Peripheral Blood Smears

CHAPTER 26 Peripheral Blood Smears

Blood smear evaluation as part of the complete hematology profile (complete blood count [CBC]) is a fundamental step in overall patient health assessment. Blood smear examination can yield a broad range of diagnostic information well beyond obtaining a differential leukocyte count. For example, altered red cell morphology can suggest chronic blood loss, exposure to exogenous toxins, disease involving select organs, or primary immune-mediated condition. Changes in leukocyte morphology may be the earliest laboratory finding suggestive of acute inflammation, leukemia, or certain inherited conditions. In some cases, specific organisms, pathognomonic inclusions, or particular neoplastic cell types on blood films yield an immediate definitive diagnosis. In addition, monitoring cytologic changes found in peripheral blood can help determine a patient’s response to treatment, short- and long-term prognoses, and future treatment plan.

Blood smear evaluation can be performed as supplement to an automated CBC whether the latter is obtained in-house or from an outside laboratory. The evaluation provides a synopsis of essentially all other hematologic parameter values and an assurance of the accuracy of values obtained from other methods and sources. The greatest amount of information is generally obtained when the white blood cell (WBC) differential count is not a primary objective, and the person evaluating the smear has access to the patient’s current and previous laboratory findings, current clinical condition, and medical history.

Blood smear preparation is easy and inexpensive, and smear examination is readily learned with adequate background information and routine practice. This chapter describes techniques of preparation and interpretation of canine and feline blood smears and addresses integrating findings from blood smears with other parameters in CBCs. Supplementary information on interpreting routine hematologic parameter values is available in several well-written reviews and texts.15


Ideally, blood samples should be collected on the first attempt from a medium to large vein of a calm patient. Ethylene-tetra-acetic acid (EDTA) is the preferred anticoagulant for blood used in cytologic preparations. The liquid form of EDTA (usually K3EDTA) disperses more rapidly in samples than the powder form (usually K2EDTA) and may be preferable to help prevent platelet aggregates with feline blood or for viscous or difficult-to-collect samples. However, powdered K2EDTA provides better erythrocyte preservation for automated counts and lacks dilutional effect on low-volume samples. Both forms of EDTA preserve general cellular morphology in refrigerated samples for up to 4 hours, although the fresher the sample, the more reliable the morphology.

Alternatively (particularly if sample volume is limited), blood without an anticoagulant can be placed directly from the collection needle onto the slide. Samples collected from superficial skin-puncture wounds or clipped toenails (due to excessive contamination with tissue procoagulants) and blood anticoagulated with heparin (a relatively poor preservative of cellular morphology and staining characteristics) are less acceptable. Blood anticoagulated with citrate can be used to evaluate cell morphology on blood smears and may be particularly useful to avoid anticoagulant-associated pseudothrombocytopenia; however, the required 10% sample dilution interferes with cell count estimates.

Collection of blood in proper proportion to anticoagulant helps avoid certain artifacts of cell morphology and may be facilitated by the use of commercial vacutainers.


Hematologic reference ranges must be established by individual diagnostic laboratories; however, published reference ranges can be used as a general guide for in-clinic laboratories. Typical values for dogs and cats are listed in Table 26-1. Certain physiologic factors occasionally cause a healthy patient’s hematologic values to deviate from reference ranges. Because they are rapidly expanding their vascular space, very young animals tend to have relatively low hematocrits. Because they are also actively replacing fetal with adult red blood cells (RBCs), animals in early growth periods have greater RBC anisocytosis, polychromasia, and incidence of nucleated RBCs when compared with mature animals.

Relatively high lymphocyte counts are also common in young animals, and lymphopenia is suggested if lymphocyte counts drop below 2000 cells/μl in puppies and kittens under 6 months of age.3 Transient elevations above the reference range for lymphocyte counts are common in excited or vigorously exercised patients, especially if they are immature. This epinephrine-induced response can also result in temporarily increased counts of other WBC types in the peripheral blood of healthy patients. At least one canine breed, the Greyhound, has hematologic reference ranges reported to fall slightly outside of reference ranges commonly used for the species.6,7 Although these normal physiologic conditions should be considered, they generally explain less than 5% of the patient values that fall outside reference ranges for any single hematologic parameter.


