Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Chapter 3 Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics


Although topical application of solutions, suspensions, and ointments is most common in ocular medicine, parenteral methods of administration via a systemic (i.e., intravenous, intramuscular, subcutaneous) or local (i.e., subconjunctival, intraorbital, intracameral, intravitreous) route are also used. Drugs for ocular administration are prepared in various ways. The topical use of powders for ocular treatment is detrimental to the eye and outmoded. Solutions, suspensions, and ointments for topical application must have physical charac-teristics within a relative narrow range to be well tolerated. Of these the most important characteristics are tonicity and pH. These parameters must also be considered by compounding pharmacists when formulating drugs for topical ophthalmic use.

Ophthalmic preparations must be sterile, especially if they enter the interior of the eye. Bacterial filtering and the addition of preservatives such as benzalkonium chloride are used to limit contamination of multidose containers. However, these preservatives are also toxic to mammalian cells. This fact has a number of important clinical implications:

Although topical application of drugs provides excellent drug concentrations at the ocular surface, there are two critical barriers to penetration of drugs into the eye. These are the blood-ocular barrier (which, like the blood-brain barrier, is impermeable to most drugs unless there is significant intraocular inflammation) and the cornea (which becomes more permeable when ulcerated).


The main factors governing choice of the route of administration are as follows:

Some drugs, because of their properties, are restricted as to the routes by which they can be given. For example, polymyxin B cannot be given systemically because of nephrotoxicity or by subconjunctival injection because of local irritation. Drugs required in high concentration in the cornea or conjunctiva are usually administered by frequent topical application or subconjunctival injection. If high concentrations are required in the anterior uveal tract (i.e., iris or ciliary body), subconjunctival injection, systemic administration, or frequent topical application of drugs that will pass through the intact cornea are used. Drugs that do not pass through the blood-ocular barrier still reach high concentrations in the highly vascular anterior uvea (iris and ciliary body), posterior uvea (choroid), and sclera. With inflammation the blood-ocular barrier may be reduced, and drugs that cannot normally enter the aqueous or vitreous humor may do so. If high concentrations are required within orbital tissues, systemic administration is usually used. Choice of route is summarized in Figure 3-1.

The cornea may be considered a trilaminar (lipid-water-lipid) “sandwich,” in which the epithelium and endothelium are relatively lipophilic and hydrophobic, whereas the stroma is relatively hydrophilic and lipophobic. Lipid-soluble drugs (e.g., chloramphenicol) penetrate more readily, whereas electrolytes and water-soluble drugs (e.g., neomycin, bacitracin, and penicillin) penetrate poorly if at all after topical application. The lipophilic properties of the epithelium may be partially bypassed by subconjunctival injection, provided that other properties of the drug are suitable for administration by this route.

Higher or more prolonged drug concentrations and therapeutic effects may be achieved with the following approaches:

Solutions and Suspensions (“Drops”)

Ophthalmic solutions and suspensions (or “drops”) are commonly used for topical treatment of ocular disease. They are usually easily instilled in dogs and cats but not in large animals. The correct method for instilling eyedrops is shown in Figure 3-3. Drops permit the delivered dose to be controlled and varied easily, and they are alleged to interfere less with repair of corneal epithelium than ointments, although this last feature is unlikely to be clinically significant. Drops are quickly diluted and eliminated from the eye by tears, so greater frequency of application or drug concentration may be required, especially with increased lacrimation. It is important to note that systemic absorption of drugs from the conjunctival sac after topical application is rapid and may result in notable blood concentrations. This may be of clinical significance with use of phenylephrine (producing systemic hypertension) and long-term corticosteroid use (inducing iatrogenic hyperadrenocorticism).

