Chapter 8 Deteriorating Mental Status
• Consciousness is maintained by the cerebral cortex and the brainstem’s reticular activating system.
• Abnormalities in mentation may be seen with metabolic disease, drug administration or toxicity, and structural brain disease.
• Five patient evaluation parameters that will aid in lesion localization and prognosis for recovery include: (1) level of consciousness, (2) motor activity, (3) respiratory patterns, (4) pupil size and reactivity, and (5) oculocephalic reflex.
Lesions causing changes in mentation will be structural, metabolic, or toxic in origin. Clinical signs of diffuse cerebral disease with normal brain stem function are most common with metabolic disease, toxins, or drugs affecting the cerebrum globally (Boxes 8-1 and 8-2). Seizures indicate cerebral cortical dysfunction caused by either extracranial or intracranial disease (see Chapter 98, Seizures and Status Epilepticus). Impairment of the brain stem or thalamus, as well as lateralized cerebral dysfunction (e.g., compulsive circling in one direction, unilateral cortical blindness), is more likely the result of structural disease or injury (Box 8-3).