Chapter 17
Blood Component Processing and Storage
Cheryl L. Mansell1 and Manuel Boller2
1Australian Red Cross Blood Service, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
2U-Vet Werribee Animal Hospital, Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences, University of Melbourne, Werribee, Victoria, Australia
The process of converting a unit of whole blood (WB) into blood components is an achievable outcome for many veterinary practices. The practice of component therapy in veterinary transfusion medicine is, to a large extent, extracted from human data, as is the method and background of blood component processing and storage. Aside from the resources needed for collecting WB, the materials required for blood component production include blood collection containers or packs and processing equipment. Commercially available blood collection packs are sterile and exist in a variety of configurations to facilitate the production and storage of specific blood components. The anticoagulants and red cell additive solutions can differ and can impact the shelf-life of blood products. Some blood packs will also include in-line leukoreduction filters. Thus, the choice of appropriate materials is an essential step when planning the manufacture of blood products. Moreover, the appropriate types and use of equipment, including centrifuges, refrigerators, and freezers, is essential for the production and storage of high-quality blood products. This chapter describes the techniques and methods for processing WB collections into components to help ensure the product is suitable for storage and transfusion, thus minimizing the risk to recipients. Quality control and quality assurance of the blood product and equipment are essential parts of blood processing and are also described in this chapter. Note that while apheresis can be used to separate components at the point of bleeding, this is not a realistic process in most veterinary practices, therefore the focus of this chapter is component separation of WB.
Processing supplies and equipment
The process of converting WB into components requires little in terms of specialized equipment (Box 1). Many items can be obtained second-hand from human blood banks as they regularly update their equipment.
Whole blood collection pack
The configuration of a blood collection set influences what blood components can be prepared. The common style of blood collection set is a triple pack, but single, double, and quadruple packs are also available for canine WB collection. Small volume blood packs suitable for closed-system blood collection and processing in cats are also available. A commercially prepared blood collection pack is sterile and will generally consist of a primary collecting bag containing anticoagulant with satellite bags. Such a sterile pack is termed a closed-collection system as it permits bag-to-bag transfer of blood or its components without exposure to the environment. A triple pack allows the production of packed red blood cells (PRBCs) and plasma, the most common blood products used in veterinary practices. Plastic characteristics used to manufacture individual bags within a pack can vary to fulfil the requirements of each bag’s specific purpose. For example, the plastic PL146 is suitable for freezing of plasma products but not suitable for platelet storage as it does not permit adequate gas exchange, required by functioning platelets (Prowse et al. 2014). Therefore, these blood packs should only be used for the intended products as per the manufacturer. Bags have additional features designed to make processing easier, for example a pair of holes (eyelets) at the top of the primary collection bag (Figure 17.14a, arrows) to facilitate positioning on the plasma extractor.

Figure 17.14 a. Set up for plasma expression in plasma press. Note the use of the bag eyelets for vertical stable positioning of the bag in the plasma press (arrows). b. Spring plate is unlatched to apply pressure to blood donation. When connector seal (black arrow) is broken, plasma is allowed to flow into satellite bag. c. Spring plate is latched to remove pressure from blood donation at the end of the plasma separation process.
Blood collection packs can be modified using a sterile connecting device or welder, which permits insertion of a leukoreduction filter or addition of extra satellite bags. The device welds two separate sterile pieces of tubing into one. If the blood collection process is validated (see the section on quality control and quality assurance), the resulting product can be regarded as a closed system (European Committee on Blood Transfusion 2013). The WB collection should be received for processing with the blood collection needle removed and the tubing sealed by either clip- or heat-sealing (see the section on tube sealers).
Scales are necessary to weigh blood products and for balancing centrifuge contents (Figure 17.1). The scales should be digital to permit recording of accurate weights, allow a minimum resolution of 1 g, and have a capacity of up to 2 kg.
The centrifuge must be purpose built for the processing of donor blood in order to withstand the high centrifugal forces required to separate the blood. The centrifuges used are typically large-capacity floor models that can process two to six units of WB per centrifuge cycle (Figure 17.2). The shape of the centrifuge buckets, usually circular or oval, will depend on the brand of centrifuge. It is important that the centrifuge is refrigerated to allow thermal control during the centrifugation process; friction-related heat generation will otherwise impair the quality of blood components. Depending on the manufacturer and model, centrifuge features such as the nature of the interface, availability of acceleration and deceleration settings, presence of balancing stabilizers and imbalance detectors, and preset capability vary widely. Consultation with the manufacturer or sales representative for a detailed appraisal of the centrifuge and advice regarding set up and features is recommended.
