Bea Monteiro and Sheilah Robertson Pain is a personal, complex experience influenced by biological, psychological, and social factors. The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) defines pain as “an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with … actual or potential tissue damage” acknowledging that animals learn concepts, including that of pain, and the inability to communicate through language does not negate the possibility that an animal is experiencing pain (Raja et al. 2020). The sensory component of pain, resulting from activity in specialized neurons, refers to “what it feels like” (i.e. perceptual qualities such as mild, severe, burning, tingling, etc.). The emotional component of pain refers to “how it makes one feel” (i.e. fearful, frustrated, anxious). Pain burden refers to the negative effects of pain for the animal and the owner/caregiver. For the animal, pain has a negative impact on physical health and function, nutrition, behavior, socialization, and mental state (Steagall et al. 2021). Pain has negative effects on production (i.e. animals raised for human consumption may have decreased food intake, impaired growth, and reproduction) and quality of research studies (i.e. pain in laboratory animals may produce erroneous results). The pet–owner relationship may be taxed or broken (i.e. pets with chronic pain require significant financial, time, and physical commitments from owners, and caring for them can be emotionally demanding; Spitznagel et al. 2018). An overlooked issue is the impact that painful animals can have on veterinary team members, including emotional distress and compassion fatigue. Pain and nociception are different. Nociception refers to the neural processing of noxious stimuli that could or does cause tissue damage (Sneddon 2018). It occurs without conscious perception and can result in reflex withdrawal. The “pain pathway” comprises four main steps. The first step is transduction – activation of peripheral nociceptors located in the skin, muscles, joints, and viscera, by noxious or potentially damaging stimuli. Such stimuli cause depolarization of nerve cell membranes with generation of an action potential. Step 2 is transmission from the periphery to the dorsal horn of the spinal cord in the central nervous system. The third step is modulation – the nociceptive signal can be amplified (pain facilitation) or decreased (pain inhibition) by various mechanisms. Thus, nociception comprises steps 1 to 3. The fourth step is perception – the nociceptive signal is integrated in the cerebral cortex and emotional attributes are incorporated with sensory signals (i.e. pain is consciously perceived) (Klinck and Troncy 2016). It is only when the nociceptive signals reach the conscious brain that it can be called “pain.” For example, in an anesthetized patient, nociception is occurring, but there is no conscious experience of pain. Once the patient recovers from anesthesia and regains consciousness, the nociceptive stimuli (e.g. peripheral and/or central sensitization) will be perceived. That is why pain must be prevented and treated when patients are under general anesthesia and painful procedures are being performed. Adaptive or acute pain refers to pain that is protective, either to protect a healthy area from injury or a damaged area from further injury. The severity of adaptive pain correlates with the degree of injury (e.g. minor or major surgery, trauma, wounds, burns, intestinal obstruction, and pancreatitis). Although usually self-limiting, adaptive pain should be treated. Maladaptive or chronic pain refers to pathological pain that serves no biological function. Maladaptive pain does not always correlate with the inciting lesion or disease severity (e.g. osteoarthritis, invasive tumors, periodontal disease). Maladaptive pain can develop from adaptive pain (e.g. due to inadequate perioperative pain management or in conditions with extensive damage to soft tissues, bone, and neural tissues) resulting in persistent postsurgical pain (e.g. following amputations including tail docking and onychectomy). Finally, maladaptive pain can occur without any identifiable primary cause (i.e. maladaptive pain is a disease in its own right). Pain can be categorized in different ways including: Pain can be spontaneous due to natural disease or induced by humans caring for animals or by veterinary health professionals during medical interventions. Examples of spontaneous pain include acute pancreatitis, degenerative diseases (e.g. osteoarthritis), stomatitis, and wounds. Examples of induced pain include pain due to inappropriate handling or equipment (e.g. a harness that causes chronic wounds), inadequate housing conditions (e.g. restricted movement causes musculoskeletal pain; inappropriate flooring contributes to lameness), and genetic selection (e.g. broiler chickens selected for fast growth suffer from lameness, mobility impairment, and even fractures because their skeletal growth does not keep pace with their muscle growth) (Nalon and Stevenson 2019). Examples of induced pain caused by medical interventions include procedures performed in laboratory animals for the study of pain (e.g. nerve constriction for induction of neuropathic pain, transection of the cranial cruciate ligament for induction of osteoarthritis), and common veterinary procedures such as neutering surgeries, wound management, and diagnostic procedures. Pain may have far-reaching and long-term consequences. The pain experience is modulated by the neurobiology of the individual, past experiences, environmental and social factors, and emotions. There is a complex bidirectional interrelationship between pain and emotions. Long-term pain negatively impacts cognitive functioning and produces anxiety-like behaviors weeks to months after initial injury (Bushnell et al. 2015). Pain causes negative emotions, whereas emotions modulate the pain experience. Emotions from higher brain centers modulate nociceptive signals in the spinal cord and can decrease or increase this signal before it reaches the brain where it is perceived. Overall, positive emotions decrease pain perception and negative emotions increase pain perception (Finan and Garland 2015; Hanssen et al. 2017). Therefore, if we promote positive experiences, we can refocus the patient’s attention to pleasurable and rewarding experiences helping them build emotional resilience and coping abilities (Finan and Garland 2015; Mills et al. 2020). Optimizing the animal’s environment to provide opportunities for performance of species-specific motivated behaviors (e.g. rewarding experiences such as play, appropriate socialization, and exploratory or predatory behaviors) can decrease the pain experience (Bushnell et al. 2015). Not only is pain unpleasant to the individual experiencing it, pain in conspecifics is also unpleasant and laboratory studies show emotional contagion and social modulation of pain. For example, pain behaviors increase when cage mate mice are exposed to a painful stimulus together, and pain behaviors decrease when nonpainful mice spend more time near a painful cage mate (Langford et al. 2006, 2010; Mogil 2019). Another interesting relationship between