Viral diseases

18 Neoplastic conditions

See also:

Literally the term ‘neoplasia’ means ‘new growth’. The resulting mass of cells is termed a neoplasm and this term should be used for any non-inflammatory tissue swelling. The term tumour is often used synonymously although it should probably be reserved for swellings associated with the signs of inflammation (swelling, pain, heat and redness). The term cancer is probably derived from the Latin for ‘crab’ and is commonly applied to all malignant neoplasms. The term is therefore usually reserved for tissues with a purposeless malignant behaviour that parasitize the host body through their demanding nutritional competition with the normal tissues. Neoplastic tissues are often viewed as virtually autonomous because the neoplasm may flourish while the host loses weight and vitality but ultimately of course the tumour does rely totally on the host to supply nutrients and oxygen.

Neoplastic disease is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in horses and it is certainly true that the skin is by far the most common organ affected by neoplastic disease in horses worldwide (Jackson 1936, British Equine Veterinary Association 1965, Kerr & Alden 1974, Baker & Leyland 1975, Cotchin 1977). The prevalence of skin tumours is relatively high in the horse and most tumour types have particular features which make early diagnosis important. In contrast to most other species, in equine cutaneous oncology there is little correlation between the prevalence of skin tumours and advancing age.

By the time a solid tumour is clinically detectable it has already completed a major portion of its life cycle – cell replication is established with a ‘clone’ of abnormal cells whose clinical and pathological behaviour is determined by specific genetic changes that have taken place. The latent period before which a tumour becomes clinically detectable is highly unpredictable and will depend upon a number of characteristics such as the rate of replication versus cell death (the growth fraction), the inherent replication rate of the cells themselves (reflected crudely as the mitotic index or the proportion of cells undergoing mitosis at any one time) and the absolute number of tumour cells present. Some tumours are very slow growing while others are rapid. This means that equine tumours are usually only diagnosed when they are in a relatively advanced state. An added complication is the generally casual acceptance of skin tumours by both owners and veterinarians. Although there are some well-recognized basic principles in cutaneous oncology of horses, there is little that is predictable about cutaneous neoplasia.

The pathophysiology of neoplasia centres on cells that lose their normal growth controls, replicate more rapidly and in some cases migrate locally and/or to remote sites by either haematogenous spread, lymphatic dissemination or direct contiguous invasion of adjacent structures and tissues. The underlying cause for this change in behaviour is invariably genetically driven resulting from spontaneous (innate) or induced (carcinogenic) mutations in their genetic structure, i.e. the acquisition or establishment of an oncogene (a gene that has been mutated in a way that supports neoplastic growth). The genetic alterations that culminate in cell transformation are those that control cell cycle check points, DNA repair and DNA damage recognition, apoptosis (programmed natural/planned cell death) and growth/replication signalling mechanisms. As a result of the changes the cells may lose their ‘mortality’ (planned cell death/apoptosis) although they may retain some or even all of their normal functions. The loss of normal apoptosis leads to tumour formation and the clonal expansion of the population of these cells culminates in the development of a visible tumour.

Not every cell that has a genetic mutation will result in neoplastic growth! Indeed spontaneous or carcinogen-induced changes may occur far more frequently than we suspect but many of the mutations will either be repaired or will result in immediate cell death, i.e. the cell is no longer viable. In either of these cases normal function will usually be maintained. The tumour will influence the host and in many cases the host will instigate natural defensive mechanisms that may limit or even eliminate the mutated cells. The two main neoplastic changes that occur within the genetic structure are:

The specific diagnosis of a tumour is very important, particularly with respect to the prognosis and possible treatment options. In some cases, such as the equine sarcoid, biopsy may be specifically contraindicated and a diagnosis may have to rely on other means. Some tumours are easily recognized clinically, e.g. melanoma, but others are much more difficult. Interference with a malignant tumour or incomplete surgical removal may result in a significant reduction in prognosis. Fortunately, the incidence of highly malignant tumours of equine skin is generally very low. Over the last 50 years there has been a dramatic increase in our understanding of neoplastic disease – unfortunately this has not been reflected in similar advances in equine oncology. However, it is certainly true that more effective therapy is being delivered and that there are advances being made to the benefit of horses.

