36 MaryAnn Radlinsky The causes of chylothorax are not completely understood. The condition may be primary, most often referred to as idiopathic, or secondary to other disease conditions. Rare cases are related to trauma and may not require any therapy because of the rapid healing of the thoracic duct in 1 to 2 weeks.1 Chylothorax may be secondary to mass lesions of the cranial thorax, obstruction of the great veins in the cranial mediastinum, cardiac disease (primarily right-sided), and pericardial effusion. Cranial mediastinal conditions include lymphosarcoma, thymoma, jugular or cranial vena cava thrombosis, and granulomas caused by fungal disease. Specific cardiac causes include cardiomyopathy, tetralogy of Fallot, tricuspid dysplasia, cor triatriatum dexter, double-chambered right ventricle, and heart-base tumor. Other causes include diaphragmatic hernia, dirofilariasis, peritoneopericardial hernia, and congenital lymphatic anomalies. Chyle is delivered to the venous circulation via the thoracic duct. The presumed accumulation within the thoracic cavity is due to an obstruction or relative obstruction of the duct or its lymphaticovenous anastomosis. Physical obstruction (e.g., cranial mediastinal masses, thrombosis) or increased venous pressure can cause leakage of chyle into the pleural space because of increased hydrostatic pressure. Imbalances between thoracic duct flow and ability of lymph to cross the lymphaticovenous junction would also lead to chylous effusion. Mild increases in hydrostatic pressure have been hypothesized, but absolute pressure alterations, or altered central venous pressure, have not been documented to cause chylothorax. Indeed, surgery may be aimed at altering central venous pressure (i.e., pericardectomy, cisterna chyli ablation) in an effort to improve lymphatic flow and formation of new anastomoses. Idiopathic chylothorax is the most common form of the condition, and if lymphangiography is done, multiple, dilated, and tortuous lymphatic vessels are seen in the cranial thorax. The underlying cause of the condition is usually undetermined, but the appearance of the lymphatics resembles lymphangiectasia. The drainage of the entire caudal half of the body, left side of the cranial half of the body, and abdominal viscera enters the cisterna chyli. The cisterna chyli is a bipartite saclike structure located in the retroperitoneal position dorsal to the aorta. It lies adjacent to the origins of the celiac artery and left renal artery. The ventral aspect may lie ventral to the aorta and is concealed by the vena cava, extending to the level of the origin of the cranial mesenteric artery, caudal to the caudal aspect of the left kidney. The size and shape vary, and the cisterna wraps around the aorta to some extent.2 The cisternal continuation through the diaphragm becomes the thoracic duct. The thoracic duct has many anatomic variations, including multiple branches to a plexiform structure, but generally lies dorsal to the aorta on the right in dogs and crosses the ventral aspect of the fifth thoracic vertebra to enter the cranial mediastinum (Figure 36.1). The thoracic duct lies on the left in cats and enters the cranial mediastinum in a similar location to that in dogs. The duct or ducts lie ventral to the azygous vein upon their entry into the thorax and remain ventral to the sympathetic trunk, coursing along the hypaxial musculature (Figure 36.2). The single or multiple branches of the thoracic duct anastomose with the venous system via a valved structure at the left jugular, left subclavian, azygous vein, or vena cava. Figure 36.1 The thoracic duct anatomy is highly variable between individuals. This graphic representation shows a few of the variations of the thoracic duct and its entrance into the cranial vena cava. (This image was published in Bezuidenhout, A.J. Lymphatic system. In: Evans, H.E., Lahunta, A. (eds.). Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog, 4th edn. Elsevier, St. Louis, pp. 535-560. Copyright Elsevier (2013) with permission.) Figure 36.2 .Anatomy of the dorsal thorax. The short black arrows indicate the ventral aspect of the aorta, the short white arrows indicate the sympathetic trunk, and the long black arrow points to an intercostal artery. The pericardium surrounds the heart and is ventrally attached to the diaphragm via the phrenicopericardiac ligament. Its base is continuous with the adventitia of the pulmonary artery, aorta, and cranial and caudal vena cavae. The phrenic nerve courses cranial to caudally, bilaterally along the dorsal aspect of the pericardium, often surrounded by fat. The workup for patients with chylothorax is extensive and can be expensive. It involves routine blood work (complete blood count and biochemical profile) and urinalysis. Heartworm testing should be performed, and other tests based on the clinical presentation and comorbidities. Abdominal and thoracic imaging should be performed, including thoracic radiographic and abdominal ultrasonic examinations. Cardiac ultrasonography is indicated to rule out the multitude of cardiac conditions that can lead to chylothorax. Failure to identify a primary cause could lead to frustration and continued effusion. Advanced imaging (e.g., computed tomography [CT] or magnetic resonance imaging) is useful to evaluate the pulmonary parenchyma (CT) and mediastinal structures. CT has also been done to evaluate the number and location of thoracic duct branches before surgery is considered (Figure 36.3).3-5 A lymphatic catheter or popliteal lymph node can be used for contrast infusion to highlight the duct(s). The procedure can be repeated after surgery to ensure complete ligation of all duct branches. The dose of iohexol is 60 mg of iodine per kilogram of body weight, and contrast appears in the thoracic duct within 2 to 13 minutes.3-5 Figure 36.3 A three-dimensional computed tomographic reconstruction of the thoracic duct and the associated lymphangiectasia in the cranial thoracic cavity in dog with idiopathic chylothorax. The detail of lymphangiograms greatly aids surgical planning in thoracoscopic thoracic duct ligation. (Courtesy of Dr. Boel A. Fransson, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.) Fluid evaluation is imperative to diagnose chylothorax. Thoracocentesis may be diagnostic and therapeutic if the majority of the fluid is removed. Fluid should be saved in an EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) tube for cell counts and cytology, and a clot tube can be used for biochemical evaluation. A separate clot tube should be filled for culture and susceptibility testing for aerobic and anaerobic bacteria and for fungi. Chyle is typically a modified transudate, but may have elevated cell counts similar to those of an exudate. Protein levels are often near 2.5 g/dL, and cell counts are often in the range of the 6000 to 7000/μL. The fluid must be tested for triglyceride and can also be tested for cholesterol levels. The values obtained from the fluid must be compared with those of the serum. Chylothorax can be diagnosed if the triglyceride level is higher than that of the serum; cholesterol of the fluid is usually less than that of the serum. Medical management may include feeding a low-fat diet in an attempt to minimize the fat in the fluid and increase fluid absorption from the pleural space. Benzopyrones have been used to treat edema in humans and have been attempted in veterinary patients with chylothorax. Their efficacy has not been shown, but treatment will not likely be harmful. Rutin is typically dosed at 50 to 100 mg/kg orally every 8 hours. Octreotide therapy has also been anecdotally reported to result in cure in some veterinary patients and can be dosed at 10 μg/kg subcutaneously every 8 hours for 2 to 3 weeks. Side effects include loose stools and increased risk of gallstone formation with prolonged (>4 week) treatment.7-9 Also, octreotide treatment requires careful monitoring of fluid and electrolyte balance to avoid dehydration, hyponatremia, and hyperkalemia. In addition, pathological changes such as malnutrition, inflammatory cell loss, and possible immunocompromise need to be assessed during treatment.10 Medically managed cases need to be carefully monitored for the development of fibrosing pleuritis, which may be more common in cats. The condition occurs because of an imbalance of fibrin deposition and resorption on the visceral pleura.11 Animals that fail 2 to 4 weeks of medical management are candidates for surgery. Primary and secondary chylothorax have been treated surgically. It is strongly recommended that animals with diagnosed secondary chylothorax also undergo treatment appropriate for the primary cause; otherwise, a low success rate is anticipated.6 The pleural effusion can be managed during therapy by repeated thoracocentesis. Extreme care