
CHAPTER 1 Introduction

When properly applied, cytologic examination can be an extremely powerful diagnostic aid.111 Generally, cytologic samples can be collected quickly, easily, and inexpensively, with little or no risk to the patient. The cytologic interpretation often is valuable in establishing a diagnosis, identifying the disease process (neoplasia vs inflammation), directing therapy, forming a prognosis, and/or determining what diagnostic procedure should be performed next. Frequently, the samples can be prepared, stained, and interpreted while the client waits in the examination room. This allows other diagnostic procedures to be performed or therapy to be altered based on cytologic findings at the initial visit. As a result, the patient receives better and/or more expeditious care, and the client is more satisfied.

Risk vs. Value

The accuracy of cytologic examination as a diagnostic tool has been studied and reviewed in human and veterinary literature.5,1217 Most studies have compared cytologic results to histopathologic results and/or biologic behavior of the lesion. Some studies indicate that properly performed fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) is more accurate than conventional core needle biopsy or fine-aspirate core biopsy.12,13,16 FNAB also poses very little risk to the patient. Complications subsequent to FNAB of abdominal organs (eg, liver, spleen, pancreas, prostate) or abdominal masses are much less than those expected for conventional core biopsy techniques.17,19 In a study of 11,700 human patients, Livraghi et al concluded that some serious complications (peritonitis through the crossing of the digestive tract, fistula formation, bacteremia, tumor seeding), theoretically possible with FNABs, have either never occurred or occurred in such a tiny percentage of cases as to be regarded as negligible for practical purposes.19 Implantation of malignant cells along the aspiration tract and induction of hematologic metastasis subsequent to FNAB of malignant tumors are extremely rare and pose no practical danger to the patient, especially when the aspiration tract is removed during excision of the malignant tumor.12,14,19,20 However, some contraindications do exist and will be discussed in the relevant chapters.


To facilitate the following discussions, some of the terms used throughout the text are briefly discussed here.

Hypertrophy refers to an increase in cell size and/or functional activity in response to a stimulus.

Hyperplasia refers to an increase in cell numbers, via increased mitotic activity, in response to a stimulus. If a tissue is capable of mitotic division, hyperplasia will occur in concert with hypertrophy.

Neoplasia refers to increased cell replication that is not dependent on a stimulus external to the neoplastic tissue.

Metaplasia refers to a reversible process in which one mature cell type is replaced by another mature cell type. It often represents the adaptive replacement of cells sensitive to a stimulus by cells less sensitive to the stimulus. For example, chronic irritation of the ciliated columnar epithelial cells of the trachea and bronchi results in their focal or widespread replacement by stratified squamous epithelial cells.

Dysplasia, in common medical usage, refers to reversible, irregular, atypical, proliferative cellular changes in response to irritation or inflammation.

Anaplasia refers to a lack of differentiation of tissue cells. The less differentiated a tumor is, the more anaplastic it is and, generally, the greater its malignant potential.

Dyscrasia refers to an increase or decrease in the numbers of one or more cell components or maturational stages of a tissue out of proportion to the other cell components or maturational stages.

Chromatin pattern refers to the microscopic appearance of the nuclear chromatin. In general, the chromatin pattern coarsens as malignant potential increases. Some commonly used terms for chromatin patterns are listed, briefly described, and schematically depicted in Table 1-1.

TABLE 1-1 Selected Chromatin Patterns

Pattern Description Schematic
Smooth (sometimes referred to as a “fine” chromatin pattern Finely etched, uniform pattern of thin chromatin strands; no aggregates of chromatin image
Finely stippled Smooth chromatin pattern with small discrete aggregates of chromatin scattered throughout nucleus image
Lacy (reticular) Uniform pattern of medium-sized chromatin strands; no significant aggregates of chromatin; sometimes “reticular” used to imply pattern with slightly thicker chromatin strands than in lacy patterns image
Coarse (ropy or cordlike) Pattern of very thick chromatin strands image
Clumped Large aggregates of chromatin scattered throughout nucleus; may occur with lacy or coarse chromatin patterns image
Smudged Chromatin pattern not discrete; outlines of chromatin strands and/or clumps vague; usual pattern for small lymphocytes image

Romanowsky-type stains, in this text, refers to hematologic stains (Wright’s, Giemsa, Diff-Quik, etc) commonly used to perform differential WBC counts on peripheral blood smears.

Hematologic stains can refer to those stains commonly used in hematologic examination and include Romanowsky-type stains and supravital stains, such as new methylene blue, or may refer only to Romanowsky-type stains. The context of the discussion in which it is used generally makes its meaning obvious.

