Rebecca S. Beroukhim and Steven D. Colan Harvard Medical School; Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA, USA A number of uncommon but important disorders that affect the left and right ventricular myocardium include: (i) left ventricular hypertrabeculation or noncompaction; (ii) congenital left ventricular outpouchings (aneurysms and diverticula); and (iii) arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy. It is important that they be considered during echocardiographic evaluation of patients with ventricular dysfunction, arrhythmia, syncope, and/or thromboembolism. The echocardiographic findings may be subtle and easily missed if the examiner does not intentionally consider them in the differential diagnosis. Left ventricular hypertrabeculation or noncompaction (LVNC) is a myocardial disorder characterized by “spongy” myocardium with prominent trabeculae, separated by deep intertrabecular recesses; it typically affects the left ventricular apex and mid‐ventricle [1]. The intertrabecular recesses are lined with endothelium and communicate with the ventricular cavity, which distinguishes this feature from myocardial sinusoids. Although this anomaly typically affects the left ventricle (LV), involvement of the right ventricle (RV) has also been described [2,3]. LVNC can occur as an isolated anomaly or in association with other structural heart disease such as heterotaxy syndrome, ventricular septal defects, and left or right ventricular outflow obstructive lesions. Left ventricular noncompaction has been identified as the third most frequent cardiomyopathy in children, representing 5–9% of cardiomyopathies seen among various studies [2,4,5]. Investigators from the National Australian Childhood Cardiomyopathy Study (NACCS), the longest and most complete study of childhood cardiomyopathy, reported a mean annual incidence of newly diagnosed cases of 0.11 per 100,000 individuals at risk, with the highest incidence in the first year of life (0.83 per 100,000 at risk). There was a male preponderance (69%) due to a high proportion of subjects with Barth syndrome [6]. Studies in adult populations also suggest that LVNC is fairly rare, with a prevalence of 0.014% [7]; however, these data may be confounded by technical imaging limitations in adult studies. LVNC is more prevalent in black than white populations [8]. Left ventricular noncompaction is a genetically heterogeneous myopathy, occurring both sporadically and in familial forms. LVNC has been associated with mutations in over 40 genes, many of which are involved in the pathogenesis of the muscular dystrophies and hereditary myopathies, and at least 14 chromosomal abnormalities [9]. Among a pediatric cohort of children with LVNC who underwent genetic testing, 13/75 (17%) of individuals had a positive cardiomyopathy genetic testing result, and 25/75 (33%) had a variant of uncertain significance. Likely pathogenic and pathogenic variants were found in the MYH7, MYBPC3, TPM1, and TNNT2 genes. The highest rate of genetic mutations was found among patients with LVNC and associated cardiovascular malformations (30%) followed by LVNC with associated cardiomyopathy (12%); none of the individuals with isolated LVNC had a pathogenic variant identified by genetic testing [10]. During normal cardiac development, the ventricular myocardium begins as a spongy meshwork of myocardial fibers with intertrabecular recesses that communicate with the ventricular cavity. Compaction of the myocardium then progresses from the epicardium towards the endocardium and from base to apex, with vascular recesses becoming capillaries that eventually connect with the epicardial coronary artery system [11]. Arrest in this normal embryologic process of myocardial compaction is thought to be responsible for the findings in LVNC. This assumption is supported by the similarity in the appearance of the left ventricular myocardium in LVNC with that of embryonic myocardium, and by reports of prenatal diagnosis [12,13] and also symptomatic cases described in patients from infancy through adulthood. Countering this pathogenetic assumption are several documented cases in which LVNC was diagnosed but where evidence of normal myocardial architecture had been demonstrated in previous echo studies [14,15]. It is possible, therefore, that the features of LVNC can be either a persistence of embryonic myocardial structure or a developmental pattern in a genetically impaired myocardium. Left ventricular noncompaction has been seen with hypertrophic, hypokinetic, and restrictive phenotypes, raising the issue of whether these are separate diseases or a