One of the most important major characters of neoplastic masses is their clinical and pathological behaviour. Tumours are broadly divided into benign and malignant neoplasms. Benign tumours tend to grow slowly and remain localized. They are usually well differentiated (i.e. they closely resemble the normal cell type) and exert few remote clinical effects. Malignant tumours in contrast grow rapidly and tend to be invasive. They are usually less differentiated (i.e. the cells are more representative of the earliest developing cells of that specific type or have little or no resemblance to the normal cells) and may spread either locally by invasion of tissues (giving the tumour a bound-down character) or through haematogenous or lymphatic dissemination to other organs such as the lungs, spleen, kidney of bowel.

All neoplastic skin disease, whether benign or malignant, may be expected to have some implication for the horse in terms of either survival or well-being or cosmesis. Both benign and malignant tumours cause significant problems. Although naturally the malignant tumours might have a wider implication by virtue of their pathological behaviour, both benign and malignant tumours can cause both morbidity and mortality.

Tumours exert their effects in many ways. Functional tumours can produce active hormones while others have space-occupying effects. Others are debilitating by virtue of their ‘parasitic’ nature and others have widespread effects from abnormal, metabolically active secretions.

Both malignant and benign tumours have two basic components:

Where the stromal support is poorly developed, the tumour tends to take on a fleshy, soft nature while those tumours that have a firm, well-structured support tend to be hard/firm.

Benign tumours are usually designated by the suffix -oma to the cell of origin, e.g. fibroma, chondroma, lipoma, melanoma. Benign epithelial tumours with histologically or visually recognizable warty epithelial projections are termed papillomas. Benign tumours that project above the surface of the surrounding epithelium are called polyps.

The nomenclature of malignant tumours follows a well-defined pattern. Malignant tumours of epithelial cell origin (derived from any of the three germinal layers) are termed ‘carcinoma’ and prefixed by the cell type, e.g. squamous or basal cell carcinoma. Carcinomas with a microscopically identifiable glandular structure are termed adenocarcinoma, e.g. sebaceous adenocarcinoma. Malignant tumours derived from mesenchymal cells are termed ‘-sarcoma’, a term derived from the Greek ‘sar’ meaning fleshy. The generally fleshy clinical appearance of these tumours arises because they have little connective tissue stromal support. Examples are the fibrosarcoma, melanosarcoma and haemangiosarcoma.

Although in most cases it is possible to differentiate between benign and malignant neoplasia morphologically, in some cases the tumour cannot be certainly categorized. It is important to realize that any particular tumour does not have to fall into one or other category; sometimes there are characteristics of both broad groups in the same mass. Also, the morphological appearance may belie the clinical behaviour of the tumour; histologically it may look benign/innocent but clinically it may behave aggressively. However, there are recognizable features that can be used in combination to try to define the tumour type more accurately (Table 18.1). These are:

Table 18.1 The basic differentiating features of benign and malignant tumours

  Benign Malignant
Extent of cell differentiation/Anaplasia Limited/absentWell-differentiated cells (recognizably similar to normal tissue type) MarkedLack of differentiation with anaplasia; atypical cell structure/form
Local invasion LimitedUsually cohesive with well-demarcated margins that do not invade local normal tissues. This does not necessarily equate with encapsulation ExtensiveLocally invasive with ill-defined margins. Some are more structured and expand locally
Rate of growth/expansion Slow progressionPeriods of rapid/slow expansion or static, and some periods of apparent regression Rapid (or variable/slow)Erratic growth patterns
Mitotic index LowFew mitotic figures and these are normal in appearance HighNumerous mitotic figures and possibly abnormal/bizarre mitoses
Blood supply Variable Variable (usually high)
Metastasis No Yes (frequently present)The more undifferentiated the tumour the more likely are metastases
Differentiation of the cells (anaplasia)

