Chapter 16 Diseases of the Hematologic, Immunologic, and Lymphatic Systems (Multisystem Diseases)
Basic Hematology
An adequate volume of blood for hematologic and biochemical analysis is best obtained from the jugular vein of sheep and goats. The animal should be restrained in a standing position (for goats or sheep) or tipped up (for sheep only) with the head turned away from the jugular vein to be used. Ideally the animal should be restrained by someone other than the operator who will collect the blood, although with sheep, the same person may be able both to provide the necessary restraint and to collect blood if the animal is tipped up or a halter is used (Chapter 1; see Figure 1-5, A and B). The animal should be at rest and handled as gently as possible to minimize stress. The operator parts or clips the wool or hair to visualize the jugular vein and then uses the hand not holding the needle to apply digital pressure proximally just above the thoracic inlet to block blood movement through the vein. The vessel may take a second or more to distend after pressure is applied. The operator may then use the needle-bearing hand to “strum” the vessel, causing the blood to oscillate. If in doubt about whether the distended vessel is the jugular vein, the operator can release the hand placing pressure on the vessel and observe whether the distended vessel disappears; if it does, the distended vessel probably was the jugular vein. Also advisable is to avoid vessels that pulsate, because these probably are the carotid arteries. The area should be cleaned with alcohol or other disinfectant, water, or a clean, dry gauze sponge. An 18- or 20-gauge, 1- to 1.5-inch needle usually is adequate to collect blood from an adult sheep or goat, whereas a 22-gauge needle may be used in a neonate (see Figure 1-5, A and B). The skin of adults or males may be thicker and more difficult to penetrate with the needle. A syringe or evacuated tube attached to a Vacutainer (Becton Dickinson Inc., Rutherford, New Jersey) can be used to collect blood. The needle should be plunged through the skin into the vein at an approximate 30-degree angle. The blood should not come out of the vessel in pulsatile waves; observation of such pulsatility is suggestive of an arterial stick.
After aseptically obtaining an adequate volume of blood, the operator removes the needle and releases the pressure on the vessel near the thoracic inlet. Pressure should be applied to the site of puncture for a minute or more to prevent extravascular leakage of blood and hematoma formation. The blood should be carefully transferred to a vial containing the appropriate anticoagulant to prevent red blood cell (RBC) rupture. Goat erythrocytes are small and particularly prone to hemolysis. To minimize this problem, goat blood should be collected with a needle and syringe, not a Vacutainer. White blood cell (WBC) differential distribution, individual blood cell staining characteristics, and morphology may be assessed by microscopic examination of a stained blood film. The differential distribution provides more information than total WBC count, because inflammatory conditions in sheep and goats often result in a shift in neutrophil populations toward more degenerate, toxic, or immature forms without changing the overall WBC count.1 The preferred anticoagulant for a complete blood count (CBC) is ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA), and tubes should be filled to capacity to ensure the proper blood-to-anticoagulant ratio. Blood samples should be processed as soon as possible after collection. If a delay is anticipated, the blood sample should be refrigerated (at 4° C), and an air-dried blood smear should be made because prolonged contact of blood with EDTA causes changes in WBC morphology and the separation of some RBC parasites. Blood can be refrigerated for 24 hours and still yield an accurate CBC.
A reference range for hematologic data for sheep and goats is presented in Table 16-1 (see also Appendix Tables 2-1 and 2-2). Goats tend to have a low mean corpuscular volume (MCV) because of their small erythrocytes. Sheep and goats younger than 6 months of age tend to have lower hematocrit, RBC count, hemoglobin, and plasma protein concentrations, as well as a higher total WBC count. Neonates often have a high hematocrit at birth that decreases with colostral ingestion. Lactating animals may have decreased hematocrits, RBC counts, and hemoglobin concentrations. Animals grazing at high altitude (mountain goats and bighorrn sheep) tend to have increased RBC counts, hematocrits, and hemoglobin concentrations.