continuum. Although LVNC is usually asymptomatic, the classic description of the clinical course has included progressive heart failure, arrhythmia, and thromboembolism, with a poor long‐term prognosis. The segments of the LV with noncompacted myocardium may exhibit decreased systolic function as a result of hypoperfusion, ischemia, and fibrosis. These findings are confirmed by thallium imaging, positron emission tomography (PET) scanning, and myocardial biopsy [3,16]. Impaired diastolic filling with restrictive physiology is also associated with hypertrabeculated myocardium [2]. Patients may present with clinical symptoms of heart failure during fetal life, infancy, childhood, or adult years. Although there can be some improvement in function with aggressive medical management of heart failure, progression of the cardiomyopathic process often leads to cardiac transplantation or death from heart failure, arrhythmia, or stroke. In a series of adult LVNC patients, mortality was 47% over a 6‐year follow‐up period [17]. Based on a review of 155 cases of LVNC reported to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Pediatric Cardiomyopathy Registry, there was a combined endpoint of death or transplant of 33% for the entire group, with a much lower rate among those patients without ventricular dysfunction. Notably, 12% of patients with LVNC and normal ventricular function progressed to a cardiomyopathy phenotype within 2 years [5]. Furthermore, patients with LVNC and dilated cardiomyopathy have been shown to carry a twofold higher risk of death or heart transplantation compared with matched subjects with dilated cardiomyopathy alone [6]. The natural history of LVNC is further elucidated by the detection of asymptomatic cases during family or population screening studies. These prospective investigations suggest that, at least in some patients, there may be a long preclinical phase with a much less dire natural history [3,18]. Electrocardiographic abnormalities are frequently observed in patients with LVNC, and may include left and right bundle branch block, ST‐ and T‐wave abnormalities, pathologic Q waves or poor R‐wave progression, biventricular hypertrophy, and Wolff–Parkinson–White syndrome. Arrhythmias are a common feature, with atrial fibrillation, supraventricular tachycardia, and ventricular tachycardia noted on baseline electrocardiogram (ECG) or Holter monitoring [2,17]. Sudden death from presumed ventricular arrhythmia is a recognized complication of LVNC, and aggressive management of ventricular arrhythmia with pharmacologic therapy or an implantable defibrillator is often warranted. Thrombus formation within the deep intertrabecular recesses and associated arrhythmia is a likely explanation for the frequent occurrence of thromboembolic events in these patients. Adult series have reported up to 24% of patients suffering from transient ischemic attack, stroke, or peripheral emboli [7]. Anticoagulation is recommended in patients with documented thromboembolic episodes or with thrombus visualized by echocardiography; antiplatelet agents are often recommended as a prophylactic measure at the time of initial diagnosis. The anatomic features of LVNC include multiple trabeculations affecting the apex and the inferior and lateral walls at the mid‐ventricle, with deep intertrabecular recesses that communicate with the cavity of the LV and are lined with endocardial endothelium (Figure 38.1). The epicardial layer of the myocardium is thin and compact. There are often histologic areas of ischemia within the noncompacted endocardial layer, and subendocardial fibrosis and endocardial fibroelastosis have been described in autopsied hearts [7,19]. Electron microscopy has been inconsistent in findings related to myofiber and mitochondrial morphology. Trabeculation also affects the RV in less than 50% of cases, but differentiation of pathologic from normal degrees of RV trabeculation may be difficult (Figure 38.2). Nonisolated LVNC occurs in association with ventricular septal defects (predominantly muscular), and with left or right ventricular outflow obstruction. Lesions affecting the left heart may include subaortic stenosis, valvar aortic stenosis, coarctation of the aorta, and hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Right heart obstruction may range from valvar pulmonary stenosis to pulmonary atresia and even tetralogy of Fallot [20]. LVNC has also been reported in association with heterotaxy syndrome, particularly in the setting of complete heart block. The association of LVNC with a wide variety of other congenital heart diseases raises the issue of whether there is