© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014
William V. Holt, Janine L. Brown and Pierre Comizzoli (eds.)Reproductive Sciences in Animal ConservationAdvances in Experimental Medicine and Biology75310.1007/978-1-4939-0820-2_11. Reproductive Science as an Essential Component of Conservation Biology
Academic Department of Reproductive and Developmental Medicine, University of Sheffield, Jessop Wing, Tree Root Walk, Sheffield, S10 2SF, UK
Center for Species Survival, Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute, 1500 Remount Road, Front Royal, VA, USA
Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute, National Zoological Park, Washington, DC, USA
In this chapter we argue that reproductive science in its broadest sense has never been more important in terms of its value to conservation biology, which itself is a synthetic and multidisciplinary topic. Over recent years the place of reproductive science in wildlife conservation has developed massively across a wide and integrated range of cutting edge topics. We now have unprecedented insight into the way that environmental change affects basic reproductive functions such as ovulation, sperm production, pregnancy and embryo development through previously unsuspected influences such as epigenetic modulation of the genome. Environmental change in its broadest sense alters the quality of foodstuffs that all animals need for reproductive success, changes the synchrony between breeding seasons and reproductive events, perturbs gonadal and embryo development through the presence of pollutants in the environment and drives species to adapt their behaviour and phenotype. In this book we explore many aspects of reproductive science and present wide ranging and up to date accounts of the scientific and technological advances that are currently enabling reproductive science to support conservation biology.
BiobankingBiodiversityEndocrinologyEnvironmental changeEpigeneticsInbreedingNutritionPollution1 Introduction
Wildlife conservation is an incredibly broad topic that encompasses a myriad of activities, ranging from the protection of whole ecosystems to the conservation of a few plants and butterflies in a local park or garden. However, these activities all have an overarching objective, namely to prevent or mitigate the loss of species caused by human activities. This objective is often seen as a moral obligation or duty of “Stewardship of natural resources” (Worrell and Appleby 2000). Global examples of why these efforts are important are well known: major oil spills that devastate wildlife across large areas of coastline, increased atmospheric greenhouse gases, which are widely believed to cause global warming and acidification of the oceans, and the extreme weather events that result from such changes can wreak havoc on whole nations. At a more local scale, urbanization, industrialization, agriculture, forestry, mining, etc. all are involved with the destruction of ecosystems, habitats, and the consequent loss of species, and conservation biologists are often tasked with finding ways to ameliorate such problems. Actions that mitigate the worst effects of environmental damage have a major economic benefit that has been valued at around 33 trillion dollars per annum (Costanza et al. 1997; Gomez-Baggethun and Ruiz-Perez 2011).
As a discipline, conservation biology is one of the most difficult scientific endeavours of our time, because it encompasses so many specialties, both inside and outside of what are normally considered in the context of “biology”. It also includes economics, social sciences, ethics, geography and politics, because global problems require global solutions, with the inevitable involvement of disparate countries, governments and cultures, and their various vested interests. There is even a sub-discipline of conservation biology that tries to work out quantitatively whether mitigation measures are actually effective; this is “evidence-based” conservation. Sutherland and colleagues, who championed this approach (Sutherland et al. 2004), published a paper in 2004 stating that about 77 % of conservation interventions are based solely on anecdotal evidence rather than on scientific data. In this sense, it is easier to measure the success of small and focused conservation projects, where the objectives can be easily identified and the appropriate methodologies tested, whether the projects are related to restoring a habitat, a waterway, or even providing road crossings that help prevent vehicle–wildlife collisions (Litvaitis and Tash 2008).
Programmes that help with conservation problems where they exist in the wild are widely regarded as taking place “in situ”. They occur all over the world and can have diverse objectives. In some cases, a specific project may be the only practical way to help the survival of individual species, especially if habitat protection is going to solve the problem. However, in other cases there may be an argument for trying to maintain a species in captivity, possibly in the expectation that one day in the future it will be returned to its original habitat. These “ex situ” programmes usually take place within zoos, aquariums and wildlife parks, where the projects are supervised by managers whose primary aims include the prevention of inbreeding, the avoidance of genetically related diseases and the maintenance of healthy populations with the capacity to thrive in the long-term. These objectives are discussed in detail in this book by Steve Monfort (Chap. 2).
