The Skull and Vertebral Column

CHAPTER five The Skull and Vertebral Column


Radiography is commonly used to study the bone structure of the skull. Contrast techniques are available to demonstrate associated soft tissue structures. Generalized or diffuse diseases of the central nervous system are usually diagnosed by methods other than radiography.

The skull is a difficult area to study radiologically. Its bone structure is very complex, and superimposition of important structures makes detailed examination of individual parts difficult. The radiographic examination should be considered supplemental to a thorough physical and neurologic examination as appropriate for the clinical signs. The shape of the skull varies widely in different breeds of dogs; there is less variation in the cat.


Three types of head shapes are recognized in dogs: the long, narrow type of head as seen in Collies is called doliocephalic (dolichocephalic); a head of medium shape, such as that of the Labrador Retriever, is called mesaticephalic; and a short, wide head like that of the Pekinese or Boston Terrier is called brachycephalic. Some breeds of cat are brachycephalic. The brachycephalic type presents most problems for the radiologist both radiographically and radiologically.

The skull is made up of some 50 bones, and a detailed anatomic description of them is not helpful for the purposes of this book. Attention is instead concentrated on the radiographic anatomy.

Lateral View

The patient is placed in lateral recumbency. A foam wedge is placed under the animal’s nose and mandible so that the sagittal plane of the skull is parallel to the tabletop. The beam is centered midway between the ear and the eye, dorsal to the zygomatic arch (LeRtL or RtLeL). The jaws should be opened if the temporomandibular joints are the areas of interest (Figure 5-1, A, B, and I).

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Figure 5-1 Normal skull. A and B, Lateral view. Normal skull. C and D, Ventrodorsal view. E, Dorsoventral view. F, Oblique. Made in right lateral recumbency, the oblique view demonstrates the right temporomandibular joint (black arrow). The osseous bulla (open arrow) is more clearly visible than on the true lateral view. Normal skull. G and H, Rostrocaudal views. G, Normal frontal sinus in a dog. This is a rostrocaudal skyline view. Both frontal sinuses are air filled. The frontal bone is of uniform opacity and has a slightly scalloped inner margin. H, Open-mouth view showing the osseous bullae (arrows). I and J, Lateral and ventrodorsal views of the skull of a cat. Normal skull. K, Normal tympanic bulla—oblique view. Note the thin wall and the air-filled cavity (arrow). L, An occlusal view of the maxilla. M, Normal tympanic bullae in a cat. This is a rostrocaudal open-mouth view. The bullae have thin, well-defined, bony walls. Feline bullae have medial and lateral compartments that are separated by a thin wall of bone. An endotracheal tube is seen superimposed on the skull between the two bullae. Normal skull. N, Normal tympanic bullae in a cat. This is a rostrocaudal view with the mouth closed and the head tilted 10 to 15 degrees dorsally (backward) from the vertical plane. The x-ray beam is centered just ventral to the mandibular symphysis. The bullae are projected ventral to the mandibles. O, Normal tympanic bullae in a dog. On this transverse CT image, the two tympanic bullae are seen as thin-walled bony structures containing air ventral to the petrous temporal bones of the caudal skull. Air is seen within the nasopharynx between the bullae and dorsal to the endotracheal tube. The two small round bony structures ventral and lateral to the endotracheal tube are parts of the hyoid apparatus.


Because the bone structures are bilaterally symmetric, a skull examination frequently makes it possible to compare a unilateral abnormality with the corresponding normal structure on the opposite side.


Skull fractures in dogs are not very common except for fractures of the mandibles. The superimposition of bones makes fractures difficult to demonstrate. Lateral oblique views are useful in outlining the mandibular rami. The mandibular symphysis is frequently the site of a separation injury in cats that have fallen from a height (Figure 5-2, G). Fractures involving the calvarium, frontal bones, or nasal bones are often depression fractures, and lesion-oriented oblique (tangential) views of the area may be necessary to demonstrate them. Overriding of fracture fragments may cause a linear opacity, whereas a fracture with displaced ends causes a linear radiolucent defect. Soft tissue swelling is often present. Fractures may be the cause of focal cranial nerve dysfunction. Fractures involving the nasal or frontal bones may be accompanied by hemorrhage into the frontal sinus or nasal cavity. The hemorrhage causes a soft tissue opacity within the air-filled cavity (Figure 5-2).

