Infectious diseases and parasitology

Chapter 19

Infectious diseases and parasitology


19.1 Investigation of infectious disease

19.2 Diagnosis of viral and bacterial infections

19.3 Equine influenza

19.4 The equine herpesviruses

19.5 Equine viral arteritis (EVA)

19.6 Equine adenovirus

19.7 Equine picornaviruses (rhinitis viruses)

19.8 Equine infectious anaemia (EIA)

19.9 African horse sickness (AHS)

19.10 Vesicular stomatitis

19.11 Hendra virus

19.12 West Nile virus

19.13 Equine encephalosis

19.14 Rotavirus

19.15 Other equine viral infections

19.16 Salmonellosis

19.17 Clostridial diseases

19.18 Strangles

19.19 Potomac horse fever

19.20 Proliferative enteropathy (Lawsonia intracellularis)

19.21 Leptospirosis

19.22 Anthrax

19.23 Brucellosis

19.24 Tuberculosis

19.25 Glanders

19.26 Lyme disease

19.27 Equine granulocytic ehrlichiosis

19.28 Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis

19.29 Tyzzer’s disease

19.30 Other equine bacterial infections

19.31 Fungal infections

19.32 Investigation of parasite-associated disease

19.33 Control strategies for equine parasite infections

19.34 Strongyles

19.35 Ascarids

19.36 Tapeworms

19.37 Bots

19.38 Lungworm

19.39 Strongyloides westeri

19.40 Oxyuris equi

19.41 Piroplasmosis

19.42 Trypanosomiasis

19.43 Other equine parasitic infections

Further reading

19.1 Investigation of infectious disease

In equine practice most illnesses/disorders affect individual patients, and so the individual, rather than the group, is often regarded as the most important unit of concern. However, from time to time equine veterinarians have to deal with outbreaks and epidemics of disease. Increased international travel of horses as well as potential climate change increase the risks of spread of infectious diseases, including diseases traditionally considered to be ‘exotic’ to particular geographical areas. Early recognition of disease outbreaks is central to their effective control. There are some fundamental, conceptual aspects of investigating group disease which is often, but by no means always, of an infectious nature. The basis of the approach is simply a logical interpretation of biological, historical and clinical data to study the occurrence of disease within a population. The veterinarian will often subconsciously apply basic principles to a clinical scenario, but less commonly the investigation of a disease outbreak will need to be performed by use of sophisticated, specialist epidemiological techniques.

The following decision-making steps may be employed when investigating an outbreak/epidemic or apparent group condition:

1. Is there an apparent increase in the incidence and/or prevalence of disease above the normal levels? To confirm that the apparent increase is real it is essential to know:

2. If possible, confirm the diagnosis by appropriate additional tests.

3. Examine the distribution of cases within the group to establish ‘risk factors’. In particular:

4. On the basis of analysis of information in 1 to 3 hypothesize why the increase in disease occurred, e.g. introduction of an animal incubating disease; change in environmental temperatures etc.

5. The purpose of going through the processes of 1 to 4 is to use the findings to formulate a control strategy. Ideally this would be by identifying the cause(s) of an increase in disease and by removing it (them) to prevent further cases. Most often control is based on:

These comments are perhaps rather obvious, but it cannot be overemphasized how easy it is to focus on the immediate clinical problem rather than to stand back and evaluate all the available information. The following information and guidelines on infectious and parasitic diseases of horses will be most useful if considered against the background of the foregoing comments.

19.2 Diagnosis of viral and bacterial infections

An accurate diagnosis is a prerequisite to specific treatment but may be especially important in infectious diseases where there is a risk of spread to other horses. The presumptive diagnosis of viral and bacterial infections may be easy in certain diseases, being made solely on the characteristics of the history, clinical signs and physical examinations. In other cases, these characteristics may lead to a suspicion of a certain infection, which needs to be confirmed by additional information, usually in the form of laboratory tests. In other situations, such as where subclinical infection or a carrier state exists, a diagnosis may be possible only by means of laboratory examinations.

A specific diagnosis will not be required in every case of suspected infectious disease. In respiratory viral infections, for example, there may be no therapeutic benefit to be gained from knowing which virus is involved; furthermore, the results of laboratory tests may take several weeks, by which time the affected horse(s) is likely to have recovered. However, in certain situations, a specific diagnosis may be necessary (e.g. in the face of an epidemic, or when a large population of horses is at risk, or if an exotic infection is suspected). A variety of laboratory tests for the accurate diagnosis of infectious agents is available, and it is recommended that the clinician discusses the requirements for sample collection and submission with an appropriate laboratory beforehand.