Continuous or Intermittent Ocular Surface Lavage Systems

With frequent treatment or in horses with painful eyes, a lavage system allows medications to be conveniently, safely, and frequently delivered into the conjunctival sac. Originally, such systems were placed within the nasolacrimal duct and medications were instilled in a retrograde fashion. More recently subpalpebral lavage systems have been described that are simply placed and avoid nasal irritation and risk of dislodgement. A two-hole technique through the skin of the upper eyelid has now been replaced by single-hole systems, owing to the commercial availability of lavage systems with footplates to prevent inadvertent removal. The original one-hole system was placed in the central upper lid but is associated with a relatively high risk of complications, most notably corneal ulceration due to rubbing of the footplate on the cornea. Placement of the subpalpebral lavage system in the ventromedial conjunctival fornix may be preferred because of the natural corneal protection provided by the third eyelid at that point (Figure 3-4).

Subpalpebral lavage systems placed in the medial aspect of the lower lid are associated with less common and less severe ocular complications than those placed centrally and dorsally, even when left in place and used by owners for up to 55 days after discharge from hospital. The lavage tube leads back to the shoulder, where it is secured at the mane and where drugs can be administered with less risk of injury to the eye or the operator. Drugs are injected into the tube and either slowly propelled to the eye with a gently administered bolus of air from a syringe or continuously propelled by a gravity-fed bottle or small mechanical infusion pump connected to the tube. This method of therapy is usually reserved for horses with severe corneal or uveal disease. A protective eyecup can be applied over the lavage tube for protection of the eye and apparatus. Ointments (and some more viscous suspensions) cannot be applied through lavage systems.

Subconjunctival, Subtenons, and Retrobulbar Injection

Subconjunctival injection permits a portion of the administered drug to bypass the barrier of the corneal epithelium and penetrate transsclerally. However, a notable proportion of the injected drug leaks back out the injection tract and is absorbed as if it had been administered topically. Subconjunctival administration is used to facilitate high drug concentrations in anterior regions of the eye, whereas deeper injections beneath Tenon’s capsule allow greater diffusion of drugs through the sclera and into the eye. Mydriatics (for pupillary dilation), antibiotics, and corticosteroids are the main groups of drugs administered by this route. Some irritating drugs (e.g., polymyxin B) or any topical drug containing a preservative cannot be given subconjunctivally. Drugs with potent systemic sympathomimetic or vasopressor effects also should not be given in this manner.

In cooperative patients, subconjunctival injections can be given using topical anesthesia only. Handheld lid retractors may be helpful in all species (Figure 3-5). For horses and cattle, one should also consider tranquilization, appropriate restraint (a twitch for horses and nose grips for cattle), and an auriculopalpebral nerve block to produce akinesia of the upper lid (see Chapter 5). A few drops of topical ophthalmic anesthetic (e.g., proparacaine) are instilled into the conjunctival sac. Conjunctival anesthesia is facilitated by a cotton-tipped applicator soaked in topical anesthesia and placed against the conjunctiva at the planned injection site for about 30 seconds. The solution for subconjunctival injection then is administered through a 25- to 27-gauge needle with a 1-mL tuberculin or insulin syringe under the bulbar conjunctiva as close as possible to the lesion being treated (Figure 3-6). Injection under the palpebral conjunctiva is not effective. The needle is rotated on withdrawal to limit leakage through the needle tract. Up to 1mL of drug can be given beneath the bulbar conjunctiva, but most injections do not exceed 0.5mL. Slight hemorrhage into the injection site occasionally occurs but is absorbed within 7 to 10 days. Injections of depot preparations should be avoided at this site because they often lead to granuloma formation.

Retrobulbar injection is used rarely and only for treatment of disease processes in the orbit or posterior half of the globe. These areas can usually be treated adequately with safer and simpler systemic routes of treatment. Therefore this route of therapy is now generally limited to the injection of local anesthetic into the muscle cone behind the globe for removal of the bovine eye.

Systemic Drug Administration

Although there are rare exceptions, systemically administered drugs should be considered to reach only the vascular tissues of the eye and surrounding structures—that is, not the cornea, the lens, or (in the presence of an intact blood-ocular barrier) the aqueous or vitreous humor. This knowledge may be used to the clinician’s advantage. For example, systemic administration of a corticosteroid for control of uveitis in the presence of corneal ulceration is safe and effective, because the target tissue (the uvea) is vascular, but the drug will not reach the avascular cornea in quantities sufficient to retard healing. Equally, the systemic administration of an antibiotic for treatment of an ulcer in a nonvascularized cornea is of little value, and topical administration is most effective. Therefore systemically administered drugs should be reserved for treatment of diseases of the eyelids, conjunctiva, sclera, uvea (iris, ciliary body, choroid), retina, optic nerve, extraocular muscles, and orbital contents.