Tumours are the result of clonal expansion and therefore the cells are usually uniform although there may be recognizable differences in their stage of maturation. The terms differentiation and anaplasia are used to describe the parenchymal cells of the tumour. Differentiation refers to the extent the cells resemble or differ from the normal cells of the tissue involved, both morphologically and functionally. The extent of cellular differentiation probably reflects the degree to which the mutation(s) alter the functions of the cell. Well-differentiated tumours are made up of cells that closely resemble the parent cell type in both morphology and function; this may make the tumour difficult to distinguish from simple hyperplasia or a hamartoma – sometimes it is only the abnormal accumulation that is recognizable. Thus, a well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma will have apparently normal keratinocytes that produce normal keratin although of course the increased cell numbers may mean that the volume of keratin is increased abnormally. This means that a simple morphological diagnosis of malignancy in a well-differentiated tumour can be very difficult. Sometimes it is reliant upon special staining and even the use of immunostaining.

Malignant neoplasms, by contrast, have a wide range of differentiation. Extensive mutation(s) that are not fatal to the cell would probably result in severe alteration of the cell function and therefore a clonal expansion of abnormal cells, often with a high rate of replication (mitotic index (relative number of mitotic figures in the tumour)/doubling time (time taken to double the size of the tumour)), will likely result in a poorly recognizable histological appearance. Malignant cells that are very poorly differentiated are termed anaplastic. The extent of differentiation may reflect the stage at which the cell is transformed into a neoplastic state. Transformation of an early (stem) cell will result in a very poorly differentiated tumour while a mutation of a more mature tissue cell may result in a more differentiated tumour. Typically undifferentiated (anaplastic) (malignant) cells manifest atypical degrees of pleomorphism – variation in cell size and shape – and have bizarre mitotic figures (often with multiple polar spindles). Abnormally large or small cells may be present. The nuclei of the cells contain abnormal amounts of DNA, often clumped in abnormal fashion that stain strongly (hyperchromasia). The nucleus may occupy an abnormally large proportion of the cell – often occupying more than 50% of the cytoplasm (normal nuclei occupy between 12% and 25%).

Anaplastic cells usually also vary in their structural arrangements; the tissue has a disorganized appearance with sheets or clumps of cells with a scanty vascular supply. Often, the rate of growth results in central necrosis – the tumour outgrows its own blood supply. Indeed the doubling time may be reduced if the central or larger parts of the tumour become necrotic. If all the cells survived the tumour would double its size in a predictable fashion depending on the rate of cell replication but most cells produced in a tumour do die as a consequence of pressure necrosis, ischaemia, anoxia, nutritive competition or abnormal mitosis. Also, many tumours replicate at a lower rate than the parent tissue so replication rate or even doubling time is not, on its own, always an accurate measure of the potential danger of the tumour. The absolute size of the tumour is also not a definitive indicator of its clinical significance (Fig. 18.1).

The two extremes of differentiation represent the breadth of cell differentiation that is possible in both benign and malignant tumours. It is certainly true that most tumours fall somewhere in between the two extremes.

A further complication is created by the ‘precancerous’ changes that are recognizable in some tumour types. Cell dysplasia is an important aspect in the pathology of skin tumours; the term is used to describe the disorderly but non-neoplastic cell replication in which there is a loss of cell uniformity and a disruption of cell architecture with an abnormally high replication rate. In the skin this is a relatively well-recognized pathological change in the horse – mitoses and a chaotic architectural arrangement are present in all the layers of the stratified squamous epithelium. When all the layers are affected this is usually regarded as a pre-invasive neoplasm or carcinoma in situ (intra-epithelial carcinoma). Although there is evidence to suggest that the changes do in fact represent a (pre)carcinomatous change, full development of a malignancy is still not inevitable. Where the changes do not involve all the layers of the epithelium, the changes may be reversible by removal of the carcinogen or removal/sloughing of the affected cells down to a normally replicating population. Topical corticosteroids, retinoids such as tazarotene and other pro-apoptotic compounds, and simple removal of the carcinogen can still be totally curative. A good example is the precarcinomatous dysplasia that occurs on the penile and preputial skin of aged geldings (Fig. 18.2); if left, carcinoma is a regular development while if the area is cleaned of smegma and topical steroid is used, the earliest lesions are usually resolved completely.