a true association between LVNC and these other disorders, or whether the findings are coincidental. Figure 38.1 Pathologic specimen of left ventricular noncompaction. Explanted heart of a child with left ventricular noncompaction and severe left ventricular dysfunction. Note the dense trabeculations and deep recesses in lateral wall of the left ventricle (LV). The white arrows identify the demarcation between compact and noncompact myocardial layers. RV, right ventricle. Figure 38.2 Apical four‐chamber view demonstrating right ventricular noncompaction. Prominent trabeculations (white arrows) fill the right ventricle apex. LA, left atrium; LV, left ventricle; RA, right atrium. Figure 38.3 Comparison of three widely referenced criteria for the diagnosis of left ventricular noncompaction; from left to right, from Chin et al. [29]; Jenni et al. [27]; and Stollberger et al. [28]. Left ventricular noncompaction does not carry widespread recognition as a distinct form of cardiomyopathy. Whereas the American Heart Association defines it as a separate congenital cardiomyopathy, both the World Health Organization and the European Society of Cardiology consider it an unclassified cardiomyopathy [1,21,22]. This is based on multiple reasons, including heterogeneity in morphologic appearance, association with other forms of congenital heart disease, overlap with other forms of cardiomyopathy, range of clinical symptoms in patients with similar morphologic features, and genetic heterogeneity [23]. As more family and population screening studies have been reported, a larger number of asymptomatic individuals with LVNC have been identified [2]. Over the last 20 years, various authors have proposed imaging‐based diagnostic criteria for LVNC (Figure 38.3) [24–29]. Criteria have also been proposed for cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging [30]. However, validity and reproducibility of these criteria remain an ongoing concern. One study compared three proposed criteria against a cohort of patients with ventricular dysfunction (n = 199) and a prospective cohort of normal controls (n = 60). They found that 24% of patients fulfilled one or more diagnostic criteria for LVNC. In that subgroup of 69 patients, only 30% fulfilled all three diagnostic criteria. This suggests that the criteria are neither sensitive nor specific for the diagnosis of LVNC [8]. Pediatric studies have also failed to reach a consensus on which diagnostic criteria define LVNC. In one study of 104 patients with LVNC, agreement between two observers on the diagnosis of LVNC was 67%. Furthermore, the morphology of the myocardium changed over time and was not predictive of heart transplantation or death [31]. Another pediatric case–control study comparing three diagnostic criteria determined that an X/Y ratio <0.5 had the greatest inter‐rater reliability when measured in end‐diastole in the parasternal short‐axis view in the apical anterolateral segment [32]. Echocardiography is the first‐line imaging modality used in the diagnosis and characterization of LVNC. The morphology of LVNC is readily seen by 2D and color flow mapping. The hallmark feature is prominent trabeculations, typically along the lateral and apical walls of the LV (Figure 38.4, Video 38.1). In LVNC, the noncompact, or trabeculated, inner layer is thicker than the compact layer. The trabeculations are more easily seen during diastole, whereas the two‐layer appearance of the myocardium is better seen in systole [26]. Both contrast echocardiography and CMR imaging can help define the continuity of the left ventricular cavity with the trabecular spaces, particularly when the quality of standard imaging is limited [30,33]. In addition to an evaluation of the morphologic features, a comprehensive assessment of ventricular size and systolic and diastolic function should be performed. The intertrabecular recesses should be examined for the presence of thrombus formation. Speckle tracking is a novel marker that may help to distinguish LVNC from other forms of dilated cardiomyopathy. In a group of 10 patients with isolated LVNC, a solid body twist (or absent rotation) of the heart was found during systole, in contrast to an opposing twist direction from base to apex in those patients with normal hearts or in those with dilated cardiomyopathy [34]. However, speckle tracking has not gained widespread use because of limited reproducibility. Several imaging‐based risk factors for adverse clinical outcome in LVNC have been proposed, including: (i) ratio of noncompact to compact layers; (ii) number of affected segments; (iii) left ventricular end‐diastolic