Surgery of the Calf Musculoskeletal System

Chapter 15 Surgery of the Calf Musculoskeletal System

Numerous musculoskeletal system diseases in farm animals exist—ranging from the more rare congenital abnormality (malformation, angular or flexural deformity) to acquired diseases such as septic arthritis and fractures. This section will describe diseases seen mainly in calves, such as angular and flexural deformity as well as other congenital abnormalities. The readers are directed to Chapter 11 for the principles of diagnosing and managing fractures).

15.1 Polydactyly

The etiology of this disease has been reported in Simmental cattle to a mixed dominant (one locus) and recessive gene (another locus). This congenital malformation is rare in farm animals, and treating it should be seen only as a salvage procedure for food production. Indeed, the possibility of inheritable diseases in all breeds argues against adding these animals to the genetic pool.

The clinical diagnosis is straightforward. The front limbs are generally affected. Radiographic examination helps determine the extent of the abnormalities (Figure 15.1-1). Surgical removal is done with the animal under general anesthesia with the abnormal digit uppermost. Consideration of placement of surgical incisions should allow sufficient skin for closure. In addition to skeleton being removed (Figure 15.1-2A and B), the flexor tendons associated with a deformity must also be removed. One should carefully dissect the flexor tendons to ensure that the remaining flexor tendons are left as a functional unit.


Figure 15.1-2 Postoperative radiographs of calf in Figure 15.1-1 after removal of the supranumary phalangeal, sesamoid, metacarpal, and distal carpal bones. A, lateral view. B, Dorsopalmar view; note remaining proximal carpal bone (arrow).

(Courtesy of Dr. Markus Wilke; Cornell University.)

15.2 Flexural Deformities

Calves present with flexural deformity (i.e., contracted tendons) either as a congenital or acquired problem. Congenital flexural deformities are seen within 1 or 2 weeks of birth. Flexural deformity ranges in severity from mild knuckling at the fetlock to being unable to walk, stand, and nurse. The etiology of congenital flexural deformity in cattle is generally unknown, but cattle seen with additional congenital abnormalities may have a heritable condition and should be removed from the breeding pool. Other congenital abnormalities sometimes seen simultaneously with flexural deformity are cleft palate, dwarfism, and arthrogryposis. Lupine ingestion by the dam between 30 and 70 days of gestation may result in arthrogryposis. In addition to congenital flexural deformity, acquired flexural deformity is seen secondary to reduced weight bearing associated with a primary painful orthopedic disease.

Clinical Presentation

Usually, calves present with mild metacarpophalangeal (MP) or carpal flexural deformity. The condition is mild and usually bilateral. In a more severe presentation, the calves have constant knuckling of the fetlocks; the carpus sometimes is also involved (Figure 15.2-1). Rarely, the metatarsophalangeal joints are affected. Owners report that calves are born with this condition or develop it within a few days to a week of birth. The deformity may be so severe that calves are unable to stand, so failure of passive immunity transfer may be a complicating factor. Abnormal hoof wear is present as a result of irregular weight bearing. Depending on the housing situation and disease chronicity, affected calves that must compete for feed may have poor body condition.

Acquired flexural deformity seen in older calves is generally unilateral and secondary to a severe orthopedic injury where the animal cannot bear any or only minimal weight on the affected limb (Figure 15.2-2). A dropped fetlock and varus deformity at the carpus of the contralateral limb is evidence of excessive weight bearing.

A chronic deformity may have associated skin ulcerations on the dorsum of the fetlock with the wound extending into the joint, resulting in septic arthritis.

Anatomical Considerations

The relevant anatomy of the flexor tendons and suspensory ligaments is important in relation to surgical transection. The level of the incision is influenced by the number of structures that need to be transected to release the flexural deformity.

The superficial digital flexor muscle arises from the medial epicondyle of the humerus and divides in two parts, forming two distinct tendons: a deep tendon that passes through the carpal canal and a superficial tendon that passes outside the carpal canal. Both tendons fuse in the midcannon bone but divide at the fetlock into the medial and lateral digit, forming a sleeve that encircles the deep flexor tendon. Each divided superficial flexor tendon inserts on the proximal palmar aspect of their respective middle phalanx.

The deep digital flexor tendon passes into the carpal canal and lays dorsal (deep) to the superficial flexor tendon until near the fetlock, where it divides to insert on the palmar aspect of the distal phalanges of the medial or lateral digit, respectively.

The suspensory ligament (interosseus muscle in young animals and ligamentous in adults) on the palmar aspect of the metacarpal bone lies deep to both flexor tendons. It originates from the proximal aspect of the metacarpal bone and divides at the midmetacarpal region, sending a band that joins the superficial flexor tendon. A few centimeters distally, the suspensory ligament divides into three branches: two abaxial and one in the middle. The two abaxial branches further divide distally into two branches that each attach to the corresponding medial and lateral sesamoid bone before continuing to their insertion on the palmar aspect of each proximal phalanx. In addition, each suspensory ligament abaxial branch continues into an extensor branch that joins the abaxial aspect of the extensor tendons on the dorsal aspect of each digit. The middle branch passes through the intertrochlear notch and divides into two branches that each join the axial aspect of the extensor tendons of each digit.