TABLE 16-1 Normal Hematologic Parameters For Sheep And Goats
Parameter (Units) | Adult Sheep | Adult Goat |
Hematocrit (%) | 27-45 | 22-36 |
Hemoglobin (g/dL) | 9-15.8 | 8-12 |
Red blood cell count (×106/μL) | 9-17.5 | 8-17 |
Mean corpuscular volume (fL) | 28-40 | 15-26 |
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (g/dL) | 31-34 | 29-35 |
Platelet count (×105/μL) | 2.4-7.0 | 2.8-6.4 |
Total white blood cell count (/μL) | 4000-12,000 | 4000-13,000 |
Segmented neutrophils (/μL) | 1500-9000 | 1400-8000 |
Band neutrophils (/μL) | 0 | 0 |
Lymphocytes (/μL) | 2000-9000 | 2000-9000 |
Monocytes (/μL) | 0-600 | 0-500 |
Eosinophils (/μL) | 0-1000 | 0-900 |
Basophils (/μL) | 0-300 | 0-100 |
Total plasma protein (g/dL) | 6.2-7.5 | 6.0-7.5 |
Fibrinogen (mg/dL) | 100-600 | 100-500 |
Additional Hematologic Assessments for Anemia and Other Diseases
Bone Marrow Aspiration and Biopsy
Bone marrow aspirates and core biopsy samples taken from sites of active erythropoiesis can be useful to evaluate erythrocyte production and determine the cause of anemia and other hemogram abnormalities. The sites of biopsy in sheep and goats include the sternebra, femur, and ileum. The procedure should be done with use of chemical sedation or with the animal under general anesthesia (see Chapter 18). The area over the biopsy site is clipped and surgically prepared; the operator should wear sterile gloves to maintain asepsis. Aspirates can be obtained by inserting a sterile needle attached to a 3- or 6-mL syringe containing one or two drops of EDTA through the bone and into the bone marrow. Drawing back on the syringe plunger several times may aid in the procurement of an acceptable sample; such a sample may consist of as little as 0.5 mL of bone marrow. If the sample is going to be processed immediately, no anticoagulant is required. Core samples are obtained using a Jamshidi or Westerman-Jensen biopsy needle. The skin is incised with a scalpel and the biopsy needle is inserted into the bone and turned several times to obtain the specimen. More than one site may be used. The operator then closes the skin with sutures or staples.
The Famacha System of Assessing for Anemia
As an alternative to hematologic testing, comparing conjunctival color against swatches on a standardized FAMACHA chart has been used as a rapid and inexpensive assessment for anemia in whole flocks, primarily to evaluate the impact of Haemonchus contortus and other blood-sucking parasites.2,3 Results from a number of trials have yielded fair to good sensitivity for packed cell volume and Haemonchus load in both sheep and goats. As with body condition scoring systems, it is essential to calibrate assessors to ensure consistency in using this system.4 Also, some breeds “read” differently on the cards, and use of an electronic color analyzer, although more expensive and less field-friendly, may detect anemia earlier5 (see Chapter 6).
Changes in the Hemogram
Hemolysis occurs most commonly after ingestion of toxic plants, RBC parasitism, intravenous injection of hypotonic or hypertonic agents, contact with bacterial toxins, water intoxication, or immune-mediated destruction of opsonized erythrocytes. Ingested toxins include sulfur compounds from onions and Brassica plants (kale, rapeseed [the source of canola oil]),6–9 nitrates, nitrites, and copper.10–13 Except for that caused by copper, hemolysis usually occurs within a day or two after ingestion. Copper toxicosis can occur after acute overingestion but more commonly is seen in animals that are chronically overfed copper and suffer some stressful event. Goats are more tolerant of excess copper than sheep, and certain breeds of sheep, particularly the Suffolk, are highly sensitive to copper toxicosis (see Chapters 2, 5, and 12).