Well-made smears are required for reliable identification and evaluation of peripheral blood cells. Smears can be prepared on glass slides or coverslips. The glass slide technique is generally easier and more reliable than preparing smears on coverslips. Glass slides can also be processed through automatic stainers and so may be most suitable for laboratories using such equipment. However, the coverslip method generally results in more uniform WBC distribution and less trauma to fragile blood components, such as large or neoplastic cells, within the sample. For both methods, blood samples should be fresh and well-mixed at smear preparation time, and smears should be completely air-dried before staining.

Glass Slides

Smears are prepared on glass slides by placing a drop of blood (2 to 3 mm in diameter) on the broad face of the slide about 1.0 to 1.5 cm from the frosted border (or edge of a nonfrosted slide). Another clean, dry slide (i.e., spreader slide) is held loosely against the surface of the first slide at a 30-degree angle and drawn smoothly toward the blood drop, as illustrated in Figure 1-16. The spreader slide should be brought to a position where it just meets, but is not drawn into, the blood drop. When the spreader slide makes contact with the blood, capillary action immediately distributes the blood between the two slides. Then, with no downward pressure, the spreader slide is quickly and smoothly swept across the remaining length of the underlying slide.

Ideally, blood smears have a smooth transition from the thick region to the feathered edge and cover an area half the length and slightly less than the width of the slide (see Figure 1-16, D). If the edge is blunt instead of feathered, the second slide was probably raised off the first before the blood was spread completely. Unequal smear thickness usually results from the spreader slide being held at too obtuse an angle or placing too much pressure on the first slide while spreading the blood. Too much pressure on the second slide can also result in WBC clumping along the smear’s feathered edge. Too little pressure can result in short, thick smears. Smear thickness can also be affected by the viscosity of the blood sample. Adjusting the angle at which the second slide is held against the first can help compensate for very viscous (e.g., hemoconcentrated) or watery (i.e., anemic) blood samples. A more obtuse, 40- to 45-degree angle between the two slides makes thicker smears for very anemic samples, and an angle less than 30 degrees may be necessary for preparing smears of severely hemoconcentrated blood. Smears need to be thoroughly air-dried before staining; those that are thick may require additional drying time. Use (at the low setting) of a heat block or a blow dryer may shorten the drying time.


As with cytologic preparations, Romanowsky-type stains are good general stains for microscopically evaluating blood smears. Quick Romanowsky-type stains are advantageous because they are less sensitive to solution pH and staining time and less susceptible to precipitate formation than Wright’s stains. However, many quick stains are also less effective at demonstrating polychromasia of immature erythrocytes.

Wright’s staining is achieved by flooding the air-dried blood smear with, or dipping it into coplin jars containing, filtered Wright’s stain. After 2 to 4 minutes of incubation with the stain, the smear is flooded with a volume of phosphate buffer solution roughly equal to the amount of stain. To mix the buffer with the stain, gently rock or blow on the slide, or dip it into another coplin jar containing the buffer. The slides are incubated for another 3 to 6 minutes with the buffer. A metallic sheen will begin to appear on the fluid surface of flooded smears. The slide is then rinsed with tap water (or a 50:50 mixture of tap and distilled water to achieve a pH around 7.0) and blotted with bibulous paper or placed upright on an absorptive surface to hasten drying. A blow dryer set on low power and held 8 to 10 inches from the slide also shortens drying time.