should be taken to perform the procedure with aseptic technique to avoid inoculation of a nutrient-rich fluid with bacteria. The overall prognosis for surgically managed chylothorax is somewhat debatable with cure rates ranging from 50% to 100%.12,13 The success rate for primary or idiopathic, chylothorax was greater than that of secondary chylothorax in one report.6 Cases with fibrosing pleuritis (Figure 36.4) may be at an increased risk for continued compromise after surgery. Removal of the fibrous deposits on the visceral pleura can be done but results in greater postoperative morbidity because of the increased risk of air leakage from the pulmonary parenchyma. Continued chylous effusion or modified transudate in the pleural space cannot be predicted before or after surgery; however, patients with chronic effusion may be at higher risk for lung lobe torsion in the future.14 Figure 36.4 The caudal lung lobe and adjacent diaphragm. Note the rounded lung edges indicating early fibrosing pleuritis. The patient should be fasted for 8 to 12 hours, and water can be withheld after premedication. Administration of heavy cream or oil before surgery has been advocated to make the lymphatics appear white and thus more conspicuous during surgery. If so desired, the cream or oil is given orally every hour for 3 to 4 hours before anesthetic induction. Intubation has to be achieved rapidly, and the endotracheal tube cuff has to be appropriately inflated to avoid aspiration of oil or cream. Patient positioning depends on the procedures to be performed during the anesthetic episode. Possible procedures include thoracic duct ligation (TDL), cisterna chyli ablation (CCA), popliteal dye infusion, mesenteric lymph node infusion with dye, mesenteric lymphatic catheterization for coloration, and pericardectomy. The thoracic duct is usually approached from the right in dogs and the left in cats and can be done in lateral or sternal recumbency.15 Laparoscopic CCA has been described with a left-sided approach in sternally recumbent dogs and would likely be performed similarly in cats.16 Furthermore, most surgeons prefer a subtotal pericardectomy, which requires the patient be placed in dorsal recumbency.6,17,18 Thus, patient repositioning is required if more than one procedure is done. The extent of surgical preparation depends on the approach and whether lymphatic coloration will be performed. The author prefers to color the lymphatics in every case to ensure complete ligation of all duct branches and to simplify cisterna chyli ablation. The author prefers to position the patient in sternal recumbency; however, thoracoscopic thoracic duct ligation has also been described in lateral recumbency.19 Sternal recumbency allows for multiple procedures, without patient repositioning. However, positioning must be done carefully to allow for lymphangiography or lymphatic coloration. Lateral recumbency positioning has previously been considered standard: left lateral recumbency in dogs, right lateral recumbency in cats. The author performs TDL, CCA, and popliteal lymph node dye infusion with the dog in sternal recumbency (Figures 36.5 and 36.6). Bilateral thoracoscopy is possible with this positioning, which is useful for TDL suture ligation and for evaluation for multiple branches of the thoracic duct, which can be bilaterally symmetrical. For these procedures, the entire thorax is clipped as well as the left side of the abdomen and both popliteal fossae. Pericardectomy is done with the patient in either lateral or dorsal recumbency. The hair is clipped as appropriate for the positioning chosen. The author prefers dorsal recumbency for the pericardectomy, so hair is clipped from the entire thorax of the patient. The skin is aseptically prepared, and the patient is draped accordingly. A great number of towel clamps are required for the complete draping of the patient to maintain asepsis. The skin must be aseptically prepared again after repositioning of the patient into dorsal recumbency. Figure 36.5 Port placement for thoracic duct ligation procedure with the dog in sternal recumbency.
Minimally Invasive Chylothorax Treatment
Preoperative Considerations
Relevant Pathophysiology
Surgical Anatomy
Diagnostic Workup
Medical Management
Patient Selection for Surgical Treatment
Prognostic Factors
Patient Preparation
Surgical Preparation and Positioning

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