Hemolytic bacterial toxins include those from Clostridium perfringens type A, Clostridium haemolyticum, and Leptospira interrogans.14,15 Intraerythrocytic parasites include Anaplasma spp., Mycoplasma (Eperythrozoon) ovis, and Babesia spp.16–20 Immune-mediated RBC destruction is very uncommon except with parasitemia or the administration of certain drugs (penicillin) or bovine colostrum to small ruminant neonates.21 Rapid reduction of plasma osmolality can lead to osmotic lysis of erythrocytes. This can occur locally as a sequela to rapid intravenous injection of hypotonic substances or after ingestion of a large quantity of water after a period of water deprivation and dehydration (water intoxication). Selenium and copper deficiency also have been associated with Heinz body anemia.22
Anemia that is not related to the loss or destruction of erythrocytes usually results from a lack of erythrocyte production. By definition, these anemias are nonregenerative. Although mild forms may exist in pregnant sheep and goats and animals deficient in vital minerals (e.g., iron, selenium, copper, zinc), the most common cause of nonregenerative anemia is chronic disease. Under such conditions, iron is sequestered in an unusable form in the bone marrow; staining a marrow sample with Prussian blue stain will reveal large iron stores, differentiating this disease from iron deficiency anemia. The causes of anemia of chronic disease are numerous and include infectious conditions (e.g., pneumonia, footrot, caseous lymphadenitis), malnutrition, and environmental stressors.1
Treatment of Anemia
If possible, the cause of the anemia should be addressed. Interventions can involve strategies to control internal and external parasites, changes in the diet, and treatment of infectious diseases. Maintaining adequate hydration is essential in animals with intravascular hemolysis to avoid hemoglobin-induced renal tubular damage. Specialty compounds such as molybdenum salts (e.g., ammonium molybdate) plus sulfur or penicillamine for copper toxicosis13 and methylene blue (15 mg/kg in a 4% solution in 5% dextrose or normal saline intravenously) for nitrate toxicity usually are too expensive or difficult for application on a flockwide basis but may be useful in valuable individual animals. Veterinarians should be aware that methylene blue is no longer approved for use in food-producing animals (see Chapter 12).
Animals with severe acute blood loss or hemolysis may benefit from a whole blood transfusion. Because transfusion reactions are rare and strong erythrocyte antigens have not been identified in sheep and goats, almost any donor of the same species is acceptable for a first transfusion. Cross-matching can be done to ensure compatibility, which becomes more important if the animal receives more than one transfusion. Blood should be withdrawn aseptically from the donor and collected by a bleeding trocar into an open flask or by a catheter into a special collection bag. Blood should be mixed at a 7.5:1 ratio with acid-citrate dextrose, or 9:1 with 2% sodium citrate, or another suitable anticoagulant, and administered through a filtered blood administration set. If the jugular vein is not accessible, blood may be infused into the peritoneal cavity, but the slower absorption from that site makes it less effective for treating acute blood loss. The first 15 to 30 minutes of administration should be slow. If no reaction is seen (fever, tenesmus, tachypnea, tachycardia, shaking), the rate may be increased. Transfused erythrocytes may survive only a few days, so it is important to address the original cause of the anemia.1
Assessment of the Lymphatic System
Enlargement of lymph nodes may be focal, multifocal, or generalized. Identification of a single enlarged superficial node does not always rule out a multifocal or generalized disorder, because the status of the internal nodes often cannot be determined. Enlargement generally indicates either inflammation or neoplasia. Inflammatory enlargement typically is related to an associated disease with an infectious component. Small ruminants are particularly sensitive to lymph node–based infections (e.g., caseous lymphadenitis), so the search often does not extend beyond aspirating or draining the lymph node itself. Neoplastic enlargement almost always results from lymphosarcoma.
Disease of the Lymphatic System
Failure of Passive Transfer
In addition to immunoglobulin, colostrum also contains large quantities of fat-soluble vitamins that do not cross the placenta. The most important of these are vitamins A, D, and E, which are important in bone development and the immune or inflammatory response. Neonates that have not ingested enough colostrum are likely to be deficient in these vitamins.