Quick stain methods vary somewhat and should be used according to manufacturer’s recommendations. The two-step Prodiff is unique among quick stains in differentially staining polychromatophilic and mature RBCs. Most quick stains such as Diff-Quik, Hemacolor, and Quick III lack good distinction of polychromatophilic erythrocytes, but provide particularly consistent staining between smear preparations. The quick stains generally require slowly dipping the smear first in an alcohol fixative, then a methylene blue dye mixture, and lastly, an eosin-containing solution. One edge of the slide is briefly blotted between solutions. Tap or distilled water can be used to rinse the slide after the last solution and before air-drying.


Artifacts of Cell Morphology and Staining

Most artifactual changes in cell morphology and staining can be readily recognized by their appearance and/or distribution within a smear. Examining multiple smears of the same blood sample is also helpful, because alterations that are inconstant from smear to smear are likely to be artifactual.

Crenated Erythrocytes

Crenated erythrocytes (see Figure 26-33), artifacts especially common in feline blood samples, have a thorn-apple shape with many short, uniformly spaced, blunt or pointed spicules that protrude from the cell membrane. Crenated RBCs can result from drying the smear too slowly or a relative excess of anticoagulant in the sample. Prolonged storage time of the blood (e.g., more than 2 hours at either 4° C or room temperature), particularly with an EDTA anticoagulant, can also result in RBC crenation. Differences in surface tension between the cell membrane and the glass slide may be an unpredictable cause of the artifact.

In Vitro Aging Artifacts

These are common in smears made from blood samples left at room temperature for more than 2 to 4 hours or refrigerated for longer than 12 hours. Neutrophils, monocytes, and immature and neoplastic WBCs degenerate slightly earlier than other cell types. The nuclei of affected cells initially become condensed and homogeneous-staining, and segmentation of granulocyte nuclei becomes more prominent, with only thin stands of chromatin separating lobules (e.g., hypersegmented neutrophils). Basophilia and vacuolation may be evident in the cytoplasm of neutrophils, and nuclei later become pyknotic and fragmented (Figure 26-1). The cytoplasmic borders of degenerating cells often show blebbing (Figure 26-2), and the cytoplasm of lymphocytes and monocytes may become vacuolated. These changes interfere with accurate identification of cell type and invalidate differential WBC counts if more than 10% of the cells in the smear are affected. Platelet aggregation/agglutination is also prevalent in aged samples. Avoiding aging artifacts is one reason to include fresh well-made smears with a sample submitted for hematology analysis to an outside laboratory.

Pale or Unstained Nuclei

Pale or unstained nuclei (Figure 26-3) on smears suggest that there has been inadequate staining time, or the stain has aged. Of the three-step quick stain solutions, the methylene blue mixture is usually that which has begun to degrade and may require longer incubation time with the smear or replacement. On Wright’s-stained preparations, pale nuclei with bright orange-red RBCs can result from overzealous washing or low pH of the buffer. Conversely, Wright’s-stained smears with pale nuclei and RBCs that stain slightly brown to green may occur when preparations are thick, inadequately washed, or stained with too little or too alkaline a buffer. A neutral buffer (i.e., pH 6.4 to 7.0) is most effective for Wright’s staining. The pH of the distilled or tap water wash solution can occasionally interfere with the intensity of the nuclear staining with both Wright’s and quick stains. Additional causes of inadequate nuclear staining are noted in Table 1-3.


Smears should be initially examined from the thickest region to the feathered edge using the 10 or 20× objective. At this low magnification, blood films can be checked for staining, overall thickness, smooth transitions in thickness, cell distribution, and adequacy of the monolayer area. The monolayer is generally found within the distal half of the smear adjacent to the feathered edge and is luminescent when the unstained slide is held under indirect light. The monolayer represents the limited region where cell morphology is most reliably evaluated. WBCs should be fairly uniformly distributed within this region and only mildly clustered along the feathered edge. Examination of the borders and especially the feathered edge of the smear under low magnification may demonstrate the presence of platelet aggregates, microfilaria, large atypical cells, or cells with phagocytosed organisms.