The ulnaris lateralis and flexor carpi ulnaris both insert on the accessory carpal bone. The ulnaris lateralis originates from the lateral epicondyle of the humerus, and the flexor carpi ulnaris originates from the medial epicondyle of the humerus and ulna.


Mild cases of flexural deformity respond well when patients are placed in housing with good footing. In addition, rather than spending extended periods standing, daily walking exercise is preferable. Treatment for more affected calves depends on whether the leg can be straightened manually so that the calf can walk. Medical treatment is indicated when no predisposing orthopedic anomaly is present and the limb can be manually extended so the toe’s ventral aspect can touch the ground. A splint should be placed on the palmar aspect of the limb, starting at the heel (leaving the claws out) and extending to the proximal metacarpal (or metatarsal) III bone (for MP flexural deformity) or proximal radius (for carpal flexural deformity). The splint is changed every 2 to 3 days. Alternatively, a cast may be placed and removed/changed 2 to 3 weeks later (Figure 15.2-3). Although oxytetracycline IV (3 g in 250 ml of physiological saline) can be given to relax the muscles for more rapid correction of the limb, it should be avoided whenever possible in calves. Tetracycline is very nephrotoxic in calves, so a single treatment may result in significant renal damage.

The splint is placed as follows: 3 to 4 cotton sheets (or roll) are placed around the limb for sufficient padding to minimize skin ulceration at the pressure points of the splint. Alternatively, reusable quilt material can be used. The splint should be light so as to cause as little interference as possible with movement. Satisfactory splint materials include a piece of wood or polyvinyl chloride (PVC) piping (10 cm in diameter cut into quarters or halves). The splint is placed at the palmar aspect of the limb, starting at the heel and extending to either the proximal cannon bone or radius, depending on the location of the deformity. A splint terminating at the proximal end of the cannon bone should be placed to allow maximum flexion of the carpus. If palmar skin sores develop, the splint should be placed on the dorsal aspect of the limb. Young calves with bilateral splinting may require assistance to stand at first. Surgical treatment should be considered if an animal does not respond within a few weeks of treatment.

Surgical correction is indicated for calves not responding to splinting or with insufficient correction of the deformity to allow weight bearing. MP flexural deformity is treated by sequentially transecting the superficial flexor tendon, deep digital flexor, and suspensory ligament until the deformity is released. The number of tendons transected is decided during surgery. The tendons of the flexor carpi ulnaris and ulnaris lateralis muscles are transected to treat carpal flexural deformity.

The surgical procedure is performed under sedation (xylazine hydrochloride 0.1 mg/kg IM) and infiltration of local anesthesia at the intended surgery site or under general anesthesia. The calf is placed in lateral recumbency with the affected limb uppermost. This is critical for tenotomies of the flexor carpi radialis and ulnaris lateralis, but the digital flexor tendons can be transected from either a medial or lateral approach. Anatomically, two superficial digital flexor tendons each receive a branch from the suspensory ligament, two deep digital flexor tendons, and two abaxial suspensory ligaments, each with two branches. When a structure is transected, the specified flexor tendons and/or suspensory ligaments for both medial and lateral digits must be transected. Antibiotic prophylaxis is optional, but the animal should receive NSAID (i.e., flunixin meglumine 1mg/kg sid IV or aspirin 100 mg/kg bid po) preoperatively and for 2 to 3 days after surgery.

To correct a MP flexural deformity, a 7.5-cm incision is made over the lateral (or medial) aspect of the deep digital flexor tendon at the level of the midcannon bone. The fascia surrounding the flexor tendon is incised in the same plane, with care taken not to injure the lateral (or medial) palmar (or plantar) digital artery, vein, or nerve. The superficial digital flexor tendons and the connecting branches from the suspensory ligament are identified and elevated with curved hemostats. The superficial digital flexor tendons should be carefully elevated and isolated to prevent injury to the contralateral vessels. The superficial digital flexor tendons and the connecting branches from the suspensory ligament are transected after they are isolated. The surgeon then extends the fetlock to evaluate the degree of correction achieved. The goal is to obtain sufficient correction so that the hoof contacts the ground without the fetlock knuckling. Exercise and the calf’s body weight will place the joint in a normal position when the calf is walking if the knuckling is corrected. If the deformity is not sufficiently corrected after the superficial digital flexor muscle is transected, the tendons of the deep digital flexor muscle are isolated and transected as described previously. If the deformity is still not sufficiently corrected, the suspensory ligament is identified immediately caudal to MC (or MT) III, isolated with a curved hemostat, and transected. The peritendinous fascia and subcutaneous tissues are closed separately with nonabsorbable sutures in a simple continuous pattern. The skin is closed with an acceptable pattern.