Plasma press
A plasma press is designed to allow gentle plasma removal from PRBCs, platelets, or cryoprecipitate (CRYO) after centrifugation. If using blood collection sets intended to retain the buffy coat (BC) for platelet production, a specifically designed plasma press must be used.
Various plasma press styles are available. The simplest form consists of a spring-loaded platform that applies consistently distributed pressure on the blood pack (Figure 17.3a). This press will likely have a pair of prongs towards the top for stable vertical positioning of the blood collection unit. Since this device requires the operator to manually stop the plasma expression, the amount of plasma expressed and the extent of potential contamination of the plasma supernatant with cellular material is influenced by the skill of the operator. Semi- and fully automated plasma presses (Figure 17.3b) that complete the expressions with limited or no input from an operator are also available.
Tube sealers
A sterile point of separation between blood packs is achieved with the use of a tube sealer. The tube sealer must completely seal the tubing, with two separate seals made between the end of a line and the blood product to maintain sterility (Figure 17.4). The tubing can be sealed with the use of metal clips or dielectric sealing.
A hand sealer (Figure 17.5a) requires the use of metal clips, either rectangular or round, that are placed on folded pieces of tubing by the operator. The hand sealer is specific to the type of clips used. Some designs of hand sealers also incorporate a tube stripper. Rectangular clips are designed with an indentation on the short side, which forces the clip to crimp when compressed with the hand sealer. The clip should be checked after application to ensure it has crimped completely and evenly (Figures 17.5b–g).
Dielectric sealing utilizes a high-frequency current passing between two electrodes for precise localized heat generation. The plastic tubing is placed between the electrodes as they press together, thereby melting the plastic and forming an impenetrable seal (Figure 17.6). In addition, the sealing site centrally splits easily when applying traction, while leaving both ends of the tube occluded. This permits convenient and clean separation of tubing segments. Dielectric tube sealers are available as handheld or benchtop models (Figure 17.7).
Donor tube stripper
A tube stripper (Figure 17.8a) is used to move fluid contained within the line connected to the blood collection pack back into that pack with minimal damage to the contents. Mixing of the contents of the pack should occur while the tube stripper is held in place, as fluid will be drawn back into the tubing once the stripper is released (Figure 17.8b).
Atraumatic clamps
Atraumatic clamps (Figure 17.9) are designed to allow temporary halting of fluid through the lines while not damaging the plastic tubing. A permanent seal, if required, can then be applied. Smaller plastic clips can also be used during centrifugation.
Component processing
The process of converting a WB collection into high-quality blood products is influenced by several factors including centrifuge settings and pre-storage conditions. Component processing is more commonly used for canine than feline products. While the principles for processing feline and canine blood donations are the same, the difference in scale restricts the range of feline blood products that can be readily manufactured. In addition, feline WB donations collected in a syringe and not transferred into a sterile plastic storage container cannot be processed as per canine collections in a commercial blood collection set. Thus the following paragraphs predominantly pertain to canine blood product manufacturing, while the special case of feline blood component processing is discussed separately (see the section on processing of feline blood products). Blood processing protocols are given in Box 2. Many issues can arise during blood processing; a guide to troubleshooting the most common issues is given in Table 17.1.
