26 Michele A. Steffey Advantages of minimally invasive procedures over open surgical procedures have been previously demonstrated in veterinary patients, including reductions in pain and a more rapid return to normal activity.1,2 However, it is important when choosing a minimally invasive approach to cancer to ensure that the potential benefits of reduced patient discomfort and quicker recovery times that are common to laparoscopic approaches do not result in compromise of oncologic principles and patient outcomes. It has been proposed by some that laparoscopy could worsen oncologic outcomes by fragmenting cancer cells and promoting implantation and spread or that the loss of tactile input during surgery may reduce the quality of the resection that can be achieved. This is an area of ongoing controversy in the human medical field, but it is known that laparoscopic surgery has been shown to cause a less intense inflammatory reaction than traditional surgery, one contributing factor of which seems to be associated with carbon dioxide (CO2) insufflation.3,4 Inflammation and neovascularization can be associated with promotion of tumor growth, and a murine model showed that rats with implanted tumor cells exhibited decreased growth of tumor after laparoscopy compared with laparotomy.5 Further studies are needed to define the relationships between surgical approaches and techniques and oncologic outcomes for the spectrum of neoplastic diseases treated. However, it is likely a more important consideration that operative decisions do not compromise surgical oncologic principles of maintaining appropriate margins and accurate nodal assessment rather than the intrinsic choice of a minimally invasive versus open surgical approach. Appropriate case selection is key. Accurate staging information is an extremely important component of an overall oncologic plan. Although advanced preoperative diagnostic imaging studies have vastly improved our ability to define the disease stage for a given patient, noninvasive imaging can underestimate the tumor burden, especially in cases of peritoneal carcinomatosis or metastatic serosal hemangiosarcoma, smaller multifocal liver metastases from a variety of neoplasms, or micrometastatic disease to regional lymph nodes. Diffuse or multifocal smaller lesions are very difficult to define on noninvasive imaging modalities such as ultrasonography, computed tomography (CT), or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Diagnostic laparoscopy has a place in some patients, providing the staging benefit of identifying metastatic lesions missed by other imaging modalities, identifying locoregional lymph nodes for biopsy, and providing an option for a minimally invasive diagnostic biopsy of the primary lesion or as a preliminary evaluation of lesion resectability. Tissue diagnosis is an important component of an oncologic therapeutic plan, and although other image-guided techniques such as fine-needle aspiration or percutaneous biopsy may also provide minimally invasive options in diagnosis, laparoscopic biopsy provides excellent lesion visualization, the ability to manipulate and possibly minimize injury to nearby viscera, the potential for larger tissue samples, and an improved ability to provide hemostasis. The function of the lymphatic system is to drain interstitial fluid back to the venous system. Lymph nodes are junctions throughout this system, between multiple afferent lymphatics and few efferent lymphatics. As such, they form barriers to lymphatic drainage, and in a neoplastic setting, they function as barriers to the lymphatic extension of cancer cells and a rational point of evaluation for metastasis. However, assessing lymph node involvement still remains a challenge in the human and veterinary medical fields. In concept, locoregional lymph node staging is important in the therapeutic planning of most solid cancers, and identification of metastatic disease within the lymphatic system can significantly alter surgical and adjuvant treatment recommendations. A large body of literature exists evaluating the extent, timing, and methods of surgical lymphatic staging for different neoplastic diseases in humans,6-10 and there is growing evidence in the veterinary literature for consideration of these techniques in our patients.11-17 In general, removal of large, grossly abnormal, clearly metastatic lymph nodes is most commonly recommended in veterinary patients for the purpose of overall disease reduction and improved response to adjuvant therapy.18 The role of surgical sampling of nonenlarged regional lymph nodes in veterinary patients is less clear. Because of their intimate association with the terminal aorta or vena cava and other important blood vessels, abdominal and retroperitoneal lymph nodes can be challenging to sample preoperatively, especially if lymphadenomegaly is not present. However, as micrometastases may take many months to produce palpable lymphadenomegaly, it is conceivable that early histopathologic evaluation of normal-sized lymph nodes could allow for a more accurate assessment of stage. Increased sensitivity in the detection of