A diagnosis of failure of passive transfer can be deduced from the history if the neonate is known not to have ingested colostrum in the first day of life or the dam is known not to have produced colostrum. Owners occasionally evaluate lambs or kids for adequate intake by picking up the animal and holding it at ear level, while carefully cradling the head and neck, and then shaking the abdomen in order to hear milk in the abomasum. A presumptive diagnosis can be made if the neonate shows signs of undernourishment or sepsis in the first few days after birth. A definitive diagnosis can be made by direct laboratory measurement (radioimmunoassay) of immunoglobulin concentrations. Numerous semiquantitative methods of estimating immunoglobulin are available, including various agglutination (glutaraldehyde) and precipitate assays (sodium sulfate) and measurement of blood protein fractions (Chapter 8; see Table 8-6). Measurement of total protein in a well-hydrated animal by means of a hand-held refractometer may be used as a quick screen. A total protein of 5.5 to 6 mg/dL or greater usually is suggestive of successful transfer of colostral antibodies in a normally hydrated neonate. These methods may be relied on to give an overall flock assessment of adequacy of passive transfer, but they are rarely accurate enough to provide definitive information on individual animals23 (see Chapter 8).
Ensuring colostral quality is best done through good nutrition, health care, and vaccination of dam (see Chapters 2 and 19). Administration of vaccines 6 weeks before parturition, followed in 2 weeks with a booster, provides the highest quantity of protective immunoglobulin in the colostrum. Antepartum leakage is rarely the problem in small ruminants that it is in horses and cattle. However, in a flock or herd environment, still-pregnant dams may steal babies from other sheep or goats. To prevent such theft and the resultant loss of colostrum by the “adopted” neonate, owners may choose to keep pregnant animals separate from those that have already delivered. If complete separation is not possible, the dam and her offspring should be allowed to bond with each other in a private pen (“jug” or “crate”) for at least 24 hours before being placed back with the flock. Clipping excessive wool or mohair from around the perineal area and udder before lambing or kidding, expressing the teats to ensure they are not plugged, and having extra colostrum available when pregnant females are placed in jugs or crates are other good preventive measures.
Neonatal Sepsis
Bacteria enter the body through the gastrointestinal or respiratory tract or through a break in the skin (e.g., umbilicus, castration site, docked tail, wound). The role of the umbilicus is usually overemphasized over the other, more common routes. Bacteria proliferate locally and either enter the circulation or produce toxins that enter the circulation. After entering the bloodstream, bacteria seed various body sites, including the lungs, kidneys, liver, central nervous system, joints, umbilicus, lymphoid tissue, and body cavities. Toxins tend to damage blood cells, vascular endothelium, and various organ tissues. Overwhelming bacteremia or toxemia usually is fatal; less severe disease is associated with localization of the bacteria to one or more sites of chronic infection such as the umbilicus, lymph nodes, organ abscesses, and joints. The greater the immune responsiveness of the animal, the more likely it is to prevent invasion and clear the infection.
A presumptive diagnosis can be made by observation of the previously described clinical signs in a neonate. Other disorders that can produce these signs include hypothermia, hypoxemia, congenital cardiovascular or nervous system anomalies, and starvation. These other disorders often coexist with sepsis as predisposing factors or complications of the infectious disorder. Clinicopathologic data that support a diagnosis of sepsis include evidence of failure of passive transfer, hyperfibrinogenemia, and left shift of the leukogram, particularly when neutropenia, toxic changes to neutrophils, or myelocytes and metamyelocytes are present. Serum biochemical analysis may be helpful in assessing overall condition.23 Definitive diagnosis of sepsis is achieved by isolating the bacteria. Blood culture or postmortem internal organ culture is the best diagnostic tool for acute, untreated bacteremia. Findings in aspirates of abscesses or infected joints are more accurate if sepsis is long-standing, particularly if the animal has been treated with antibiotics.