Table 17.1 Troubleshooting and tips on blood processing
Problem | Possible reason | Suggested solution |
Uneven number of units to centrifuge | Use a water-filled blood collection bag as a balance Ensure bag is sealed Spare portions of plastic tubing or rubber bands act as small balances | |
The seal between the bags is broken before centrifugation | Accidental snapping of the seal | Place a plastic clamp on the tubing to temporarily seal the tubing (Figure 17.10) |
Centrifuge shakes when starting | Unbalanced centrifuge | Ensure all centrifuge buckets and units are precisely weight balanced before centrifugation Major vibration: stop centrifuge and recheck balancing Minor vibration: can be normal during acceleration |
Banging noises inside the centrifuge during centrifugation | Loose items in centrifuge | Immediately stop the centrifuge and check that all lines and bags are tucked securely away Check for any loose items within centrifuge |
Cloudy or red plasma after centrifuging | Centrifuge bucket may have been knocked when removing from centrifuge, disturbing the layers Quick braking action will disturb the centrifuged layers RBCs might have hemolyzed due to extreme temperatures or a traumatic venipuncture Plasma might be lipemic | Check brake speed: turn off completely if necessary Re-centrifuge the units for up to one-third of the full centrifuge time If plasma is still red after a second centrifugation, then discard the whole pack as visible hemolysis means that the tolerated degree of hemolysis (0.8% of RBC) will likely be exceeded Lipemic plasma and RBCs can be used |
Large pockets of RBCs at top of unit after centrifuging | Blood pack folded over before centrifugation, trapping RBCs | Gently resuspend the trapped RBCs while the unit is still in the centrifuge and re-centrifuge for up to one-third of the full centrifuge time Before starting centrifugation, check that the bags are sitting upright and not folded over |
Indentations in donation bag after centrifugation | The plastic of the blood collection bag can be stretched during centrifugation by objects placed next to it | Wrap tubing inside satellite bags before placing in centrifuge bucket and ensure the flat surface of the satellite bag is next to the blood collection pack (Figure 17.13) Avoid placement of non-pliable objects next to blood collection pack, e.g. leukoreduction filters |
Long bleeding time (>15 minutes) | The donation should not be used for production of platelets or plasma products for transfusion (Roback et al. 2011; European Committee on Blood Transfusion 2013) Clearly identify unit during processing and use RBCs only | |
No suitable centrifuge for centrifuging blood donations | Sit the unit upright in a refrigerator for 12–24 hours and then gently express the plasma off the settled RBCs If the plasma is removed, it should be replaced with additive solution Alternatively, use the product as a stored whole blood | |
Air bubble in plasma bag after expression of RBCs | Air is normally present within the blood collection bags, as they are not vacuum-packed The air is sterile if the blood collection technique has been performed correctly | Bubble can be left with the plasma as an indicator of accidental thawing Alternatively, transfer the bubble back onto the RBCs before physical separation and use to aid withdrawal of additive solution from transfer bag |
Some additive solution still remaining in transfer bag | The seal between bags might not have been snapped | Check seals of both bags to ensure they are completely snapped Air in the RBCs can be expressed into the additive bag to aid extraction |
One of the applied tubing seals is leaking | Faulty tubing seal application | Check equipment is operating correctly If the tubing seal is directly adjacent to the product, the closed system is potentially breached Use the product within 24 hours if during production or discard if noted during storage |
RBC, red blood cell.
Blood donation centrifugation
The optimal centrifuge speed for blood product processing depends on several factors. These include centrifuge specifications such as rotor size, but also the sedimentation characteristics of the desired blood components. These characteristics are also influenced by blood temperature, and protein and hemoglobin concentration (Roback et al. 2011). These are all factors that the operator has little control over, and therefore a first approximation to optimal centrifuge speed and time settings dictated by the basic principles outlined below must be followed by a second step during which the settings are adjusted to fulfil predefined quality control metrics (Table 17.2).
The main external factors determining the degree of sedimentation are the duration of centrifugation (time), the revolutions per minute (RPM), and the rotor size of the centrifuge (Roback et al. 2011). The operator has control over temperature, speed, brake time, and overall centrifugation time with a typical centrifuge. The total centrifugal force (TCF) is the overall force applied to the blood product during the acceleration and maintenance phase of the centrifugation process (Figure 17.15).

Figure 17.15 Total centrifugal force (TCF) as area under the curve delineated by relative centrifugal force (RCF) integrated over the duration of centrifugation. After an acceleration phase (A to B), a phase of stable centrifugation (B to C) is followed by deceleration (C to D). TCF represents the overall effect of centrifugation. A reduction of RCF from 5000 g (dark grey area) to 2128 g (light grey area) requires a prolongation of centrifugation time if an identical TCF is to be achieved.
Centrifuge speed is expressed in either RPM or relative centrifugal force (RCF) and depends on the intended blood product. RCF is the force applied to the blood product under rotation at a specific point in time, and is directly influenced by the radius of the rotor in use, as well as the RPM. Deceleration is not included in the calculated time, and can be selected separately by adjusting the brake parameter on the centrifuge. Many centrifuges, particularly older styles, might not be designed to exceed 3000 RPM, and only offer settings for RPM and not RCF. Recommendations for component centrifugation are provided in RCF, such that formulae are required for conversion into RPM settings (Box 3). It is important to remember this can serve as a guideline only. Minor adjustments in time and/or speed for a specific centrifuge will be required and variations in acceleration time need to be factored in. A trial period will therefore be necessary before optimum settings can be established for a particular centrifuge. A service engineer or representative of the centrifuge manufacturer should be able to assist further if required.

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