Equine diagnostic imaging

Chapter 25

Equine diagnostic imaging

Equine diagnostic imaging has developed rapidly over the last few years and the following modalities are routinely used in equine medicine:

25.1 Radiography

Underlying physics

How are X-rays produced?

• X-rays are electromagnetic waves from the high-energy end of the electromagnetic spectrum (visible light or radiowaves are part of the same spectrum, but of lower energy and different wave length).

• X-rays are produced when fast moving electrons collide with matter. This happens in an X-ray tube that houses a cathode and an anode. By heating up the cathode, a cloud of electrons (negatively charged particles) is produced, which are accelerated till they hit the positive anode at high speed.

• The higher the temperature of the cathode the more electrons are produced; this is related to the mAs (milliAmpere seconds) settings of the X-ray machine.

• The higher the speed of the electrons the higher the penetrating power of the resulting X-rays. This is controlled by the kV settings of the X-ray machine.

• X-rays radiate from the source in straight lines in all directions. For medical purposes only a small cone of the X-rays, the primary beam, is used.

• The size of the primary beam is set by adjusting the window through which X-rays can leave their housing. This is called collimation and is an essential radiation protection mechanism, but also optimizes image quality by reducing scatter.

• The intensity of the X-ray beam is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source. This is obviously important for radiation safety consideration and has to be taken into account when adjusting exposure settings:


    where I = intensity, and r = distance.

How do X-rays interact with matter?

• When X-rays hit matter, they can either penetrate the material or get absorbed by it. The main underlying principles on an atomic level are called the Compton and the Photoelectric effect. The Compton effect is less desirable because it is responsible for scatter radiation that degrades image quality.

• The degree of absorption is determined by the thickness and the radiodensity of the absorber.

• The radiodensity depends on the physical density and the atomic number of the material, e.g. lead has a very high atomic number which allows complete absorption of X-rays with only a few millimetres of material. This is the reason why lead is used for shielding purposes, e.g. in protective clothing. The same effect can be achieved with material of lower atomic number, by increasing its thickness, e.g. a 20 cm brick wall.

• The body is composed of materials of different radiodensities and thickness, hence X-rays are absorbed differentially. For example bone has a higher radiodensity and hence absorbs more X-rays than does soft tissue. This provides the basis for the image contrast that allows differentiation between structures on radiographs.

How are X-rays registered and how is that transformed into an image?

• While the way X-rays are generated has not changed much, the way they are detected has undergone considerable changes in the last few years.

• Conventionally, X-rays are detected using photographic film in combination with intensifying screens. After exposure the film needs developing in a similar process to film-based photography, to produce the final radiograph. More and more practices, however, now use computerized radiography (CR) or digital radiography (DR).

• CR systems still require the use of cassettes and a processor. A phosphor-coated plate in the cassette absorbs X-rays and stores them as energy. The stored energy is released as visible light after stimulation of the atoms on the phosphor plate with a laser beam in the processor. The light is registered and converted into a digital signal. After erasing the imaging plate, it can then be re-used.

• In DR systems the image is displayed directly on a screen without the necessity of processing a plate.

What image parameters characterize a radiograph?

• Image resolution quantifies how close structures can be to each other and still be visibly resolved and provides a measure of detail. In radiography it is usually expressed as line pairs/mm.

• Image contrast is the difference in radiodensity that makes an object distinguishable from another structure.

• Exposure latitude is the extent to which a radiograph can be over- or underexposed and still achieve an acceptable result.

• Decreasing the kV settings increases the image contrast, but decreases the latitude. For each 10 kV change the mAs setting has to be doubled or halved to maintain the same opacity. A kV setting under 70 is desirable for good bone radiographs.

• Image sharpness describes how well the edges of a structure can be distinguished from other structures or the background. It is influenced by the.

How does an increase in bone production appear on radiographs?

New bone production appears as opacity on radiographs and can be classified according to the location:

• Periosteal new bone: often caused by trauma, but can also be caused by infection (Figures 25.1, 25.2, 25.3).

• Endosteal new bone: most commonly associated with trauma, e.g. fractures, but can also be caused by infection or inflammation.

• Cortical thickening: in response to stress.

• Callus formation: fracture repair (Figure 25.3).

• Enthesiophytes: focal, distinct new bone formation at attachment site of ligaments, tendons and joint capsule, usually associated with chronic strain at this site (Figures 25.4, 25.5, 25.6).

• Osteophytes: periarticular new bone usually associated with osteoarthritis (Figures 25.4, 25.6, 25.7).

• Sclerosis is a term used for localized new bone formation, usually in response to stress (e.g. subchondral bone sclerosis in osteoarthritis) or when the body is walling off areas, e.g. a sequestrum or bone cyst) (Figures 25.1, 25.7, 25.8, 25.9).

How does a decrease in bone production appear on radiographs?

Bone resorption results in lysis of bone and appears radiographically as radiolucency. This is most commonly focal in the horse, but can also be diffuse.