Assessing tumour activity and pathological behaviour (tumour grading/staging)

The classification of the severity and clinical nature of a neoplasm can be made through the process of grading/staging. This expresses the level of differentiation (grade) and the extent of spread of the tumour (stage). However, attempts to establish this system in horses have commonly been frustrated by the lack of correlation between the clinical and histological features. Grading is therefore not yet widely employed and instead a morphological description is commonly used. It is inevitable, however, that equine tumour medicine will need this kind of classification.

Non-paraneoplastic consequences of cutaneous tumour development

The direct consequences of skin neoplasms can be significant and functionally limiting and debilitating effects can result in major complications with management. Even benign tumours can have profound effects on the animal. The effects can include:

1. Secretion of normal endocrine and paracrine metabolites which occurs when the neoplastic cells of a glandular or secretory structure are fully functional, i.e. well differentiated. This is not a major aspect of dermatological tumours.

2. Functional disability when the tumour interferes with the normal function of any adjacent organ. Usually this is a result of space-occupying properties. For example, a large perineal melanoma can obstruct the rectum and result in tenesmus, obstructive constipation (obstipation) and colic as a result of non-strangulating small colon obstruction (Fig. 18.4). Although penile carcinoma is singularly rare in (working) stallions (as opposed to geldings), when it does occur it can be very aggressive with devastating effects on the animal’s breeding capacity (Fig. 18.5). The location of the tumour and its nature will clearly influence the effects it has on the adjacent structures. For example, a melanoma in the jugular groove can seriously affect the vago-sympathetic trunk and produce Horner’s syndrome and laryngeal paralysis. Even head oedema and swallowing difficulties can arise. Tumours that involve the eyelid may have serious effects on the eye itself (Fig. 18.6). This is the reason why a very careful and exhaustive clinical assessment is essential in all cases where neoplastic disease is suspected. The presenting sign may be dramatic but secondary to a less obvious tumour state. Functional loss can present in a misleading way. For example, the main (most obvious) external sign in a horse with multicentric lymphosarcoma may be diarrhoea. A careful clinical examination might identify significant cutaneous nodules. In the same way a single cutaneous haemangioma/haemangiosarcoma lesion may be missed in a horse with unilateral hind limb lameness, which could be due to disseminated tumours. It is always worth establishing the whole range of presenting signs before making a tentative diagnosis.

3. Metabolic deficiencies such as anaemia and hypoproteinaemia as a result of continued plasma and blood loss. Ulcerated and/or exposed tumours that can easily be traumatized can cause major blood and protein losses (Fig. 18.7).

4. Secondary infection/infestation: open ulcerated tumours are very liable to infection and myiasis in particular. Whilst the blood supply can be considerable it does appear that local immunity can be severely compromised by the tumour’s existence.

The paraneoplastic syndrome

This is a syndrome that has a complex and poorly understood pathogenesis characterized by clinical and metabolic events that cannot be directly explained by the presence of the tumour (either locally or by metastatic spread) or by the formation of naturally occurring bioactive mediators and hormones in the cell type concerned. Although in horses these syndromes are less common and in skin tumours they are even rarer, they are important. Quite often it seems that they are overlooked in the process of diagnosis of tumours in general but they may be the very first evidence of a serious neoplastic disease. Also the syndromes themselves may be fatal and then the death may be attributed to causes other than cancer. For the most part the syndromes are very complex and difficult to treat without removing the primary cause, i.e. the neoplastic disease.

There is also a clinical risk that animals showing signs consistent with the paraneoplastic syndrome (weight loss, anaemia, pica, etc.) may have other non-neoplastic reasons for these signs.

