Hypoadrenocorticism in a dog

14 Hypoadrenocorticism in a dog

Problem list and discussion of problems

Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnoses for vomiting in this dog include the following disorders:

Most dogs with intussusception are less than 1 year of age, although it is still a possible diagnosis in a dog of this age.

Differential diagnoses for decreased exercise tolerance in this dog include:

A heart rate of 56 bpm is considered bradycardic for a medium sized dog and the degree of hypovolaemia would be expected to have increased the rate. Possible causes for the bradycardia include:

Very fit dogs sometimes have a slow heart rate, but this dog did not appear fit and also had not been exercising normally for the past month or longer.

Sep 22, 2016 | Posted by in SMALL ANIMAL | Comments Off on Hypoadrenocorticism in a dog

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