micrometastasis by lymph node biopsy allows for upstaging of patients who might have been staged as negative for nodal metastasis based on aspiration alone. However, in the case of more superficial tumors in which the draining lymph nodes lie within the abdominal cavity or retroperitoneum, a separate open abdominal approach in addition to the tumor resection can be an unattractive option to many clinicians and clients. A minimally invasive option for biopsy of abdominal lymph nodes when indicated may encourage clients to pursue improved staging of various regional neoplastic diseases, even when lymph nodes are not measurably enlarged. As a profession, the question of which lymph nodes should be sampled and when is a bit of the-chicken-or-the-egg question. How do we justify an invasive procedure to remove a nonenlarged lymph node(s) if we have not demonstrated a reasonably high probability that it will benefit the patient? But how will we obtain that data if we do not remove nonenlarged lymph nodes, assess them for microscopic disease, and correlate that information with survival times and treatment recommendations? Although mechanisms of metastasis are likely to be similar among species, there are noteworthy anatomic differences in lymphatic basins in veterinary patients compared with humans, and lymph node biopsy practices in veterinary patients should be evaluated on their own merits. There is much work to be done in this area in veterinary medicine in general, and minimally invasive approaches may improve our opportunities to answer these questions. The question of which lymph node(s) to remove for a given tumor may be aided by the technique of sentinel lymph node (SLN) mapping. SLN mapping is based on the concept that lymphatic dissemination from a tumor is an orderly process, with initial involvement of the first lymph node receiving afferent lymphatics from the tumor before dissemination to the remainder of the nodes in the regional lymphatic basin.6 The SLN is the most likely lymph node to harbor metastatic deposits, and therefore if the pathology of the SLN is negative for metastasis, the nonsentinel nodes in the region should be at minimal risk of harboring metastases. Based on this concept, assessment of the regional lymphatic basin for microscopic metastatic disease via SLN biopsy (even when the lymph nodes in question are palpably unremarkable or normal in appearance on imaging) has become the standard of care in human breast cancer and melanoma patients and is increasing in use for a variety of other neoplasms.6-9,19 SLN biopsy has been shown to be a highly sensitive and specific indicator of the patient’s true metastatic status.20,21 Increased sensitivity in the detection of micrometastases in SLNs allows for upstaging of patients who might have been staged as negative for nodal metastasis (N0) based on regional lymph node aspirates alone. Human studies have demonstrated up to 30% of patients, previously staged as N0 before SLN evaluation, benefited from upstaging and subsequent adjustments in therapeutic plan after detection of micrometastases.20,21 The clinical use of SLN mapping is in its infancy in veterinary medicine, but it has been described in a few cohorts of dogs.13,15 In Worley’s study of dogs with mast cell tumor, 42% of patients had additional treatment recommended that would not have otherwise been offered based on findings of micrometastatic disease identified by SLN biopsy.13 Much experience still needs to be gained on the application of these techniques to veterinary patients, including application to different disease processes, tracer types, tracer doses, and timing. The most common methods of intraoperative SLN mapping include the use of lymphoscintigraphy; intraoperative vital blue dyes (e.g., isosulfan blue, patent blue V, or methylene blue); or more recently, the use of intraoperative near-infrared fluorescent imaging.10,13,15,16,20-25 A small volume of the chosen tracer is injected peritumorally (intradermally or subcutaneously at the transition from palpable disease at the tumor margin). Assessment for tracer uptake in the locoregional lymph nodes is then performed. Lymphatic uptake is relatively quick, on the order of seconds to minutes, so SLN assessment must be performed very shortly after injection, or there is a higher likelihood of identification of second- or third-tier lymph nodes, and even possibly missing the true SLN because of tracer washout. In general, the use of scintigraphy and visual vital dyes is most commonly combined in human patients because the combination is more sensitive in SLN identification than using vital blue dyes alone.26 Although scintigraphy does not discolor the dissection field around the primary tumor, it does not aid in visual identification of the lymph node at surgery. The blue dyes are widely available and do visually identify the lymph node at surgery, but they result in discoloration of the tissues around the primary lesion that can obscure regional anatomy and slow dissection. Near-infrared fluorescence imaging is an emerging modality that in early studies appears to have similar sensitivity and