Cancer should be regarded as a parasitic state but in the case of the paraneoplastic syndrome it is even more than this. It is generally considered to be a complex multi-endocrinological effect from the secretion of false endocrinologically active metabolites of the tumour. Some tumours have a much higher propensity for inducing these changes. From a clinical perspective it appears as generalized metabolic effects resulting in disproportionate weight loss, inappetence, recurrent fever and sometimes anaemia. There are few primary skin tumour types that have well-recognized paraneoplastic consequences but, for example, the common equine sarcoid can be associated with debilitating effects and with a disproportionate metabolic effect reducing performance and possibly resulting in weight loss. Furthermore there are dermatological consequences of other tumour types such as haemangiosarcoma and lymphosarcoma that are included in the paraneoplastic syndromes. Various forms of immune-mediated vasculitis including paraneoplastic pemphigus (see p. 267) and paraneoplastic pruritus are recognized (Williams et al 1995, Anhalt 1997). Often the clinical effects are most obvious in the oral mucosa but changes can occur in the skin. Histologically subepidermal clefting, and vesicle formation with accumulation of lymphocytes, plasma cells and neutrophils were reported. These changes are dependent on the tumour and so removal of a causative mass can result in resolution of the dermal problem.

The approach to a suspected skin tumour

Clinicians tend to underestimate the contribution they make in the diagnosis of neoplastic disease, often preferring to rely almost totally on the pathologist. However, if the clinician provides a really careful dossier of information for the pathologists the likelihood of an early diagnosis is far greater. The role of the pathologist is critical, if only to make a clear differentiation between abnormal accumulations of normal cells and the various stages of tumour development. Clinically, early tumours can often easily be mistaken for hyperplastic tissue responses and vice versa (Fig. 18.8). Careful review of both the clinical and pathological findings may change the diagnosis.

There is nothing special about the diagnostic approach to a cutaneous mass! The normal clinical investigative procedure should always be carried out – sometimes an aggressive looking lesion turns out to be simple and benign and possibly even not neoplastic, while another may look innocuous and actually be highly sinister. An instant diagnosis may sometimes be available through the recognition of definitive clinical features (such as melanoma) but an intuitive ‘guess’ can lead to the wrong interpretation even if the tumour is ‘recognizable’. For example, does a single, localized, darkly coloured mass on a grey horse have to be a melanoma? Where the mass is not sufficiently recognizable as to allow a definitive diagnosis to be made immediately, biopsy may be suggested. Biopsy is usually definitive provided that a suitably diagnostic specimen is obtained, because most tumour types are now recognized pathologically. The various techniques for biopsy/tissue sampling are described in Chapter 3 and typically some methods are more or less applicable to particular tumour types. However, the potential dangers of interference with any skin tumour must be considered carefully before performing any biopsy procedure. The least traumatic methods are fine needle aspiration and impression smears of ulcerated tumours. In both cases the ease and safety are somewhat offset by their variable clinical ‘return’. In many cases a reasoned judgement has to be made on the likely nature of the mass. Frozen sections examined immediately after removal may provide a rapid diagnosis, but this is often not feasible. In the case of very small tumours, a total excisional biopsy (surgical removal) may be undertaken with some degree of safety. Where biopsy is considered unavoidable, suitable therapeutic options should be available for treatment as soon as the results are known. There is no point in taking a biopsy if its results will not influence the clinical approach.

Pathologists are usually highly skilled in recognizing the features of tumours. Laboratory confirmation should always be undertaken if there is doubt and then a positive diagnosis can usually be achieved. Where surgical removal is performed, all tissue removed should be submitted to the pathologist; a pathologist will be better able to decide how and where to cut the tissue blocks to obtain the best specimens. Special stains and immunohistochemistry can give improved diagnostic information. It is sometimes very helpful to supply a photograph of the lesion and the site of the biopsy and it may be even better to consult with the pathologist before taking the samples.

Aspects of malignancy are clearly important (even if only retrospectively). Skilled pathologists are usually able to establish whether there is an adequate margin or whether excision has not been complete. A report of a ‘safe margin of excision’ is reassuring for the surgeon. Many tumours have local variations within the mass of tissue and examination of a relatively small piece may be misleading. For example, benign granulation tissue can be interspersed amongst a fibroblastic sarcoid; there may be an area of occult sarcoid around a smaller nodular or fibroblastic sarcoid; and there may be precancerous changes surrounding a squamous cell carcinoma lesion. A limited biopsy may provide the wrong information but extensive biopsy may be undesirable. The clinical examination and the experience of the clinician are therefore important.