Methods to improve colostral quality and passive transfer are helpful in preventing sepsis. Decreasing overcrowding, separating neonates from most adult stock (except their dams), and decreasing fecal and soil contamination of facilities will decrease the amount of bacterial challenge. Sanitizing common equipment and minimizing contamination of tail docking and castration sites also are important. Dipping the umbilicus is of questionable importance and probably is unnecessary in well-managed, clean flocks. The procedure is harmless, however, and provides an opportunity to examine the newborn, so current recommendations include dipping the umbilicus with dilute iodine or chlorhexidine solutions.23
Uncomplicated Neonatal Diarrhea
Uncomplicated diarrhea may be caused by viral, bacterial, or protozoal pathogens. These organisms differ from the agents of complicated diarrhea in that they do not invade beyond the gut wall or result in systemic toxemia (see Chapter 5).
Clinical Signs
Mild, nonclinically complicated diarrhea is characterized by profuse diarrhea with minimal systemic signs. The affected animal is bright and alert, with minimal skin tenting, and can stand and eat readily, with a strong suckle reflex. It is less than 5% dehydrated, with a blood pH of 7.35 to 7.50 and a bicarbonate deficit of 0 mEq/L (see also Chapter 3).
The immediate goals of treatment are rehydration, replacement of lost electrolytes, and restoration of acid-base balance. Less immediate goals are provision of nutrition and replacement of ongoing losses. The aggressiveness of treatment is dictated by the severity of the condition, as well as economic considerations.24
1. Rehydration: Calculate the percent dehydration and use to calculate fluid requirement.
Example: 10% dehydration in a 3-kg lamb: 0.1 × 3 kg × 1 kg/L = 0.3 L, or 300 mL.
2. Replace lost electrolytes: Sodium, chloride, bicarbonate, and potassium are lost roughly in proportion to extracellular fluid; replace in roughly the same proportions (except for providing more bicarbonate and less chloride; see next step). Replace with fluid that is similar in composition to extracellular fluid.
3. Restore the acid-base balance: Estimate bicarbonate deficit by blood gas analysis (24 mEq, as measured) or physical assessment. Then calculate the whole body deficit.
• Advantages: Oral fluids are inexpensive (nonsterile) and easy to give. They are less likely to cause fatal arrhythmias or neurologic disease than intravenous fluids.
• Disadvantages: An animal receives a maximum of its gastric volume (5% of body weight), and good gastric motility is required. Oral fluids may not be well absorbed by a damaged gut. Absorption also is slow.
• Advantages: This method does not require venous access or good gut motility.
• Disadvantages: It is expensive (sterile), and the fluids may not be well absorbed in very dehydrated animals. Absorption is not as quick as by intravenous administration. Animals should be given only hypotonic or isotonic fluids.
• Advantages: This method does not require venous access or gut motility. Fluids are absorbed quickly by this route.
• Disadvantages: It is expensive (sterile) and can cause peritonitis. Isotonic fluids are best used in this route. Only a limited volume can be given.
After deficits are replaced, the following continued treatments and adjuncts may be considered:
1. Continued administration of fluids (oral rather than intravenous if possible) to replace ongoing losses (see Chapter 3):
2. Consideration of addition of milk to the treatment regimen:
Other Causes of Weakness and Depression in Neonates
Hypothermia and hyperthermia can easily be diagnosed by measuring body temperature with a rectal thermometer. Hypothermia is far more common and can result from weakness, shock, and environmental stress. Cold, windy weather or tube feeding with cold milk replacer or fluids can lead to a rapid drop in core body temperature, especially in neonates that are small or weak or have been inadequately licked off or were rejected by their dams. Strong, vigorous neonates usually are protected by heat produced during muscular activity and are able to seek food and shelter. Clinical signs appear when the rectal temperature drops to 98° F (36.7° C) or below. Protection from wind and cold such as with an individual ewe jug or pen, heat lamps (positioned far enough away so as not to burn the neonate), hot water bottles, blankets, and administration of warm fluids is helpful in treating and preventing hypothermia. Shearing the ewe before lambing is of value because it forces the ewe to seek shelter. If this management technique is used, care should be taken to avoid inducing severe hypothermia in the dam.