As with other body systems, intravenous, subcutaneous, and intramuscular injections provide relatively high plasma concentrations of a drug to the vascular components of the eye. However, because continuous treatment is necessary for many ocular disorders, oral drug administration by owners is used most frequently, particularly in dogs and cats. Continuous intramuscular administration is used occasionally in large animals. Intravenous therapy is rarely used for ocular disease, with the important exception of the administration of mannitol for reduction of intraocular pressure (IOP) and vitreous volume in acute glaucoma.

Intraocular drug concentrations attainable by systemic routes depend on the following three important factors:

Some examples reinforce these general points. Although penicillin is readily absorbed by intramuscular injection, penicillin G is poorly absorbed orally because it is destroyed by gastric acid. Even when adequate plasma concentrations are achieved, it penetrates the blood-ocular barrier poorly. By contrast, chloramphenicol is well absorbed by dogs after oral administration and, once in the plasma, passes the blood-aqueous barrier well. From these examples, it follows that the clinician must understand the properties of the individual drugs used in order to predict their applicability for ophthalmic use.


Antibacterial drugs act by altering cell wall synthesis, protein synthesis, or cell wall permeability in bacteria but may also have undesirable effects on the cells of the patient. Although not strictly accurate, the terms antibiotics and antibacterials often are used interchangeably. Antibacterial agents may be classified as bactericidal (destroying bacteria) or bacteriostatic (inhibiting bacterial growth and reproduction; Box 3-1). Some antibiotics may act in either manner, depending on concentration. Combining bactericidal and bacteriostatic antibiotics may result in antagonism between the agents, although the clinical importance of this effect is debated. In particular, combinations of bactericidal drugs infrequently used elsewhere in the body are commonly employed in topical treatment of the eye. This practice allows a wider spectrum of activity than with single drugs and reduces the chance of drug resistance. The combination of neomycin, polymyxin B, and bacitracin (or gramicidin) as so-called triple antibiotic is very useful. For resistant infections combinations of agents with differing mechanisms are sometimes used—for example, a penicillin or cephalosporin (which inhibits cell wall synthesis) with an aminoglycoside (which inhibits intracellular protein synthesis).

Selection and Administration of Antibiotics

The following factors must be considered in the selection of an antibiotic:

The ideal basis for selection of an ocular antibiotic consists of identification of the responsible organism and its antibiotic sensitivity. However, obtaining this information often cannot be justified because of expense or because treatment must be instituted before the results of such testing are available. Therefore knowledge of the most likely organisms, their sensitivity, and the most likely effective antibiotics is necessary. Treating infections on such an empirical basis, although practical and often unavoidable, does not always lead to a satisfactory result. A more rational choice of therapeutic agent can be made after examination of the staining and morphologic characteristics of organisms seen on a Gram-stained or Diff-Quik–stained sample of the affected tissue and is essential in severe or nonresponsive infections. In more severe infections (e.g., stromal corneal ulcers or endophthalmitis), the organism should be identified, and a combination of routes of administration and synergistic drugs should be considered. If ocular infections persist or recur despite treatment with the appropriate antibiotic (based on results of culture and sensitivity testing), the infection may be secondary to an underlying disorder or pathologic process. Alternatively, a fastidious bacterium or nonbacterial microbe not originally cultured (Chlamydophila spp., Mycoplasma spp., fungus, virus, etc.) may be present.