A patient’s hematocrit can be roughly approximated by examining a blood smear at low magnification. Blood films from nonanemic animals generally have RBCs that are closely apposed in the monolayer as well as several RBC layers at the thick end of the smear that obstruct penetrance of most condenser light. In contrast, smears from animals that are moderately to markedly anemic usually have RBCs that are widely separated from one another in the monolayer and only one or two RBC layers in the thick end of the smear that allow considerable condenser light to penetrate. Unless the angle between slides was adjusted during smear preparation of hemoconcentrated samples, the monolayer occupies a relatively reduced area. Estimates should ultimately be checked against the patient’s measured hematocrit or packed-cell volume.

The WBC count can also be roughly estimated or simply classified as low, normal, or high by examining the smear under low magnification. Accurate identification of the different WBC types and their relative proportions is more easily performed using the 40× or 50× objective. Cell morphology is typically evaluated under magnifications of 40× to 100×; platelet number and morphology are assessed at the highest of these magnification levels.


White Blood Cells


Canine and feline neutrophils have similar appearance on blood films (Figure 26-7). The neutrophil nucleus is elongate and separated into multiple lobules by invaginations of the nuclear border. Demarcations between lobules are seldom distinct enough to be considered filamentous. Chromatin is organized into dense clumps of dark purple to black staining heterochromatin separated by narrow areas of less condensed euchromatin. Cytoplasm is clear, pale eosinophilic to faintly basophilic with a fine grainy texture, and rarely, contains one or two small vacuoles. Neutrophil granules range from indiscernible to faintly eosinophilic but are pale and much smaller than the prominent granules of mature eosinophils.

Band Neutrophils

Band neutrophils, low numbers of which occur in the peripheral blood of healthy dogs and cats, have an elongate, U- or J-shaped to slightly twisted nucleus with less chromatin condensation than mature neutrophils (Figure 26-8). Nuclear lobulation is absent or poorly defined. Constrictions of canine band neutrophil nuclei are less than half the width of the remainder (nonconstricted sections) of the nucleus; feline band neutrophils lack nuclear constrictions entirely. Cytoplasm is similar in granule content and staining to that of mature neutrophils.


Canine and feline monocytes are larger than neutrophils and similar in size to eosinophils and basophils. Nuclei vary greatly in morphology, ranging from elongate U shapes that resemble band neutrophils to irregular multilobulated forms. The nuclear chromatin of monocytes is generally distinct from that of both mature and immature granulocytes and is characteristically lacy to ropy with only a few small isolated clumps of heterochromatin (Figure 26-9). The moderate to abundant gray-blue cytoplasm of monocytes has a ground-glass texture, is often sparsely dusted with minute eosinophilic granules, and occasionally contains vacuoles. Cytoplasmic borders are usually irregular, sometimes with fine, filamentous, pseudopodia-like extensions. Because of their relatively large size, monocytes may be concentrated along the feathered edge, and their proportion underestimated in blood smear differential WBC counts.


Lymphocytes vary in size in the peripheral blood of dogs and cats, with small cells predominating. Small lymphocytes have densely staining, round to oval nuclei that are sometimes slightly indented and usually have large, well-defined chromatin clumps (Figure 26-10). Alternatively, nuclear chromatin may appear smudged, especially when stained with a quick stain. The moderately blue cytoplasm of small lymphocytes is scant, and cytoplasmic borders are partially obscured by the nuclei, particularly with feline lymphocytes. Larger lymphocytes in peripheral blood have less densely staining, but still clearly clumped, nuclear chromatin. Cytoplasm of the larger cells is more abundant and ranges from light to moderately basophilic. Some lymphocytes have a few variably sized eosinophilic cytoplasmic granules that are usually concentrated within a single perinuclear cell area (Figure 26-11).