Diagnosis of viral infections

The three most common methods available for the diagnosis of viral infections are virus isolation, serology and direct detection of viral antigens by immunodiagnostic methods.

1. Virus isolation. Samples for isolation of viruses include swabs (e.g. conjunctival, nasal, nasopharyngeal etc.), body fluids (e.g. blood, semen, tracheal aspirates, etc.) and tissues. Samples often need to be obtained in the early stages of infection, and they should be collected into a special transport medium which contains antibiotics to prevent bacterial growth and proteins to stabilize the virus. The sample should be transported to the laboratory without delay, and may need to be kept at a low temperature (e.g. packed with ice).

2. Serology. A variety of serological tests is used to demonstrate serum antibodies. In many cases, the antibody titres present during the acute stage of the disease need to be compared with those in the convalescent stage 10 to 14 days later; a four-fold or greater increase in titre is generally considered significant.

3. Detection of viral antigens and nucleic acids. Viral antigens may be detected in blood, secretions, scrapings and tissues by a variety of immunodiagnostic techniques, such as immunofluorescence, immunoperoxidase staining, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and radioimmunoassay (RIA). Viral nucleic acids may be detected by techniques such as the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). These methods may provide a rapid diagnosis.

19.3 Equine influenza

The virus

The virus is an orthomyxovirus of influenza A type. Two structural proteins (haemagglutinin, HA, and neuraminidase, ND) are the major antigenic determinants and form the basis of categorization into different subtypes. Two major antigenically distinct subtypes exist – A/equine/1 (H7N7) and A/equine/2 (H3N8). These viruses are considered to have originally been of avian origin. The H3N8 influenza viruses are currently the most common sub-types identified in horses worldwide.

Antigenic shift (major change in HA and NA antigenic structure – rare) and antigenic drift (minor change in antigenic structure – commoner) can occur, resulting in recurrent epizootics and the need to update commercial vaccines.

Epidemiology: A major and economically important cause of acute respiratory disease throughout the world – with the exception of a small number of island nations, including New Zealand and Iceland. In North America and some parts of Europe the virus is enzootic with local outbreaks occurring regularly.

Horses of all ages are susceptible, but infection is commonest in young (2–3 years) unvaccinated horses. Equine influenza has a low mortality rate but very high morbidity, which has a major economic effect due to disruption of equestrian activities. Infection may occur in vaccinated horses, although the severity of clinical disease and degree of viral shedding are reduced.

The extensive use of killed and subunit vaccines in Europe and North America has reduced the severity and morbidity of clinical disease. However, when new antigenic variants emerge, explosive outbreaks of disease can occur.

Large amounts of virus are aerosolized from affected horses due to the frequent cough. The incubation period is short (1–5 days) and virus is shed for up to 10 days.

Outbreaks are most common when large numbers of young susceptible horses are brought together at sales and shows, or for weaning and training.

Clinical signs:

Other signs that may be observed include tachypnoea, tachycardia, congestion of conjunctivae, epiphora, limb oedema, muscle stiffness and weight-loss.

• The severity of the disease is related to the virulence of the virus strain and the immune status of the horse at the time of exposure. In uncomplicated cases, recovery occurs in about 10–14 days, but coughing may persist for several weeks.

• In some cases, secondary bacterial infection of the lower respiratory tract may give rise to bronchopneumonia with signs of dyspnoea, chest pain, reluctance to move (see Chapter 6).

• In a minority of cases, myocarditis occurs causing tachycardia, arrhythmia and severe exercise intolerance.

• Pregnant mares occasionally abort secondarily to pyrexia.

• In partially immune or vaccinated horses, the clinical signs are usually mild, or the infection may be subclinical, but they can still shed virus and serve as a source of infection to other horses. Performance horses may demonstrate only exercise intolerance.


1. A presumptive diagnosis may be made on the basis of the clinical signs and rapid spread of disease, especially in unvaccinated horses; however, vaccinated horses may show few if any clinical signs, and laboratory analysis is required for diagnosis.

2. Haematology.

3. Virus isolation from nasopharyngeal swabs.

4. Serology – acute and convalescent serum samples (taken 10 to 14 days apart) demonstrate antibody rise (haemagglutinin inhibition and single radial haemolysis).

5. Rapid immunological tests to detect viral antigens/nucleic acid include enzyme and fluorescent antibody tests, and real-time PCR. An immunoassay developed to detect human influenza (e.g. Directigen Flu-A and Espline) may also be used. Real-time PCR is considered to be very sensitive and provides a diagnosis within hours.