Reproductive sciences feature at all levels of conservation biology, whether it is to help understand the consequences of pollutants on the development and survival of animals in the marine environment, or to predict how global warming might change (or is changing!) the availability of nutrients and thus affect normal reproductive processes. The purpose of this book is to provide readers with a broadly based perspective of how this discipline is interwoven with nearly all aspects of conservation biology and we, the editors, want to stress that it should not simply be regarded as a stand-alone set of techniques aimed at breeding a few endangered species. This is unfortunately the way in which reproductive sciences tend to be viewed by many conservation biologists whose only window on reproductive biology may be via the sensational news headlines that accompany announcements that some kind of endangered species has been produced using a hi-tech method, or even worse, that someone is merely “planning” to breed an endangered species using a hi-tech method. The sensational headlines tend to miss the point that the conservation of dwindling populations is best served when technologies focus upon supporting the preservation of genetic diversity, thus enabling the recovering populations to continue breeding and thriving into the future when the technological support is no longer needed. Producing the occasional offspring rather randomly will not achieve this goal, while using reliable reproductive technologies in well planned breeding programmes can only be beneficial.
2 Environmental Change and Its Consequences
Reproduction is undeniably key to the survival of all species on earth. Technology aside, the study of reproductive processes in animal species remains dauntingly broad, ranging though the details of gametogenesis, fertilisation and the subsequent processes of embryonic development, growth and sexual differentiation, endocrinology and aspects of behaviour and brain function. As if this list were not broad enough, modern scientific advances have enabled us to drill down into the intricate details of gene expression, protein synthesis and the immune system as it affects each of the processes mentioned above. Importantly, animals evolve and adapt to their environment to optimize fitness, and the science of understanding these interactions has led to the realisation that phenomena such as temperature, photoperiod and seasonality have massive impacts on reproductive function. It is increasingly realised that environmental changes, both global and local, can affect the health and wellbeing of animals and humans alike during their entire life and even beyond (Gluckman et al. 2007; Jablonka and Raz 2009). One outstanding example in this category includes the realisation that epigenetics represent a profound, but hitherto rather unsuspected, influence in responses to environmental change. Grandparent’s smoking behaviour and also the quality of their diet is now known to influence the body mass index of grandchildren through sex-specific germ-line inheritance mechanisms (Pembrey et al. 2006), and transgenerational changes in the behaviour and reproductive success of laboratory animals are induced by the action of endocrine disrupting chemicals (Anway et al. 2006a, b). Given these recent findings, what are the implications for reproductive success, long-term health and evolutionary adaptations in the face of climate change? Relatively few researchers have considered the relevance of these recent developments to wildlife, especially as they are now thought to involve not only direct modifications of the genome through DNA and chromatin methylation, regarded as “epigenetic” modifications (Turner 2009, 2011), but also non-genomic “soma-to-soma” inheritance mechanisms that do not require direct modification of the genome. In fact, it is worth quoting a relevant sentence from Jablonka’s review (Jablonka 2012) where she goes so far as stating that:
…it is safe to maintain that, as far as our idea of heredity is concerned, the view that inherited differences must involve differences in DNA base sequence is now recognized to be wrong.
Realisation that there is more to inheritance than the strict confines of a DNA sequence has meant there has been an explosion of relevant studies over the last decade. Incredibly, a literature search for papers in PubMed using the terms “epigenetics” and “environment”, resulted in 648 references, of which only a single one was published prior to the year 2000. Adding the word “evolution” retrieved 51 references, and it is interesting that a few of these articles explicitly suggested that environmental changes, including climate change, might induce adaptations and evolutionary changes through epigenetic effects (Silvestre et al. 2012; Crews and Gore 2012). As the combination of climate change, epigenetics and adaptation provides an important and overarching context with links to most other aspects of reproductive sciences, we were keen to include an authoritative overview of climate change and reproduction here in this book (Chap. 3; Cynthia Carey) to understand some of its consequences.