Collection and Smear Preparation

Cytologic samples can be collected by swabbing, scraping, or aspirating a lesion. The anatomic location and characteristics of the tissue being sampled and characteristics of the patient (eg, tractability) influence the choice of collection technique. The aim is always collection of an adequate quantity of representative material with minimal stress to the animal and danger to attendants. When possible, sufficient material should be collected to allow preparation of several slides so that some can remain unstained and available for special stains as necessary.

Specific techniques and preparation procedures will be discussed in the chapter dealing with the tissue for which they are used. General considerations for collection and preparation of cytologic samples are discussed in the following material.


Imprints for cytologic evaluation can be prepared from external lesions or from tissues removed during surgery or necropsy. They are easy to collect but yield fewer cells than scrapings and contain greater contamination (bacterial and cellular) than FNABs. As a result, imprints from superficial lesions often only reflect a secondary bacterial infection and/or inflammation-induced tissue dysplasia. This markedly hinders their use in diagnosis of neoplasia.

Ulcers should be imprinted before they are cleaned. The lesion should then be cleaned with a saline- moistened surgical sponge and reimprinted or scraped. A FNAB of the tissue underlying the surface of the lesion should be collected also. In some conditions, such as Dermatophilus congolensis infection (streptothrichosis) and Coccidioides immitis infection, impressions from the uncleaned lesion contain far more organisms than impressions from cleaned lesions and samples collected by FNAB. Imprints of the underside of the scabs from Dermatophilus congolensis–produced lesions are usually most rewarding. In the healing phase of the disease (dry crusts), direct smears are rarely positive, and slides prepared from crusts that have been minced and soaked are preferred. Other conditions may yield more information on the imprints from cleaned lesions than the imprints from uncleaned lesions.

To collect imprints from tissues collected during surgery or necropsy, one must first cut the tissue so there is a fresh surface for imprinting. Next, remove excess blood and tissue fluid from the surface of the lesion being imprinted by blotting with a clean absorbent material. Excessive blood and tissue fluids inhibit tissue cells from adhering to the glass slide, producing a poorly cellular preparation. Also, excessive fluid inhibits cells from spreading and assuming the size and shape they usually have in air-dried smears. Blot excess blood and tissue fluids from the surface of the lesion, then touch (press) the surface of the lesion against the middle of a clean glass microscope slide and lift directly up. Do not slide the tissue around on the glass surface, since this causes cells to rupture. When possible, imprint several slides so that a few can be retained in case special stains are necessary.

Aspiration of Masses

Fine-needle aspiration biopsies (FNAB) can be collected from raised cutaneous lesions, external and internal masses (including lymph nodes), and internal organs. They collect fewer cells than scrapings but avoid the superficial contamination that plagues imprints and scrapings.

Selection of Syringe and Needle: Fine-needle aspiration biopsies are collected with a 21- to 22-gauge needle and a 3- to 20-ml syringe. The softer the tissue, the smaller the needle and syringe used. It is seldom necessary to use a needle larger than 21 gauge for aspiration, even for firm tissues such as fibromas. When needles larger than 21 gauge are used, tissue cores tend to be aspirated, resulting in a poor yield of free cells. Also, larger needles tend to cause greater blood contamination.

The size of syringe used is influenced by the consistency of the tissue being aspirated. Softer tissues, such as lymph nodes, usually can be aspirated with a 3-ml syringe. Firm tissues, such as fibromas and squamous cell carcinomas, require a larger syringe to maintain adequate negative pressure (suction) for collection of a sufficient number of cells. A 12-ml syringe is a good choice if the texture of the tissue is unknown.

Preparation of the Site for Aspiration: If microbiologic tests are to be performed on a portion of the sample collected or if a body cavity (peritoneal and thoracic cavities, joints, etc) is to be penetrated, the area of aspiration is surgically prepared. Otherwise, skin preparation is essentially that required for a vaccination or venipuncture. An alcohol swab can be used to clean the area.

Aspiration Procedure: Hold the mass to be aspirated firmly; introduce the needle, with syringe attached, into the center of the mass; and apply strong negative pressure by withdrawing the plunger to about three-fourths the volume of the syringe (Fig. 1-1). Sample several areas of the mass. Take care not to aspirate the sample into the barrel of the syringe or to contaminate the sample by aspirating tissue surrounding the mass. Therefore, maintain negative pressure during redirection and movement of the needle only when the mass is large enough to allow the needle to be redirected and moved to several areas within it without danger of the needle leaving the mass. When the mass is too small for the needle to be moved without danger of it leaving the mass, relieve negative pressure during movement of the needle. Often, high-quality collections do not have aspirated material visible in the syringe and sometimes not even in the hub of the needle.