Suture lines should not be mistaken for fractures. In the dog and cat, suture lines close within a few weeks after birth, although in some small breeds the suture lines may remain open permanently, as may the fontanelles (areas of unossified tissue found at the junction of several suture lines). In these breeds, such as the Maltese and Chihuahua, no frontal sinus may be evident.

Temporomandibular Dislocation

The temporomandibular joint is formed by the articulation between the condyle of the mandible and the mandibular fossa of the squamous part of the temporal bone. The rostral surface of the retroglenoid process forms part of the mandibular fossa.

Diagnosis of dislocation of the temporomandibular joint can be problematic radiologically. The following views are useful:

Traumatic luxation (Figure 5-3, D) of the temporomandibular joint is not very common in dogs. It may be associated with mandibular fracture, particularly in cats. Clinically, affected animals hold the mouth open, and manipulation of the mandible is painful. The dislocation is usually unilateral. The displaced mandibular condyle can be seen radiographically on the appropriate view. It is seen to be displaced rostrally and dorsally from the retroglenoid (retroarticular) process. If the dislocation is unilateral, comparison with the opposite side is helpful. The mandibles are displaced toward the normal side. There may be an associated fracture. If the retroglenoid process is fractured, the condyle may displace caudally.


Primary neoplasia of skull bones is not common. The dog is more often affected than the cat. Osteosarcoma may affect any of the bones of the skull. Its appearance is that of a destructive lesion, usually accompanied by a profuse and aggressive periosteal reaction. If the tumor is superficial, there will be an associated soft tissue swelling. Proliferative changes and sclerosis are more prominent than are erosive changes when the cranial vault is involved. Other neoplasms, such as fibrosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, and osteochondroma, are occasionally seen.

Differentiation of primary bone tumors is not easy. Osteomas are occasionally seen and are benign. They appear as dense and circumscribed areas provoking little if any adjacent reaction. Multiple myeloma has been reported in the dog, showing the typical punched-out lesions described in human patients. Soft tissue tumors, such as squamous cell carcinoma, malignant melanoma, and fibrosarcoma, frequently invade and destroy adjacent skull bones. Metastases to regional lymph nodes are common with squamous cell carcinoma. Malignant melanoma may metastasize early to lymph nodes and the lungs.

Fibrosarcoma rarely metastasizes. Exophthalmos may occur as a result of displacement by a neoplasm when it is in the vicinity of the orbit. Teeth may be lost or displaced. Biopsy is needed for a definitive diagnosis.

An effort should be made to rotate the skull for a lesion-orientated view so that the mass lesion is as near to the film as possible and there are few superimposed structures (Figure 5-6).

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Figure 5-6 Neoplasia. A, Gross destruction of the frontal and nasal bones from invasion by a squamous cell carcinoma. The tumor originated in the caudal nares. B, Destruction of the frontal, nasal, and maxillary bones as a result of osteosarcoma. C, The right fourth premolar and the first molar tooth of the upper jaw are displaced as a result of invasion of the maxilla by a carcinoma originating in the mouth. D, This 8-year-old cross-bred Terrier had a hard, painless swelling on the dorsal aspect of the cranium. It was slow growing and had been present for 1 year. The lateral radiograph shows a well-circumscribed radiopaque mass on the dorsal aspect of the cranium. There is no periosteal reaction on adjacent bones. Diagnosis: osteoma. E, This old male Labrador Retriever had a swelling on the left mandible. A ventrodorsal occlusal study demonstrates a discrete, osteolytic, expansile lesion (arrows) enveloping the roots of the fourth premolar and first molar teeth in the middle third of the horizontal ramus. A proliferative periosteal reaction is seen medially. Diagnosis: soft tissue tumor invading bone. This was a melanoma. F, This 16-year-old cat had a mass over the left maxilla. The dorsoventral study shows there is a generalized decrease in opacity of the left rostral zygomatic arch with small pinpoint radiolucencies scattered throughout. A soft tissue mass extends laterally. Diagnosis: soft tissue tumor invading bone—a squamous cell carcinoma. G and H, An 11-year-old Labrador Retriever with epistaxis and a swelling over the right eye. G, A dorsoventral view of the skull shows an increased opacity in the right nasal chamber. The lateral margin of the frontal sinus is not visible, and faint irregular mineralized opacities mark its remnant (curved arrow). Calcified lenses are seen as an incidental finding (straight arrows). H, A lesion-oriented oblique view profiles the right frontal sinus. The bone margin is irregular and stippled. A soft tissue swelling overlies the region. This was a soft tissue neoplasm invading bone.