Organisms commonly isolated from the conjunctival sacs of normal and diseased animals are given in Tables 3-1 through 3-9. These tables highlight a number of important general points about ocular surface flora that are relevant when interpreting these data in an individual patient:

Table 3-1 Normal Flora of the Canine Conjunctival Sac

Diphtheroids 75.0
Staphylococcus epidermidis 46.0
Staphylococcus aureus 24.0
Bacillus spp. 12.0
Gram-negative organisms (Acinetobacter, Neisseria, Moraxella, and Pseudomonas spp.) 7.0
Streptococcus spp. (α-hemolytic) 4.0
Streptococcus spp. (β-hemolytic) 2.0
S. epidermidis 55.0
S. aureus 45.0
Streptococcus spp. (α-hemolytic) 34.0
Diphtheroids 30.0
Neisseria spp. 26.0
Pseudomonas spp. 14.0
Streptococcus spp. (β-hemolytic) 7.3
S. aureus 39.0
Bacillus spp. 29.0
Corynebacterium spp. 19.0
S. epidermidis 16.0
Yeasts 5.0
Streptococcus spp. (α-hemolytic) 3.0
Streptococcus spp. (nonhemolytic) 3.0
Micrococcus spp. 3.0
Neisseria spp. 2.0
Streptococcus spp. (β-hemolytic) 1.0
Pseudomonas spp. 1.0
Nocardia spp. 1.0
Escherichia coli 1.0
Clostridium spp. 1.0
Enterobacter spp. 1.0
Flavobacterium spp. 1.0
Branhamella catarrhalis 1.0

* Data from Bistner SI, et al. (1969): Conjunctival bacteria: clinical appearances can be deceiving. Mod Vet Pract 50:45.

Data from Urban W, et al. (1972): Conjunctival flora of clinically normal dogs. Am J Vet Med Assoc 161:201.

Data from McDonald PJ, Watson ADJ (1976): Microbial flora of normal canine conjunctivae. J Small Anim Pract 17:809.

Table 3-2 Organisms Cultured from Dogs with External Ocular Disease

Streptococcus canis 20.3
No growth 18.7
Staphylococcus epidermidis 14.0
Staphylococcus aureus 7.8
Other nonpathogenic Streptococcus spp. 7.8
Nocardia spp. 7.8
Absidia ramosa (fungus) 7.8
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 6.1
Corynebacterium spp. 4.6
Other pathogenic S. canis spp. 3.1
Proteus vulgaris 3.1
Clostridium perfringens 1.5
Candida spp. 1.5
S. aureus 68.0
S. epidermidis 27.0
Streptococcus spp. (β-hemolytic) 19.0
Streptococcus spp. (α-hemolytic) 17.0
Proteus mirabilis 11.0
Escherichia coli 10.0
Bacillus spp. 5.0
Corynebacterium spp. 3.0
P. aeruginosa 2.0
Klebsiella spp. 1.0
Staphylococcus spp. 39.4
Coagulase positive 29.0
Staphylococcus intermedius 17.0
S. epidermis 11.0
Streptococcus spp. 25.2
β-Hemolytic streptococci 17.0
Pseudomonas spp. 9.4

* Data from Verwer MAJ, Gunnick JW (1968): The occurrence of bacteria in chronic purulent eye discharge. J Small Anim Pract 9:33.

Data from Murphy JM, et al. (1978): Survey of conjunctival flora in dogs with clinical signs of external eye disease. J Am Vet Med Assoc 172:66.

Data from Gerding PA, et al. (1988): Pathogenic bacteria and fungi associated with external ocular diseases in dogs: 131 cases (1981-1986). J Am Vet Med Assoc 193:242.

Table 3-3 Normal Flora of the Feline Conjunctival Sac

Staphylococcus epidermidis 16.3 13.3
Staphylococcus aureus 10.4 8.8
Mycoplasma spp. 5.0
Bacillus spp. 2.9 1.7
Streptococcus spp. (α-hemolytic) 2.5 1.7
Corynebacterium spp. 1.3
Escherichia coli 0.4

Data from Campbell L (1973): Ocular bacteria and mycoplasma of the clinically normal cat. Feline Pract Nov-Dec:10.

Table 3-4 Fungal Flora from Normal Horses (50 Horses)

Aspergillus spp. 36.0
Cladosporium spp. 34.0
Positive but no quantitative data given: Alternaria, Fusarium, Monotospira, Paecilomyces, Phoma, Pullularia, Scopulariopsis, Streptomyces, Trichoderma, Verticullium spp.