Since 2005, the Federation Equestre Internationale (FEI) requires all horses competing at their competitions to have been vaccinated in the previous six months. It is advisable to vaccinate pregnant mares during the last 6 to 4 weeks of pregnancy to ensure that their colostrum has protective levels of antibody. Foals born to seropositive mares usually have adequate passive immunity for 3 to 6 months.

19.4 The equine herpesviruses

Equine herpesvirus 1 (rhinopneumonitis)

EHV1 infection is associated with respiratory disease, abortion, neonatal disease and neurological disease. The virus has a worldwide distribution. Numerous strains of EHV1 exist, and strain variations are likely to be associated with the different forms of clinical disease.

Pathogenesis and epidemiology: Necrotizing vasculitis with ensuing hypoxia and malnutrition of tissues, including fetal tissues, placenta and central nervous system, is the basic underlying pathophysiological mechanism responsible for the clinical manifestations. Infection occurs by inhalation of virus in aerosols. The virus replicates in the epithelium of the upper and lower respiratory tracts and associated lymphoid tissue (resulting in lymphadenopathy especially in young horses). EHV1 appears to have evolved a number of mechanisms that allow it to evade the host’s immune defences. Systemic spread by a cell-associated viraemia can occur. Subsequent infection of endothelial cells may lead to vaculitis in the pulmonary, CNS and placental vasculature. A genetic mutation has been identified in the DNA polymerase of some EHV1 strains that appears to predispose to neurological disease.

Immunity following infection or vaccination is short-lived, and horses may become reinfected on numerous occasions throughout their lives. There is good evidence to suggest that initial infection often occurs within weeks after birth and that unweaned foals are infected by asymptomatic shedding of virus by mares.

Consistent with many herpesviruses, latent infections by EHV1 occur, which may undergo recrudescence under conditions of stress or following administration of immuno-suppresive drugs, with the potential to cause disease or act as a source of infection to incontact horses. Latent virus may persist in lymphoid tissue and the trigeminal ganglion. A recent study in Kentucky identified latent EHV1 infection in the submandibular lymph nodes of 54% of broodmares.

Clinical signs:

Neurological disease (see Chapter 11).: Neurological disease is associated with vasculitis of spinal vessels and ischaemia of the cord. It may occur in association with or in the absence of respiratory disease or abortion. Onset of neurological signs may occur up to 8 days after an initial episode of fever.

In many parts of the world, EHV1 neurological disease is considered to be the most common infectious cause of neurological disease in horses. Any age group may be affected. Single, isolated cases or outbreaks may occur.

Non-recumbent horses usually recover, but full neurological function may not return for several months.

A genetic mutation affecting DNA polymerase is associated with the development of neurological disease; however, not all horses infected with such strains of the virus develop neurological disease.


Control of outbreaks and prevention


1. Isolate incoming horses for 2–3 weeks.

2. Age segregation of horses.

3. Pregnant mares should be separated from young stock and ideally kept in small groups according to the gestational stage.

4. Horses showing clinical respiratory disease should be isolated.

5. Personnel handling infected horses should be isolated from healthy stock.

6. Bedding of infected horses should be burned.

7. Contaminated stable equipment/clothing should be disinfected.

8. Aborting mares should be kept and managed in isolation. The foetus and membranes are potential sources of infection and must be handled and disposed of carefully.

9. In cases of abortion, all mares due to foal in the same season should remain on the farm until they have foaled. Horses that leave the farm should not be allowed contact with pregnant mares.

10. In cases of neurological disease, infected horses should be isolated, and all horses on the premises should be confined until 3 weeks after the identification of the last new case.

11. Vaccination. EHV1 and 4 vaccines are available but provide only partial and short-lived immunity. However, repeated vaccination can reduce the severity of respiratory disease and reduce the incidence of abortions. Two initial doses given several weeks apart are followed by regular boosters at intervals varying between 3 months and 1 year (depending on specific vaccine). Unlike the recommendation for influenza, it is usually inappropriate to administer EHV1 and 4 vaccines to healthy, at-risk animals in face of an EHV outbreak.

19.5 Equine viral arteritis (EVA)

The virus

Equine viral arteritis (EVA) is caused by equine arteritis virus (EAV), an RNA virus of the Togavirus family. Only one serototype is recognized, but there is marked variation in pathogenicity between different strains. EVA derives its name from the widespread vasculitis involving small blood vessels (especially arterioles) that is characteristic of the disease.

