Chapter 57 Magnesium Disorders
• Given that less than 1% of total body magnesium is located in the serum, serum magnesium concentrations do not always reflect total body magnesium stores. Consequently, a normal serum magnesium concentration can occur when there is a total body magnesium deficiency.
• Magnesium homeostasis is primarily a function of intestinal absorption and urinary excretion; therefore hypomagnesemia is almost always caused by disturbances in one or both of these organ systems.
Causes of magnesium deficiency are both numerous and complex. Three general categories are involved: decreased intake, increased losses, and alterations in distribution. Potential causes are listed in Box 57-1. Decreased dietary intake, if sustained for several weeks, can lead to significant magnesium depletion. In addition, catabolic illness and prolonged intravenous fluid therapy or parenteral nutrition without sufficient magnesium supplementation can contribute to depletion.4,8,16