(F, Courtesy Dr. B. O’Malley.)

Caudal Occipital Malformation Syndrome: Congenital Malformation of the Foramen Magnum (Occipital Dysplasia, Chiari Malformation)

Caudal occipital malformation syndrome is a congenital anomaly of the occipital bone. The foramen magnum is formed in the occipital bone. Congenital malformation of the foramen magnum occurs in small and toy dog breeds. The foramen magnum is enlarged dorsally and is abnormal in shape. It has been described as having a “keyhole” appearance. In the normal animal the shape of the foramen magnum varies, making it difficult to evaluate the exact shape of the foramen without the use of CT or MRI. The thin plate of bone at the dorsal aspect of the foramen is virtually radiolucent. Radiographically, this may give the appearance of an enlarged foramen. The condition is believed to occur as a result of mismatch of the cerebellar and caudal fossa volumes, which leads to increased intracranial pressure. This causes part of the cerebellum to be herniated through the foramen magnum. The cerebellar herniation obstructs flow of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to the subarachnoid space of the spinal cord, resulting in reduced pressure in this space. High-velocity pulsatile flow of CSF into the central canal of the spinal cord leads to hydromyelia or syringomyelia. Hydromyelia is dilation of the central canal of the spinal cord. Syrinxes are fluid-filled cavities that may be continuous or segmental, tubular or saccular, and are seen in the cervical and sometimes in the cranial part of the thoracic spinal cord. There may also be dilation of the lateral and third ventricles.

Clinical signs are variable. Some dogs are apparently normal; others may show pain, obsessive scratching, ataxia, and quadriparesis. Ataxia has been reported in approximately 25% of cases with enlarged foramen magnum. The brainstem and cerebellum can herniate through the enlarged foramen, giving rise to neurologic signs. There may be an associated hydrocephalus with open suture lines. Cisternal puncture for CSF collection or myelography is contraindicated in dogs in which cerebellar herniation may occur. MRI is the imaging method of choice. Sagittal plane T1- and T2-weighted images are most helpful. The caudal border of the cerebellum appears flattened, and part of the cerebellum is herniated through the foramen. Syringomyelia and hydromyelia appear as tubular hypointense structures within the spinal cord on T1-weighted images and hyperintense structures on T2-weighted images (see Figure 5-32 and p. 510).

The foramen magnum is best shown on a rostrocaudal view of the skull. The animal is placed in dorsal recumbency, and the occipitoatlantal articulation is flexed so that the hard palate is at an angle of approximately 70 degrees to the tabletop. The x-ray beam is directed perpendicular to the tabletop (R30°V-CdDO). It may also be demonstrated on an open-mouth rostrocaudal view. Care should be exercised in positioning animals for radiography of this area if anomalies are suspected. A seizure can be induced in an apparently normal animal by extremes of manipulation of the occipitoatlantal articulation if an abnormality is present.

A number of other abnormalities are encountered in this area. The first cervical vertebra may be shortened, and there may be hypoplasia and nonfusion of the odontoid process (dens). The significance of anatomic changes seen in this region is often uncertain. A lateral view of the cervical spine is required to demonstrate these changes (Figure 5-7).

There may be an accompanying hydrocephalus and syringomyelia or hydromyelia.

Craniomandibular Osteopathy (Craniomandibular Osteoarthropathy, Mandibular Periostitis, Craniomandibular Osteodystrophy, “Lion Jaw”)

Craniomandibular osteopathy is a disease seen in young West Highland White Terriers. Also affected are the Boston, Scottish, and Cairn Terriers and, more rarely, other small breeds. There have been isolated reports of this disease in Labrador Retrievers and Doberman Pinschers. The condition is of uncertain etiology except in the West Highland White Terrier, where it is known to be hereditary. The condition is first noticed between 3 and 10 months of age. Affected animals present with difficulty and pain when opening the mouth or chewing food. The pain may be intense. Palpation of the skull reveals bilateral or sometimes unilateral swelling on the horizontal rami and perhaps on the vertical rami. These areas are tender on palpation. There may be atrophy of the temporal and masseter muscles. Some animals recover with supportive treatment after a period of months, at least to the stage at which nutrition can be maintained. More severely affected patients may require placement of a feeding tube. Some have to be euthanized because of the inability to eat.

