Chapter 75 Effusions that affect the pleural, abdominal, or pericardial spaces in cancer patients may be caused directly by the effects of the malignancy itself or indirectly by the exacerbation of cardiac disease or the occurrence of infection, bleeding, or rupture of an organ precipitated by the cancer. Malignant effusions are protein-rich exudates that occur in a variety of cancers; when malignant effusion is present it is a major cause of morbidity and mortality. Reported clinical signs include abdominal pain, inappetence and nausea, cachexia, fatigue, and dyspnea leading to decreased activity and reduced exercise intolerance. The types of cancer associated with malignant effusion are similar in dogs and cats. Effusions caused by lymphoma are common in both species; carcinoma-associated effusions (carcinomatosis) resulting from metastasis of mammary, ovarian, pulmonary, urothelial, hepatic, or gastrointestinal carcinomas are the next most common. Malignant effusions caused by sarcomas are rare but may be seen with metastatic lesions in the lungs or abdominal organs. Mesothelioma is another cause of malignant effusion in dogs and cats and may affect pleural, peritoneal, or pericardial spaces. In some veterinary patients, malignant effusions may be identified as the principal problem and a primary cancer may not be identified immediately (unknown primary). In a study of human patients with malignant ascites from an unknown primary tumor, laparoscopy with biopsy was able to disclose a primary site in 86% (Chu et al, 1994), so further investigation certainly is warranted in such patients because a definitive tissue diagnosis often allows more precise or targeted therapies. In addition to decreased removal of fluid by lymphatics, there is an increase in fluid production that is mediated by angiogenesis. In the early 1980s it was demonstrated that cell-free malignant ascitic fluid led to increased capillary permeability and increases in omental edema. The factor responsible (originally called vascular permeability factor, now known as vascular endothelial growth factor [VEGF]) is produced by tumor cells, mesothelial cells, macrophages, monocytes, and tumor-infiltrating T lymphocytes. Not only does VEGF induce the proliferation of new vasculature, which is more permeable than normal vessels, it also increases the permeability of existing vasculature. Therefore VEGF is responsible for both initiating and maintaining production of ascitic or pleural fluid in a wide range of cancers. When this is coupled with decreases in lymphatic drainage, it is easy to see how malignant effusions are able to arise and re-form so rapidly. It has been shown that the total volume of ascitic fluid correlates directly with the concentration of VEGF in that fluid. In addition, the concentration of VEGF in the effusion also is correlated with both response to therapy and survival in human studies (Rudlowski et al, 2006). In dogs with pleural, pericardial, and abdominal effusions, VEGF concentrations have been shown to be elevated in the effusions. Concentrations are similar in both malignant and nonmalignant effusions, so VEGF concentration is not helpful in distinguishing the cause of an effusion; however, the elevation in VEGF concentration substantiates the potential role of inhibitors of VEGF signaling in the palliation of malignant effusions (Clifford et al, 2002). Thoracoscopy and laparoscopy may be minimally invasive methods of obtaining a specimen for tissue diagnosis when there are no obvious masses on ultrasonography and a parietal or visceral surface tumor is suspected. The advantage is minimal morbidity, although invasion of mesothelioma cells along a thoracoscopy tract has been reported in people and in one dog (Brisson et al, 2006). To put this in context, surgical exploration to obtain a biopsy specimen also would carry a risk of tumor cell seeding, and even centesis poses some risk of seeding of mesothelioma. Minimally invasive techniques also may allow concurrent therapeutic and palliative procedures (e.g., pericardectomy) to be performed.
Malignant Effusions
Malignant Effusions
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