Fig. 14.1
Marine helminth parasites in intermediate hosts. (a) L3 larvae of Anisakis simplex in the haemocoel of Paraeuchaetha norvegica (Copepoda). (b) Hysterothylacium aduncum in a hyperiid Amphipoda. (c) Amphipod Crustacea hosting a Pomphorhynchus larva. (d) Anisakis sp. in a decapod Crustacea. (e) Nematodes and Crustacea in the stomach content of fish. (f) Fish liver with Anisakis sp. larvae. Photos (a), (b): Klimpel et al. (2004); (d): Klimpel (private property); (c), (e), (f): Möller (private property)
The phylum Acanthocephala comprises approximately 1,150 species which are exclusively parasitic (Verweyen et al. 2011). The adults live in the intestine wall of their vertebrate hosts. The marine life cycle involves one or two intermediate hosts with a benthic association (Marcogliese 1995). The eggs, which contain the acanthor larvae, will be released into the water column with the faeces of the final host. Detritus-feeding zooplankton organisms (e.g. Amphipoda) acquire the parasites by oral ingestion (Fig. 14.1c). The acanthor larvae enter the body cavity by penetrating the intestinal wall and reach the acanthella stage. Paratenic hosts (e.g. fish) and final hosts (fish, birds, seals, whales) get infected by preying upon the intermediate hosts. In general, Amphipoda serve as main intermediate hosts for marine Acanthocephala (Taraschewski 2005). According to the literature, human pathogenetic species seems to be restricted to terrestrial habitats. Nevertheless, it cannot be excluded that the consumption of marine Acanthocephala in fish food can cause allergic reactions as known from anisakid nematodes (Audicana and Kennedy 2008).
14.4 Marine Crustacea in the Life Cycle of Helminth Parasites
Data from 52 peer-reviewed publications have been taken into consideration in order to assess the role of marine crustacean as potential hosts for helminth parasites (Tables 14.1–14.4). A total of 69 different parasites belonging to the Trematoda (n = 28), Cestoda (n = 18), Nematoda (n = 10) and Acanthocephala (n = 13) where reported among the crustacean subgroups Copepoda, Euphausiacea, Amphipoda, Decapoda, Mysidacea, Isopoda and Cirripedia (Tables 14.1–14.3). The Acanthocephala have been proven to be parasites of 38 different hosts in three subgroups Euphausiacea, Amphipoda and Decapoda, whereas the Nematoda were reported from 91 different Crustacea in all subgroups. Parasites of the Cestoda and Trematoda have been proven from a total of 27 and 32 crustacean hosts, respectively (Figs. 14.2 and 14.3).
Table 14.1
Reported marine crustacean intermediate hosts of Digesnea and the respective references
Host | Parasite | References |
Copepoda | ||
Acartia clausi | Hemiurus communis | Marcogliese (1995) |
A. tonsa | Brachyphallus crenatus | Køie (1992) |
Acartia sp. | Lecithaster gibbosus a, Lecithaster confusus | |
Centropages abdominalis | Lecithaster sp. | Køie (1989) |
C. hamatus | Lecithaster gibbosus a | Køie (1989) |
Oithona similis | Lecithocladium excisum | |
Pseudocalanus elongatus | Lecithaster gibbosus a | Køie (1989) |
P. minutus | Lecithaster sp. | Køie (1989) |
Tigriopus brevicornis | Lecithochirium furcolabiatum | Marcogliese (2002) |
