Gastroenterology 1. Colic

Chapter 2

Gastroenterology 1. Colic


2.1 Introduction

Acute abdominal pain (colic) in the horse is one of the most frequent emergency conditions encountered in practice. It is one which understandably causes owners considerable concern and apprehension, and about which few of them have any real understanding.

Colic is not a specific disease or even a diagnosis, it is only a symptom and represents a challenge of differential diagnosis. It simply indicates that the horse has pain, usually but not invariably in its abdomen and usually related to its gastrointestinal tract.

The horse with gastrointestinal pain can behave in a variety of ways:

Such behaviour is not confined to horses with alimentary colic, and many of the signs described may be shown by horses which have one of a number of painful conditions unrelated to the gastrointestinal tract (i.e. ‘false colic’).

False colics

An intelligent approach to the management of colic requires an understanding of the causes and mechanisms of gastrointestinal pain and the pathophysiological changes which occur as the result of intestinal obstruction.

Alimentary (true) colic

The majority of colic cases are associated with disruption of the normal gut motility brought about by a variety of factors such as diet, management and parasites. Certain anatomical features of the equine alimentary tract, particularly the large colon, also predispose to obstruction.

Several factors can contribute to the pain associated with alimentary (true) colic:

• An increase in intramural tension is probably the most common cause and may be brought about by distension associated with excessive fermentation or accumulations of fluid and/or gas or to obstructions caused by impaction, displacements or strangulation obstructions.

• Spasm of intestine associated with hypermotility and disruption of the normal coordinated contractions of bowel is another frequent cause.

• Pain due to tension on mesentery may well accompany intestinal displacements, torsion, hernias and intussusceptions.

• Ischaemia of gut brought about by vascular occlusion due to a large variety of strangulating obstructions to which the horse’s intestine is prone results in the rapid onset of severe pain due to hypoxia which later abates when the gut becomes necrotic.

• Mucosal inflammation and irritation present in conditions such as acute salmonellosis and right dorsal colitis result in mild colic.

• Ulceration of the mucosa such as gastric ulcer syndrome.

The pain associated with these factors is designated visceral pain and is manifested by the clinical signs described earlier. The pain associated with widespread peritonitis is classed as parietal pain. In marked contrast to horses with visceral pain, those with severe parietal pain show great reluctance to move and obvious boarding of the abdominal wall.

Depending on the cause of the problem, one or more of these factors may be contributing to the pain in individual colic cases. For example, in horses with spasmodic colic, hypermotility and incoordinated contractions are the sole cause whereas in the early stages of a strangulation obstruction, ischaemia, hypermotility, distension and mesenteric tension may all be contributing to the pain exhibited.

Classfication of colic

Although acute abdominal pain is a frequent occurrence, the majority of cases are benign and respond readily to medical therapy. The remainder are potentially life-threatening and require surgical interference if the life of the horse is to be saved.

Colic can be conveniently classified into seven types:

Colic cases with a mild or uncomplicated disease process fall predominantly into the first three categories while those with serious life-threatening conditions usually have obstructive lesions.

The earlier these various disorders are recognized and specific therapy instituted, the better is the prognosis for recovery. In the early stages pain is the common factor, and there may be little or nothing to differentiate the benign from the serious cases. A basic understanding of the pathophysiology of gastrointestinal obstruction is essential if the pathological effects of obstruction on the clinical values used to diagnose and evaluate colic cases are to be recognized and interpreted correctly.

2.2 Pathophysiology of intestinal obstruction

Any interference, mechanical or functional, with the progression of intestinal contents constitutes obstruction.

The mechanisms of shock that may accompany some forms of intestinal obstruction are detailed in Chapter 26. Absorption of endotoxins (lipopolysaccharide component of the outer cell membrane of Gram-negative bacteria) into the circulation is termed endotoxaemia. Endotoxin activates inflammatory cells (including mononuclear cells, neutrophils and platelets) to release numerous inflammatory mediators resulting the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) (see section 26.2).