After sampling several areas, relieve the negative pressure and remove the needle from the mass and skin. Remove the needle from the syringe and draw air into the syringe. Replace the needle onto the syringe and expel some of the tissue in the barrel and hub of the needle onto the middle of a glass microscope slide by rapidly depressing the plunger. When possible, make several preparations, as described below.

Nonaspiration Procedure (Capillary Technique, Stab Technique): A nonaspiration technique has been described for collection of cytology samples.21 This technique works well for most masses, especially in highly vascular tissues. The technique described here is a modification of the nonaspiration technique that is used at Oklahoma State University. This technique is similar to the standard fine-needle aspiration technique except that no negative pressure is applied during collection.

Perform the procedure by placing a small-gauge needle (21 or 22 gauge) on a 5- to 12-cc syringe. Draw a few cubic centimeters of air into the syringe barrel prior to the collection attempt (to allow rapid expulsion of material onto a glass slide). Grasp the syringe at or near the needle hub with the thumb and forefinger to allow for maximal control. Or, as some clinicians prefer, grasp the syringe as if holding a throwing dart. Stabilize the mass to be aspirated with a free hand, and insert the needle into the mass. Move the needle rapidly back and forth in a stabbing motion, trying to stay along the same tract. This allows cells to be collected by cutting and tissue pressure. Take care to keep the needle tip within the mass to prevent contamination with surrounding tissue. Withdraw the needle and rapidly expel the material in the needle onto a clean glass slide, and then make a smear using one of the techniques listed later in this chapter. Having air already in the syringe saves time and allows the person collecting the sample to make the smear more quickly, thereby helping to avoid desiccation (drying-out) of the collected cells.

Generally, material sufficient for only one smear is collected. If possible it is optimal to perform multiple collection attempts at various sites within the mass to increase the chance of obtaining diagnostic material and to ensure a representative sampling of the lesion.

Preparation of Smears from Aspirates of Solid Masses

Several methods can be used to prepare smears for cytologic evaluation of solid masses, including lymph nodes. The experience of the person preparing the smears and characteristics of the sample influence the choice of smear preparation technique. We suggest a combination of slide preparation techniques. Some cytologic preparation techniques are described here.

Combination Technique: One combination procedure involves spraying the aspirate onto the middle of a clean glass microscope slide (prep slide), which is held firmly on a flat, solid, horizontal surface. Place the edge of a second slide (spreader slide) onto the flat surface of the prep slide in front of the sample at a 45-degree angle to the prep slide and pull backward about one third of the way into the aspirate (Fig. 1-2). Slide the spreader slide forward smoothly and rapidly, as if making a blood smear. Next, place the flat surface of the spreader slide horizontally over the back third of the aspirate at a right angle to the prep slide. Allow the weight of the spreader slide (top slide) to spread the material, resisting the temptation to compress the slides. Keeping the spreader slide flat and horizontal, quickly and smoothly slide it across the prep slide.

This makes a squash prep of the back third of the aspirate. The front third of the aspirate is gently spread and the middle third is untouched. This accommodates all potential sample characteristics. The back third (squash prep area) will spread clumps of cells that are difficult to spread, the front third (gently spread area) will spread fragile cells without excessive damage, and the middle third (untouched) will allow best evaluation if the sample is of very low cellularity.

Squash Preps: In expert hands, the squash prep technique can yield excellent cytologic smears. However, in less experienced hands, it often yields smears that are unreadable because too many cells are ruptured or the sample is not sufficiently spread. Make a squash prep by expelling the aspirate onto the middle of one slide and then placing a second slide over the aspirate horizontal with and at right angles to the first slide (Fig. 1-3). Quickly and smoothly slide the second slide across the first slide. A modification of the squash prep that has less tendency to rupture cells is to lay the second slide over the aspirate, then rotate the second slide 45 degrees and lift it upward (Fig. 1-4).

“Starfish” Preps: Another technique for spreading aspirates is to drag the aspirate peripherally in several directions with the point of a syringe needle, producing a starfish shape (Fig. 1-5). This technique tends not to damage fragile cells, but it allows a thick layer of tissue fluid to remain around the cells. Sometimes the thick layer of fluid prevents the cells from spreading well and interferes with evaluation of cell detail. Usually some acceptable areas are present, however.

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Aug 31, 2016 | Posted by in GENERAL | Comments Off on Introduction

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