urination (other than polyuria) generally suggest disorders affecting the urinary bladder, urethra, or both (Figure 7-2). Irritative or inflammatory (septic or nonseptic) lesions that do not impede urine flow typically cause animals to urinate small volumes and to urinate more often, perhaps with apparent discomfort (i.e., dysuria). Urethral obstruction causes animals to make repeated voiding efforts that are either unproductive (i.e., complete obstruction) or somewhat productive but the bladder cannot be emptied (i.e., partial obstruction). Some animals with urethral obstruction have urinary incontinence. Such paradoxical incontinence occurs when accumulated urine is forced past an obstruction by markedly increased intravesicular pressure.

Urinary obstruction must be promptly identified because uremia, hyperkalemia, and death occur within 48 to 72 hours of complete urethral obstruction, and severe structural damage occurs with chronic, partial urethral or ureteral obstruction. Urethral or trigonal obstruction typically causes an enlarged, turgid, and inexpressible bladder. Partial obstruction is more difficult to identify; however, observation of voiding plus assessment of residual urine volume in the bladder after micturition (i.e., palpation, ultrasonography, or catheterization) is usually diagnostic. Palpation per rectum of the urethra in male and female dogs and the prostate gland in male dogs is important. Mechanical obstructions, which may be intraluminal (e.g., uroliths, urethral plugs, neoplasms) or extraluminal (e.g., caused by displacement as the result of bladder entrapment in a perineal hernia, strictures, inflammation or edema of the urethra, severe prostatic diseases) are the most common. In these cases, passing a urinary catheter can be both diagnostic and therapeutic.

Even if a urinary catheter passes easily, a urethrocystogram with bladder distention should be performed when the animal cannot empty its bladder in order to eliminate anatomic obstruction (a urinary catheter can pass by an obstruction, depending on the size of the catheter, the size of the urethra, and the nature of the obstruction). Detrusor muscle dysfunction and functional urethral obstruction (i.e., detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia) are neuromuscular causes of inability to urinate. Detrusor muscle dysfunction is usually secondary to prolonged bladder overdistention secondary to urethral obstruction or neurologic diseases. Detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia is diagnosed only when anatomic causes of obstruction have been excluded. With functional obstruction, neurologic examination usually detects deficits; however, these deficits may be subtle.

Most dysuric dogs that are not experiencing obstruction have lower urinary tract inflammation, UTI being a common cause. Finding bacteriuria, often with hematuria, proteinuria, and pyuria, identifies UTI. Urine culture is the definitive test, as discussed under Bacteriuria later in this chapter. If no evidence of UTI exists or if UTI does not respond as expected to therapy, calculi, neoplasia, cyclophosphamide therapy, and rarely parasitism of the bladder should be considered.

Cats with dysuria and inappropriate urination may have UTI, especially if they are over 10 years of age. Younger dysuric cats (i.e., 2 to 6 years of age) usually have idiopathic sterile cystitis. Cats with sterile cystitis usually have hematuria with little or no pyuria. The second most common cause of these signs is urolithiasis. Idiopathic sterile cystitis typically resolves spontaneously within 7 days. If the problem does not resolve, radiography or ultrasonography of the urinary bladder or both may be needed.

If surgery is performed because of a lower urinary tract problem, the bladder and, in intact male dogs, the prostate gland should undergo biopsy regardless of how normal or neoplastic the organs appear. Bladder abnormalities may occur without gross lesions, whereas polypoid cystitis may mimic malignancy. If a urine culture is negative, cultures of bladder mucosal biopsies are also indicated.


Urinary incontinence is defined as the lack of voluntary control of micturition. The diagnostic approach to incontinence starts with a thorough history. The age of onset of the problem, reproductive status of the animal, relationship between the onset of incontinence and neutering, chronologic course of the incontinence, associated urinary tract problems, history of other neurologic abnormalities, whether normal micturition occurs at all, and when incontinence occurs in relation to micturition are all important, as well as any drug usage or dietary changes. Any drug or dietary change or development of a disease that stimulates a polyuria could precipitate a latent predisposition to incontinence by increasing the amount of urine the bladder must store.

A complete physical examination follows. Special attention should be paid to the bladder. Is it large and distended, small and contracted, or normal? In a male dog the prostate gland should be palpated. Anal tone and the integrity of the perineal reflex should be evaluated. Any abnormal neurologic signs should be pursued by a complete neurologic examination. Micturition should be observed and residual volume determined if there is any question about the ability of the bladder to empty. Residual volume has not been measured in large numbers of dogs and cats, but most have only a small residual volume, less than 20 ml. One must remember that some male dogs may want to repeatedly mark territory before the bladder is completely emptied. If complete micturition occurs, the empty bladder should be palpated for calculi, soft tissue masses, and wall thickness. If the bladder is not emptied, the urethra should be carefully palpated externally and per rectum in males and females. Any yellow fluid found dripping from the urethra in intact male dogs should be compared to urine since fluid from a prostatic cyst communicating with the urethra may have the same color as urine.