Simple obstruction

Small intestine

1. Physical obstruction of the small intestine usually occurs by impacted food material, stricture, or foreign body (Box 2.1), thereby preventing the passage of the large volumes of fluid produced in the upper alimentary tract from reaching the absorptive surfaces of the lower intestine so that it becomes sequestered or maybe lost by nasogastric reflux.

2. During one day this volume almost equals the extracellular volume of the horse (approximately 125 L).

3. Systemically, the prime concern in simple obstruction is depletion of plasma volume and reduction in cardiac output together with acid–base disturbances.

4. Gas production by bacterial action continues and is even enhanced by the static medium. With continued secretion of fluids and build-up of gas, the intraluminal hydrostatic pressure (IHP) increases and distends the bowel.

5. As stretch receptors in the distended intestinal wall are activated, the pain increases and becomes continuous.

6. Peristaltic waves diminish and then cease altogether as the intestinal lumen is progressively filled, leaving an atonic rapidly distending tube.

7. Once IHP increases to above 15 cm H2O, absorption of water by the mucosa stops and instead water begins to flow from the mucosa into the lumen.

8. The increasing pressure and expanding volume of fluid causes reflux into the stomach – how soon after the onset of the obstruction depends on where along the small intestine it is located.

9. Increased vascular hydrostatic pressure in the bowel promotes leakage of protein-rich plasma into the peritoneal fluid. Few leucocytes and no erythrocytes appear in the peritoneal fluid within the first 12–24 hours but may become more numerous with the progression of degenerative changes and vascular compromise of the intestinal wall.

10. Damage may be sufficient to allow absorption of endotoxins and cause production of prostaglandins and leukotrienes which may further compromise cardiovascular function. However, endotoxic shock plays only a very limited part in the fatal outcome of unrelieved simple obstruction. Hypovolaemia and altered blood electrolytes are the usual causes of cardiovascular collapse.

The severity of clinical signs associated with a simple obstruction of the small intestine depends on the degree of obstruction (partial or complete) and the level of obstruction (proximal or distal).

• In general, proximal obstructions have a more acute onset, produce greater pain, generate a greater volume of gastric fluid sequestration and have a more rapidly fatal course than distal obstructions. In proximal obstructions, large quantities of chloride are lost particularly if gastric reflux is removed by a nasogastric tube, resulting in metabolic alkalosis.

• Later the metabolic disturbance becomes complicated by acidosis secondary to hypoperfusion.

• Clinical signs resulting from distal small intestine obstructions develop more slowly and are generally less severe due to the compliance of the intestine and the ability to continue some fluid absorption until IHP initiates secretion.

• Established distal small intestine obstructions are characterized by metabolic acidosis with low serum concentrations of HCO3.

Large intestine

1. Simple obstruction of the large intestine (Box 2.2) is usually due to impaction with food material, enteroliths or other intraluminal masses, or a change in position of the colon, e.g. nephrosplenic entrapment (left dorsal displacement of the large colon), and may be partial or complete.

2. In general the clinical signs or rate of systemic degeneration are much less dramatic in simple obstruction of the large intestine than in simple obstruction of the small intestine.

3. Incomplete obstruction allows the passage of small amounts of ingesta and gas.

4. Dehydration is mild at first because water still passes into the caecum where it is readily absorbed.

5. The production of volatile fatty acids and gas by bacterial fermentation is reduced due to decreased amounts of ingesta.

6. If the obstruction becomes complete, ingesta, and particularly gas, accumulate much more rapidly. Distension becomes marked and may become so great as to exert pressure on the diaphragm and vena cava, resulting in impaired pulmonary function and venous return to the heart.

7. Prolonged and/or marked distension of the caecum and colon may cause interference with mucosal perfusion leading to devitalization and possibly fatal rupture.

Strangulating obstruction

Small intestine

1. Strangulating obstructions of the small intestine include incarcerations, intussusceptions and volvulus (Box 2.1) and represent a common cause of acute abdominal crisis.

2. The same fluid retention which occurs due to simple obstruction with eventual reflux into the stomach is present, but because vascular compromise of the intestine is present at the outset, the pathophysiological changes associated with strangulation obstruction are more acute and severe.

