10 Nicole J. Buote and Janet Kovak McClaran Before a laparoscopic procedure is considered, the surgeon should have specific knowledge regarding any preexisting contraindications in the patient. Contraindications to laparoscopy can be divided into relative or definitive and anatomic or physiologic. Definitive or absolute contraindications are those that eliminate a patient from a laparoscopic procedure completely. Relative contraindications are those in which exceptions can and are made when taking into account varying factors related to the patient. Anatomic contraindications can include difficulty accessing the cavity, obliteration of the peritoneal or thoracic space, organomegaly, intestinal distension, congenital abnormalities, and potential for dissemination of cancer.1 The major physiologic considerations regarding safety of these procedures include pregnancy, increased intracranial pressure, abnormal cardiac output and gas exchange in the lung, chronic liver disease and coagulopathy.1 One of the most important limitations that should also be considered is the surgeon’s own boundaries to his or her laparoscopic skills. Although this may be difficult to discuss, inadequate training or experience may lead to serious injuries during more advanced procedures. Outdated or poorly maintained equipment and inadequately trained assistants can also be contraindications for some laparoscopic procedures. This discussion should focus on patient variables commonly used to determine eligibility for minimally invasive procedures, but surgical judgment should also be mentioned. Box 10-1 Relative Anatomic Contraindications for Minimally Invasive Surgery The ability to place ports in the appropriate locations for specific procedures is the first step in successfully performing minimally invasive surgery (MIS). If there are anatomic reasons why ports cannot be placed safely in the required location, such as previous adhesion to the body wall from other procedures (stomach, urinary bladder), the procedure should be performed open. In humans, any type of previous abdominal or thoracic surgery may be a relative contraindication because up to 30% of reoperative patients have bowel or other organs that are directly adherent to the abdominal scar,2-7 and in autopsy studies, 75% to 90% of patients with previous abdominal surgery had adhesions.8 Care must be taken to develop a thorough anamnesis to ensure no previous surgeries may interfere with proposed port placements. In the reoperative abdomen, several early prospective human studies illustrated fewer injuries when the Hasson or open “cut-down” method was used compared with the blind “Veress” needle (VN) port insertion method.9-11 However, the risk is quite low with either technique as long as the first port is placed distant to the previous abdominal incisions. Failure to produce a pneumoperitoneum after two or three passes of the VN is considered sufficient cause to switch to the Hasson technique. New optical trocars, discussed in detail elsewhere, are another option that allows the surgeon to view the layers of tissue as they are traversed. Even after the first port has been established, the formation of adhesions from previous surgeries must be contended with and may be cause to convert to an open procedure if sufficient progress cannot be made. Adhesions decrease the peritoneal working space and hinder visibility; many times, adhesiolysis is extremely time consuming. Although not a common problem reported in veterinary medicine, adhesions do occur in our patient population (Figure 10.1) and can lead to all of the same difficulties in maneuverability.12,13 Although not encountered commonly in veterinary medicine, adhesion of organs to peritoneal mesh is a specific consideration in human medicine. These adhesions are extremely difficult to break down, and this is an absolute contraindication for laparoscopy in the region surrounding the mesh placement. There have been studies showing that laparoscopy is associated with less adhesion formation compared with open procedures, which is beneficial for patients.14 Figure 10.1 Intraoperative view of adhesions between the liver and body wall and liver and linea alba (A). Note how the dorsal surface of the liver is completely elevated off the underlying structures and the stomach is more cranial than normal (B). Liver disease increases the risk of morbidity and mortality with any type of surgical procedure because of malnutrition, coagulopathies, ascites, and renal dysfunction.15 Initially, the major concern with laparoscopic procedures in this patient population centered on the meshwork of abdominal wall varicosities (Figure 10.2) that can be formed, which makes port placement exceedingly dangerous. More recent concerns include the effects of carbon dioxide (CO2) insufflation on liver physiology (decreased portal venous return); therefore, gasless and low-pressure techniques have been advocated.16 Recommendations are to perform an open Hasson technique for port placement for laparoscopic procedures in these patients to decrease the chance of iatrogenic laceration to varicosities.15,16 