After the history and physical examination, the incontinence should be classified as neurogenic (associated with other neurologic problems) or not (unassociated with other neurologic signs). When the neurologic examination is abnormal, the lesion should be localized and further diagnostic tests pursued to identify the cause. Even when the neurologic examination is normal, a local neuromuscular cause (such as detrusor dysfunction) may be the cause of incontinence. Incontinence in animals with a normal neurologic examination is best approached by subdividing it into two categories on the basis of the physical examination: a distended bladder with inability to completely empty or a normal bladder with ability to void (Table 7-2).


Brainstem lesions MRI, CT, CSF
Spinal cord lesions (cervical, thoracic, lumbar) MRI, CT, spinal radiographs, myelography, CSF, EMG
Lesions of the sacral spinal cord, roots, pelvic or pudendal nerves MRI, CT, epidurogram, CSF, EMG
UNASSOCIATED WITH OTHER NEUROLOGIC SIGNS; Inability to Empty the Bladder Urethral obstruction Palpation per rectum, radiography, urethrography, urethroscopy
Mass in the bladder neck area Palpation, bladder ultrasound, cystourethrography, cystoscopy, aspiration, biopsy
Detrusor-urethra dyssynergia Diagnosis by exclusion
Detrusor dysfunction History, CMG
UNASSOCIATED WITH OTHER NEUROLOGIC SIGNS; Ability to Empty the Bladder Urethral incompetence History, urinalysis, urine culture, urethral pressure profile
Ectopic ureter(s) History, vaginourethrogram, excretory urography, urethrocystoscopy
Mass in the bladder neck area Palpation, bladder ultrasound, cystourethrography, cystoscopy, aspiration, biopsy
Patent urachus Physical examination
Reduced bladder capacity Bladder ultrasound, cystourethrography, CMG, cystoscopy, aspiration, biopsy

CMG, Cystometrogram; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; CT, computed tomography; EMG, electromyography; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging.



Urine is preferably obtained by cystocentesis. Exceptions are patients with coagulopathy, those with mild hematuria in which a voided sample is preferred to avoid mild iatrogenic hemorrhage associated with cystocentesis, and those which may have pyometra or other intra-abdominal abscess in the vicinity of the bladder. If cystocentesis cannot be performed, a mid-stream voided or catheterized sample can be used. The method of collection should be recorded so abnormalities can be correctly interpreted.

For greatest accuracy (especially regarding casts, cellular components, and crystalluria), urine sediment should be examined while the specimen is as fresh as possible. If the urinalysis cannot be performed within 30 minutes, the urine should be held at 4° C and brought back to room temperature just before analysis.

Analysis consists of four important steps: (1) determining color and turbidity, (2) chemical analysis using multitest dipsticks, (3) measurement of specific gravity, and (4) microscopic analysis of the sediment. One should thoroughly mix the sample and determine the color and turbidity first; then immerse the reagent strip into the urine and rapidly remove it, tapping the edge of the strip on the edge of the container to remove excess urine. The dipstick should be held level to avoid runoff between pads and prevent mixing reagents from different test pads. One should compare the color of the pads with the scale provided by the manufacturer at the proper time interval. Automated dipstick analyzers have been shown to have results similar to those of human dipstick readers. Urine specific gravity should be determined using a refractometer. The accuracy of the refractometer should be checked periodically to be sure that a reading of 1.000 is obtained with distilled water.

Next, 3 to 5 ml of urine should be centrifuged at approximately 2000 rpm for 5 minutes. Standardization of volume, speed, and duration of centrifugation is important for comparing results from different samples. If the uncentrifuged urine sample was visibly hemorrhagic or very turbid, the clinician or technician should repeat the dipstick analysis and the specific gravity on the supernatant. Next, most of the supernatant should be decanted, leaving approximately 0.5 ml in the tube, and the sediment in the remaining supernatant should be resuspended. The clinician or technician should transfer a drop of the reconstituted sediment to a microscope slide and place a coverslip over it. The intensity of the microscope light should be dimmed, and the clinician or technician should examine under low power (10×) for casts, crystals, and cells. The number of casts per low-power field (lpf) should be counted, and then the specimen should be examined under high power (40×) to identify cells and bacteria. The clinician or technician should count the number of WBCs and red blood cells (RBCs) per high-power field (hpf) and estimate the number of bacteria (i.e., trace, moderate, many). Sediment stains can be used. Visualization of bacteria is enhanced by the use of either Gram2 or modified Wright staining.49 Finally, the results should be recorded, with a notation of how urine was collected and how many milliliters of urine were spun if it was less than 3 to 5 ml.