Craniomandibular osteopathy produces proliferative changes, particularly on the mandible and in the areas of the osseous bullae. The calvarium may be thickened. New bone formation at the distal metaphyses and along the diaphyses of the radius and ulna has been reported, although this is rare.

Clinically, the condition has to be distinguished from eosinophilic myositis of the head muscles, although that condition is more common in larger dogs.

Radiologic Signs

The temporomandibular joints are rarely directly involved in the new bone growth, but their movement may be inhibited because of the bony masses around them (Figure 5-8, A to E).

Calvarial hyperostosis has been described in Bullmastiff puppies and affects the frontal and parietal bones. It is of unknown etiology and regresses with age.

Renal Secondary Hyperparathyroidism (“Rubber Jaw,” Renal Osteodystrophy, Renal Rickets, Renal Osteitis Fibrosa)

A secondary hyperparathyroidism in older animals may result from renal insufficiency caused by chronic renal disease. It is occasionally seen in young animals with congenital nephropathies. In short, if the glomerular filtration rate is reduced, there is retention of phosphorus and resulting progressive hyperphosphatemia. The hyperphosphatemia causes a lowering of the blood calcium level, which provokes hyperparathyroidism. The resulting increase in parathyroid hormone levels causes a resorption of bone and a release of calcium. The skull is primarily involved with demineralization of the mandible and the maxilla. Demineralization elsewhere is slower. Clinically, the mandible becomes softened (rubbery), teeth become loose, and breathing may be impaired because of collapse of bones around the nasal cavity. The face may appear swollen as a result of proliferation of fibrous tissue. Salivation is common.




Unilateral infection in the conchae causes an increased radiographic opacity on the affected side compared with the normal side. This is caused by elimination of air around the conchae as a result of the presence of inflammatory exudate. The nasal septum provides a sharp line of demarcation between affected and unaffected sides. If the condition is bilateral, there will be increased radiographic opacity on both sides. Destruction of the septal cartilages is not visible radiographically. Animals with acute rhinitis may be normal radiographically. The frontal sinus may be affected secondarily. A fluid or soft tissue opacity will be seen within it. Clinically there is nasal discharge, which may be serous, mucopurulent, or bloodstained.

Chronic hyperplastic rhinitis is a condition of increased radiographic opacity without evidence of destruction of the conchal pattern. In early cases of infection, it is often possible to distinguish the underlying scroll pattern through the increased opacity. As the mucous membrane swells and exudates accumulate within the affected chamber, the scroll pattern is masked. Severe infections may erode the conchae, disrupting their normal linear pattern. Chronic hyperplastic rhinitis is usually bilateral.


This fungal infection occurs most commonly in cats, although other species may be affected. The nasal cavities, the paranasal sinuses, and occasionally the lungs are involved. The pigeon is a common vector. Clinical signs include sniffling and sneezing, with a unilateral or bilateral nasal discharge. Oral ulceration is occasionally present. Skin nodules with or without ulceration are common. The central nervous system may be involved through spread from the nose through the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone. Radiographically, there is an increased opacity within the nasal chambers with occasional bone erosion and involvement of the frontal sinuses. Cryptococcosis usually results in a hyperplastic reaction rather than a destructive one.

Linguatula spp. infestation in cats and dogs may cause rhinitis with erosion of the vomer bone. It can mimic neoplasia.

Rhinitis may be caused by dental disorders. Rhinitis and sinusitis in the cat may occur from viral infection. Otitis media has been reported as a sequela (Figure 5-10).