Although we do not see advanced cirrhosis as commonly in veterinary medicine, the author has encountered cirrhosis and varicose vessels during diagnostic laparoscopic liver biopsy. Special care is always taken to avoid these fragile vessels and stay in the periphery of the liver lobes because the larger intrahepatic vessels are closer to the surface in a cirrhotic liver. Figure 10.2 Intraoperative view of abdominal wall varicosities in a canine patient with advanced liver disease. Many times in veterinary medicine, we have not diagnosed portal hypertension before surgery, so caution should be taken in any patient with suspected cirrhosis. In patients with ascites but no portal hypertension, a VN may be used, but the patient should be placed in a Trendelenburg (head-down) position to move any air-filled bowel that may be floating in abdominal fluid away from the needle. Depending on the amount of fluid present, removal of the ascites may be warranted before the procedure starts. If a large amount of ascites is present, insufflation can lead to frothy bubbly fluid (caused by the albumin present in the fluid), markedly decreasing visualization. Patients with ascites may also have an increased risk of wound complications because leakage of fluid decreases healing of the port incisions.1 Preexisting septic peritonitis was once thought to be a contraindication to laparoscopic procedures because of the potential for abscess formation at the port sites. There have been multiple studies looking at laparoscopic appendectomy and closure of peptic ulcers that have illustrated no greater incisional complication rate compared with open procedures, so this is a relative contraindication and left up to the surgeon’s discretion.18-21 Most veterinary cases of septic peritonitis do not have a localized diagnosis before surgery, and many patients are quite unstable. Although the presence of sepsis in and of itself is not a contraindication, the surgeon would have to determine the best way to effectively and efficiently explore the abdomen and treat the problem after it is found in these critically ill patients. Bedside diagnostic laparoscopy22 for critically ill patients suspected of having intraabdominal sepsis has been performed in humans and holds the benefit of a highly accurate diagnosis with decreased morbidity. An important point to consider is the well-documented effect of pneumoperitoneum on translocation of bacteria into the circulation at certain intraabdominal pressures,23,24 but much controversy exists over the effect of CO2 insufflation on the innate immune system of the peritoneum (morphology of peritoneal mesothelium and macrophages).25-28 Another relative anatomic contraindication is mechanical bowel obstruction, which leads to a decrease in the available working space and increased risk of bowel injury (serosal tearing or enterotomy). This topic is again controversial with some authors feeling strongly that laparoscopy should not be used in these cases and others reporting decreased healing times and improved gastrointestinal (GI) function postoperatively.29-32 Baiocchi et al. report specific standards that should be followed if laparoscopic treatment for small bowel obstruction is to be considered, although no such guidelines exist in veterinary medicine.33 These factors include proximal obstruction, small bowel dilation less than 4 cm, single adhesion band, mild abdominal distention, partial obstruction, and previous appendectomy. Reported success rates range from 46% to 84%,34,35 with an overall rate of intestinal damage during the procedure of 5.8%.24 The threshold for conversion should be very low in these cases, especially during the first few cases, and if possible, the GI tract should be decompressed preoperatively (orogastric tube placement after induction). Planning or staging laparoscopy has been successfully used in cases of abdominal malignancy in humans and in the authors’ practices36-38 when visualization of the disease could cause a significant change in patient management to nonoperative treatment. This spares the patient recovery from a major surgical procedure, and in combination with laparoscopic ultrasonography or peritoneal cytology, specifically tailored treatments can be provided.39 Laparoscopic staging has become the standard of care in human medicine before resection of any upper intestinal tumors (Figure 10.3).40 In human medicine, many definitive treatments for intraabdominal cancer can be performed laparoscopically or laparoscopically assisted, so conversion is unnecessary. It is, however, generally considered that any locally invasive (involving the body wall, adjacent organs, or retroperitoneum) tumor of the abdomen (GI or other intraabdominal organ) may be better suited to open resection. Staging laparoscopy helps identify metastatic disease that may not be evident on computed tomography or ultrasonography (peritoneal carcinomatosis) as well as gives information as to resectability (location and mobility of the organ of interest). Figure 10.3 Intraoperative view of solitary small intestinal mass with no evidence of metastatic