Because blood gas analysis and exclusion of other diseases often are impractical, the term floppy kid syndrome frequently is used by owners to refer to any kid that is weak and does not have an overt, organ-specific sign (e.g., diarrhea). Different pathologic processes are grouped together by their common clinical endpoint (as with “thin ewe syndrome”), and the veterinarian is charged with determining the etiology in a specific flock. Most possible causes are found in the previous list of conditions that cause weakness and depression in neonates. Among these entities, sepsis and hypoxemia are the most important items and therefore also must be considered important causes of possible floppy kid syndrome. Treatment and prevention of floppy kid syndrome currently follow the same lines as for treatment and prevention of neonatal sepsis or enteritis. Spontaneous recovery of animals with floppy kid syndrome may occur. However, in valuable kids, quick assessment of blood chemistry and base deficits will allow requisite correction of electrolyte and blood pH abnormalities with 1.3% sodium bicarbonate.25
1. Morris D.D. Anemia. In Smith B.P., editor: Large animal internal medicine, ed 2, St Louis: Mosby, 1996.
2. Vatta A.F., et al. Testing for clinical anaemia caused by Haemonchus spp. in goats farmed under resource-poor conditions in South Africa using an eye colour chart developed for sheep. Vet Parasitol. 2001;99:1-14.
3. Kaplan R.M., et al. Validation of the FAMACHA eye color chart for detecting clinical anemia in sheep and goats on farms in the southern United States. Vet Parasitol. 2004;123:105-120.
4. Reynecke DP, et al: Validation of the FAMACHA eye colour chart using sensitivity/specificity analysis on two South African sheep farms, Vet Parasitol (online postprint article), doi:10.1016/j.vetpar.2009.08.023: Accessed November 6, 2009.
5. Moors E., Gauly M. Is the FAMACHA chart suitable for every breed? Correlations between FAMACHA scores and different traits of mucosa colour in naturally parasite infected sheep breeds. Vet Parasitol. 2009;166:108-111.
6. Selim H.M., et al. Rumen bacteria are involved in the onset of onion-induced hemolytic anemia in sheep. J Vet Med Sci. 1999;61:369-374.
7. McPhail D.B., Sibbald A.M. The role of free radicals in Brassica-induced anaemia of sheep: an ESR spin trapping study. Free Radic Res Commun. 1992;16:277-284.
8. Smith R.H. Kale poisoning: the Brassica anaemia factor. Vet Rec. 1980;107:12-15.
9. Van Kampen K.R., James L.F., Johnson A.E. Hemolytic anemia in sheep fed wild onion (Allium validum). J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1970;156:328-332.
10. Maiorka P.C., et al. Copper toxicosis in sheep: a case report. Vet Hum Toxicol. 1998;40:99-100.
11. Soli N.E., Froslie A. Chronic copper poisoning in sheep. I. The relationship of methaemoglobinemia to Heinz body formation and haemolysis during the terminal crisis. Acta Pharmacol Toxicol (Copenh). 1977;40:169-177.
12. Todd J.R. Chronic copper toxicity of ruminants. Proc Nutr Soc. 1969;28:189-198.
13. Hidiroglou M., Heaney D.P., Hartin K.E. Copper poisoning in a flock of sheep. copper excretion patterns after treatment with molybdenum and sulfur or penicillamine. Can Vet J. 1984;25:377-382.
14. Decker M.J., Freeman M.J., Morter R.L. Evaluation of mechanisms of leptospiral hemolytic anemia. Am J Vet Res. 1970;31:873-878.
15. Smith B.P., Armstrong J.M. Fatal hemolytic anemia attributed to leptospirosis in lambs. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1975;167:739-741.