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Figure 5-10 Nasal infiltration. A, There is extensive soft tissue infiltration with ill-defined margins affecting the left nasal turbinate bone with focal areas of lysis. The nasal septum is apparently intact. The differential diagnosis should include infection (bacterial or fungal) and neoplasia. B, Diffuse soft tissue opacities are seen in both nasal chambers. The nasal septum cannot be clearly identified rostrally. The turbinate pattern is obscured. The frontal sinuses have lost their normal air opacity. This 7-year-old German Shepherd had a fight with a cat 2 years previously. This was a mixed type of infection. C, A unilateral nasal infection. An obvious loss of normal air opacity is seen on the left side compared with the right (normal) side. This is the result of an undifferentiated soft tissue infiltration completely obliterating the fine trabeculae of the turbinate bones. D, A dorsoventral, intraoral (occlusal) view of the maxilla in a 2-year-old German Shepherd with a mucopurulent discharge from the left nostril. The nasal conchae are indistinct because of a subtle soft tissue opacity infiltration with focal pinpoint radiolucencies. This was a destructive rhinitis caused by aspergillosis. E, An 11-year-old Poodle with a nasal discharge on the left side. This occlusal view shows subtle erosion of the left rostral conchae extending from the palatine fossa caudally. A discrete semicircular area of bone lysis with surrounding sclerosis is seen around the rostral roots of the upper fourth premolar tooth. Several incisor teeth are absent. The blurring on the right side is caused by poor film-screen contact. This is destructive rhinitis with a periapical abscess. F to I, Nasal aspergillosis in a dog. This patient had unilateral disease. This series of CT images are through the nasal cavities from rostral to caudal. F, There is complete destruction of the nasal turbinates within the left nasal chamber rostrally. There is thickening of the mucosa along the lateral border of the septum. The nasal turbinates in the right nasal chamber are intact. G, In the middle part of the nasal chambers, there is incomplete destruction of the nasal turbinates on the left side. The nasal mucosa is moderately and unevenly thickened (arrows), best seen in the middle part of the nose. H, At the caudal aspect of the nasal chambers, a granuloma (arrows) is present within the left nasal chamber, dorsal to the ethmoid turbinates. This contains multiple, small, irregularly shaped pockets of gas. There is mild thickening of the overlying maxillary bone. I, The left frontal sinus is filled with soft tissue, with multiple small interspersed gas pockets. There is moderate, nonuniform thickening of the frontal bone (arrows). The findings of extensive turbinate lysis, mucosal thickening, granuloma formation, and hyperplasia of the facial bones is characteristic of nasal aspergillosis. J and K, Feline nasal Cryptococcus infection. J, Rostrocaudal projection of the skull. There is an increased soft tissue opacity throughout the left frontal sinus, while the right sinus has been spared. This can also be seen on the ventrodorsal open-mouth view (K), where the air-filled right frontal sinus (asterisk) contrasts with the soft tissue opacity within the left frontal sinus (black arrowheads). There is also uniform increased soft tissue opacity throughout the left nasal chamber (arrows). The nasal turbinates are partly destroyed. These changes are similar to those seen with primary nasal neoplasia, such as lymphoma, in cats.


The most common nasal neoplasms are adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, undifferentiated carcinoma, fibrosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, and undifferentiated sarcoma. Lymphoma may occur but is more common in cats. Neoplasia is more common in older animals. In general, neoplasms are more destructive and aggressive than infection and may invade the conchae, nasal septum, and walls of the nasal chambers.

Clinically there is a nasal discharge, which is often blood stained. There may be swelling of the face, which is usually unilateral.

Radiologic Signs

Because the radiologic signs of infection and neoplasia are similar in many respects, it is usually impossible to be sure on radiographic evidence alone whether the cause is infection or a neoplasm. This is particularly true in cats. Some infections can be very destructive, such as aspergillosis. If there is an associated soft tissue mass, there is a strong presumption that the lesion is neoplastic. CT and MRI are useful to evaluate fully the precise area and extent of the lesion (Figure 5-12).