Calanoida indet. | Derogenes varicus, Hemiurus luehei, Lecithaster gibbosus, Lecithocladium excisum | |
Harpacticoida indet. | Derogenes varicus | Marcogliese (2002) |
Euphausiacea | ||
Euphausia pacifica | Paronatrema sp. | Marcogliese (1995) |
E. similis | Neonotoporus trachuri, Pseudopecoelus japonicus | Marcogliese (1995) |
Nyctiphanes simplex | Paronatrema sp. | Gómez-Gutiérrez et al. (2010) |
Euphausiacea indet. | Syncoelium filiferum | Marcogliese (1995) |
Amphipoda | ||
Calliopius laeviusculus | Microphallus papillorobustus | Zander et al. (1994) |
Gammarus duebeni | Microphallus claviformes, M. papillorobustus | Zander et al. (1994) |
G. finmarchicus | Maritrema subdolum, Microphallus papillorobustus, Podocotyle atomon | Zander et al. (1994) |
G. insensibilis | Microphallus papillorobustus | Brown et al. (2003) |
G. locusta | Levinseniella brachysoma, Maritrema subdolum, Microphallus papillorobustus, Podocotyle atomon | Zander et al. (2002) |
G. oceanicus | Levinseniella brachysoma, Maritrema subdolum, Microphallus claviformes, M. papillorobustus, Podocotyle atomon | Zander et al. (2002) |
G. salinus | Maritrema subdolum, Microphallus claviformes, M. papillorobustus, Levinseniella brachysoma, Podocotyle atomon | Zander et al. (2002) |
G. tigrinus | Microphallus claviformes, M. papillorobustus, Maritrema subdolum | Zander et al. (1994) |
G. zaddachi | Levinseniella brachysoma, Maritrema subdolum, Microphallus claviformes, M. papillorobustus, Podocotyle atomon | Zander et al. (2002) |
Paracalliope novizealandiae | Maritrema novaezealandensis a | |
Decapoda | ||
Farfantepenaeus aztecus | Opecoeloides fimbriatus | Feigenbaum (1975) |
F. duorarum | Microphallus sp., Opecoeloides fimbriatus | Feigenbaum (1975) |
Hemigrapsus crenulatus | Maritrema novaezealandensis, Microphallus sp. | Martorelli et al. (2004) |
H. penicilliatus | Levinseniella conicostoma, Maritrema laricola, M. setoenesis, Microphalloides japonicus, Probolocoryphe asadai, Microphallus macrorchis | |
H. sanguineus | Maritrema jebuensis, M. setoenensis, Microphalloides japonicus, Probolocoryphe asadai, Microphallus capellae | |
H. sexdentatus | Maritrema novaezealandensis, Microphallus sp. | Koehler and Poulin (2010) |
Hippolyte inermis | Opecoeloides collumbellae | Jousson and Bartoli (2000) |
Idotea balthica | Maritrema subdolum, Podocotyle atomon | Zander et al. (2002) |
I. chelipes | Maritrema subdolum, Microphallus claviformes, M. papillorobustus, Levinseniella brachysoma, Podocotyle atomon | Zander et al. (2002) |
I. granulosa | Maritrema subdolum | Zander et al. (2000) |
Penaeus setiferus | Opecoeloides fimbriatus | Feigenbaum (1975) |
Table 14.2
Reported marine crustacean intermediate hosts of Cestoda and the respective references
Host | Parasite | References |
Copepoda | ||
Acartia clausi | Bothriocephalus scorpii | Solonchenko (1985) |
Calanus finmarchicus | Aporhynchus norvegicus, Scolex pleuronectis | |
Eurytemora affinis | Bothriocephalus scorpii | Marcogliese (1995) |
Mesochra sp. | Prochristianella hispida a | Palm (2004) |
Tigriopus californicus | Lacistorhynchus tenuis, Parachristianella monomegacantha, Prochristianella hispida a | Palm (2004) |