dimension; (iv) abnormal echocardiographic lateral mitral annular early diastolic tissue Doppler velocity (E <7.8 cm/s); and (v) ventricular dysfunction [7,31,35–39]. Figure 38.4(a) Subxiphoid image in 2D of an infant with valvar aortic stenosis and left ventricular noncompaction. Deep intertrabecular recesses are seen. (b) Same image with color Doppler shows the color (blood flow) entering multiple small recesses within the left ventricular cavity. Prenatal diagnosis of LVNC has been described [40]. Reported cases have involved ventricular dysfunction and right ventricular noncompaction [13]. A limitation of prenatal diagnosis is the difficulty in obtaining adequately high spatial resolution to detect trabeculations (Figure 38.5, Video 38.2). In the fetus with LVNC, there is a strong association with congenital heart disease, complete heart block, chromosomal/noncardiac abnormalities, and overall poor prognosis [40,41]. If ventricular function is poor, hydrops fetalis may develop. Color Doppler can be helpful to assess for flow within the trabecular recesses. Figure 38.5 Multiple images of fetal left ventricular noncompaction. (a) Fetal four‐chamber view at 30 weeks’ gestation demonstrating thickening of the left ventricular wall (black arrows), and increased trabeculations in the right ventricular apex (white asterisks). (b) Apical four‐chamber view of the postnatal echocardiogram in the same patient demonstrating features of noncompaction in the right ventricle (RV) and left ventricle (LV). Note the deep trabecular recesses of the left ventricular apical, lateral, and septal walls with relative sparing of the basal myocardium. (c) Parasternal short‐axis view in the same patient in diastole showing the increased thickness of noncompact myocardium (white arrow) to compact myocardium (black arrow), with increased trabeculations in the RV. (d) Parasternal short‐axis view in the same patient in systole demonstrating that the LV myocardium has a two‐layered appearance. LA, left atrium; RA, right atrium. Congenital left ventricular outpouchings, including congenital aneurysms and diverticula, are protrusions from the LV cavity that lack any other etiologic explanation. As discussed by Van Praagh and colleagues [42], the two are distinct entities, beginning with the origin of their names: aneurysm is derived from the Greek root eurys, meaning “wide” whereas diverticulum is from the Latin word deverticulum, meaning a “byroad” with the connotation of a narrow, meandering pathway. LV aneurysms are characterized as protrusions from the myocardium with a wide mouth and consisting of thinned or abnormal myocardium or fibrous tissue. LV diverticula have a narrow communication with the functional ventricle and are composed of endocardium, myocardium, and epicardium [43]. Congenital LV aneurysms may have varying degrees of localized wall motion abnormality, whereas diverticula typically have normal contractile function [44]. Diverticula of the RV have also been reported, arising either from the conal region, the base, or the apex [45–47]. Variability in classification of the congenital outpouchings in the literature has led to challenges in consistent communication and discussion about this important group of disorders. As an example, multiple case reports of “double‐chambered left ventricle” reveal a similar morphologic appearance as that described for congenital left ventricular aneurysm [48–54]. The entity double‐chambered left ventricle is likely far rarer than suggested by prior case reports (Figure 38.6). A suggested classification scheme is listed in (Figure 38.7). Figure 38.6 Double‐chambered left ventricle. Echocardiogram images of a newborn demonstrating a subtle echo‐bright region in the apex of the left ventricle (a) with no obstruction to flow (b). At 4 years of age, an echo‐bright bar of tissue separates the inflow portion of the left ventricle from the apex in diastole (c), creating a high‐pressure apical chamber as shown in systole (d). The appearance of a high‐pressure apical chamber is again seen by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging at 8 years of age in diastole (e) and systole (f). The bar of tissue is hypoperfused on first‐pass perfusion imaging (g), and fibrotic on late gadolinium enhancement imaging (h). Figure 38.7 Diagnostic criteria for congenital outpouchings and double‐chambered left ventricle (LV). A lack of consistent description in the literature has led to challenges in communication and classification of these disorders. Congenital LV aneurysm and diverticulum are both rare anomalies, mostly described in case reports and small case