• Focal lucencies:

image Changes in bone contour, e.g. flattening of trochlear ridges in cases of osteochrondrosis (Figures 25.10, 25.11).

image Well-defined lucencies within bone, e.g. osseous-cyst-like lesions (Figure 25.12).

image Subchondral bone lucencies, e.g. in osteoarthritis (Figures 25.7, 25.9).

• Diffuse lesions:

What can radiographs tell us about soft tissues?

• Radiographs are not very sensitive when it comes to the assessment of different soft-tissue densities: e.g. fluids such as blood or urine have the same radiographic appearance as most soft tissues (tendons, cartilage etc.).

• The exception is fat, which appears more radiolucent than other soft tissues, which can, for example, be appreciated in the case of the triangular radiolucency consistent with the patellar fat pad in the stifle (Figures 25.11, 25.12).

• Abdominal radiography.

• Thoracic radiography.

Indications for radiography in the horse

Radiographs are indicated to:

No imaging technique can replace the clinical examination! Radiographic findings do not indicate pain!

The clinical findings need to guide radiography, e.g. a wound, swelling or positive regional analgesia needs to point to an area.

Using imaging as a ‘fishing exercise’ is not a good idea because most changes observed on images may or may not be of clinical significance and their clinical meaning can be appreciated only in conjunction with the clinical findings.

An exception is prepurchase and presales radiographs, where an attempt is made to use radiography as a predictor for future soundness.

Interpretation of radiographs

How to assess radiographs?

A standard approach should incorporate the assessment of the following parameters:

• Assessment of diagnostic quality. The first step in interpreting radiographs is to decide whether or not the radiographs are of diagnostic quality. The following parameters should be evaluated:

image Labelling: case number or name, date of examination, left–right, front–hind (necessary for projections distal to the carpus/tarsus), projections (including direction and degree of obliquity).

image Positioning/centring: is the area of interest on the radiograph?

image Sufficient number of views, additional projections required?

image Artefacts: movement, processing artefacts etc.

image Exposure: this is less crucial when using CR or DR systems compared to conventional film-screen combinations because these systems allow adjustment of contrast and brightness, however only within a certain range and a bad radiograph cannot be turned into a good radiograph after it has been taken!

image Collimation: this is of concern regarding radiation safety but also influences the amount of scatter produced and hence influences image quality.

• Identification of subject: species, age (skeletally mature/immature). Table 25.1 shows the radiographic closure times for growth plates in the horse.

• Identification of lesions.

image Develop a systematic approach!

image There are two basic approaches to evaluating radiographs: systems-based and ‘geographical’. A systems-based approach is most appropriate in complex areas such as the thorax and abdomen. Typically, the radiologist works through a checklist for each organ system, such as respiratory, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, lymphoreticular and musculoskeletal, for the thorax, and scrutinizes the anatomical locations of each part of each system to avoid missing an abnormality. For simpler situations, such as a joint, a ‘geographical’ approach is more commonly used.

image Most people have the tendency to focus on the centre of an image thereby running the risk of missing lesions in the periphery. This can be avoided by systematically evaluating a radiograph e.g. from the periphery to the centre and from proximal to distal.

image It does not really matter what approach or what order is adopted; however, it is helpful to stick with the same approach every time!

• Description of a lesion by its Röntgen signs.

• Conclusion. Lesions should be interpreted first on their radiographic appearance only and only then secondly in the light of the clinical history. It is usually helpful to think about what process can lead to the observed radiographic changes. There are several possibilities which should be listed as differential diagnoses; however, one should always try to come up with the most likely diagnosis in the end taking all the information into account.

• Diagnosis. Combine the radiographic interpretation with existing clinical data and come up with (in your opinion) the most likely diagnosis.

• Recommendations for further investigations. Other imaging techniques (ultrasound, MRI, CT, scintigraphy), tests (e.g. blood work) or surgery.

Table 25.2 shows an example of a radiographic report form.

Radiographic changes associated with musculoskeletal problems

See Chapters 15 to 18.

Osteoarthritis (Figures 25.4, 25.6, 25.7)

• Radiographic changes associated with osteoarthritis are:

image Joint effusion: soft-tissue swelling around the affected joints.

image Periarticular osteophytes: new bone formation at the articular margins.

image Subchondral bone sclerosis: increase in bone opacity just below or above the joint space. In some bones this results in a loss of the differentiation between cortex and medulla, e.g. the third or central tarsal bone.

image Narrowing of the joint space. This can progress to partial or complete obliteration of the joint space. Care has to be taken that this is not a projection artefact, comparing medial and lateral sides on DP or CrCd views, comparing left and right or repeating the projection helps to decide.

image Subchondral bone resorption: diffuse or focal lucencies. The exact location, extent and combination of these radiographic signs vary between joints and severity of disease.

• High-motion joints differ considerably from low-motion joints in the radiographic appearance of osteoarthritis, e.g. subchondral bone lucencies are much more commonly seen in low-motion joints, such as the tarsometatarsal joint, distal intertarsal joint or proximal interphalangeal joint (Figures 25.6, 25.7).

• Osteoarthritis is often secondary to another disease (e.g. osteochondrosis) and care should be taken to evaluate the radiographs for any signs of primary disease (Figures 25.4, 25.7).

