Cell Types and Criteria of Malignancy

CHAPTER 2 Cell Types and Criteria of Malignancy

Examining cytologic preparations often presents a potentially confusing array of different cell types, as well as a potentially endless variety of cell debris and contaminants as well. With experience, most of the common lesions are recognized quickly. For the beginner, or even the experienced cytologist, when confronted with a lesion or sample site not previously encountered, it is helpful to keep in mind certain fundamental questions that need to be considered when evaluating a sample. An orderly approach to examining slides and answering certain questions that can be answered based on cytology will reduce the chances of missing important information or misdiagnosing/over-diagnosing the sample. Cells can usually be classified into one of a few basic categories, based on common features shared by different cells in that category. Recognizing the common features of the different basic cell types sometimes makes it possible to classify cells that are at first not obviously recognized.


A basic premise of cytology is that interpretations are generally based on whole populations of cells, not on low numbers of individual cells. Any one cell or few cells from a lesion may show features that are atypical or unusual. This is especially true if cells are coming from a tissue in which the cells are not well preserved or exposed to injurious stimuli. Cells coming from inflammatory reactions or areas of tissue repair often show cellular atypia that is the result of dysplasia. In addition to atypia seen with inflammation and tissue repair, cells that undergo aging changes may be difficult to interpret. Cells present in fluid samples (e.g., thoracocentesis, abdominocentesis) may undergo morphologic changes over time if slides are not made immediately upon collection. These changes can range from subtle alterations such as cellular or nuclear swelling and altered staining characteristics to overt pyknosis or lysis. Even if slides are prepared immediately upon collection, cells may have undergone in-vivo aging. Cells from the fluid portion of cystic lesions, such as some mammary tumors, or cells that have been in prolonged contact with urine, such as urine sediment preparations or urethral/bladder samples collected by traumatic catheterization, often have significant artifacts that must not be misinterpreted as criteria of malignancy.

Interpretations based on inadequately cellular specimens may not contain a representative sample of the lesion giving a false impression of normalcy or, even worse, may result in a false impression of neoplasia that is not really present. Although there is no easily defined limit to the question, “How many cells are enough?”, slides should have numerous cells per field across a large portion of the slide. When a large lesion is being evaluated, several smears of good cellularity collected from different areas of the lesion should be evaluated to assess any variability that may be present within different parts of the lesion. Large neoplasms may have areas of inflammation or necrosis that will yield markedly different cell populations than adjacent areas.

The cellularity of the smear is often evident the moment the slides are stained. A slide containing high numbers of nucleated cells is visibly blue after staining. Slides that are perfectly clear after staining probably have low numbers of nucleated cells, although there may still be sufficient cells present for a diagnosis. Therefore, cellularity must be confirmed by looking at the slide under the microscope. Even for practitioners who do not have the time or desire to evaluate cytology preparations themselves, it is beneficial to stain one or two smears and determine that an adequately cellular specimen is being sent off for evaluation.

When examined microscopically, the slides should first be scanned using low power (10× to 20×) to assess the cellularity of the slide and find the area(s) containing the highest number of well-stained, well-spread-out, intact cells for evaluation (Figure 2-1). Cells are often unevenly distributed across the slides, especially with impression smears or aspirates of solid tissue lesions. Even with slides made from fluid samples, large cells may all be pulled out to the feathered edge, where they can be easily overlooked if the whole slide is not scanned first (Figure 2-2).

After locating the cellular areas of the slides, it is important to determine whether the cells are sufficiently spread out for evaluation, intact and well stained. This can usually also be done on low power (10× to 20×), which will allow a greater portion of the slide to be evaluated in a short time. Inexperienced cytologists often frustrate, themselves by spending an inordinate amount of time trying to identify cells that cannot be interpreted because they are not spread out, are poorly stained, or are ruptured. Intact, well-stained, well-spread cells should have a clearly evident demarcation between the nucleus and cytoplasm (Figure 2-3). The nucleus may be irregularly shaped (particularly in neoplastic cells), but the nuclear outline should be smooth and distinct. A fuzzy appearance around the outline of the nucleus generally indicates that the cell has been minimally traumatized during sample collection and/or preparation. More significant cell trauma can result in the nucleus appearing fragmented or full of holes (see Figure 2-3). Severely traumatized cells will often appear as strands of light pink nuclear chromatin (Figure 2-4). Some traumatized/ruptured cells will be present in virtually any cytologic specimen. The sample is usually still interpretable if the majority of the cells are intact; however, the traumatized cells are typically not evaluated, particularly when determining criteria of malignancy, because ruptured nuclei may appear enlarged and nucleoli may appear more prominent. If the majority of the cells are traumatized/ruptured, additional samples usually need to be collected.