Specific Gravity

Causes of Altered Urine Specific Gravity

Urine that is less than or equal to 1.007 is hyposthenuric. Hyposthenuria indicates renal function capable of diluting glomerular filtrate and suggests that renal failure is absent; however, some dogs with renal failure excrete mildly hyposthenuric urine. Persistent hyposthenuria suggests a lack of ADH (i.e., central diabetes insipidus), excessive water consumption (primary polydipsia), resistance to ADH (i.e., nephrogenic diabetes insipidus), or loss of medullary tonicity. Primary polydipsia can be caused by hyperthyroidism, hypercalcemia, hypokalemia, or hepatic failure, or it can be “psychogenic.” Resistance to ADH may be caused by secondary nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (e.g., hyperadrenocorticism, hypercalcemia, severe hypokalemia, pyelonephritis, pyometra, Escherichia coli septicemia, hypoadrenocorticism). Primary nephrogenic diabetes insipidus is rare and is due to congenital lack of ADH receptor responsiveness. An increased solute load (e.g., glucosuria, post–urethral obstruction, increased salt intake) can also cause polyuria, as can decreased medullary tonicity (e.g., hepatic failure, a very low-protein diet, severe hyponatremia, chronic diuretic therapy).

Urine with a specific gravity of 1.008 to 1.012 is isosthenuric, meaning that the kidneys have not altered the concentration of the glomerular filtrate. Urine with a specific gravity of 1.013 to 1.029 (dog) or 1.013 to 1.034 (cat) has been concentrated, but not enough to document adequacy of renal tubular function.

Urine with a specific gravity of greater than 1.030 (dog) demonstrates concentrating ability sufficient to indicate adequate renal function to maintain normal homeostasis. A patient with a specific gravity of urine greater than 1.030 could still have many of the diseases that cause pu-pd (e.g., hyperadrenocorticism, hepatic insufficiency, hyperthyroidism), as well as renal glomerular disease.

A single urine specific gravity greater than 1.007 and less than 1.030 (dog) or 1.035 (cat) does not imply renal tubular dysfunction or pu-pd unless the patient is clinically dehydrated or azotemic, in which case such a specific gravity reflects abnormal renal tubular function. Otherwise, one must document failure to concentrate urine adequately during water deprivation testing to establish urine concentrating ability as abnormal. Persistently hyposthenuric or isosthenuric urine is an indication for further testing (see Figure 7-1).

Urine pH


Urine pH is usually measured with a pH test pad on a urine reagent strip. However, results are not very accurate as compared to pH meters.29,34 Portable pH meters should be used when accurate urine pH measurements are needed. Storage of urine in capped containers at room or refrigeration temperatures for at least 24 hours does not affect urine pH as measured with a pH meter.1



Urine protein is usually measured with semiquantitative tests such as a urine reagent strip (i.e., dipstick) or by precipitation (i.e., sulfosalicylic acid). The dipstick is more sensitive to albumin than to globulins. Although semiquantitative test results correlate with quantitative results, semiquantitative test results should be regarded only as estimates because individual results may differ considerably from quantitative results. Spectrophotometric analysis is much more precise; it is discussed under Urine Protein : Urine Creatinine Ratio later in this chapter.

Proteinuria must be interpreted in light of urine specific gravity. Because screening tests are qualitative, more protein must be lost into diluted urine than into concentrated urine to give the same result (e.g., a trace reaction with a specific gravity of 1.010 means that more protein is being lost into the urine than with the same trace reaction with a 1.030 specific gravity).

Proteinuria associated with hyperglobulinemia due to myeloma (see Chapter 12) may be caused by Bence Jones proteins (free light chains). Bence Jones proteins do not cause a positive dipstick reaction but do cause a positive result on precipitation testing. Serum and urine protein electrophoresis are indicated in such patients, in which case most of the protein is a monoclonal spike in the β or γ regions. Such a finding necessitates a search for osteolytic or lymphoproliferative lesions. Ehrlichiosis occasionally mimics myeloma (i.e., glomerulonephritis, monoclonal-like gammopathy, bone marrow plasmacytosis). A titer may be diagnostic (see Chapter 15).