3. The incidence of mortality of surgical cases with strangulation obstruction can be high.

4. The vascular compromise may be venous, or venous and arterial, but typical lesions cause venous occlusion before arterial occlusion with consequent venous congestion.

5. Within minutes of strangulation occurring the involved segment of bowel and its mesentery become deep red as veins and venules are distended with blood. If there is immediate concurrent arterial occlusion the intestine becomes cyanotic.

6. More often, thicker walled arteries and arterioles resist compression and continue to pump blood into the distended veins and venules. As the involved intestine is engorged with blood, vascular stasis quickly develops, and the segment becomes red/black in colour. Almost immediately, the vascular endothelium becomes more permeable, and plasma diffuses into the tissue.

7. Within a few hours degeneration of vascular epithelium becomes so extensive that blood pours out of the distended vessel into the tissue (venous infarction stage) and eventually into the lumen.

The mucosal villi are extremely sensitive to hypoxia, and within minutes after oxygen deprivation, ultrastructural morphological changes are evident.

As soon as the mucosal barrier is damaged Gram-negative bacteria and endotoxins permeate the lamina propria and submucosa.

• Early in the development of the ischaemic lesions, the bacteria and endotoxins readily gain entry to the circulation via viable tissue adjacent to the lesion.

• By 6 hours or possibly earlier, as the muscularis degenerates, bacteria and toxins leak through the serosa into the peritoneal cavity from which they are readily absorbed.

• Release of endotoxins into the general circulation results in damage to endothelial cells and platelets. Platelets are immediately stimulated and release the potent vasoconstrictor substances, thromboxane and serotonin. Damage to the endothelium increases vascular permeability, prostacyclin is released, and neutrophils are stimulated, especially in the lungs and site of intestinal injury.

• The endotoxic shock is dose-related and is more severe the greater the length of bowel involved.

The clinical picture is acute with severe pain which is continuous and shows no, or only temporary, response to analgesics.

• The heart rate increases progressively, and pulse quality deteriorates.

• Mucous membranes become congested, and the capillary refill time increases.

• The PCV and total protein also rise progressively, and the respiratory rate increases in response to developing metabolic acidosis.

• At first the peritoneal fluid is slightly serosanguinous with a mild increase in protein and leucocytes. As the strangulation process continues, all these substances increase dramatically, and the fluid becomes flocculent and turbid. Toxic neutrophils indicate leakage of toxins and bacteria.

• The clinical course is rapid, and most horses with an untreated strangulating obstruction of the small intestine die within 24–30 hours of the onset of disease from irreversible endotoxaemic shock / systemic inflammatory response syndrome and marked vascular collapse. However, the deterioration in the animal’s condition is such that for surgical correction to be successful, it must be carried out within a few hours of the obstruction occurring. Eighty per cent or more of affected horses may recover if operated upon within 8 hours.

Large intestine

1. Strangulating obstructions of the large intestine (Box 2.2) include intussusception of the caecum, torsion and volvulus of the large colon and incarceration of the small colon.

2. The pathophysiology is similar to that previously described for the small intestine, but there are points of variance.

3. The rate of systemic deterioration can vary markedly between caecocaecal intussusception in which it is slow, and 360° torsion of the large colon which is the most rapidly fatal of all the intestinal obstructions of the horse.

4. Such is the size of the submucosal space in the large colon that venous occlusion can result in the horse losing half its circulating blood volume into the wall of the gut within 4 hours of a 360° torsion occurring.

5. Hypovolaemia is rapidly profound, and the mucous membranes become pale and cyanotic.

6. The degeneration of the large surface area of bowel wall allows massive leakage of endotoxin and bacteria into the peritoneal cavity, and the effects of endotoxaemia are added to those of the hypovolaemia.

7. Because of the short clinical course prior to death, rupture is not normally seen.

2.3 Pharmacological management of colic

Aims of therapy

The aims of therapy are:

Relief of pain

Types of drug

A wide variety of therapeutic agents are used to treat equine colic. They include:

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

Amongst the most useful analgesics for both surgical and non-surgical disease are the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The therapeutic and adverse effects of these drugs result from inhibition of cyclooxygenase enzyme-mediated biosynthesis of prostaglandins.