Eosinophils, which are slightly larger than neutrophils, can usually be found in very low numbers on blood smears of healthy dogs and cats. Nuclei are less lobulated (often being divided into only two distinct lobules) with less condensed chromatin (Figure 26-12) than those of mature neutrohils. Cytoplasm is clear to faintly basophilic and contains prominent pink granules, which are abundant, small, and rod-shaped in cats (Figure 26-13) but vary widely in number and size in dogs. Canine eosinophils occasionally contain a single, large granule that may be mistaken for an inclusion body or unusual organism (Figure 26-14). Eosinophils of Greyhounds are peculiar in that they may appear vacuolated on smears—a breed difference that has been attributed to differential staining properties of the specific granules.8 Eosinophil granules that are ruptured in vitro are also sometimes freely scattered in the background of canine and feline blood smears.


Alterations in RBC Numbers

Alterations in RBC density on a smear may reflect polycythemia or anemia. The most common cause of polycythemia is hemoconcentration with dehydration, resulting in a relative increase in RBC numbers and plasma protein concentration. Alternatively, relative polycythemia may occur secondary to splenic contraction, a condition that is more likely to occur in dogs than cats, and can be supported by the animal’s recent history, lack of a corresponding increase in plasma proteins, and transient nature of the finding. Absolute polycythemia is less common, but when observed is usually the result of an appropriate erythropoietic response to chronic hypoxia. The hypoxia may be generalized, as with respiratory or cardiovascular conditions, or localized to the kidney; both conditions can lead to low renal tissue oxygenation and increased circulating erythropoietin.

Absolute polycythemia secondary to inappropriate erythropoietin production, and primary polycythemia, or polycythemia vera, which is independent of erythropoietin levels, are both rare in dogs and cats. These two conditions are tentatively diagnosed by excluding the more common causes of erythrocytosis. Polycythemia associated with tumor erythropoietin production has been reported in dogs with renal and nonrenal tumor types, with the latter including cecal leiomyoma, nasal fibrosarcoma, and extradural schwannoma.911 Inappropriate administration of recombinant erythropoietin or androgens may also be a cause of absolute secondary polycythemia in dogs or cats as in other species, although treatment with human erythropoietin can also lead to red cell aplasia in both species.12 The algorithm of Figure 26-19 may further help in determining the cause of polycythemia in dogs and cats.

Anemia is an especially common finding in dogs and cats and can be secondary to almost any type of illness. Anemia is often suspected before blood samples are collected based on a patient’s clinical signs and physical examination. Evidence to support the condition as being acute or chronic can be derived from the clinical presentation and history. An animal with peracute to acute blood loss is often anxious and tachypneic and may have mucous membranes that are paler than expected for the degree of anemia as a result of transient peripheral vasoconstriction. With chronic blood loss, through upregulation of RBC 2,3-diphosphoglycerate in dogs and likely by an alternative mechanism in cats, oxygen is more readily released from hemoglobin to the tissues. Animals with chronic anemia are apt to be relatively inactive and show distress and dyspnea only if further stressed by physical exertion or an additional medical condition or if the blood loss is severe. A dog or cat presenting with a packed cell volume (PCV) of 12% or less typically has some degree of chronic anemia, because acute or subacute blood loss to this magnitude is generally not life-supporting. Blood smear examination, as described in the following section and Figure 26-20, may further aid in determining the cause of anemia in dogs and cats.

Blood Smear Examination in the Evaluation of Anemia

Cytologic examination of peripheral blood is important in determining the cause, treatment, and prognosis of a patient’s anemia. The procedure is also valuable in monitoring anemic conditions over time. Alterations of red cell morphology are usually most indicative of the primary cause of the anemia. For example, anisocytosis may be detected in animals with regenerative erythropoietic response or immune-mediated hemolysis with spherocytic RBC, and is especially profound when the two conditions are concurrent (see Figure 26-26). An increasing proportion of large, immature RBCs over time without a change in absolute red cell count suggests that an animal has persistent blood loss (or hemolysis) and a responsive marrow. Other components of the smear, including leukocytes and platelets, may also provide clues about the cause of anemia. Increased numbers of normal or enlarged platelets may been seen in association with acute or persistent blood loss. Low platelet numbers support platelet consumption or destruction, with anemia secondary to hemorrhage or immune-mediated hemolysis. Leukocytosis is usually also seen with immune-mediated red cell destruction, whereas leukopenia (especially neutropenia) and thrombocytopenia occur concomitant with anemia with impaired bone marrow hematopoiesis.

