Slings, Casts, and Other Forms of Immobilization
To provide appropriate temporary support and allow healing of musculoskeletal injuries, either alone or as augmentation of surgical repairs
• Robert Jones bandage: temporary immobilization of unstable fractures; control of edema and swelling. Appropriate for open fractures following wound dressing.
• Splints: temporary immobilization of fractures or peripheral joint luxations; also used following surgery for joint injuries, arthrodeses, or tendon injuries
• Casts: immobilization of distal limb fractures when mechanically stable; also appropriate following surgical repair—similar to splints
Wounds should be treated and an appropriate dressing applied before splinting or bandaging.
• Toes of the third and fourth digits should be left visible whenever possible to allow monitoring for coolness, swelling, cyanosis, or discharge, any of which warrants removal of the splint, cast, or bandage for closer evaluation of the soft tissues.
• All bandages, splints, slings, and casts should be checked frequently for limb swelling or discoloration, skin abrasions, loosening or slippage, moisture, or odor.
• Divide bulky roll cotton lengthwise and in thickness; reroll to create several smaller, narrower rolls.
• Apply adhesive tape stirrups directly to the skin of the medial and lateral or cranial and caudal surfaces of the distal limb, extending from the carpus or tarsus distally 4-6 inches (10-15 cm) beyond the toes.
SLINGS, CASTS, AND OTHER FORMS OF IMMOBILIZATION Robert Jones bandage. A, Adhesive tape stirrups (shown in black) are applied to skin on opposite sides of distal limb. Wound dressing is applied as needed. Roll cotton (or for small patients, cast padding) is wrapped evenly around foot. B, Cotton is continued proximally well above site of injury, with overlap of about 50% at each turn, to create the full length of the bandage. C, Conforming gauze is applied in same manner from distal to proximal but pulled tight at each turn. Cotton should be evenly compressed. D, Tape stirrups are reflected proximally and stuck to bandage. An outer tertiary layer of conforming elastic tape is applied over the cotton. Finished bandage should be firm with even compression over entire surface. Toes must be visible for monitoring.< div class='tao-gold-member'>

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