Cells that are not well spread out often stain diffusely dark and it is difficult to distinguish the line of demarcation and color distinction between the cytoplasm and nucleus (Figure 2-5). Also, poor staining (even in well-spread-out cells) can result in a less distinct demarcation between nucleus and cytoplasm.


Figure 2-5 Poorly spread-out cells from a different area of the same slide shown in Figure 2-3. The cells are diffusely dark with the nuclei and cytoplasm staining different shades of blue. Compare this with the purple color of the well-spread-out nuclei in Figure 2-3. Also, it is difficult to discern the demarcation between nucleus and cytoplasm.

Nucleoli will often be more prominent than usual in understained cells, and this can result in a false impression of malignancy if this artifact is not recognized. The nuclei of well-stained cells are usually a dark purple color, generally more intensely and deeply stained than the surrounding cytoplasm. There will be some variation in the intensity and pattern of nuclear staining between cell types. If you are unsure whether light staining of nuclei is a characteristic of the cell or the result of understaining, it may be helpful to evaluate the staining of more familiar cells, if any are present. Usually, some neutrophils will be present as the result of peripheral blood contamination or inflammation within the lesion and make a good reference to evaluate how well cells are stained (and spread out).

In most specimens, there will be significant variation in cellularity, degree of cell spreading and, hence, staining quality from area to area on the slide. This is particularly true of very cellular specimens (i.e., lymph node aspirates), which may have areas that are of diagnostic quality even if the majority of the slide is thick and understained. Diligent scanning of the slides on low power is necessary to find these areas before attempting to evaluate the cells at higher magnification. If the entire slide is found to be understained, restaining the slide before immersion oil is added may improved the staining quality and result in a diagnostic sample.


A good initial decision, particularly for the beginning cytologist, is to determine if the smear is composed entirely of inflammatory cells. In most general practices, inflammatory lesions are probably more commonly sampled than neoplastic lesions. Also, most clinicians initially feel more comfortable recognizing inflammatory cells because they are more familiar with the morphology of these cells, having viewed them many times in peripheral blood smears. Many clinicians choose to screen their cytology specimens, interpreting inflammatory lesions in-house while submitting those composed of tissue cells for outside evaluation. Although inflammatory cells in tissues often look the same as they do in peripheral blood, some may appear different because of morphologic changes induced by being present in a focus of inflammation or simply because they are not well spread out. It is important to remember that one may not be able to identify every cell present on a slide (or even on any given field), and that the interpretation is based on the entire cell population present. If a lesion is found to be composed entirely of inflammatory cells, the relative percentages of the various types of inflammatory cells should be noted, because this may provide clues as to the etiology of the inflammation. Finally, a search for infectious agents should be conducted. A discussion of the various inflammatory patterns and morphology of common infectious agents will be covered more completely in Chapters 3 and 5 of this text. The basic types of inflammatory cells and their morphologic variations are later in this chapter.


Neutrophils are commonly found in cytologic specimens. Their morphology is often similar to that observed in peripheral blood smears (Figure 2-6). Normal neutrophil nuclei stain dark purple and contain one to multiple distinct segments or lobes. The neutrophil cytoplasm is typically clear. Neutrophils are phagocytic cells and typically are the cells that phagocytize pathogenic bacteria, if present (see Figure 2-6). Neutrophils contain intracytoplasmic granules. However, the neutrophil granules in most domestic animals generally do not stain prominently with cytologic stains. Sometimes, however, these granules will be discernable as elongated, faintly eosinophilic structures, and they must not be confused with bacteria or lightly staining eosinophil granules.

In thick preparations or in viscous fluids (e.g., synovial fluid), neutrophils may not spread out well and the segmented nature of their nucleus may be less evident. Sometimes, the nucleus will be essentially round mimicking a lymphocyte, but the cell can still be identified as a neutrophil by the lobulated outline of the nucleus. More normal neutrophil morphology can be observed in the thinner areas (often along the edges) of the smear.