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Figure 5-12 Neoplasia. A and B, Nasal adenocarcinoma in a dog. A, The rostrocaudal ventrodorsal open-mouth view of the maxilla shows increased soft tissue opacity within the left nasal chamber. The fine linear opacities of the nasal turbinates have been destroyed. The right nasal chamber is normal. B, The rostrocaudal view of the frontal sinuses shows uniform increased soft tissue opacity within the left frontal sinus. There is no evidence of bone destruction. The increased opacity in the frontal sinus may be the result of a tumor mass within the sinus or fluid accumulation caused by obstruction of the sinus drainage by a tumor within the nasal cavity. C and D, Chondrosarcoma. C, There is obliteration of the nasal turbinates within the right nasal chamber. The right first premolar tooth is absent. D, The caudorostral view shows an increased soft tissue opacity in the right frontal sinus. E to H, This Terrier had a protruding right eye and a blocked right nostril. Dorsal (E) and transverse (F) MRI studies show a large mass (arrows) in the right nasal cavity. G and H, Dorsal plane slices located more dorsally than E show the tumor (arrows) extending into the retrobulbar area. This was a carcinoma. Rt, Right side. The arrowhead in F points to a marker capsule on the right side of the face. I to L, Nasal adenocarcinoma in a dog. I, A mass within the rostral part of the left nasal chamber has completely destroyed the nasal turbinates. The mass has also destroyed part of the septum and extended into the right nasal chamber (arrows). J, In the mid part of the nasal chamber, there is lysis of the hard palate and maxilla (arrows). Complete destruction of the nasal turbinates is again present at this level. K, In the caudal nasal chamber, there is partial destruction of the ethmoid turbinates. There is also moth-eaten lysis of the ventral aspect of the medial wall of the orbit on the left side (black arrow). The tumor extends into the internal choanae, occluding the left side (white arrow). The frontal sinus is filled with tissue or fluid. L, The image at the level of the frontal sinuses shows almost complete filling of the left frontal sinus. A small gas pocket is seen at the dorsal aspect of the sinus. This may represent accumulation of nasal secretions (obstructive sinusitis) or tumor extension into the frontal sinus.


Normal Appearance

On the lateral view, the frontal sinuses are clearly seen, superimposed on one another above the orbit. They have an air opacity, and fine bony septa are visible within them. Both sinuses are seen individually on the rostrocaudal or caudorostral view. On ventrodorsal and dorsoventral views of the skull, a portion of each sinus is seen just rostral to the cranium. The maxillary and ethmoid sinuses are not usually identifiable on radiographs (Figure 5-13, A to C).


Figure 5-13 Normal frontal sinuses (see Figure 5-1). A, Lateral view. B, Ventrodorsal view. Arrows mark the outline of the left frontal sinus. C, Rostrocaudal view. D, The normal air opacities of the frontal sinuses (arrows) of this cat have been lost because of infection. E and F, A 7-month-old Collie with a hard swelling over the midfrontal sinus area. Lateral (E) and rostrocaudal (F) views show an expansile soft tissue mass extending dorsally with a mineralized rim. This was a cyst in the frontal sinus. This is a benign condition.



Neoplasia affecting the frontal sinus causes loss of the normal air opacity within the sinus. The tumor mass replaces the air. Invasion of the surrounding bone, with destruction and periosteal reaction, becomes evident as the condition progresses. The frontal bone may be a site of osteosarcoma. Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common primary soft tissue tumor. Adenocarcinoma also occurs. These tumors are highly destructive, and considerable erosion of bone may have occurred before they are detected. Invasion of the sinuses by tumors arising in the nasal cavity is more common than primary sinus tumors (Figure 5-14, A and B).