• There is a poor correlation between radiographic signs and lameness. Remember that: the absence of radiographic changes does not rule out osteoarthritis and the presence of radiographic signs does not indicate pain!

Osteochondrosis (Figures 25.10, 25.11)

The fetlock, tarsocrural, femoropatellar and shoulder joints are the most commonly affected joints.

• Radiographic changes associated with osteochondrosis:

• There is a poor correlation between radiographic signs and lameness. It has been suggested that subchondral bone changes are more likely to be of clinical significance than contour changes alone.

• Osteochondrosis is a developmental problem and may affect more than one joint.

• Osteochondrosis may cause osteoarthritis, especially when osteochondral fragments become dislodged (e.g. through trauma) and irritate the joint, hence radiographs should be thoroughly evaluated for signs of secondary osteoarthritis.

• Osseous cyst-like lesions and subchondral bone cysts (Figure 25.12).

• Radiographic changes associated with cystic lesions:

• Predilection sites are the medial condyle of the femur and the glenoid cavity of the scapula, but can be seen in any bone.

• Clinically often insignificant. Lesions with a connection to the joint surface are thought to be more likely associated with lameness.

Infectious osteitis and osteoarthritis (Figure 25.1)

• Infection can either result in new bone formation or in bone resorption, and often a combination of the two, and is commonly associated with soft-tissue swelling.

• Radiographic changes associated with infection are usually much more pronounced compared to degenerative problems:

• A sequestrum (Figure 25.2) is a form of localized osteitis, where a bit of bone dies and is visible as a bony opacity (sequestrum) surrounded by a lucent halo with a sclerotic rim of bone (involucrum). The involucrum may be itself surrounded by sclerotic bone, where the body tries to wall off the infected area. In some cases the presence of a discharging sinus tract from the infected area to the outside may be visible as disruption of the overlying soft tissues.

Enthesiopathies (Figures 25.5, 25.6)

• Enthesiopathy is a term used for new bone formation at the attachment sites of tendons, ligaments and joint capsules.

• Enthesiophytes represent the reaction of bone to the strain it is put under by the attaching soft-tissue structure.

• Enthesiophytes are slow to develop and they are often of no clinical significance.

• In areas where soft-tissue attachments are close to joints it is often difficult to differentiate between osteophytes or enthesiophytes, e.g. on the dorsal aspect of the proximal metatarsus, where the attachment sites of the peroneus tertius and the tibialis cranialis are very close to the margin of the tarsometataral joint.

• Common sites are the distal attachment of the oblique distal sesamoidean ligament on the middle phalanx, the attachment of the intertarsal ligaments on the dorsal aspect of the tarsal bones, the origin of the nuchal ligament from the occipital bone.

(Sub)luxations (Figure 25.13)


• Fractures are radiographically seen as radiolucent lines.

• Radiographic description of fractures should answer the following questions:

• Terminology often used in association with fractures in the horse are:

image Long bone fractures (Figure 25.14).

image Condylar fractures (Figure 25.15).

image Slab fractures: extend from one articular surface to the other, in carpal and tarsal bones (Figure 25.16).

image Chip fractures: small fragments on articular margins (Figure 25.17).

image Avulsion fractures: at the attachment site of a ligament, tendon or muscle.

• Fracture lines usually widen in the first 5–10 days after injury due to osteoclastic activity along the fracture line (Figure 25.18). This is also the reason why fractured bones are at their weakest at this time and care should be taken when moving horses at that stage.

• Pitfall in fracture identification:

image Mach lines: these are radiolucent lines resulting from enhancement at the edge of two superimposed structures, e.g. the splint bones over the cannon bone (Figure 25.2).

image Nutrient foramina: these are usually wider than fracture lines and in known locations (Figure 25.19).

image Vascular channels in the distal phalanx (Figure 25.20).

image Frog clefts, especially when they are inadequately packed: these usually extend beyond a single bone (Figure 25.21).

image Radiolucent lines between separate centres of ossification, especially fibula and hoof cartilages (Figure 25.22).

image Non-displaced fissure fractures may not be radiographically visible at first and scintigraphy is indicated in horses where a fracture is suspected, but cannot be visualized radiographically. Alternatively, the radiography can be repeated after 7–10 days (Figure 25.18).

• Assessment of fracture healing:

• Soft-tissue calcification.

• Wounds.

image While plain radiographs are not very good in differentiating between soft-tissue densities, contrast radiographs are very useful in the evaluation of soft-tissue injuries because they can show the extent of the wound and the involvement of synovial structures.

image This involves the use of positive-contrast media, which appear white on radiographs and are hence easily differentiated from the surrounding soft tissues.

image A metal probe can first be inserted to assess the direction and depth of the wound. Two radiographs at 90° to each other are necessary to allow the visualization of the metal probe in 3D (Figure 25.23).

image If the wound comes close to a synovial cavity (joint, tendon sheath, bursa) a positive-contrast solution is injected into the synovial cavity (NOT in the wound!) and the radiographs are repeated.

image Care has to be taken that the synovial injection is performed under aseptic conditions to prevent iatrogenic contamination!

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