The limb is bandaged, and a decision is made as to whether a splint is needed. When the superficial digital flexor tendons and their connecting branches from the suspensory ligament are transected, a splint is not needed postoperatively unless tension from the splint is needed to force additional extension for optimum correction. In rare cases, a splint is needed after surgery if the animal appears painful. If the deep digital flexor tendons are also transected, the limb(s) may need splint support up to 30 days. In addition, if the deep and superficial flexor tendons (tenotomies) plus the suspensory ligament are transected, destabilization of the palmar aspect of the carpus occurs. Therefore a splint that extends to the radius to give palmar support to the carpus needs to be placed on the back of the limb.

For carpal flexural deformity, a 10-cm incision starting at the accessory carpal bone and extending proximally is made on the lateral aspect of the carpus over the tendon of the ulnaris lateralis. The incision is extended bluntly until the tendons of the ulnaris lateralis and flexor carpi ulnaris tendon are identified, isolated with a curved hemostat, and transected. The subcutaneous tissues are closed separately with nonabsorbable sutures in a simple continuous pattern. The skin is closed with an acceptable pattern. A splint is placed postoperatively on the palmar aspect of the knee unless full correction is obtained. The care of splints is described under Medical Management.

In calves with flexural deformity secondary to an orthopedic injury, one must first address the primary problem. Splints, as described previously, are used to combat secondary flexural deformities.

15.3 Angular Deformities

An angular deformity originates from many sources: growth plate abnormality, fracture, and ligament rupture. The angular deformity is called valgus if the distal limb extremity (distal to the site of angulation) deviates laterally and varus if it deviates medially. In addition, rotational deformities are often seen as part of an angular deformity. For instance, the claws usually rotate outward with a valgus and inward with a varus deformity except in cases of multiple angulations in a limb.


Congenital angular deformity is very rare in cattle and reportedly is in the middiaphysis of the affected long bone when it occurs. The exact etiology is unknown but has been attributed to in-utero bending stresses early in gestation.

Growth plate differential growth commonly seen in horses is rarely seen in farm animals. More accurately stated, angular deformity is a common event in cattle in that most calves have a mild carpal valgus deformity of approximately 7 degrees (Figure 15.3-1), which is within the normal range for most farm animals and does not require treatment. Orthopedic injuries such as fracture and its healing process, collateral ligament tear, physeal infection (Figure 15.3-2), or physeal fracture commonly cause secondary angular deformity.

Wolff’s law (1872) states that gradual or repetitive load changes due to trauma or change in activity cause functional remodeling so that trabeculae are reoriented to align with new stress axes. This plays a role in misaligned fracture healing and an animal’s ability to remodel the area to correct or improve the deformity. The effect of pressure and shear force on longitudinal growth varies and depends on the degree of pressure and whether it is intermittent or constant. Intermittent pressure allows the growth plate to respond to the line of stress. Partially through reduced blood flow, constant pressure reduces longitudinal growth from the affected physis plate. The uncompressed side of the physis maintains normal growth, which results in an angular deformity (usually varus). This is often seen at the hock or carpus on the contralateral limb of a limb affected with a painful orthopedic problem.

Clinical Presentation

Animals presented for evaluation of angular deformities are easy to recognize. For an accurate diagnosis, one should align himself or herself with the claws and evaluate whether all the long bones are in line (see Figure 15.3-1). This perspective is important because differentiating an angular deformity from a rotational deformity is difficult when one is observing the animal from the front or back. Standing directly in the center front of the claws eliminates the rotational deformity as a confounding factor.

Further examination should focus on the area where the limb loses linearity. Physical examination can assess whether pain or other signs of an orthopedic injury—including the following—are present: increased laxity, swelling and its characteristics, degree of lameness, and presence of muscle atrophy. Although valgus deformity is relatively common (it may be normal for cattle), varus deformity is abnormal (Figure 15.3-3). If varus deformity is found unilaterally, the contralateral limb should be examined for a significant orthopedic injury as a cause for excessive weight bearing in the deformed limb/joint. Obtaining radiographic evaluation is important in investigation of orthopedic injuries, which are often important causal factors in angular deformity in farm animals.



Trimming the claws of a young calf creates growth plate response to stress applied opposite the deformity, so self correction occurs. The trimming and other hoof manipulation is based on the principle that the hoof will turn in the direction of the longer claw or toward the side of the wider wall (Figure 15.3-5). To correct a valgus deformity, the lateral claw is trimmed so that it is shorter than the medial claw. To correct a varus deformity, the medial claw is trimmed so that it is shorter than the lateral claw. Acrylic can also be applied. Acrylic is applied over the lateral aspect of the lateral claw of a varus deformity to make the claw wider with more lateral contact with the ground. The lateral claw must not extend more than 1 cm; otherwise the stress on the lamina may cause inflammation and pain. The procedure is reversed for a valgus deformity (extend the medial wall of the medial claw). Finally, a shoe may be glued onto the claw to extend the lateral or medial claw.

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