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Figure 5-14 A and B, An osteosarcoma affecting the right frontal sinus. There is destruction of bone and invasion of the overlying soft tissues. The ventrodorsal view shows invasion of the cranium on the right side. C, Longitudinal sonogram of a swelling on the dorsal aspect of the rostral cranium. Rostral (R) lies to the left; caudal (C) lies to the right. The bright hyperechoic line lying under the R is the frontal bone. The anechoic area (arrow) caudal to the rostral frontal bone represents disruption of the bone. This is the result of an expanding soft tissue tumor that has eroded the bone and is extending dorsally. The irregular hyperechoic area seen caudal to the defect is an irregular periosteal reaction. This was a fibrosarcoma. D, Otitis media and bulla osteitis in a dog. The right tympanic bulla is normal. There is increased soft tissue opacity within the left tympanic bulla. Moderate, uniform thickening of the bony wall of the left bulla is also present. No evidence of destruction/lysis of the bulla is present. The endotracheal tube is visible between the two bullae. R, Right. E, A 10-year-old cat with recurrent otitis externa. This rostrocaudal projection shows the tympanic bullae lying ventral to the mandibles. The right bulla has an increased opacity and a thickened irregular ventral wall. Diagnosis: otitis media. F, This young cat had a chronic stridor and nasal discharge. The lateral radiograph illustrates a large pharyngeal mass in the caudal pharynx, occluding the normal airway (arrow). Diagnosis: nasopharyngeal polyp. There is an endotracheal tube in place. G to I, Otitis media. Lateral (G), dorsoventral (H), and right lateral oblique (I) views of the tympanic bullae. This cat had a history of nasal discharge and dyspnea. The wall of the right tympanic bulla is thickened and expanded. The external ear canal on the right side is occluded by a nasopharyngeal polyp. J, An 11-year-old cat presented with a history of head tilt to the right and inability to swallow food. The open-mouth rostrocaudal view shows an increased opacity within the left tympanic bulla. Diagnosis: squamous cell carcinoma. K, A 10-month-old Cocker Spaniel. The left auditory canal is not visible. There is a soft tissue swelling extending caudally from the zygoma (curved arrow). The air outlining the pinna (straight arrow) is displaced caudally and laterally compared with the opposite ear. This was an avulsion of the left auditory canal with a subsequent paraaural abscess. L, Nasopharyngeal polyp and otitis media in a cat. Note the large pulp cavities within the canine teeth, indicating this patient is young with recently erupted permanent dentition. A soft tissue mass is present in the nasopharynx, causing ventral displacement of the soft palate. The caudal border of the mass is well defined and convex, outlined by air. The rostral border is obscured by the superimposed mandibles. There is increased soft tissue opacity within both bullae, which are normally filled with air. Otitis media and nasopharyngeal polyps are a common sequela to viral upper respiratory tract infections in cats. M, Bulla osteitis/otitis media in a cat. A transverse CT image of the skull displayed in a bone window shows uniform soft tissue filling the right bulla. There is mild thickening of the wall of the bulla. The semicircular canals can be seen within the petrous temporal bone of the left ear.




Radiography is of little value in evaluating the eye except for locating metallic foreign bodies or evaluating periorbital structures.

As an incidental finding, opacification of the lens (cataract) can be seen lying rostromedial to the caudal root of the zygoma. Cataracts are often bilateral and should not be mistaken for foreign bodies (see Figure 5-6, G).


Ocular masses, retrobulbar masses, corneal or lens opacification, and hyphema are clinical instances in which ultrasonography may be of diagnostic benefit.

Ocular ultrasonography requires at least a 10-MHz transducer with a small footprint. However, a 13- to 15-MHz transducer gives superior resolution of the surface structures. In larger dogs a 7.5-MHz transducer may be necessary to image the retrobulbar structures. With older machines, a standoff is usually required to examine the cornea. To obtain the best possible image, the highest possible transducer frequency should be used. If the eye is painful or the animal is uncooperative, sedation and topical analgesia are required. General anesthesia is occasionally necessary, particularly if fine-needle aspiration will be attempted. The disadvantage of general anesthesia is that the eyeball tends to rotate and may have to be held in position with small retractors. Most animals are cooperative when a topical anesthetic is used.

The animal should be restrained in a standing or sitting position with the head held still. The technique requires sterile coupling gel application to the cornea and then placing the transducer on the gel. Direct contact with the cornea is inadvisable because it may cause corneal damage and ulceration. This gel must be subsequently rinsed off with sterile saline. Alternatively, the orbit can be examined through the eyelids. The surface hair must be clipped and coupling gel applied in the usual manner. This technique is less informative than the direct corneal approach. Examination of the eye, particularly the retrobulbar region, can also be carried out through the dorsolateral soft tissue aspect of the orbit just posterior to the eyelid and dorsal to the zygomatic arch.

Horizontal and sagittal (longitudinal) plane sections should be obtained and the transducer swept gently in dorsoventral and mediolateral directions. The small groove or mark on sector, convex, and microconvex transducers indicating the plane of section helps orientation of the ultrasound beam. This groove should be kept at the lateral aspect of the eye when scanning in a transverse plane and at the dorsal aspect of the eye when scanning in a sagittal plane (Figure 5-15, A).