16. Overås J. Studies on Eperythrozoon ovis infection in sheep, Acta Vet Scand Suppl. 1969;28(Suppl 28):1.
17. Sutton R.H. Eperythrozoon ovis—a blood parasite of sheep. N Z Vet J. 1974;18:156-164.
18. Sutton R.H., Jolly R.D. Experimental Eperythrozoon ovis infection of sheep. N Z Vet J. 1973;21:160-166.
19. Neimark H., Hoff B., Ganter M. Mycoplasma ovis comb. nov. (formerly Eperythrozoon ovis), an epierythrocytic agent of haemolytic anaemia in sheep and goats. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2004;54:365-371.
20. Hornok S., et al. Molecular characterization of two different strains of haemotropic mycoplasmas from a sheep flock with fatal haemolytic anaemia and concomitant Anaplasma ovis infection. Vet Microbiol. 2009;136:372-377.
21. Nappert G., et al. Bovine colostrum as a cause of hemolytic anemia in a lamb. Can Vet J. 1995;36:104-105.
22. Suttle N.F., et al. Heinz body anaemia in lambs with deficiencies of copper or selenium. Br J Nutr. 1987;58:539-548.
23. Koterba A.M., House J.K. Neonatal infection. In Smith B.P., editor: Large animal internal medicine, ed 2, St Louis: Mosby, 1996.
24. Naylor J.M. Neonatal ruminant diarrhea. In Smith B.P., editor: Large animal internal medicine, ed 2, St Louis: Mosby, 1996.
25. Rowe JD, East NE: Floppy kid syndrome (metabolic acidosis without dehydration in kids), Proceedings of the 1998 Symposium on the Health and Disease of Small Ruminants Western Veterinary Conference, Las Vegas, Nev, 1998.
Disease Caused by Tissue-Invading Clostridia
Pathogenic clostridial organisms all produce heat-labile protein exotoxins. Most make a variety of toxins, and the relative contribution of each toxin to the disease state is not known. The major exotoxins of C. perfringens are alpha, a phospholipase that lyses mammalian cells; beta, a trypsin-labile necrotizing toxin; epsilon, a trypsin-activated necrotizing toxin; and iota, another trypsin-activated necrotizing toxin. Toxin production is used to classify C. perfringens organisms according to type. All five types of C. perfringens make alpha toxin. Types B and C also make beta toxin (with B making epsilon toxin as well), type D makes epsilon toxin, and type E makes iota toxin. Because the necrotizing toxins cause more prominent lesions than alpha toxin, they are used to characterize diseases caused by C. perfringens infection with types other than A. Other tissue-invasive clostridial organisms make toxins similar to those produced by C. perfringens, in addition to various other necrotizing and hemolyzing toxins. In many instances these toxins can be chemically altered to produce antigenic toxoids.1–4
Enteric Infections
C. perfringens type A occurs worldwide and is the most common type of this species isolated from soil. It causes “yellow lamb disease” in younger animals, a condition reported much more commonly in sheep than in goats. Risk factors for infection have not been established. This disease occurs most commonly in lambs 2 to 6 months old. Under favorable conditions, the organisms proliferate and cause a corresponding increase in alpha toxin production. The alpha toxin causes minor gastrointestinal lesions and is absorbed across the gut wall to cause hemolysis and vasculitis. The clinical course usually is less than 24 hours (see Chapter 5).
Clostridium perfringens Type B and C Disease
The diseases initially affect lambs and kids younger than 3 days of age, with illness occasionally occurring in older lambs. Because of management practices in this age group and age-related vulnerability, fecal contamination of teats, hands, and equipment that enter the mouths of the neonates (orogastric tubes, nipples) is a major cause of infection. Severely affected animals or those at the beginning of an outbreak usually are found dead. Less acutely affected animals expel yellow, fluid feces that may contain brown flecks of blood and show splinting of the abdomen, especially when handled, along with signs of colic and feed refusal. The clinical course usually is short, and the disease is almost always fatal. Terminal convulsions and coma occasionally are noted, especially in outbreaks in the United States. Postmortem examination reveals small hemorrhagic ulcers in the small intestine with type B infection and diffuse reddening with hemorrhage and necrosis of the abomasum and the entire intestine with type C infection. Animals that die very rapidly may exhibit minimal or no gross abnormalities of the intestine.
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