Haematological responses including white cell and protein responses are generally not helpful in cutaneous neoplasia of any type. Cancer cachexia, characterized by weight loss, depression, anorexia, metabolic disturbances and general malaise which resolve after tumour treatment, is only rarely encountered in primary cutaneous neoplasia. However, where it does exist, it suggests that neoplastic lesions have significant secondary effects and sometimes these can be identified from blood. It is also important to remember that there are some cutaneous manifestations of internal tumours such as cutaneous metastases, immune-mediated vasculitis, and paraneoplastic pemphigus and in the case of pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction (PPID/Cushing’s disease/pituitary adenoma) even hirsutism, polydipsia-polyuria and laminitis.

Table 18.2 lists common and unusual skin tumours.

Table 18.2 Common and rare skin tumours

Common skin tumours
Dermal melanoma/melanosarcoma
Mast cell tumour (mastocytoma/equine cutaneous mastocytosis)
Neurofibroma (schwannoma)
Ossifying fibroma
Squamous cell carcinoma
Rare/unusual skin tumours
Basal cell carcinoma
Epitheliotropic lymphoma(mycosis fungoides)
Giant cell tumour
Histiocytoma (malignant/fibrous)
Sebaceous gland tumour
Sweat gland tumour

Diagnostic procedures for neoplasia

The majority of skin tumours fall into the nodular diseases category. There are some important features of diagnosis and treatment which should be appreciated before any interference is undertaken. These include aspects of malignancy where interference could result in tumour dissemination, and the tendency to recurrence at the site.

Important diagnostic features include the following:

Physical examination

In all cases of cutaneous neoplasia a physical examination must be undertaken. This must include:

All three of these have a strong influence on the diagnostic process as well as on treatment and prognosis. For example, a horse with a single, slowly expanding subcutaneous mass in the medial thigh might have gross enlargement of the ipsilateral subiliac lymph node – this might support a preliminary diagnosis of lymphoma but in any case would alter the outlook considerably. Whilst an exhaustive clinical examination may seem in many cases to be an unnecessary complication, there is little worse than making a totally wrong diagnosis that seriously affects both the patient and its owner. Time spent in diagnostic processes is never wasted and there are few genuine dermatological or oncological emergencies!

The body condition of the horse and the health (or normality) of its system/organ functions may be seriously affected by some neoplastic disorders but much less so by others. Local invasion of tumour tissue may result in local distortions, physical alterations or functional problems, e.g. palpebral tumours may cause eyelid problems with secondary corneal ulceration or nasolacrimal obstructions with epiphora. Diffuse, ill-defined tumours may suggest malignancy or at least the prospect of treatment limitations. Few lymph nodes are readily palpable in the horse and further procedures such as endoscopy, radiography, ultrasonography and rectal examination may be required.

The laboratory-based diagnosis of neoplastic conditions has become much more complex as more is understood about the various cell behaviour patterns. Normally diagnostic tests include:

Cytological examination (see Chapter 3)

The histological diagnosis of most advanced equine tumours is not problematic. Where a tumour has a very benign, differentiated form and where the changes are so severe that cellular structure cannot easily be recognized, there are few difficulties. The intermediate stages are far more of a problem and specific stains or immunocytochemistry, molecular methods, flow cytometry and the detection of specific tumour markers will often help. Possibly the biggest help is the clinical description and the correct and appropriate sampling of tissues.

The cell abnormalities encountered in aspirates are often subtle and difficult to interpret alongside artefactual alterations from sampling techniques. It is easy to over-interpret artefactual changes and indeed to overlook subtle but important diagnostic features. Incorrect sampling can easily occur and lead at best to a difficult interpretation and at worst to an error of diagnosis that could have been avoided (see p. 71). All smears/aspirates obtained from tumours must therefore be examined by an experienced cytopathologist. It is probably unacceptable to make a diagnosis without the help of such a specialist. Even recognizing ‘black’ cells in a suspect melanoma is not enough to establish useful information on pathological behaviour.

Malignant cells may be reported to exhibit some or all of the following:

Biopsy and histopathological examination (see Chapter 3)

There are several available sampling methods for use in equine oncology.