series. A frequency of 0.12% was reported for congenital LV aneurysm from a large cardiac pathology registry [44]. LV diverticulum was noted in 0.4% of an autopsy series of cardiac deaths and in 0.26% of nonselected patients undergoing cardiac catheterization [43,55]. Congenital LV aneurysms and diverticula are both presumed to be idiopathic developmental abnormalities of the endomyocardium [44]. Although studies suggest a higher incidence of congenital coronary artery abnormalities, they should be distinguished from aneurysms or pseudoaneurysms caused by ischemic, infective, or traumatic processes [56]. A particular subtype of LV aneurysm, the submitral aneurysm, seen most often in patients from sub‐Saharan Africa, is thought to result from a congenital deficiency in the fusion of myocardium with the cardiac fibrous skeleton (Figure 38.8, Video 38.3) [57]. Both aneurysms and diverticula have been described in utero, some resulting in fetal demise [58], and they occur in children and adults either as incidental findings or associated with clinical symptoms of arrhythmia, heart failure, mitral insufficiency, or thromboembolism. There is one report of the occurrence of LV diverticulum in siblings [59], but no genetic markers have yet been described. Apical LV diverticula occur in patients with pentalogy of Cantrell syndrome, a defect in the ventral mesoderm that results in abnormalities of the abdominal wall, sternum, anterior diaphragm, pericardium, and intracardiac anatomy (Figure 38.9, Video 38.4). It has been postulated that the diverticulum in this syndrome may be caused by an abnormal attachment of the heart tube to the yolk sac, causing the myocardium to be drawn out as the yolk sac recedes [60]. Figure 38.8 Two‐dimensional echocardiogram of a Bantu submitral aneurysm in a 44‐year‐old Nigerian male. (a) Parasternal short‐axis view demonstrating the septated sonolucent areas in the posterior and inferior mitral annular region of the left ventricle (LV) (white asterisks). (b) Posteriorly angulated four‐chamber view in the same patient showing the submitral aneurysm (white asterisk) just inferior to the coronary sinus. RA, right atrium, RV, right ventricle. Small aneurysms and diverticula are usually asymptomatic and found incidentally by echocardiography or angiography. Larger abnormalities may present as a deformity of the cardiac silhouette on chest X‐ray. Systolic clicks or murmurs on auscultation have been described in patients with aneurysms and diverticula due to expansion of the lesion in systole or because of flow across the narrow diverticular neck. Mitral regurgitation may be the initial clinical feature in patients with submitral aneurysms or basilar congenital aneurysms that undermine the mitral support apparatus. Coronary compression with changes of ischemia or infarction has been reported with large aneurysms in the region of the left anterior descending or circumflex coronary arteries [43,61]. The ECG is frequently abnormal in patients with diverticula or other forms of congenital aneurysm, and includes findings of premature ventricular contractions, ventricular tachycardia, left axis deviation, and left bundle branch block [62]. A large review of 809 published cases of congenital left ventricular outpouchings revealed a higher rate of congestive heart failure and cardiac death in the congenital left ventricular aneurysm group compared with the diverticulum group (congestive heart failure: 21.5% versus 6.8%, P <0.0001; death: 12.7% versus 3.8%, P = 0.02). However, rupture was reported more frequently in the diverticulum group compared with the aneurysm group (75% versus 23%, P = 0.0006); and the authors propose that this may be related to an excessive increase in systolic pressure within the diverticulum [63]. Figure 38.9 Multimodality imaging of congenital left ventricular diverticulum in the setting of pentalogy of Cantrell. Associated findings in this patient were tricuspid atresia, ectopia cordis, omphalocele, and sternal cleft. (a) CMR imaging showing the apex of the left ventricular cavity protruding from the thoracic cavity. (b) Cine steady state free precession (SSFP) imaging in the sagittal plane also showing protrusion of the left ventricle (LV) from the thoracic cavity (white arrow) along with the abdominal contents (including the liver). The thin‐walled left ventricular diverticulum is denoted by white arrowheads. (c) Cine SSFP imaging in four‐chamber view demonstrating the anatomic abnormality of tricuspid atresia with ventricular septal defect and the left ventricular diverticulum protruding from the thoracic cavity. (d) Fetal echocardiogram in