specificity to the combined use of scintigraphy and vital blue dyes and offers the benefit of avoiding patient and surgeon exposure to ionizing radiation.10,22-25 The main downsides for near-infrared imaging are the need for specialized imaging systems that are not yet widely available and that the most commonly used near-infrared tracer, indocyanine green, is nonspecific and passes very quickly through the lymphatic system, making it prone to highlight second- and third-tier nodes if close attention to timing is not given. Because, historically, biopsy of the abdominal and retroperitoneal lymph nodes could only be obtained by a major open abdominal procedure, excisional biopsy of these lymph nodes for staging purposes has not commonly been elected in the absence of overtly palpable or ultrasonographically identified lymphadenopathy. In Worley’s study of SLN mapping, the two SLNs identified by lymphoscintigraphy that were purposely not extirpated were medial iliac lymph nodes (with the implication that this was because of the intraabdominal location).13 In a canine experimental study evaluating the utility of various vital dyes for lymphatic mapping, a medial iliac lymph node identified by lymphography as the SLN, received afferent lymphatics from two anatomically divergent injection sites (a dorsal lumbar injection and a hock injection), confirming that the medial iliac lymph node has the potential to be sentinel for a wide variety of tumor locations.17 Although published clinical data on the minimally invasive removal of cavitary lymph nodes in clinical patients is lacking, a minimally invasive technique for excisional biopsy of the medial iliac lymph nodes using a lateral three-port laparoscopic approach has been described in a cohort of normal dogs.27 Although this study was performed in a cohort of healthy dogs, anecdotally, this technique has been performed by the author in a clinical setting to obtain lymphatic staging information in dogs presenting for perineal neoplasia. Abdominal lymph nodes can be categorized into regional lymphatic centers including the celiac lymphatic center, the cranial mesenteric lymphatic center, and the caudal mesenteric lymphatic center.28,29 The celiac lymphatic center encompasses the hepatic lymph node(s) along the portal vein trunk, the splenic lymph node(s) grouped around the splenic vessels, the gastric lymph node found near the pylorus at the lesser curvature of the stomach, and the pancreaticoduodenal lymph node(s) located in the first duodenal flexure.28,29 The cranial mesenteric lymphatic center encompasses the jejunal lymph nodes, found at the root of the mesentery of the jejunum and ileum, and the colic lymph nodes associated with the ascending and transverse colon.28,29 The caudal mesenteric lymphatic center encompasses the left colic lymph nodes in the mesocolon of the descending colon, associated with the caudal mesenteric artery.28,29 In an experimental study in rats, injection of tracers into the peritoneal cavity demonstrated that in these normal animals, the peritoneal space lymphatic drainage went to the celiac and superior (cranial) mesenteric lymphatic centers.30 In the rat model, there are specific positive and negative nodes within each lymph node group, suggesting a particular lymph node drainage pattern, not merely diffusion into all intraabdominal lymphatics.30 Retroperitoneal lymph nodes can also be regionally categorized into iliosacral lymphatic center and the lumbar lymphatic center. The iliosacral lymphatic center encompasses the medial iliac lymph nodes, the median sacral lymph nodes, the lateral sacral lymph nodes, and the hypogastric lymph nodes.28,29 In general, the iliosacral lymphatic center receives afferent lymphatics from a wide variety of locations, including the skin, subcutis, and fascia caudal to the last rib; the skin of the pelvis and tail; muscles, tendons and joints of the pelvic limbs; the caudal urogenital organs; the peritoneum; the colon, rectum, and anus; and the sacral, hypogastric, iliofemoral, femoral, superficial inguinal, popliteal, and caudal mesenteric lymph nodes.28,29 The lumbar lymphatic center encompasses the lumbar aortic lymph nodes scattered along the aorta and caudal vena cava from the diaphragm to the iliac arteries and the renal lymph nodes located near the renal vessels28,29 and receives afferent lymphatics from the lumbar and abdominal muscles, diaphragm, peritoneum, liver, kidney, adrenal glands, reproductive organs, medial iliac lymph nodes, and caudal mesenteric lymph nodes. The efferent lymphatics from the iliosacral and lumbar lymphatic centers join to form the lumbar trunks and empty into the cisterna chyli.28,29 The medial iliac lymph nodes are usually paired structures found at the level of the branching external iliac vessels, although occasionally an additional or accessory medial iliac lymph node may be found slightly cranial to the primary lymph nodes.28,29 They lie on the lateral aspect of the abdominal aorta and caudal vena cava between the deep circumflex iliac vessels and the external iliac vessels. The deep circumflex iliac vessels, in fact, function as a very