Neutrophils may undergo several morphologic changes in tissues. Aging change is a commonly encountered phenomenon. The initial change seen is hypersegmentation of the nucleus (Figure 2-7). Sometimes, an elongated thin strand of nuclear material (Figure 2-8) connects the nuclear lobes of aged neutrophils. This is especially common in neutrophils from fluid samples and is more commonly seen on cytocentrifuged preparations than in direct smears. The end result of aging change is pyknosis of the nucleus. Pyknosis is condensation of the nuclear chromatin into one or more small discrete, densely staining spheres lacking any nuclear chromatin pattern (see Figure 2-7). Aging artifact simply represents neutrophils dying of “old age” and must not be confused with degenerative change, described subsequently.

Degenerative change occurs when neutrophils are present in an environment that is damaging to the cell. It is commonly seen in neutrophils from lesions in which endotoxin-producing bacteria are present. The presence of many neutrophils with marked degenerative change should prompt a diligent search for bacteria. Degenerative change is an acquired change and is distinct from the toxic changes noted in peripheral blood neutrophils. Degenerative change occurs when the neutrophil is unable to control water homeostasis and undergoes hydropic degeneration. The hallmark of degenerative change is nuclear swelling (Figure 2-9). The nucleus of the cell swells and appears thicker, stains a lighter eosinophilic color, and loses nuclear lobulation. Degenerative neutrophils often resemble large band cells.


Macrophages in inflammatory lesions are derived from peripheral blood monocytes. Many tissues have low numbers of fixed tissue macrophages as normal resident cells (e.g., Kupffer cells in the liver). Macrophages may display extremely variable morphology in tissues, which can be somewhat confusing for the beginning cytologist. Initially, they may resemble peripheral blood monocytes (Figure 2-10). With time, the nucleus becomes round and the cell enlarges as the cytoplasm becomes greatly expanded and, sometimes, extremely vacuolated. Macrophages are also phagocytic cells, typically phagocytizing larger structures like fungal organisms and other cells. Many times, the cytoplasm of macrophages will contain partially phagocytized debris that cannot be identified, but must not be misinterpreted as an infectious agent.

Binucleated or multinucleated macrophages are commonly encountered in long-standing inflammatory lesions (Figure 2-11). Multinucleated macrophages can get very large and are referred to as inflammatory giant cells. In some chronic inflammatory lesions, epithelioid macrophages may be encountered (Figure 2-12). This term is applied to macrophages that are enlarged with expansive cytoplasm that stains uniformly basophilic, giving the cell the look of an epithelial cell. Because these cells often show variation in size and multinucleation (both commonly seen in macrophages) they could potentially be misinterpreted as neoplastic epithelial cells. Extreme caution should be used when diagnosing malignancy in the face of inflammation because of the potential for macrophages to display atypical criteria.

Lymphocytes (Small, Medium, and Large)

Small lymphocytes are smaller than neutrophils with rounded nuclei and scant basophilic cytoplasm (Figure 2-13). The nucleus is generally not perfectly round, but will have a flattened or indented area on one side. The nuclear chromatin has a smudged appearance. Nucleoli are not visible; however, darker areas (heterochromatin) and lighter areas (euchromatin) are often visible. Generally, the cytoplasm does not appear to completely encircle the nucleus, because it is visible for only a portion of its way around the nucleus. Medium sized lymphocytes may be present and are similar to small lymphocytes, but they have moderately increased amounts of cytoplasm and may have nucleoli visible. Large, blastic lymphocytes (lymphoblasts) (Figure 2-14), commonly encountered in aspirates of lymphoid tissue and lymphoid neoplasms, may be present in low numbers in inflammatory lesions. Lymphoblasts are large cells with large nuclei and more abundant cytoplasm, which typically stains basophilic. Nuclei can be variably shaped and have stippled nuclear chromatin, which stains somewhat lighter than that of mature lymphocytes. Distinct nucleoli are often visible, and multiple nucleoli may be observed.

Reactive lymphocytes are lymphocytes that have been antigenically stimulated. They have moderately increased amounts of basophilic cytoplasm. Plasma cells are differentiated B-lymphocytes stimulated to produce antibodies. Plasma cells have a round, eccentrically placed nucleus, moderate amounts of deeply basophilic cytoplasm, and usually a distinct clear area located next to the nucleus (see Figure 2-13). This clear area represents the Golgi apparatus and is often located between the nucleus and the greatest volume of cytoplasm. Plasma cells and lymphoblasts are both larger than small lymphocytes, but in the plasma cells most of the increase in size is due to more abundant cytoplasm, whereas in the lymphoblast the nucleus has enlarged (see Figure 2-13).

Some plasma cells (termed Mott cells) have numerous large clear vacuoles (termed Russell bodies) filling their cytoplasm (Figure 2-15). These vacuoles represent retained immunoglobulin.