Biopsy of suspicious lesions is for the most part a sensible procedure. However, if the results of the procedure are not going to influence the management/treatment then there is little point in taking the biopsy at all. In some cases biopsy does not provide any more useful information – the common equine ‘melanoma’ probably does not warrant a biopsy because the clinical appearance is so ‘typical’. However, regular submissions even from such cases might add eventually to our understanding of the condition. Also, some tumours may be exacerbated by the process of biopsy – the equine sarcoid, for example, is probably best not subjected to biopsy unless an immediate therapeutic regimen can be applied because of the risk of exacerbation (Brostrom 1995). Therefore, presumptive diagnoses are often made and acted upon. It is only when there are complications or uncertainties that further testing is really required,

Biopsy of skin lesions is usually feasible under sedation and local analgesia alone. The interpretation of a biopsy relies heavily upon:

Histopathology is probably compulsory for all excised tissues. There is little or no excuse for not submitting such specimens. These specimens will provide important information including the true (undistorted) characteristics of the tissue and the presence or absence of a clear line of demarcation to normal tissue. Unless every single tumour cell is removed, regrowth is likely and so, if only as an assessment of prognosis, surgical pathology is vital. If excision was not complete the owner can be warned that recurrence is likely; it is not then a disappointing surprise when the tumour recurs. Most owners will accept this more readily if communication is maintained.

Equine sarcoid


This is probably the most common cutaneous tumour of Equidae worldwide. All equids are liable to the condition including horses, mules, donkeys and zebras.

There is controversy over the aetiological role of papillomaviruses. A genome which closely resembles that of the bovine papillomavirus (BPV1/BPV2) has been identified consistently in sarcoid tissue from donkeys and horses (Reid & Smith 1992), but no vegetative virus particle has yet been conclusively demonstrated. Furthermore, the genome is apparently restricted to transformed fibroblasts. Keratinocytes do not appear to be involved directly. There are several examples where species-specific papillomaviruses are closely associated with non-papillomatosis neoplastic disease in that species, e.g. human papillomavirus (HPV) and cervical cancer and bovine papillomavirus (BPV) and bladder carcinoma. Nevertheless this is possibly the only circumstance when a papillomavirus from one species has any implication for another species.

The distribution of the lesions and the epidemiology strongly suggest that flies are an important part of the pathogenesis.

Clinically and pathologically, sarcoids present most of the features of a true neoplasm. The predominant cell type is a malignant/transformed fibroblast with characteristic in-vitro appearance and characteristics.

Sarcoids generally have a high capacity for local tissue invasion into the dermis and subcutis. However, true metastatic dissemination does not occur. Tumours can appear in freshly healing wounds in previously normal horses (Knottenbelt 2009), or reoccur at the same site following apparent complete surgical removal even up to 10 or more years later (Brostrom 1995).

Individual horses may be genetically susceptible and a familial tendency to sarcoid has been identified. An apparent predilection for Appaloosa and Arabians in America has led to the suggestion that this is a result of close contact with cattle (presumably infected with the bovine papillomavirus) but these breeds are not over-represented in any other populations of horse whether they are in contact with cattle or not. However, many horses may carry the genetic susceptibility to a varying extent, possibly explaining the variations in numbers and types seen on individuals. A familial tendency has also been identified, heavily supporting a genetic component. This susceptibility is almost certainly genetically orientated and is a property of certain MHC/ELA alleles. The presence of a W13 gene in the MHC complex appears to impart susceptibility; Lipizzaner horses do not appear to have a W13 gene and so the breed appears to be totally (genetically) resistant. The American Quarterhorse is apparently less affected than many other breeds. This is a complex issue with no definitive research progress.

Sex (geldings more commonly) and age (1–6 years) predilections have been proposed, but no horse can be considered to be totally exempt from the condition on the grounds of sex, breed, colour or age. Sarcoids are undoubtedly rare in very young horses but can occur from a few weeks of age.

