Chapter 37 The members of the different phyla are primarily characterized by different methods of sexual reproduction. Traditionally fungi with no known sexual stage have been formally grouped in the phylum Deuteromycota, also referred to as the Fungi Imperfecti. Increasingly, molecular methods are being used to place fungal species, for which only the asexual form is known, in one of the recognized phyla without the need to discover a sexual form. The preferred term for fungi that are not known to have a meiotic stage is mitosporic fungi. For many years a dual system of names has been used, one for the asexual form (the anamorph) and one for the sexual form (the teleomorph). For example, the teleomorph of the yeast Cryptococcus neoformans is Filobasidiella neoformans, one of the few pathogenic fungi in the basidiomycetes. Most of the pathogenic fungi, previously in the Fungi Imperfecti, have been found to be ascomycetes when the sexual state is found. Several pathogenic fungi are better known by their anamorph name because it is often the asexual form that is found in pathological situations. However, the usefulness of this dual naming system is increasingly being questioned and it is expected that eventually a single name, that of the teleomorph, will only be recognized and used. A major re-organization of fungal classification based on molecular phylogenetic analyses has been proposed (Hibbett et al. 2007). Two new phyla have been added, Blastocladiomycota and Neocallimastigomycota, while the subkingdom Dikarya containing Ascomycota and Basidiomycota has been created. The status of the phylum Zygomycota is currently in doubt and may be broken up into a number of new phyla in the future. These proposals have been adopted in the Dictionary of the Fungi (Kirk et al. 2008) and Index Fungorum ( accessed 31 December 2012). A small number of fungal-like agents such as Pythium insidiosum and Rhinosporidium seeberi are traditionally included in texts on fungal diseases because they produce elements in tissue that resemble fungal elements and may form yeast-like colonies on fungal media. Pythium insidiosum is a member of the kingdom Chromista (also known as Stramenopila or Heterokonta), while Rhinosporidium seeberi belongs to a novel group of aquatic protistan parasites at the boundary between fungi and animals, in the class Mesomycetozoea, kingdom Protozoa (Mendoza et al. 2002). Pneumocystis carinii, an occasional cause of pneumonia in immunosuppressed dogs and horses (P. jiroveci is associated with terminal pneumonia in severely immunocompromised people), was considered a protozoa but has in recent years been shown to belong to the kingdom Fungi, phylum Ascomycota. Table 37.1 indicates methods used for the examination of fungal elements in clinical specimens and Table 37.2 gives a brief summary of the diagnostic features of some of the fungi found in veterinary diagnostic samples. The specimens suspected of containing fungal pathogens range from hairs and skin scrapings for dermatophytes to exudates, biopsies and tissues. Because many of the potentially pathogenic fungi are ubiquitous it is important to take tissue for histopathology whenever possible so as to demonstrate fungal hyphae or yeast cells actually invading the tissue, often invoking a tissue reaction. If there is a correlation between the fungus that is isolated and the histopathological findings there can be greater confidence in the diagnosis of the disease or condition. Table 37.1 Summary of the methods employed for the direct microscopic examination of fungi Table 37.2 Morphological features of pathogenic fungi in diagnostic specimens Histopathological sections can be made from biopsies or from tissues. Frozen sections are prepared from fresh tissue while more permanent tissue sections are made from material fixed in 10% formalin. These sections can be stained by such methods as the periodic acid-Schiff (PAS), that will differentially stain the fungal elements pink or by silver impregnation stains, such as Gomori’s methenamine silver stain where the fungal elements will stain dark brown or black. Calcofluor white powder (Fluorescent Brightener 20, Sigma Chemical Co.) is a cotton brightener which binds to chitin in the fungal cell walls. On excitation with light of wavelength 350 nm the bound calcofluor white fluoresces blue-green. As a working solution (0.1% w/v) it can be used mixed with exudates, incorporated into 10% KOH solutions or employed to stain histological sections (see Appendix 1 for details). Wright or Giemsa stains can be used on impression smears from biopsies or bone marrow for Histoplasma capsulatum. A Gram stain or simple methylene blue stain is useful for many of the yeasts. India ink or nigrosin wet preparations are used to demonstrate the characteristically large capsule of Cryptococcus neoformans (Box 37.1). This and other comparatively rapid methods involving wet preparations to visualize fungi in diagnostic specimens are described below. To clear and clarify the specimens, so that the fungal elements can be seen, 10–20% potassium hydroxide (KOH) and other chemicals are used (Box 37.2).