Evaluating smears for the extent of erythropoietic response can provide critical information on the cause of an anemia. Responding anemia, as suggested by an orderly shift to a greater than normal proportion of large, variably basophilic, immature RBCs on an anemic patient’s blood smears, indicates RBC loss from hemorrhage or hemolysis. A regenerative response may be detected in peripheral blood as early as 2 to 4 days after initial blood loss in dogs and cats, depending upon the cause, magnitude of anemia, and the animal’s concurrent conditions. The response is typically rapid and profound in dogs and cats with hemolytic conditions, and more variable in onset and magnitude in patients with only mild blood loss. In all cases, if the regenerative response appears less than adequate for the degree of anemia (assuming adequate time has elapsed for the marrow to maximally respond), a reticulocyte count, which allows anemia to be classified as adequately regenerative, inadequately regenerative, or nonregenerative, is indicated. Inadequately regenerative or nonregenerative anemias indicate some degree of impaired erythropoiesis for which evaluation of the patient’s bone marrow may provide further diagnostic information.

Reticulocyte Evaluation and Quantitation

One of a few vital stains that can be used to distinguish immature from mature erythrocytes on blood films is new methylene blue (NMB). The stain combines with polyribosomes retained in immature RBCs (reticulocytes), which are then recognized as dark blue granules or “reticulum” within the RBC cytoplasm. Mature RBCs lack cytoplasmic ribosomes and stain uniformly pale blue with NMB.


One part blood is mixed with 1 to 1.5 parts NMB (0.5% in saline) in either a test or capillary tube (rolling the latter to mix well). This mixture is then allowed to stand at room temperature for either 10 (canine blood) or 15 to 20 (feline blood) minutes. The blood/stain combination is mixed again, and a small drop is used to make a thin smear, which is then air-dried and examined under the 100× oil-immersion objective. For manual reticulocyte quantitation, at least 1000 total RBCs are quantified, and the number of reticulocytes is expressed as a percentage (i.e., number of reticulocytes among 1000 total RBCs/10). An eyepiece etched with a Miller disk (available through retailers of microscope accessories) may facilitate counting.

Canine reticulocytes are of the aggregate type, recognized by their dark blue, interlacing network of cytoplasmic precipitate. Feline reticulocytes are of two readily recognizable types, aggregate reticulocytes (as in dogs) and punctate reticulocytes (Figure 26-21). Punctate reticulocytes lack the reticular pattern of cytoplasmic staining but contain a few scattered, variably sized, dark blue cytoplasmic granules. These two reticulocyte types are counted separately in feline blood because their kinetics during a regenerative response differ. Note that epierythrocytic Hemobartonella felis organisms, basophilic stippling, and drying artifacts on RBCs can appear similar to and may need to be differentiated from punctate reticulocytes on NMB-stained feline blood smears.


A maximal erythropoietic response from the bone marrow is expected within 7 days of the onset of anemia. At this time, a reticulocyte percentage that is at least equal to the average expected value for the species and the corresponding level of anemia (Table 26-2) represents an adequate marrow response, which is indicative of blood loss from hemorrhage or hemolysis. A reticulocyte count greater than 50% of the expected response but less than that considered adequate for the species and the severity of anemia represents an inadequately regenerative marrow response. Inadequately regenerative anemias occur in animals with hemorrhage or hemolysis concomitant with impaired marrow erythropoiesis. Animals whose marrow has had time to respond (about 7 days) but who have <50% of the expected reticulocyte response for their corresponding hematocrit should be considered to have a nonregenerative anemia. Note that erythropoietic responses are highly variable and less readily classified in dogs with only mild anemia (i.e., PCV >25%).

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