Figure 683 Lateral projection of cervical vertebrae.
A Skull
1 Occipital bone
2 Occipital condyle
3 Tympanic bullae
B Atlas
4 Dorsal arch
5 Lateral vertebral foramen
6 Vascular foramen
7 Articular foveae
7(a) Cranial articular fovea rostral edge
7(b) Caudal articular fovea caudal edge
8 Wings; transverse processes
9 Ventral arch; body
C Axis
10 Dens
11 Cranial articular surface
12 Caudal articular surface
13 Spinous process
14 Transverse foramen
15 Transverse process
D 3rd cervical vertebra
E 4th cervical vertebra
F 5th cervical vertebra
G 6th cervical vertebra
H 7th cervical vertebra
16 Transverse processes
17 Cranial articular surface of 4th cervical vertebra
18 Cranial articular surface of 6th cervical vertebra
19 Caudal articular surface of 3rd cervical vertebra
19(a) Intervertebral synovial joint of 3rd and 4th cervical vertebrae
20 Caudal articular surface of 5th cervical vertebra
20(a) Intervertebral synovial joint of 5th and 6th cervical vertebrae
21 Spinous process
22 Body
23 Vertebral foramen
23(a) Dorsal margin
23(b) Ventral margin
24 Intervertebral foramen
I 1st thoracic vertebra
J 2nd thoracic vertebra
K 1st rib
L Scapulae
Figure 684 Ventrodorsal projection of cervical vertebrae. British Domestic Short Haired cat 3 years old, neutered female. (Approximately 150% of original size.)
Figure 685 Ventrodorsal projection of cervical vertebrae.
A Skull
1 Occipital bone
2 Occipital condyle
B Atlas
3 Cranial articular fovea
4 Caudal articular fovea
5 Ventral arch; body (cranial border)
6 Ventral arch; body (caudal border)
7 Wing; transverse process
8 Alar notch
C Axis
9 Dens
10 Cranial articular surface
11 Caudal articular surface
12 Spinous process
13 Transverse process
D 3rd cervical vertebra
E 4th cervical vertebra
F 5th cervical vertebra
G 6th cervical vertebra
H 7th cervical vertebra
14 Cranial articular surface of 4th cervical vertebra
15 Caudal articular surface of 4th cervical vertebra
16 Spinous process
17 Transverse process
18 Lateral margin of vertebral foramen
19 Dorsal cranial margin of body of 3rd cervical vertebra
20 Ventral caudal margin of body of 3rd cervical vertebra
I 1st thoracic vertebra
J 1st rib
K Clavicle
L Scapula
M Manubrium of sternum
N 2nd sternebra of sternum
Figure 686 Lateral projection of thoracic vertebrae. British Domestic Short Haired cat 8 years old, neutered female. (Approximately 120% of original size.)
Figure 687 Lateral projection of thoracic vertebrae with rib shadows excluded for clarity.
A 7th cervical vertebra
B 1st thoracic vertebra
C 2nd thoracic vertebra
D 3rd thoracic vertebra
E 4th thoracic vertebra
F 5th thoracic vertebra
G 6th thoracic vertebra
H 7th thoracic vertebra
I 8th thoracic vertebra
J 9th thoracic vertebra
K 10th thoracic vertebra
L 11th thoracic vertebra. Anticlinal vertebra.
M 12th thoracic vertebra
N 13th thoracic vertebra
1 Spinous process
1(a) Spinous process of anticlinal vertebra (nearly perpendicular to axis)
2 Cranial articular process of 4th thoracic vertebra
3 Caudal articular process of 3rd thoracic vertebra
4 Body
5 Transverse process
6 Vertebral foramen
6(a) Dorsal margin
6(b) Ventral margin
7 Intervertebral foramen
8 Accessory process
9 Mammilliary process
O 1st lumbar vertebra
10 Spinous process
11 Transverse process
P Trachea
Q Diaphragm
Figure 688 Lateral projection of thoracic vertebrae to demonstrate the rib shadows not seen in Figure 687.
A Scapula
1 Spine
2 Dorsal margins
B 1st rib
C 2nd rib
D 3rd rib
E 4th rib
F 5th rib
G 6th rib
H 7th rib
I 8th rib
J 9th rib
K 10th rib
L 11th rib
M 12th rib
N 13th rib
3 Head
4 Neck
5 Tubercle
O Trachea
P Diaphragm
Figure 689 Ventrodorsal projection of thoracic vertebrae. British Domestic Short Haired cat 8 years old, neutered female. (Approximately 120% of original size.)
Figure 690 Ventrodorsal projection of thoracic vertebrae with ventral ribs and sternal shadows excluded for clarity.
A 7th cervical vertebra
B 1st thoracic vertebra
C 2nd thoracic vertebra
D 3rd thoracic vertebra
E 4th thoracic vertebra
F 5th thoracic vertebra
G 6th thoracic vertebra
H 7th thoracic vertebra
I 8th thoracic vertebra
J 9th thoracic vertebra
K 10th thoracic vertebra
L 11th thoracic vertebra. Anticlinal vertebra.
M 12th thoracic vertebra
N 13th thoracic vertebra
1 Spinous process of 1st thoracic vertebra. These processes incline caudally from 1st to 10th thoracic vertebrae.
1(a) Spinous process of 10th thoracic vertebra
1(b) Spinous process of 11th thoracic vertebra
2 Body
2(a) Cranial margin
2(b) Caudal margin
3 Mammilliary process of 11th thoracic vertebra
4 Accessory process of thoracic vertebra
5 Transverse process
6 Cranial costal fovea of body
7 Caudal costal fovea of body
8 Lateral margin of vertebral foramen
O 1st lumbar vertebra
P 1st rib
Q 13th rib
R Diaphragm
Figure 691 Ventrodorsal projection of thoracic vertebrae to demonstrate sternal shadows not seen in Figure 690.
A Manubrium of sternum
B 2nd sternebra
C 3rd sternebra
D 4th sternebra
E 5th sternebra
F 6th sternebra
G 7th sternebra
H 8th sternebra
I 1st rib
J 13th rib
K Diaphragm
Figure 692 Lateral projection of lumbar vertebrae. British Domestic Short Haired cat 6 years old, neutered male. (Approximately 90% of original size.)

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