The NSAIDs commonly employed – dipyrone, phenylbutazone, ketoprofen, meloxicam, firocoxib and flunixin meflumine – differ greatly in efficacy in the treatment of visceral pain in horses.

Flunixin meglumine:

• Flunixin meglumine is effective in the control of visceral pain in horses and has been shown to block the production of prostaglandins, specifically thromboxane and prostacyclin, for 8–12 hours after a single dose.

• The duration of analgesia produced varies from 1 hour to more than 24 hours depending on the cause and severity of the pain.

• Although this drug has basic side-effects similar to phenylbutazone, the greater risk associated with its use devolves from its ability to mask clinical signs of intestinal strangulation or obstruction by reducing heart rate, relieving pain and improving mucous membrane colour.

• If administered to horses in which the precise cause of colic has not been ascertained, it is essential to closely monitor rectal examination findings, nasogastric reflux, peritoneal fluid, heart rate and respiratory rate over the next few hours.

• It should be administered to control severe pain and diminish the effects of endotoxins in horses needing transport to a referral centre for surgery.



• Xylazine produces both sedation and visceral analgesia by stimulating alpha2 adrenoceptors in the central nervous system (CNS), thereby decreasing neurotransmission. At a dose rate of 1.1 mg/kg IV, the visceral analgesia it provides is similar to that of flunixin and the narcotics.

• The duration of effect of xylazine is much shorter (usually 10–30 minutes) than that of flunixin, making xylazine more useful for controlling pain during evaluation of the cause of colic and of the need for specific therapy.

• Potentially detrimental side-effects of xylazine include bradycardia, decreased cardiac output, transient hypertension followed by hypotension, ileus and decreased intestinal blood flow, and may affect its use in horses in shock.

• In contrast to the bradycardia, hypertension and reduced intestinal blood flow, which last only a few minutes, the ileus and hypotension can be prolonged.

• A reduced dosage of 0.2–0.4 mg/kg IV can be administered in an attempt to reduce the severity and duration of the side-effects. Alternatively it can be used at the lower dosage in combination with a narcotic agonist such as butorphanol.

Narcotic analgesics

The analgesic and sedative effects of these drugs result from interaction with central and/or peripheral opioid receptors.


Laxatives are commonly used on horses with colic to increase the water content and softness of ingesta thereby facilitating intestinal transit. The most common indication for their use is the treatment of large colon impactions.

Drugs that alter intestinal motility

Postoperative ileus is the most common indication for pharmacological manipulation of intestinal contractile activity.

2.4 Common types of colic

Spasmodic colic

Clinical signs:

• The disease is characterized by severe paroxysmal attacks of colic lasting from 5 to 10 minutes and separated by pain-free intervals during which the horse’s appearance and behaviour are normal.

• Initially systemic effects are very mild.

• The respiratory and pulse rates increase little during bouts of pain and return to normal when the horse is quiet.

• Often the hyperperistaltic activity is audible at some distance from the horse and frequently has a metallic sound.

• Faeces may be passed frequently and in small amounts and may have a soft to semi-liquid consistency.

• Rectal findings are seldom remarkable, but one or more spastically constricted loops of small intestine may be palpable which may then relax. In other cases small amounts of gas may be evident in the jejunum or caecum.

• Barring possible complications such as volvulus or intussusception, the colic symptoms will pass in 4 to 6 hours.

Impaction colics

Impactions are among the more common medical colics encountered by equine practitioners (Box 2.3). Diagnosis is seldom difficult, and impaction colics, particularly those of the large colon, can usually be resolved with conventional therapy.

The primary objectives of therapy are:

Although the majority of impactions are treated successfully without recourse to surgical interference, prolonged obduration and complete obstipation (e.g. due to enteroliths) must be recognized and dealt with before bowel necrosis and rupture occur.