four‐chamber view (equivalent view to (c)) also demonstrates tricuspid atresia with ventricular septal defect and left ventricular diverticulum. LA, left atrium. Prenatal presentation of diverticula or aneurysms is variable. Some fetuses have had fetal or perinatal death from heart failure with hydrops, or from leaking and rupture of the aneurysm or diverticulum, presaged by fetal pericardial effusion. In other prenatal cases, the size of the diverticulum remains unchanged or decreases with growth of the surrounding myocardium. LV aneurysms may also continue to expand during gestation, with outcome related to the volume of the aneurysm relative to the ventricular cavity [36,443,64,65]. Postnatally, patients may present with symptoms related to arrhythmia or thromboembolism. Rupture of a thin‐walled aneurysm or a high‐pressure diverticulum can also result in tamponade and sudden death. Alternatively, some patients remain asymptomatic with no change in the size of the abnormal chamber over long‐term follow‐up [66]. In one case series of 26 patients with aneurysms or diverticula, 38% of patients had symptoms consisting of syncope, ventricular tachycardia, or heart failure. Larger aneurysm size is associated with larger LV end‐diastolic volume and decreased ejection fraction. Apical aneurysms tend to be larger and are more commonly associated with symptoms, need for defibrillator placement, and surgical resection [44]. Management of these rare anomalies must be individualized depending on the size and location of the defect and associated symptoms. Successful surgical repair with simple excision or the modified Dor procedure has been reported [44,67,68]. Anticoagulation to prevent embolic complications should be considered if surgical resection is not feasible. Congenital ventricular aneurysms are wide‐mouthed protrusions from the ventricle with varying degrees of wall motion abnormality (Figure 38.10, Video 38.5). The aneurysm consists of thinned or dysplastic myocardium and fibrous tissue [44]. Whereas aneurysms are seen most often at the LV apex, they may involve the LV free wall, the septum, or the submitral and subaortic annular regions. Subannular aneurysms may have one or more smaller entry sites from the LV around the mitral and aortic annuli. The extent of the aneurysm and its involvement of mitral supporting structures influences the degree of clinical symptoms. Ventricular diverticula classically have a narrow orifice from the ventricle, are composed of endocardium, myocardium, and epicardium, and demonstrate intrinsic contractility. They may occur as single or multiple small protrusions from the left or right ventricle, or as a large meandering channel extending through a sternal or abdominal wall defect in patients with omphalocele or pentalogy of Cantrell syndrome (Figure 38.11, Video 38.6) [60]. Figure 38.10 Multimodality imaging of a congenital aneurysm of the ventricular septum in a 19‐year‐old female with palpitations and frequent premature ventricular contractions. (a) Parasternal short‐axis view demonstrating the aneurysm in the posterior portion of the ventricular septum in diastole (white asterisk). (b) In systole, the abnormal movement of the aneurysmal portion of the septum is seen. (c) Apical four‐chamber view in the same patient demonstrating the extent of the aneurysm with the wide neck noted and several septations (white asterisk). (d) Color Doppler imaging in the same patient in apical four‐chamber view demonstrating diastolic flow into the aneurysm. (e, f) CMR using cine steady state free precession imaging in the four‐chamber (e) and short‐axis (f) views also shows the septal aneurysm. The wall of the aneurysm is thin walled and the left ventricle (LV) appears dilated. Figure 38.11 Multimodality imaging of a congenital left ventricular diverticulum in an infant with omphalocele and pulsatile mass over the abdomen. The heart was otherwise structurally normal. (a) Apical four‐chamber view with color Doppler in diastole demonstrating a long, finger‐like protrusion from the apex of the left ventricle (LV) with good contractility. (b) In systole, color flow is seen going in the opposite direction. (c) CMR image in a sagittal plane demonstrating the abdominal wall defect (white arrows). (d) CMR angiography confirming a narrow appearance and long length of the diverticulum.
Other Anomalies of the Ventricular Myocardium
Left ventricular hypertrabeculationor noncompaction
Developmental considerations
Clinical presentation
Prenatal assessment
Congenital left ventricular outpouchings
Clinical presentation

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