Vaccine Failure
From Greene C: Infectious diseases of the dog and cat, ed 2, St Louis, 1999, Saunders. γ, Uncertain.
Host Factors | Vaccine Factors | Human Error |
Vascular Disorders
Vestibular Disease: Central Versus Peripheral
Central Vestibular Disease | Peripheral Vestibular Disease | |
Loss of balance | Yes | Yes |
Head tilt | Yes | Yes |
Falling/rolling | Yes (greater tendency to roll) | Yes |
Nystagmus | Yes | Yes |
Horizontal | Yes | Yes |
Rotatory | Yes | Yes |
Vertical | Yes | No |
Positional | Yes | No |
Strabismus (ventrolateral) | Yes | Yes |
Cranial nerve deficits | Possible I-XII, especially V, VI, VII | Possible VII |
Horner’s syndrome | No | Possible |
Cerebellar signs | Possible | No |
Mental depression | Possible | No |
Hemiparesis with ipsilateral postural reaction deficits | Possible | No |
Modified with permission from Braund KG: Clinical syndromes in veterinary neurology, St Louis, 1994, Mosby, p 65.
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