Bradyarrhythmias and Conduction Abnormalities

Chapter 45 Bradyarrhythmias and Conduction Abnormalities


Conduction abnormalities that lead to bradyarrhythmias are due to conduction delays or conduction blocks within the specialized conduction system. Conduction starts in the tissues surrounding the sinus node and terminates in the Purkinje network in the ventricles. Slowed conduction from the sinus node to the internodal tracts (first-degree sinoatrial block) does not cause any perceptible abnormality on an electrocardiogram (ECG) because it occurs before the P wave is inscribed. An intermittent conduction block in this region (second-degree sinoatrial block) results in the heart rhythm stopping, usually only for one beat, because of the lack of a P-QRS-T complex on the ECG. Complete blockage of conduction from the sinus node to the internodal tracts and atria theoretically results in atrial standstill and forces the atrioventricular (AV) node to take over the pacing function of the heart at a slower rate. In reality, other regions of automaticity (e.g., tissue around the coronary sinus) in the atria probably take over the function of the sinus node in this situation.1

Slowed conduction through the AV conduction system results in a prolongation in the PR interval (first-degree AV block). This conduction delay can occur in the proximal AV bundle, the AV node, the bundle of His, or the bundle branches (if both the left and right bundle branches are affected). It theoretically may also occur in the internodal tracts. An intermittent complete block of conduction results in the intermittent loss of a QRS-T complex (second-degree AV block). Third-degree AV block occurs when conduction is completely blocked through the AV node, bundle of His, or both bundle branches. Complete block of conduction through the internodal tracts is also reported to produce complete AV block (third-degree AV block) in dogs.2


Sinus Bradycardia

Sinus bradycardia is a regular rhythm that originates in the sinus node but at a rate that is too slow for a given situation. A sinus rate less than 60 beats/min in an awake dog in an examination room is generally considered too slow. However, the sinus rate can be as slow as 20 beats/min in a normal dog that is sleeping. A heart rate less than 100 to 120 beats/min in a cat is generally too slow, although it may produce no clinical signs. Sinus bradycardia is an uncommon rhythm disturbance in clinical veterinary practice. It is identified most commonly during an anesthetic overdose. Other causes include increased vagal tone (athletic training, increased intracranial pressure, severe gastrointestinal (GI) or respiratory disease), sick sinus syndrome, hypothermia, severe hypothyroidism, and administration of parasympathomimetic or sympatholytic drugs, such as xylazine, digoxin, and β-blockers. Sick sinus syndrome is discussed later in this chapter. 1,3

Sick Sinus Syndrome

Dogs with diffuse conduction system disease or with increased vagal tone to both the sinus node and the AV node may have more prolonged periods of sinus arrest because the subsidiary pacemakers are either suppressed or dysfunctional. If a period of sinus arrest lasts for more than approximately 6 seconds, weakness and syncope will occur.4


Dogs with sick sinus syndrome generally require the implantation of an artificial pacemaker to prevent syncope. Occasionally a dog that is partially responsive to atropine administration can be treated chronically with an anticholinergic or a sympathomimetic agent. However, the disease usually progresses to the point that the arrhythmia becomes unresponsive to drug therapy and pacemaker implantation is required.

Dogs with vagally induced sinus arrest require therapy if clinical signs of episodic weakness or syncope occur. Anticholinergic or sympathomimetic therapy should be tried initially. Anticholinergic agents that can be administered on a long-term oral basis include atropine, isopropamide, prochlorperazine plus isopropamide (Darbazine), and propantheline. Atropine tablets are no longer manufactured. Isopropamide and propantheline are weak anticholinergic agents compared with atropine and generally are not as effective. Anticholinergic agents can produce side effects, including mydriasis and constipation.

Alternatively, a sympathomimetic agent can be administered. Terbutaline and albuterol syrup are the two choices. Sympathomimetic drugs act indirectly by counteracting the effects of increased vagal tone. They can produce side effects, including hyperactivity and tachycardia. Dosage adjustment may reduce the side effects while maintaining efficacy. Dogs that have intolerable side effects or that are unresponsive to medical therapy should have a pacemaker implanted. The pacemaker will prevent clinical signs that occur secondary to sinus arrest.1


Definition, Causes, and Electrocardiographic Findings

Atrial standstill is the rhythm diagnosis when no P waves are visible on the ECG and atrial fibrillation is not evident (Figure 45-1). Atrial standstill occurs when the atrial myocardium is unable to depolarize. This occurs for two broad general reasons: (1) either the atrial muscle is destroyed by disease or (2) the serum potassium concentration is increased to a level at which the resting membrane potential of atrial cells is so low (i.e., closer to zero) that they no longer depolarize.


Figure 45-1 Lead II electrocardiogram tracings from a dog that was presented for being lethargic for 1 month and that had had ascites for the previous 2 weeks. The heart rate was 50 to 60 beats/min on auscultation. There are no P waves visible in the top and middle tracings. The top tracing is recorded at 25 mm/sec, and the middle trace is recorded at 50 mm/sec paper speed. The ventricular rate is 55 beats/min and regular. These features are characteristic of atrial standstill. The QRS complexes are wide and bizarre in appearance. The configuration of the QRS complexes indicates that the escape focus in this dog is either in Purkinje fibers (ventricular escape beats) or in the atrioventricular junctional tissue and not conducted in the right bundle branch (nodal escape rhythm with a right bundle branch block). Because the rate is consistent with a nodal escape rhythm, the escape focus is most likely in the atrioventricular junctional tissue. The bottom tracing was recorded at 50 mm/sec after pacemaker implantation. The generator was set at a rate of 100 beats/min. A sharp deflection precedes each QRS complex. This is a so-called pacemaker spike that occurs when the generator produces its electrical signal. The pacemaker spikes are exactly 0.6 second apart, indicating that the set rate (100 beats/min) is being produced. The QRS complexes are wide and bizarre in appearance, because the wave of depolarization originates within myocardium and must conduct from muscle cell to muscle cell. (1 cm = 1 mV.) (From Kittleson MD: Diagnosis and treatment of arrhythmias [dysrhythmias]. In Kittleson MD, Kienle RD, editors: Small animal cardiovascular medicine, St Louis, 1998, Mosby.)

From Kittleson MD: Diagnosis and treatment of arrhythmias [dysrhythmias]. In Kittleson MD, Kienle RD, editors: Small animal cardiovascular medicine, St Louis, 1998, Mosby.

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