In the majority of cases of impaction the obstructing material comprises ingesta of a drier than normal consistency, but extraneous materials such as sand or foreign objects, like nylon hay nets, may be the cause.

Clinical signs:

• Rapid consumption of excessive amounts of corn can result in gastric and duodenal impactions.

• Pain is usually moderate and frequently intermittent.

• Signs include pawing, lying down and flank watching.

• Horses with an impacted pelvic flexure located within the pelvis adopt a stance for urination frequently and appear to find relief by lying in dorsal recumbency.

• The pulse may be slightly raised (40–50 per minute) with increases related to hypovolaemia and pain.

• The packed cell volume (PCV) and plasma protein are often normal but can be slightly increased if the impaction involves the small intestine or if it has been present for more than 24 hours in the large colon or caecum.

• Auscultation of the abdomen usually reveals a decrease in borborygmi, but in horses with large colon impactions, bouts of pain are often concurrent with bowel activity.

Diagnosis: Rectal examination is the most important diagnostic procedure enabling firm masses which can be gently indentated with the fingers to be identified within the bowel lumen.

• Impacted ileum may be recognized as a firm tubular structure the diameter of one’s forearm to the left of the caecum early in the course of the condition before it is masked by numerous loops of distended jejunum.

• Primary impaction of the pelvic flexure is characterized by a firm evenly-filled viscus which is often located on the pelvic floor.

• The firmness and extent of the impaction should be noted so that the response to treatment can be evaluated at subsequent visits.

• The thickness of the wall of the colon should also be checked. Oedema indicates a degree of vascular occlusion usually due to torsion.

• Transverse colon impactions may be out of the examiner’s reach and may be large, thus requiring a more prolonged course of treatment with a guarded prognosis.

• Sand impactions may be suspected whenever faeces retrieved during rectal examination contain sand or grit. If water is added to faecal material in a rectal sleeve and massaged, the sand will settle into the fingers of the glove.

Secondary impaction of the colon is not uncommon in conditions causing dehydration such as ileal impaction, grass sickness and anterior enteritis. This can be recognized by the fact that the colon is contracted down on the firm ingesta, and the constrictions and sacculations of the ventral part are very distinct.

Caecal impactions are particularly difficult to assess since digesta may bypass the caecum while the impaction is present:

Small colon impactions present as a long tube evenly filled with faeces extending forward from the rectum. Generalized tympany of the large colon and caecum is a feature of such impactions.

In neonates meconium retention can be felt per rectum with a finger of the large colon and caecum at the pelvic inlet.

Treatment: Medical management of colonic impactions is relatively simple and involves the use of nasogastric intubation for lubrication and hydration, parenteral fluid therapy and the control of pain.

1. Lubrication of the intestinal tract is achieved using mineral or vegetable oil (4 to 8 L) either on its own or mixed with electrolyte supplements.

2. Since softening of the obstruction requires gut motility to mix the oil with the mass of ingesta, it is important to use an analgesic which does not depress colonic contractions. Flunixin meglumine 0.5–1.0 mg/kg at 8- to 12-hour intervals is the analgesic of choice.

3. While not necessary in horses with mild impactions of short duration, the intravenous administration of balanced electrolyte solution may be of value in horses with large or firm impactions. The goal of IV fluid administration is to increase plasma volume and decrease osmotic pressure of plasma thereby allowing fluid to move into the extracellular space with subsequent secretion into the bowel lumen. However the efficacy of this treatment is uncertain.

The patient usually tolerates fluid administration at 2 to 3 times maintenance with rates of as much as 5 L per hour. The average time for resolution is approximately 2 days with total fluid volumes ranging from 54 to 350 L per treatment. Total plasma protein and plasma electrolytes should be monitored.

4. More recently, administration of large volumes of water through a nasogastric tube (as much as 10 L q 30 minutes) have been used to successfully treat large colon impactions. The average time for resolution is 2.5 days and volumes ranging from 85 to 200 L may be required. The nasogastric tube is connected to a fluid reservoir. The stomach is checked for absence of reflux before commencing administration of fluid.

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