Introduction to the pathogenic fungi
Classification of the fungi
General methods for the diagnosis of the mycoses
Direct Microscopic Examination of Clinical Specimens
10–20% KOH wet preparations
Clears specimens to make fungi more visible. Examine under low and high-dry objectives or phase contrast
Fungal elements of most moulds and yeasts. Dimorphic fungi as yeast-like forms in tissue. Arthrospores on affected hairs for dermatophytes
Calcofluor white (0.1%)
Fluorescence of fungal elements under fluorescence microscope. Visualization of fungi made easier
Detection of most fungal elements in wet preparations and in tissue sections
India ink or nigrosin
Wet preparation with cerebrospinal fluid or clear exudates
Cryptococcus neoformans, to demonstrate the characteristically large capsule
Gram or methylene blue stain
Fixed smears of tissues or exudates
Yeast cells such as Candida albicans as well as any bacteria that are present. Cryptococcus neoformans stains poorly by these methods
Fluorescent antibody technique
Frozen sections or fixed smears
Available in specialized laboratories for some of the dimorphic fungi such as Blastomyces dermatitidis
Periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) + counter-stain (haematoxylin)
Frozen or paraffin-embedded histological sections from biopsies or tissues
Most fungal elements can be demonstrated in tissues by this method. The fungi stain pink. Any tissue reaction caused by the fungal invasion can also be observed
Methenamine silver stain + counter-stain
Frozen or paraffin-embedded histological sections from biopsies or tissues
Most fungal elements in tissues will be stained a dark brown by this method and are easy to see. Visualization of any internal structures may be harder than with the PAS-haematoxylin stain
Wright or Giemsa stain
Fixed bone marrow smears or impression smears from biopsies
Demonstration is limited to Histoplasma capsulatum
Summary of diagnostic features
Aspergillus fumigatus
KOH, calcofluor white, periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) or silver impregnation stains
Septate hyphae, dichotomous branching at a 45° angle. Hyphae 3–6 µm and rarely up to 12 µm in diameter. Tissue reaction is granulomatous or necrotizing, but may not occur in an immunosuppressed host. May see distorted fruiting heads if fungus spreads into an air space in the body
Rhizopus, Mucor, Rhizomucor, Absidia and Mortierella spp.
KOH, calcofluor white, PAS or silver impregnation stains
Large, bulging, non-septate hyphae that can be twisted and fragmented. About 10–20 µm in diameter (range 3–25 µm) with irregular branching. The invading hyphae of Mortierella wolfii tend to be finer (2–12 µm diameter) than the other zygomycetes
Candida albicans
Gram stain, KOH, PAS or silver impregnation stains
Budding cells, oval or round, 3–4 µm diameter. Pseudohyphae may be present in tissue; these have regular points of constriction between individual elongated yeast cells. They must be distinguished from moulds with septate hyphae
Malassezia pachydermatis
Gram stain, methylene blue, KOH or calcofluor white
Bottle-shaped, small yeast (1–2 × 2–4 µm). Unipolar budding and reproduction is by bud-fission in which the bud detaches from the mother cell by a septum
Cryptococcus neoformans
India ink, KOH, PAS or Mayer’s mucicarmine stain
Spherical budding yeast cells, 2–15 µm diameter, usually surrounded by a large capsule. Produces pinched-off buds, sometimes multiple. Cells vary greatly in size in a single preparation. Encapsulated pseudohyphae are very occasionally seen
Blastomyces dermatitidis
KOH, calcofluor white, FA technique, PAS or silver-impregnation stains
Large, budding yeast 8–15 µm (range 2–30 µm) in diameter with very thick walls. Buds are connected by a broad base. Intracytoplasmic contents are usually evident
Histoplasma capsulatum
Wright, Giemsa, PAS or silver impregnation stains
Small, budding yeast, spherical to oval, 2–5 µm, intracellular in monocytic cells. A clear halo can be seen around the darker staining cell. Buds are single with narrow bases. The fungus is difficult to detect in unstained preparations
Coccidioides immitis
PAS and silver-impregnation stains, KOH + calcofluor white
Large spherules present in tissue. When mature, up to 200 µm in diameter and contain numerous non-budding endospores (2–5 µm). Immature spherules vary in size and do not contain endospores
Sporothrix schenckii
Gram stain or KOH on exudates. PAS or silver-impregnation stains on biopsies
Small, cigar-shaped yeasts, 2–6 µm. May exhibit multiple budding. Only a small number are usually present in exudates and they may be hard to see
Microsporum and Trichophyton spp.
KOH, KOH + calcofluor white, DMSO + KOH, blue-black ink + KOH
Septate hyphae (2–3 µm diameter) surround affected hairs and fragment into arthrospores. Some hyphae may still be present but more usually a sheath of refractile round arthrospores (2–8 µm diameter) is present. These arthropores must not be confused with fat globules or hair-pigment granules (melanosomes)
Fungi in mycetomas
KOH, calcofluor white, PAS and silver-impregnation stains
Irregular granules, 0.5–3.0 mm and variously coloured, are present in biopsies or scrapings. Within crushed granules are intertwined hyphae (2–5 µm) with swollen cells (15 µm or more) at the periphery
Fungi in chromoblastomycoses
KOH, calcofluor white, PAS and silver-impregnation stains
Single-celled or clustered, spherical (4–12 µm), thick-walled bodies and darkly pigmented (sclerotic) bodies. Hyphae may be present (2–6 µm) and are seen in skin scrapings and aspirates
Pneumocystis carinii
Giemsa stain, immunocytochemistry and methenamine silver stain
Trophic, cystic and spore forms may be found in lung tissue and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of affected animals
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Introduction to the pathogenic fungi