peritoneal lesions. Port-site recurrences have been linked mostly to technical error with no convincing evidence of an increased incidence of port-site metastasis or acceleration of disease with laparoscopy.39 In veterinary medicine, to the authors’ knowledge, there have been no large-scale studies reporting the overall incidence of port site metastasis, and currently port-site metastasis has only been reported after thoracoscopic procedures. Another important factor is the varied biologic activity of some tumors. In human medicine, mucinous cystadenocarcinoma of the ovary and signet cell or mucinous GI adenocarcinomas may exhibit a higher implantation rate onto the peritoneal surface after laparoscopic procedures.1 It may be that as laparoscopy is used more commonly in veterinary surgical oncology that such tumor-specific differences in complication rates also become apparent. Box 10-2 Relative Physiologic Contraindications to Minimally Invasive Surgery The cardiopulmonary effects of CO2 insufflation for establishment of a pneumoperitoneum have been established. Insufflation with CO2 is associated with two potential problems: (1) absorption of CO2 across the peritoneal surface may cause hypercarbia, leading to respiratory acidosis, and (2) transmission of increased intraabdominal pressure through the diaphragm raises intrathoracic pressures by 5 to 15 mm Hg, depending on diaphragmatic compliance. Absorption of CO2 and the ensuing hypercarbic acidosis require intraoperative compensation by the anesthetist. Increasing the minute ventilation, usually by hyperventilation, lowers the PaCO2 and raises the pH. In patients with marginal pulmonary reserve (e.g., obese patients) or those who require positive end-expiratory pressure for adequate oxygenation, adequate compensation may not be possible; in these cases, refractory respiratory acidosis may develop. End-tidal CO2 monitoring is essential in the management of the ventilation of patients undergoing laparoscopy but may underestimate the true arterial paCO2 by as much as 10 mm Hg in an individual with chronic lung disease.1 Therefore, arterial monitoring is recommended in these patients. In children and in patients who cannot be adequately ventilated during laparoscopic surgery, lower peak insufflation pressures should be used. If this fails, alternative measures, including the use of an abdominal wall-lifting device (gasless technique), administration of an alternative insufflation gas such as nitrous oxide or helium, or conversion to an open technique should be considered.41-43 Venous return to the heart is decreased in response to peritoneal insufflation. This is most often seen in hypovolemic patients because insufflation compresses the low-pressure caudal vena cava and other large veins. In a well-hydrated patient, return is near normal. Cardiac output will be decreased if venous return is decreased, which can then lead to metabolic acidosis because of decreased visceral perfusion. This is why laparoscopic procedures were once thought to be contraindicated in elderly humans, but with improved anesthetic techniques and monitoring, this is no longer true, and there have actually been studies showing improved outcomes.44 Patients with severe cardiac disease or hypovolemic shock may not compensate well and may manifest a dramatic drop in cardiac output during peritoneal insufflation. Although laparoscopy has been used as a diagnostic tool in some intensive care unit patients,45 it should not be recommended in patients with acute hemorrhagic shock. Any intracranial pressure concerns should be taken into account before laparoscopic procedures are chosen. A combination of the Trendelenburg (head-down) position and peritoneal insufflation can cause increased intracranial pressure, and with an accompanying metabolic acidosis, this can be severe; therefore, these procedures should be avoided in patients with acute brain injury. There have been reports of ventriculoperitoneal shunt failure after laparoscopic procedures as well as a theoretical risk of intracranial insufflation if the one-way valve fails. Some surgeons recommend exteriorizing the shunt before insufflation and then replacing it.45,46 There have been many studies on laparoscopic procedures during pregnancy and the effects on the mother and fetus. Although the need for surgery during pregnancy may be rare in veterinary medicine, it is not impossible to think there may be certain necessary situations. In experimental studies, peritoneal insufflation has been found to increase intrauterine pressure, decrease uterine blood flow, and cause maternal and fetal acidosis.47 There have been clinical studies showing that adverse outcomes were rare when laparoscopy was performed in the second trimester, but these do not illustrate long-term effects on the development of the child.48-51 In human medicine, any elective procedures are recommended during the second trimester to avoid the teratogenic effects of anesthetics and the obliteration of peritoneal space by a gravid uterus. A preexisting coagulopathy was once thought to be a definitive contraindication for laparoscopic