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Figure 5-15 Ocular ultrasonography. A, Normal transverse scan through the orbit. The anechoic anterior chamber (Ac) and vitreous (P) are clearly seen. The contours of the lens (L, arrows) are also visible. The ciliary body (CB) lies lateral and medial. C, Cornea; I, iris; L, lateral. A shows the transducer in contact with the cornea. Direct contact with the cornea is inadvisable because it may cause corneal damage and ulceration. B to D, This 3-year-old Retriever presented with exophthalmos and marked pain when the affected area was manipulated. After topical analgesia, ultrasonography was performed. The transverse sonograms display the lateral aspect of the head to the left side of the image. An anechoic fluid-filled eye structure is seen (e). B, The hyperechoic linear structure (short arrow) is the posterior surface of the lens. The retina should be concave, but it is convex and displaced, forming two arcs. A large hypoechoic mass (m) is seen to the medial and caudal aspects of the eyeball. C, By changing the depth of field of examination, this mass (m) can be seen to extend caudally and to contain anechoic fluid-filled areas (f). The probable diagnosis was a retrobulbar abscess. A general anesthetic was given and a fine-needle aspirate obtained. Drainage of the fluid was performed under ultrasound guidance. D, The fluid-filled areas (f) have reduced considerably in size after aspiration of 4 mL of turbid fluid. Cytologic analysis showed neoplastic cells. Diagnosis: lymphosarcoma. E and F, A 5-year-old male Tibetan Terrier with diabetes had diabetic cataracts. E, In the right eye the lens (L, arrows) is irregularly hyperechoic. C, Cornea; AC, anterior chamber; V, vitreous; L, lateral. F, Congenital ocular deformities. The lens is compressed and severely deformed. The vitreous contains hyperechoic floccules (short arrow). I, Iris; L, lens; AC, anterior chamber; V, vitreous. G to I, This 9-month-old Weimaraner had cataracts. G and H, Transverse sonographic examination of the eye shows a deformed, flattened, hyperechoic lens (L, arrow), which is a cataract. A hyperechoic strand (HM) runs caudally from the lens through the vitreous (V) to the area of the optic disk. This is a persistent hyaloid membrane. In G, as with A, the transducer is inadvisably in contact with the cornea. I, Angling the transducer medially shows that a detached retina was also present (R). C, Cornea; I, iris; AC, anterior chamber; CB, ciliary body; V, vitreous; L, lateral; R, retina. J, Detached retina. This is a sagittal plane ultrasound image of the eye. The retina should be concave. The retinal detachment is seen as two thin, curved hyperechoic lines (arrows), resembling a seagull’s wings, originating at the ora serrata and converging on the optic nerve. The anterior chamber is indicated by the long arrow. There is a cataract in the lens, which is normally almost completely anechoic (arrowhead).


Cataracts result in thickening of the lens capsule so that the entire circumference becomes visible. There is also increased echogenicity of the lens parenchyma. Intraocular masses disrupt the normal architecture. They have a variable echotexture and displace the vitreous ciliary body and lens. Retrobulbar masses may cause displacement of the posterior wall. They have mixed echogenicity. Differentiation between neoplasia and infection is not usually possible without ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration or biopsy. Variable amounts of anechoic or flocculated fluid may be present with either neoplasia or infection (Figure 5-15, B to D). Intraocular hemorrhage causes increased echogenicity in the affected chamber. With time, echoes become organized and form hypoechoic masses.

Deformities or abnormal position of the lens are readily demonstrated (Figure 5-15, E to H). High-frequency transducers of 13 to 15 MHz permit the identification of subtle abnormalities such as persistent hyaloid membrane. This membrane extends from the caudal aspect of the lens to the retina (Figure 5-15, H).

Retinal detachment is seen as a linear arc extending from the posterior wall of the eye rostrally into the vitreous humor. Anechoic fluid lies behind the retinal membrane. If it is completely detached, it forms a curved V centered at the optic disk, where it remains attached (Figure 5-15, I and J). Intraocular or retrobulbar foreign bodies are seen as echogenic structures with variable degrees of acoustic shadowing.

Floating echogenic foci (floaters) are often seen in the vitreous humor. They are of no clinical significance. They should not be confused with resolving hemorrhage or inflammatory exudates (Figure 5-15, F).


Radiography is of value in the assessment of periodontal and periapical disease and in the demonstration of fractures, neoplasms, foreign bodies, malocclusion, and other abnormalities (see Figure 5-18).

May 27, 2016 | Posted by in ANIMAL RADIOLOGY | Comments Off on The Skull and Vertebral Column

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