A semiquantitative test (ERD-HealthScreen; Heska Corporation—see Appendix I) is available to detect low concentrations (1 to 30 mg/dl) of albumin in urine, with separate tests for dogs and cats. This test is affected by macroscopic hematuria and by inflammation indicated by pyuria. The test is indicative of any illness, not necessarily primary renal disease, and positive results increase with age.5456 Repeatability problems have been reported in cats with this test, and the test did not always detect cats with urine protein : urine creatinine (UPC) ratios greater than 0.5.40

Normal Values

A trace of proteinuria or 1+ reaction is probably normal with a specific gravity greater than 1.012 in dogs.57 If the urine specific gravity is less than 1.012, any amount of proteinuria may be abnormal. Dipstick and sulfosalicylic acid precipitation tests had such a high level of false-positive results that a normal value was difficult to determine in cats.39,40 The dipstick and precipitation tests are not quantitatively accurate. Quantitative tests are needed to precisely determine severity of protein loss, as discussed under Urine Protein : Urine Creatinine Ratio in the next section of this chapter.

Causes of Proteinuria

One must first decide if the proteinuria is significant or not by examining the specific gravity, as described earlier (Figure 7-3). If it is insignificant, one may ignore it unless the patient is receiving nephrotoxic drugs (e.g., aminoglycosides). Such drugs should be stopped regardless of the amount of proteinuria, because mild proteinuria may be an early sign of nephrotoxicity and impending acute renal failure. Aminoglycoside nephrotoxicity typically causes proteinuria or other urinalysis changes (e.g., isosthenuria, glucosuria, cylindruria) before azotemia.

One should next determine if abnormal proteinuria could be prerenal (due to hemoglobinuria, myoglobinuria, or Bence Jones proteinuria) by examining serum globulin concentration and the occult blood results on the urinalysis.

The most common causes of abnormal proteinuria are postrenal, associated with hemorrhage or inflammation at or caudal to the renal pelvis. A urinalysis with sediment examination is performed to exclude hemorrhage and inflammation as causes. Proteinuria associated with inflammation or hemorrhage requires resolution of the inflammation or hemorrhage and then rechecking for persistence of proteinuria. The most common cause of inflammatory proteinuria is UTI. Urine culture should be performed if infection is possible. To exclude extraurinary postrenal causes of proteinuria (e.g., genital tract inflammation), a urine sample collected by cystocentesis should be examined.

If hemorrhage and inflammation are excluded by a normal (“quiet” or “inactive”) urine sediment and prerenal causes are unlikely, proteinuria is most likely of renal origin. Renal-origin proteinuria can be transient or persistent and due to glomerular or tubular dysfunction. One should measure serum albumin and repeat the urinalysis to determine if proteinuria is persistent. If hypoalbuminemia is present in association with marked proteinuria, one can assume that the proteinuria is significant and persistent. Transient (i.e., functional) proteinuria has many causes (e.g., strenuous exercise, fever, seizures, venous congestion of the kidneys) and is rarely significant. Persistent proteinuria is defined as abnormal proteinuria on at least three occasions, two or more weeks apart.37 Persistent proteinuria with an inactive urine sediment should prompt determination of a UPC ratio to ascertain its severity.

Urine Protein:Urine Creatinine Ratio


A complete urinalysis should be performed on an aliquot of the same sample to look for macroscopic hemorrhage or inflammation, which would alter assessment of the results. In dogs with abnormal proteinuria, the UPC ratio varies day-to-day especially in the lower ranges of abnormality.42 This variation can be as much as 80% at values near 0.5 and 35% at values about 12 even when the same methodology is used. A single measurement will reliably estimate the UPC ratio at values less than 4, but higher values require two to five determinations. Such variation should be taken into account when following UPC ratios in dogs and cats with chronic renal diseases. The ratio gives no information about the origin of the proteinuria; it only quantifies it.


See discussions of total protein (see Chapter 12) and of creatinine later in this chapter.

Causes of Increased UPC Ratio

Remember that inflammation and hemorrhage can increase the UPC ratio and that the UPC ratio should only be interpreted on urine with a normal urine sediment examination. In this situation, moderate proteinuria (i.e., UPC ratios of 0.5 to 2) may be associated with renal tubular or glomerular diseases.

Marked proteinuria (UPC ratio > 2) associated with a quiet sediment and normal serum globulins or a polyclonal gammopathy is usually the result of renal glomerular disease (i.e., glomerulonephritis, amyloidosis). One should search for causes of glomerulonephropathy: chronic parasitic disease such as heartworm disease, hepatozoonosis, or leishmaniasis; chronic inflammatory diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus; chronic infectious diseases such as borreliosis, feline leukemia virus (FeLV) infection, feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) infection, ehrlichiosis, pyometra, or endocarditis; neoplasia; endocrine diseases such as hyperadrenocorticism31,43 and diabetes mellitus48; and familial glomerulopathies. Immunosuppressive glucocorticoid therapy leads to mild proteinuria.47,53 If no underlying disease is identified or if proteinuria persists despite treatment for an identified disease, renal cortical biopsy should be considered to determine whether glomerulonephritis or amyloidosis is present.

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