Calanoida indet. | Bothriocephalus barbatus, B. gregarius b, Grillotia erinaceus | Marcogliese (1995) |
Harpacticoida indet. | Lacistorhynchus dollfusi | Marcogliese (1995) |
Euphausiacea | ||
Euphausia pacifica | Nybelinia surmenicola | Marcogliese (1995) |
E. recurva | Pseudonybelinia odontocantha | Marcogliese (1995) |
E. similis | Echinobothrium sp., Tetrarhynchobothrium sp. | Marcogliese (1995) |
Meganyctiphanes norvegica | Aporhynchus norvegicus | Klimpel et al. (2003) |
Nyctiphanes simplex | Echinobothrium sp., Tetrarhynchobothrium sp. | Gómez-Gutiérrez et al. (2010) |
Thysanoessa inermis | Nybelinia surmenicola | Shimazu (1975) |
T. longipes | Nybelinia surmenicola, Pelichnibothrium caudatum | |
T. raschii | Nybelinia surmenicola | Shimazu (1975) |
Euphausiacea indet. | Nybelinia surmenicola | Shimazu (1975) |
Decapoda | ||
Callianassa sp. | Parachristianella monomegacantha | Palm (2004) |
Callichirus islagrande | Prochristianella hispida | Palm (2004) |
Callinectes sapidus | Polypocephalus sp. | Hutton (1964) |
Farfantepenaeus aztecus | Parachristianella dimegacantha, Prochristianella hispida | Feigenbaum (1975) |
F. brasiliensis | Mecistobothrium penaeus, Parachristianella monomegacantha, P. heteromegacantha, Polypocephalus sp., Prochristianella hispida | |
F. duorarum | Parachristianella dimegacantha, P. monomegacantha, Polypocephalus sp., Prochristianella hispida | |
F. setiferus | Polypocephalus sp. | Hutton (1964) |
Penaeus setiferus | Prochristianella hispida | Feigenbaum (1975) |
Sicyonia dorsalis | Polypocephalus sp. | Hutton (1964) |
Solenocera atlantidis | Polypocephalus sp. | Hutton (1964) |
Squilla empusa | Polypocephalus sp. | Hutton (1964) |
Trachypeneus constrictus | Polypocephalus sp. | Hutton (1964) |
T. similis | Polypocephalus sp. | Hutton (1964) |
Xiphopenaeus kroyeri | Polypocephalus sp. | Hutton (1964) |
Table 14.3
Reported marine crustacean intermediate hosts of Nematoda and the respective references
Host | Parasite | References |
Copepoda | ||
Acartia bifilosa | Hysterothylacium sp. | Lick (1991) |
A. longiremis | Hysterothylacium sp.a | Lick (1991) |
A. tonsa | Anisakis simplex a, Hysterothylacium aduncum a | |
Acartia sp. | Contracaecum osculatum a | Køie and Fagerholm (1995) |
Calanus finmarchicus | Hysterothylacium sp. | |
Calanus sp. | Hysterothylacium sp. | Lick (1991) |
Centropages hamatus | Contracaecum osculatum a | Køie and Fagerholm (1995) |
C. typicus | Hysterothylacium sp. | Svendsen (1990) |
Euchoeta sp. | Hysterothylacium sp. | Lick (1991) |
Eurytemora affinis | Hysterothylacium sp. | Lick (1991) |
Microsetella norvegica | Hysterothylacium sp.a | Lick (1991) |
Oithona similis | Anisakis simplex a | Køie (2001) |
Paracalanus parvus | Contracaecum osculatum a | Køie and Fagerholm (1995) |
Paraeuchaeta norvegica | Anisakis simplex | Klimpel et al. (2004) |
Pseudocalanus elongatus | Hysterothylacium sp. | Lick (1991) |
Pseudocalanus sp. | Hysterothylacium sp. | Lick (1991) |
Temora longicornis | Contracaecum osculatum a, Hysterothylacium sp. a | |
Calanoida indet. | Hysterothylacium aduncum | |
Harpacticoida indet. | Hysterothylacium aduncum a | |
Cirripedia | ||
Balanus sp. | Anisakis simplex a, Contracaecum osculatum a | |
