Chapter 71 Chemotherapeutic drugs are considered hazardous drugs. Hazardous drugs (HDs) are defined as drugs that can have adverse health effects and significant toxicity at low doses. Drugs are classified as hazardous if studies in animals or humans indicate that exposures to them have a potential to cause cancer, developmental or reproductive toxicity, or harm to organs (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health [NIOSH], 2004). In the United States, an estimated 500,000 veterinary health care workers potentially are exposed to HDs or drug waste at their workplaces (NIOSH, 2010). Routes of exposure include skin absorption, inhalation, and ingestion. Most HDs used in veterinary species are antineoplastic (chemotherapeutic) agents. Biological safety cabinets (BSCs) are the hallmark equipment for the safe preparation of hazardous and cytotoxic drugs. A BSC is a ventilated cabinet that provides personnel, product, and environmental protection via inward airflow, downward high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) airflow, and HEPA-filtered exhausted air, respectively. BSCs must be vented to the outside environment with no recirculation (U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention, 2011). The effectiveness of BSCs in containing drug contamination depends on user technique. CSTDs are designed to mechanically prevent the transfer of environmental contaminants into the system and the escape of drug or vapor out of the system. Each multicomponent system has specific components for the preparation and administration of HDs, including components for drug vials, locking syringes, and administration sets. The choice of CSTD should be based on proven, independent, effectiveness data. There are several CSTD systems on the market; the authors currently use the PhaSeal system. Chemotherapy adjuncts and chemotherapy vial venting pins are not closed-system devices and should not be used in place of a closed system and proper environmental controls. CSTDs and chemotherapy adjuncts alone never should be used in place of proper two-tiered protection, such as a BSC in a clean room or a CSTD within a BSC (American Society of Health-System Pharmacists [ASHP], 2006). Gowns are required for preparation, administration, spill control, and waste management of HDs. Generally, gowns should be of a disposable, lint-free, closed-front style with long sleeves and tight-fitting elastic or knit cuffs. Washable cloth or reusable gowns or smocks never should be used when handling HDs. Polyethylene, polypropylene, or vinyl-coated gowns offer the best level of protection. Gowns never should be worn outside of the immediate drug preparation and administration area because they can be a source of contamination for other hospital areas and other staff members. Gowns should be disposed of immediately after use (ASHP, 2006).
Chemotherapeutic Drug Handling and Safety
Drug Preparation Equipment
Personal Protective Equipment
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