surgery in human medicine, but this is rarely the case now because of improved operative techniques and recombinant coagulation factors. Any congenital coagulopathy should be corrected before any surgery, laparoscopic or open, because an uncorrected coagulopathy holds the same risk of uncontrolled hemorrhage with both procedure types. There are some specific diseases of the hemolymphatic system, such as medically refractory immune thrombocytopenia purpura, that are almost exclusively treated with laparoscopic splenectomy in humans.1,52 Preventing complications during laparoscopic procedures requires the same thoughtfulness and planning as used with traditional open procedures. Although every specific procedure may require specific planning and each patient may have individual needs, these are discussed in detail in different chapters. However, a few important tenants specific to minimally invasive procedures and surgery in general will be discussed in this chapter (Box 10-3). Box 10-3 Steps to Prevent Complications in Minimally Invasive Surgery The benefit to many minimally invasive procedures includes very small incisions from which samples from various organs can be removed. Even in cases in which incisions are enlarged to remove intact organs in sterile specimen retrieval bags, these incisions do not allow for the same type of hemostatic control that an open approach may provide. Therefore, with regards to biopsies of the liver, spleen, and kidney, blood products should be available in the hospital for patients during and after the procedure if necessary. Obviously, the surgeon’s best judgment will need to be used to determine whether blood products alone will be sufficient or if conversion is necessary to control hemorrhage. Along with available blood products, venous and/or arterial access should be established before any patient is taken into the operating suite. Debilitated patients may need vasopressor support or blood; therefore, a second venous catheter should be considered. An arterial line placed before the procedure begins will allow invasive blood pressure monitoring to be performed. Many patients undergoing laparoscopic procedures need mechanical ventilation because of their inability to adapt to the CO2 insufflation or because of positioning for the procedure. Without this availability, the patient may be at risk for dangerous physiologic consequences. Along with a ventilator, it behooves the surgeon to ensure before every MIS procedure that he or she has all of the required instrumentation necessary for the procedure and that it is in working order. As discussed in other parts of this chapter, elective conversions have been reported in human medicine because of failure of one or more pieces of equipment. Although some malfunctions (camera, light source, telescope damage) cannot be detected until the equipment is all in place during the procedure, a simple checklist of necessary instruments, ports, specimen bags, electrosurgical units, and so on should be created and viewed before each MIS procedure to ensure a seamless and consistent experience. In human and veterinary medicine, surgical judgment is born from training and experience. It should be noted that in human medicine, much controversy exists over the training of laparoscopists, and building the foundation for appropriate training, which is occurring in veterinary medicine, is ongoing in human medicine also.53 Many veterinary facilities offer weekend courses in basic and advanced laparoscopic techniques currently, and the advent of human MIS began in that fashion also. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy was the first to be taught and discussed in a seminar or workshop manner, but in the beginning, complication rates were found to be greater compared with open procedures. The research illustrated that this was because of the steep learning curve associated with this procedure54-56 as well as the fact that there appears to be limited transfer of training from one procedure to another.57,58
Laparoscopic Contraindications, Complications, and Conversion
Anatomic and Physiologic Contraindications to Laparoscopy: Relative and Definitive
Anatomic Limitations (Box 10-1)
Reoperative abdomen or thorax (adhesions)
Aberrant anatomy
Cirrhosis, portal hypertension (varicosities)
Small bowel obstruction
Septic peritonitis
Disseminated abdominal cancer
Port Access and Adhesions
Cirrhosis and Portal Hypertension
Septic Peritonitis
Small Bowel Obstruction
Abdominal Malignancy
Physiologic Limitations (Box 10-2)
Pulmonary disease
Cardiovascular disease
Intracranial disease
Intracranial Disease
Preventing and Preparing for Complications
Have blood products available.
Ensure appropriate venous or arterial access.
Have mechanical ventilation available.
Ensure appropriate staffing.
Check all equipment preoperatively.
Plan for conversion.
Have appropriate postoperative care available.
Do not place pride over patient care; convert when necessary.
Blood Products and Venous Access
Mechanical Ventilation and Appropriate Equipment
Surgical Judgment
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