Sarcoid is a locally aggressive, fibroblastic tumour occurring in six clinically recognizable forms (Fig. 18.9), all of which have a high propensity for recurrence (Knottenbelt & Pascoe 1994, Knottenbelt et al 1995, Knottenbelt 2005) . An individual horse may have more than one sarcoid type and for the purposes of clinical description, each lesion is classified individually. There are, however, some individual horses that have a predominant type – sometimes exclusively. Although each of these forms is commonly identifiable, it is important to recognize that the ‘less severe’ forms can rapidly progress to the more aggressive types, particularly if they are traumatized. Furthermore, the specific types may not be clearly identifiable in every case and then the’ mixed’ category is applied. It is, however, usually obvious that even the mildest forms are indeed sarcoid – in-vitro fibroblast cell cultures derived from these are typical and indistinguishable from those taken from the more aggressive lesions. These factors suggest that both cell and host factors are responsible in combination for the variety of forms.

Classification of the lesion type is important because the different types have different therapeutic demands and different prognostic implications (Fig. 18.9). What may suit a small occult lesion may not be applicable to an aggressive fibroblastic lesion. This classification is supported by pathological descriptions and is important because treatment options and prognosis vary for the different types of sarcoid. Furthermore, there is a general tendency towards progression from the milder superficial types to the more aggressive forms either as result of natural development or as a result of accidental or iatrogenic interference. The latter tends to cause a more aggressive and rapid exacerbation. The malignant form is rare but as a form of the disease it is a serious complication given that there are no effective treatments for this form and that the nature of the condition is likely to have a significant systemic and local effect on the horse. However, it is important to recognize that the sarcoid does not have defined boundaries between the various types. Usually the lesions have some aspects of other types and many progress from one type (usually occult or verrucose) to the more aggressive types (fibroblastic and malignant). There is, however, no predictable progression except to emphasize the dramatic changes that can follow interference or injury of a sarcoid.

The number of sarcoids affecting individual horses is very variable. Single lesions are encountered both spontaneously and associated with wound sites. Multiple lesions (often even thousands) also do occur. Sarcoids commonly multiply on the individual horse, sometimes very rapidly. Some lesions remain relatively, or even completely, static for years and then may suddenly expand without any apparent reason.

A few individuals show spontaneous full and permanent self-cure and a very few disappear spontaneously after being accidentally or intentionally (by biopsy) traumatized but both of these circumstances are exceptions rather than the rule. Interestingly, spontaneous remission usually means that the horse will not develop further lesions. However, the course of the condition is entirely unpredictable and it is unwise to make any firm predictions on the course or the likelihood of a successful treatment.

The clinical implications of sarcoid are, potentially at least, serious. Whilst a few superficial sarcoids may have no immediate effect on the horse or its performance, there is the real potential for both individual lesion exacerbation and an increase in the number of sarcoids on the horse. Fortunately sarcoid is a non-metastatic tumour but it can be very aggressive locally. The value of an affected horse is certainly less than the same horse would be without sarcoids. This reflects the general awareness amongst owners and veterinarians that:

image Key points: Equine sarcoid

1. Commonest (skin) tumour of horses worldwide occurring in horses of all sexes, ages, breeds and colours and in donkeys, mules and other equids. Some indications of transmissibility across the horse and between horses suggestive of infectious aetiology and (fly) vector transmission. Genetic predisposition occurs in a significant number of horses. Nevertheless, some are not affected. Familial tendencies are recognized.

2. Six different types are recognized – each with its own therapeutic limitations and prognostic differences. Sarcoids range from flat hairless areas of skin (occult sarcoid) through verrucose, nodular and fibroblastic forms. A locally malignant form occurs rarely but this does not metastasize. Each sarcoid type has its own set of differential diagnoses and can coexist, making diagnosis of each individual lesion important.

3. The variety of lesions is both a help and a hindrance to diagnosis. There is a tendency for exacerbation following biopsy (or accidental trauma or intentional surgery). Every single lesion should be individually assessed before embarking on any treatment.

4. Treatment is always likely to be difficult and recurrences and new lesions on treated cases are common. There is no consistently effective treatment (save perhaps for radiation) and each type of sarcoid warrants individual assessment andadjustment of the treatment selection. The greater the effort in selection of treatment and the more accurately it is applied, the better the result.

5. The prognosis is always guarded since all treatments have failures and exacerbations and new lesions occur regularly. Irresponsible treatment methods will invariably result in a significant worsening of the prognosis.

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