Inflammatory bowel disease and adverse reaction to food in a dog

26 Inflammatory bowel disease and adverse reaction to food in a dog

Case history

The dog presented with a chronic, 6-month history of diarrhoea and weight loss. He was producing large volumes of soft faeces, with no increase in frequency of defecation, no blood or mucus in the faeces and no tenesmus while defecating. There had been episodes of vomiting occurring nearly every day. The dog usually vomited digested food and bile and this often occurred soon after eating. The owner reported that the dog had become quieter than he had been previously.

The dog had been fed a variety of diets in an attempt to control the gastrointestinal signs, including a highly digestible diet for gastrointestinal disorders and a premium dry dog food.

The current diet being fed was a commercial dry diet based on lamb and rice. The dog had a good appetite while on this food, but there was no improvement in the diarrhoea or vomiting. In addition to eating dog food, the dog also scavenged from rubbish and was fed treats of human food.

His vaccinations were upto date and he had been treated for parasites 6 months prior to presentation. He had not travelled outside of the UK.

The diagnostic tests and treatments from the previous veterinary surgeon included:

There had been an initial improvement on these treatments and then the diarrhoea reoccurred 2 months later. He was treated again with sulfasalazine, metronidazole (doses not reported) and prednisolone at 0.6 mg/kg, with no improvement.

On physical examination the dog was quiet and alert and his hydration was adequate. His body condition score was 3/9, with evidence of muscle loss. His mucous membranes were pink and capillary refill time was <2.5 seconds. His temperature, pulse and respiration parameters were within normal limits, thoracic auscultation was unremarkable and lymph nodes were within normal limits. On abdominal palpation there were thickened loops of small intestines which felt fluid filled. He had a dry dull hair coat.

Problem list and discussion of problems

Sep 22, 2016 | Posted by in SMALL ANIMAL | Comments Off on Inflammatory bowel disease and adverse reaction to food in a dog

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