Modified from Smith PJ, et al. (1997): Identification of sclerotomy sites for posterior segment surgery in the dog. Vet Comp Ophthalmol 7:180.

Table 3-5 Organisms Cultured from Horses with External Ocular Disease (123 Eyes)

Streptococcus spp. (total) 43.9
β-Hemolytic 26.0
Other hemolytic 17.9
Staphylococcus spp. 24.4
Pseudomonas spp. 13.8
Bacillus spp. 10.6
Enterobacter spp. 6.5
Escherichia coli 4.0
Corynebacterium spp. 3.2
Proteus spp. 3.2
Aspergillus spp. 2.4
Klebsiella spp. 2.4
Moraxella spp. 2.4
Pasteurella spp. 2.4
Mima spp. 1.6
Diplococcus spp. 0.8
Flavobacterium spp. 0.8
Fusarium spp. 0.8
Neisseria spp. 0.8
Nocardia spp. 0.8
Penicillium spp. 0.8
Rhizopus spp. 0.8
Trichosporon spp. 0.8

Data from McLaughlin SA, et al. (1983): Pathogenic bacteria and fungi associated with extraocular disease in the horse. J Am Vet Med Assoc 182:241.

Table 3-6 Normal Flora of the Bovine Conjunctival Sac

Unidentified gram-positive cocci 54.4
Corynebacterium spp. 27.4
Moraxella nonliquefaciens 26.9
Streptococcus faecalis 20.0
No growth 13.4
Neisseria (Branhamella) catarrhalis (nonhemolytic) 10.5
Unidentified gram-negative rods 8.5
Acinetobacter spp. 8.0
Moraxella bovis 6.5
Coliforms 6.5
Staphylococcus aureus 4.1
Moraxella liquefaciens 2.2
Bacillus spp. 1.3
Unclassified Moraxella 1.0
Actinobacillus spp. 0.7
Proteus spp. 0.0

Data from Wilcox G (1970): Bacterial flora of the bovine eye with special reference to Moraxella and Neisseria. Aust Vet J 46:253.

Table 3-7 Normal Flora of the Ovine Conjunctival Sac

No growth 60.0
Neisseria ovis 24.0
Micrococcus spp. NQD
Streptococcus spp. NQD
Corynebacterium spp. NQD
Achromobacter spp. NQD
Bacillus spp. NQD
Moraxella spp. NQD

NQD, No quantitative data (present in small numbers, but NQD given).

Data from Spradbrow P (1968): The bacterial flora of the ovine conjunctival sac. Aust Vet J 44:117.

Table 3-8 Normal Bacterial Flora of South American Camelid Eyes (88 Animals)

Staphylococcus spp. 58
Bacillus spp. 28
Streptomyces spp. 18
α-Hemolytnoic Streptococcus spp. 13
Corynebacterium spp. 8
Micrococcus/Planococcus spp. 7
Pseudomonas spp. 41
Pasteurella ureae 9
Klebsiella spp. 2
Escherichia coli 2

Data include llama, alpaca, and guanaco eyes and are from Gionfriddo JR, et al. (1991): Bacterial and mycoplasmal flora of the healthy camelid conjunctival sac. Am J Vet Res 52:1061.

Table 3-9 Normal Fungal Flora of South American Camelid Eyes (127 Animals)

Aspergillus spp. 20-43
Fusarium spp. 2-30
Rhinocladiella spp. 8-35
Penicillium spp. 3-33
Mucor spp. 5-14
Dematiaceous fungi 12-33

* Percentages varied according to season and camelid species.

Data include llama, alpaca, and guanaco eyes and are from Gionfriddo JR, et al. (1992): Fungal flora of the healthy camelid conjunctival sac. Am J Vet Res 53:643.

The following sections provide a summary of some important properties of antibiotics used commonly in veterinary ophthalmology, and Table 3-10 lists the typical Gram-staining characteristics of, and the antibiotics of choice for, common organisms.


The penicillins form a large family of natural and synthetic derivatives of 6-aminopenicillanic acid that range considerably in stability, solubility, spectrum of activity, ocular penetration, and resistance to β-lactamase.

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