Eosinophils are slightly larger than neutrophils. Their nuclei are segmented, but commonly less lobulated than that of neutrophils and often divided into only two distinct lobes (Figure 2-16). Rarely, eosinophils with perfectly round nuclei will be identified in cytologic specimens. The cytoplasm of eosinophils contains prominent orange to pink granules. In dogs, eosinophil granules are round and vary widely in size and number (Figure 2-17). Eosinophil granules are numerous, small, and rod shaped in cats (Figure 2-18). The delicate, densely packed granules of feline eosinophils are often less obvious than those of the dog, particularly in thick specimens that may not stain well (i.e., transtracheal washes). Also, neutrophils in exudates will occasionally have mild eosinophilic stippling. Care must be taken not to confuse neutrophils and poorly stained eosinophils when trying to differentiate eosinophilic from neutrophilic inflammatory reactions in cats. Eosinophils are slightly larger than neutrophils and their nuclei less lobulated. Often, it is easier to identify feline eosinophils that have been traumatized during slide preparation as their granules spread out and become more obvious. If many eosinophils have been ruptured during sample collection (such as with scraping of feline eosinophilic granuloma complex lesions) high numbers of eosinophil granules will be present throughout the background of the smear and may be identified before intact cells are seen.


Figure 2-17 Image from the same slide as Figure 2-16. In the dog, eosinophils have numerous small granules (arrow) or just a few large granules (arrowhead).

Occasionally, eosinophil granules will not stain well with Diff-Quik stain (similar to what sometimes occurs with mast cells) yet stain prominently with Wright’s stain or Wright-Giemsa stain.


A wide variety of specific cells may be encountered from the various normal tissues and tumors sampled cytologically. With experience, most of these cells can be easily recognized, particularly with the knowledge of what structure is being sampled. However, even if the cells are not immediately recognizable, they can generally be classified into one of three major categories based on certain common cytologic features (Table 2-1):

Categorizing cells into which major group they belong helps the evaluator identify the specific cell type present. Even if precise identification cannot be made, relevant information may be gained, such as the presence of a cell type abnormal for the tissue sampled (e.g., epithelial cells in a lymph node aspirate).

Discrete Cells (Round Cells)

Discrete cells are a group of cells that share certain cytologic features owing to the fact that they are present individually in tissues, not adhered to other cells or connective tissue matrix. The majority of these cells are of hematogenous origin. Aspirates of normal lymphoid tissue, such as spleen and lymph nodes, yield cell populations that have a discrete cell pattern. Other than normal lymphoid tissue, a discrete cell pattern usually indicates the presence of one of a group of tumors termed discrete cell tumors (or round cell tumors). Recognition of discrete cell tumors is important because these are some of the more common neoplasms encountered in small animal practice. Also, cells of most discrete cell tumors have cytologic characteristics that are sufficiently distinct to allow for a specific diagnosis.

Specific Discrete Cell Tumors

The discrete cell tumors are mast cell tumor, lymphoma (lymphosarcoma), histiocytoma, malignant histiocytosis, plasmacytoma, and transmissible venereal tumor. In addition, melanomas are the great imitator, yielding cell populations that may appear discrete, epithelial, or mesenchymal.

Mast Cell Tumor

Mast cell tumors are the only lesions that will yield highly cellular smears consisting entirely (or predominantly) of mast cells. Mast cells are recognized by their distinctive small, red-purple intracytoplasmic granules (Figure 2-20). The number of granules in mast cells varies tremendously, even within cells from the same tumor (Figure 2-21). Most mast cell tumors yield cells that contain a sufficient number of granules to be easily recognized as mast cells. Sometimes, the cells are so densely packed with granules that the cytoplasm will appear diffusely dark purple and the individual granules difficult or impossible to discern. In this situation, the granules will be evident in cells that have been ruptured. Since mast cell granules have such a high affinity for most cytologic stains, the nucleus of a heavily granulated mast cell may appear pale or even totally unstained, giving the cell a photographic negative look (dark cytoplasm with pale nucleus) (Figure 2-22). Some of the components of mast cell granules are chemotactic for eosinophils. The number of eosinophils present in smears from a mast cell tumor varies from very few to many. Occasionally, an aspirate from a mast cell tumor will yield predominantly eosinophils with lesser numbers of mast cells (Figure 2-23). In this case, it can be difficult to differentiate a mast cell tumor from a hypersensitivity response. Generally, if there are areas on the slides containing large sheets or aggregates of mast cells, mast cell tumor is most likely.

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