useful intraoperative landmark for localization of the medial iliac lymph nodes, which are often buried in fat. The hypogastric lymph node(s) may be single or paired and are generally to be found sitting in the angle of the bifurcating internal iliac vessels. The median sacral lymph nodes are found within the pelvis on dorsal midline, associated with the median sacral artery when this artery is present. The lateral sacral lymph nodes are found within the pelvis, lateral to the midline. These patterns of afferent and efferent drainage are generalized, and the actual drainage pattern may be different for each individual neoplasm. In Worley’s study of SLN mapping, 42% of dogs had SLNs identified that were different from the anatomically predicted regional lymph node,13 indicating that identification of lymph nodes for sampling based on anatomic descriptions alone may not be sufficiently accurate to ensure that metastatic disease is identified. Assessment of the lymph nodes of the iliosacral lymphatic center is considered important in the staging of many neoplastic diseases in dogs, including anal sac gland adenocarcinoma in which metastatic disease is identified at diagnosis in 46% to 96% of dogs.31 Depending on patient size, palpation of the lymph nodes of the iliosacral lymphatic center may be possible per rectum, but in general, consistent identification of these nodes on rectal examination requires gross lymphadenomegaly. Palpation has been shown to be an insensitive indicator of nodal metastasis in dogs in general.11,12,15 The medial iliac lymph nodes are currently the most commonly assessed lymph nodes for evidence of lymphadenopathy that might indicate metastasis for anal sac adenocarcinoma.18,32 Because of their more cranial retroperitoneal location, medial iliac lymph nodes are most commonly assessed by ultrasonographic imaging of the abdomen in canine patients, but the hypogastric and sacral lymph nodes are not well assessed by this method, and it is likely for this reason that data are lacking for these lymph nodes. In general, because of their challenging anatomic location in association with the terminal abdominal aorta and vena cava, preoperative sampling of the medial iliac lymph nodes can be challenging, and percutaneous ultrasound-guided aspiration of the medial iliac lymph nodes is often not attempted unless lymphadenomegaly or other indicators of lymphadenopathy are present. Ultrasonography is widely accessible in veterinary medicine and is most commonly used for imaging assessment of abdominal and retroperitoneal lymph nodes. Ultrasonographic characteristics of normal and neoplastic lymph nodes have been described.33-38 Ultrasonographic characteristics that are suggestive of nodal invasion by macrometastases include enlargement, round shape, hypoechogenicity, and presence of irregular lymph node contours.37-39 Advanced cross-sectional imaging modalities such as CT and MRI are becoming increasingly used in the assessment of locoregional lymph nodes in veterinary patients, and imaging characteristics of lymph nodes have been described for these modalities.40-42 However, with most cross-sectional imaging techniques, nodal size and morphologic characteristics remain insufficient to provide a fully accurate identification. In addition to not distinguishing reactive lymph nodes from malignant lymph nodes well, CT and MRI also do not accurately identify micrometastatic disease. Lymphoscintigraphy is a reliable method to localize SLNs, but it is expensive and requires special considerations in handling of the radiopharmaceutical, and as a result, is not widely available in clinical veterinary practice. Indirect CT or MRI lymphography by peritumoral injections of small-sized iodinated contrast agents that are picked up by local lymphatics and converge toward afferent nodes (similar to the use of radioisotopes) have been described.43-46 The concept of indirect interstitial CT and MR lymphography matches the concept of intraoperative SLN mapping and may offer alternatives to lymphoscintigraphy in the preoperative determination of which lymph nodes to prioritize for sampling. The author has successfully applied the techniques of CT lymphography to the iliosacral lymphatic center in veterinary patients (Figure 26.1). Functional imaging (positron emission tomography) plays a role in assessment of locoregional lymph node status in humans but is not widely available in veterinary medicine.47 However, despite the many advances in noninvasive imaging methods, surgical SLN biopsy remains the method of choice to detect metastatic spread in draining lymph nodes in a number of human cancers. Figure 26.1 Computed tomography lymphography of a perineal tumor demonstrating iodinated contrast uptake after peritumoral injection, with contrast highlighting intrapelvic lymphatic drainage (A), and first lymph node contrast uptake in the ipsilateral hypogastric lymph node (B).
The Role of Laparoscopy in Cancer Staging
Diagnostic Laparoscopy and Biopsy
Lymphatic Staging
Preoperative Considerations
Surgical Anatomy
Diagnostic Workup and Imaging

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