The relevance of research in epigenetics, and its close relative “genomic imprinting”, to reproduction, especially in terms of foetal–maternal interactions and their pre- and post-conception influences on phenotypic development, means that epigenetic effects are increasingly regarded as significant modulators of reproductive success. Given that the uterine environment in which a mammalian embryo develops can influence the onset of diabetes, heart disease and arteriosclerosis in later adult life (Henry et al. 2012; Turner 2012), what might be the long-term effects of producing and growing embryos in culture dishes? In view of changing environmental conditions, we wanted to explore and explain the ways that factors such as food availability and quality and the presence in the environment of certain chemicals with hormone-like activities might be affecting species (Chap. 6; Agustin Fernández et al. and Chap. 4; Emmelianna Kumar and William Holt). These are major subjects in their own right but the extensive degree of linkage among the topics is becoming increasingly clear. Genomics is another closely related and rapidly advancing field that is yielding insights into the way in which the genome functions. What were previously regarded as sequences of non-functional DNA, often regarded as “junk” DNA, are now known to contain unsuspected but functional sequences (e.g. enhancers; Zhang et al. 2013) with specific roles in controlling gene expression. Thus, the integration of advanced genomic insights into conservation programmes is becoming more important (Chap. 5; Warren Johnson and Klaus Koefli).
As part of the “big picture” we also wanted to review progress with one of the most successful technologically-managed wildlife conservation actions of the last few decades, namely the case of the black-footed ferret (Mustela nigripes). Once considered extinct in the USA until a small remnant population was discovered in 1981, the black-footed ferret has been the focus of an intensive captive breeding programme for reintroduction into its original habitats. Rachel Santymire and her colleagues (Chap. 7) have reviewed this programme for us, and declare that the outcome is rather mixed. Without the initial technological inputs by the late JoGayle Howard and her colleagues (Howard et al. 2003), the species would undoubtedly not have survived. Since 2001, however, continued monitoring of the black footed ferret population has revealed problems caused by inbreeding depression and environmental effects. This is rather disappointing, but this case provides some general lessons about the interface between conservation and reality.
3 How Has “Conservation-Based” Reproductive Science Progressed Over the Last Decade?
From the outset, one of our major objectives in producing this book has been to present a comprehensive progress report about various wildlife research programmes that involve aspects of reproductive biology. Here we present a set of six chapters that represent a huge variety of species, ranging from corals to elephants. These chapters also show how progress is dependent on well-focused, sustained research programmes. These attributes are well illustrated by studies in the elephant (Janine L. Brown; Chap. 8) and the koala (Steve Johnston and William Holt, Chap. 9), carnivores (Katarina Jewgenow and Nucharin Songsasen; Chap. 10) and the corals (Mary Hagedorn; Chap. 13). Studies of this type are interesting because of the way they eventually extend their scope into areas not originally foreseen. Endocrinology in the elephants is now linking reproduction with body condition, the control of appetite and even shows parallels of relevance to human clinical medicine (i.e., obesity research). Similarly, the problems of semen cryopreservation in marsupials led to the initiation of novel research directions on DNA fragmentation and semen quality in humans and domestic livestock. As a research topic this was almost non-existent before 2000, although it had been explored to a certain extent 10–15 years earlier (Ballachey et al. 1987; Royère et al. 1988, 1991). Studies on carnivores have been substantial and helped to describe new mechanisms (such as the persistence of corpora lutea in Lynx species) over the past 10 years (Katarina Jewgenow; Chap. 10). The importance of integrating laboratory and field studies are well exemplified by the chapters on marine mammals (Janet Lanyon; Chap. 11), amphibians (John Clulow et al.; Chap. 12) and corals (Mary Hagedorn; Chap. 13). These species are under threat from environmental change, the marine mammals mainly from pollution, shipping and even the use of sonar in naval activities (Piantadosi and Thalmann 2004), the corals from ocean acidification and bleaching, and the amphibians from the global spread of the destructive fungal disease, chytridiomycosis. Reproductive monitoring in wild sea mammals had hardly been thought possible a decade ago, but ingenious ways of collecting faecal samples and identifying individual animals have now been developed, using combinations of reproductive technologies and genetic methods that allow samples to be collected and hormones measured. Research by Mary Hagedorn has led to a suitable method for cryopreserving coral cells, so that they can be kept as a genuine genetic resource bank and used to repopulate threatened corals in their marine habitats. Similarly, the amphibian research is multifaceted and is also aimed at being able to maintain cryopreserved gametes, so that live biosecure, and therefore isolated, populations of endangered amphibians can at least receive as much genetic support as possible while treatments to mitigate the chytrid infections and habitat contaminations are being sought.

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