Mysidacea | ||
Erythrops erythrophthalma | Hysterothylacium sp. | Lick (1991) |
Mesopodopsis slabberi | Anisakis sp., Hysterothylacium sp., Pseudoterranova decipiens | Lick (1991) |
Mysis gaspensis | Paracuaria adunca | Jackson et al. (1997) |
M. mixta | Hysterothylacium sp. | Lick (1991) |
M. stenolepis | Paracuaria adunca, Pseudoterranova decipiens | Jackson et al. (1997) |
Neomysis americana | Hysterothylacium sp., Paracuaria adunca, Pseudoterranova decipiens | |
N. integer | Contracaecum osculatum a, Hysterothylacium aduncum, Hysterothylacium sp., Pseudoterranova decipiens | |
N. intermedia | Hysterothylacium sp.a | Lick (1991) |
Praunus flexuosus | Paracuaria adunca | Jackson et al. (1997) |
Amphipoda | ||
Americorchestia megalophthalma | Pseudoterranova decipiens | Jackson et al. (1997) |
Amphiporeia virginiana | Paracuaria adunca, Pseudoterranova decipiens | Jackson et al. (1997) |
Calliopius laeviusculus | Hysterothylacium sp. | Zander et al. (1994) |
Caprella septentrionalis | Anisakis sp., Hysterothylacium sp., Pseudoterranova decipiens | Lick (1991) |
Echinogammarus obtusatus | Paracuaria adunca, Pseudoterranova decipiens, Tetrameres sp. | Jackson et al. (1997) |
Eogammarus kygi | Hysterothylacium sp. | Moravec and Nagasawa (1986) |
Gammarus duebeni | Hysterothylacium sp. | Lick (1991) |
G. finmarchicus | Hysterothylacium sp. | Zander et al. (1994) |
G. inaequicauda | Hysterothylacium sp. | Lick (1991) |
G. lawrencianus | Ascarophis sp., Hysterothylacium sp., Paracuaria adunca, Pseudoterranova decipiens, Tetrameres sp. | |
G. locusta | Ascarophis arctica, Hysterothylacium sp. | |
G. oceanicus | Ascarophis arctica, Hysterothylacium sp., Paracuaria adunca, Tetrameres sp. | |
G. salinus | Ascarophis arctica , Hysterothylacium sp. | |
G. zaddachi | Ascarophis arctica , Hysterothylacium sp. | |
Gammarus spp. | Hysterothylacium aduncum | Klimpel and Rückert (2005) |
Hyperia galba | Hysterothylacium aduncum | Klimpel and Rückert (2005) |
Themisto abyssorum | Ascarophis sp., Hysterothylacium aduncum | |
T. gaudichaudii | Hysterothylacium aduncum | Klimpel and Rückert (2005) |
Unciola irrorata | Hysterothylacium sp., Pseudoterranova decipiens | Lick (1991) |
Isopoda | ||
Edotia triloba | Hysterothylacium sp. | Lick (1991) |
Idotea neglecta | Pseudoterranova decipiens | Lick (1991) |
Idotea spp. | Hysterothylacium aduncum | Klimpel and Rückert (2005) |
Jaera albifrons | Hysterothylacium sp. | Zander et al. (1994) |
Euphausiacea | ||
Euphausia krohnii | Anisakis sp. | Smith and Snyder (2005) |
E. nana | Anisakis simplex, Anisakis sp. | Lick (1991) |
E. pacifica | Anisakis simplex, Anisakis sp., Contracaecum osculatum, Hysterothylacium sp. | |
E. similis | Philometra sp. | Marcogliese (1995) |
E. vallentini | Anisakis sp. | Hays et al. (1998) |
Meganyctiphanes norvegica | Anisakis simplex, Hysterothylacium sp. | |
Nyctiphanes australis | Anisakis simplex | Marcogliese (1995) |
N. couchii | Anisakis simplex, Hysterothylacium sp. | |
N. simplex | Anisakis simplex | Gómez-Gutiérrez et al. (2010) |
Thysanoessa inermis | Anisakis simplex, Hysterothylacium sp. | |
T. longicaudata | Anisakis simplex
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