Epidemiology: EAV is widely distributed throughout the world, having been reported in North and South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia and New Zealand. However, reports of clinically apparent EVA are relatively few, which is explained by a high prevalence of subclinical infection and confusion of the clinical disease with other viral infections such as influenza and rhinopneumonitis. Serological surveys indicate that the prevalence of infection varies widely between countries and between different breeds in the same country. Higher rates of infection are frequently found in Standardbreds and various Warmblood breeds.

Transmission of the virus occurs via the respiratory tract (aerosolized particles) and venereally. EAV is shed in nasal secretions for up to 7 to 10 days. Stallions can transmit the virus venereally in the acute stage of the disease, and as long-term carriers. EVA-infected semen is an important potential means of spread of the virus.

The incubation period is 3 to 14 days.

Clinical signs: Infection may result in clinical disease or be subclinical. The clinical signs depend on the virus strain, viral dose, route of exposure, age and physical condition of the horse.

The clinical signs vary widely, but tend to be more severe in very young and old horses, or those in a debilitated condition.

The incubation period is usually 3–14 days.

The duration of clinical signs can range from several days to up to 2 weeks. Most infected horses make a full recovery, and the mortality rate is low. Secondary bacterial infections are uncommon. Fatal infections are most likely in neonatal foals congenitally infected by the virus and in foals a few weeks to months of age that succumb from a fulminating interstitial viral pneumonia.

Abortion can be a sequel to clinical or asymptomatic infection, and many strains of the virus are believed to be abortigenic. Abortion rates in unprotected mares can range from less than 10% to over 70%. Abortion can occur at any stage of gestation. Placental fluids, the aborted foetus or congenitally affected newborn foals are all highly productive sources of virus.

Prevention and control: Two vaccines are available (a modified live vaccine and an inactivated adjuvanted vaccine).The vaccines are safe and effective in stallions and non-pregnant mares. Prevention and control depend on management practices (as described for influenza and EHV1) and selective use of the vaccine, including vaccination of the at-risk stallion population. Stallions should be vaccinated annually at least 28 days before the onset of the next breeding season. Carrier stallions should be kept in isolation and bred only to seropositive mares. EAV is readily inactivated by heat, sunlight and many commonly used disinfectants. However, infectivity of the virus can be maintained for long periods of time below freezing temperature. Measures should be taken to prevent the spread of EAV in fresh or frozen semen used for AI.

19.8 Equine infectious anaemia (EIA)

The virus

EIA virus (EIAV) is an equine-specific lentivirus of the retrovirus family, related to HIV-1.

The virus contains reverse transcriptase, an enzyme that can convert the viral RNA genome into DNA; this complementary DNA can insert into the host DNA where it persists, protected from the host’s immune defences. Replication of EIAV occurs primarily in cells of the monocyte/macrophage lineage although some strains can replicate in endothelial cells.

Clinical signs: The clinical features are highly variable. Acute, subacute, chronic and subclinical syndromes are recognized. The severity of clinical signs varies according to the virulence of the strain of virus, the dose of virus, and the host response. Classical cases progress through acute, chronic and carrier phases.

The acute syndrome is characterized by:

Most horses recover from the viraemia and appear normal for several months (often 12 months or longer), and then experience recurrent episodes of disease, termed the chronic phase.

The chronic phase is characterized by:

The frequency and severity of clinical bouts of disease decrease with time, and most horses eventually cease to show any clinical signs but remain infected with EAV and remain a reservoir for transmission. This is known as the inapparent carrier stage.

Not all infected horses demonstrate these classical signs. Some infected horses have subclinical infection with no overt clinical signs, but they can act as a source of infection to others. Others may develop severe peracute disease with persistent fever, plummeting platelet counts, and eventually death.

19.9 African horse sickness (AHS)

The virus

African horse sickness viruses (AHSV) are RNA reoviruses of which there are nine serotypes. AHSV is morphologically similar to other orbiviruses such as bluetongue virus of ruminants and equine encephalosis virus.

Clinical signs: Four syndromes are recognized:

1. Peracute or pulmonary form.

2. Subacute or cardiac form.

3. Acute or mixed form (most common clinical form).

4. Horse sickness fever form.

19.10 Vesicular stomatitis

The virus

The disease is caused by vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) which is a lyssavirus of the rhabdovirus family. Two main serotypes exist. VSV is a potential zoonosis, so gloves should be worn when examining potential cases.

Jun 18, 2016 | Posted by in EQUINE MEDICINE | Comments Off on Infectious diseases and parasitology

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