pain and emotions is that fear and stress can cause painful conditions. A classic example is idiopathic cystitis in domestic cats, which is associated with poor emotional health due to potential threats to their perception of control (Buffington and Bain 2020). The neurobiology of pain is similar among mammalian species. Some of these similarities include anatomy, peripheral nociceptors and their electrophysiological properties, mechanisms of pain modulation, and peripheral and central sensitization (Sneddon 2018). The clinical symptomatology and response to therapy of conditions affecting humans and other mammals are also similar. Indeed, animals have been crucial for our understanding of pain as attested by their widespread use in translational pain research (Mogil 2019). For example, osteoarthritis is biomechanically, histologically, and molecularly similar between dogs and people (McCoy 2015). Dogs and cats with spontaneous osteoarthritis develop peripheral and central sensitization in addition to negative effects on their quality of life including decreased physical activity and sleep disturbances, which are also reported in humans with osteoarthritis (Knazovicky et al. 2016; Monteiro et al. 2020). Osteosarcoma, a very painful bone cancer, is biologically similar in children and dogs (Simpson et al. 2017). The debate as to whether invertebrates and nonmammalian vertebrates experience pain (and not only nociception) is ongoing: yet scientific evidence from physiological (Sneddon 2018) and behavioral observations strongly suggest an affective pain experience (Baker et al. 2019; Crook 2021). For example, animals display species-specific changes in behavior related to pain (e.g. grooming in octopuses, tail beating in zebrafish) and are motivated to avoid locations previously associated with pain, which indicates they learn from a painful experience, one of the key points in the IASP’s definition of pain (Raja et al. 2020). Pain-related behaviors are not seen in the absence of painful stimuli and resolve when analgesics are given. Together, these observations indicate that these animals experience negative emotions associated with pain (i.e. the experience is not only sensorial: a negative emotion is attached to it that affects their present and future behaviors to avoid the experience). From an evolutionary perspective, pain most likely did not appear de novo in humans: the functions and mechanisms of pain are products of prior evolution (Walters and Williams 2019). However, the clinically oriented definition of pain in humans has profound legal and ethical implications in protecting animals because producing compelling evidence of conscious pain perception in nonhuman animals is a complicated task (Walters and Williams 2019). This is a topic of debate among scientists studying animal behavior while aiming to avoid anthropomorphism and skeptics insisting on anthropodenial. Differences in neurobiology among species such as humans and rodents are of quantity and not quality (Mogil 2019) and complex social/cognitive phenomena occur similarly between such species. If we describe sentience as “feelings that matter” (positive and negative) and state that the prerequisites for suffering are sentience and consciousness, our task is to define how sentience is experienced in animals of different taxa and under different circumstances. Indeed, animal sentience and capacity to suffer are the basis of animal welfare science and available frameworks for welfare assessment (UK Farm Animal Welfare Council 1979; Mellor et al. 2020). Comparative and translational pain research is focused on similarities among different species, particularly with regard to the affective component of pain, and is likely to contribute substantially to ethical discussions related to pain in animals and their consequent legal protection. When we look at the many shortcomings of current animal welfare legislation it is sobering to reflect that it was in 1789 that the British philosopher Jeremy Bentham stated (referring to animals) “The question is not can they reason? Nor can they talk? But can they suffer?” (Bentham 2000). Based on such an expansive body of evidence, it is reasonable to assume that what is painful for humans is painful for animals. There is a clear link between animal welfare science, ethics, and law. Scientific research provides understanding about important issues such as pain management, which influences ethical debate and public opinion. The latter influences public policy to be converted into law by legislative processes. Laws and regulations usually represent minimum standards and often fall short of societal expectations. Many guidelines exist to aid veterinarians in the prevention and alleviation of pain, but these are not legally enforceable (e.g. Pain Management Guidelines for Dogs and Cats; Epstein et al. 2015). The science–policy gap (i.e. the inconsistency of translating science into policy) is a well-recognized problem with numerous challenges (Bradshaw and Borchers 2000). We must accept there is scientific uncertainty; for example, if we look at the issue of elective amputations such as tail docking in dogs (for cosmetic reasons) and pigs (to prevent tail biting in confined housing), or onychectomy in cats (to avoid scratching of household items), several scientific questions remain, including the prevalence and severity of persistent postoperative pain, the animal production benefits, the influence on relinquishment of cats, etc. Scientific uncertainty muddies the waters when attempting to educate both the public and those involved in animal care to form ethical opinions about issues. The public is largely unaware about painful procedures in animals. For example, approximately 40% of people viewing pictures of dogs with docked tails believed this was a result of genetics and the breed’s natural characteristics and did not know that docked tails are the result of humans surgically removing them from puppies (Mills et al. 2016). Similarly, it is not known how much the public, even cat owners, understand about what is involved in onychectomy. The use of the lay term “declawing” is misleading – it suggests that only the claws are removed rather than the bony digits. Despite being illegal in most countries, onychectomy is socially accepted and widely performed across the United States and Canada where it remains legal in most jurisdictions (AVMA n.d.a ; CVMA 2017). It is only through science and knowledge that people can form sound ethical views about a subject and use this to advocate for legislative reforms to protect animals. The importance of protecting animals has been the subject of official government documents for nearly two centuries since the Martin’s Act of 1822 in the UK, which led to the first legislation to protect animals from cruelty (UK Parliament 1822). However, it was only in 2007 that animal sentience was recognized officially in the European Union (EU) Treaty of Lisbon (EUR-Lex 2007). In the United States, the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) is a federal law that sets minimum acceptable standards and regulates the care of animals in research, exhibition, transport, and by dealers (USDA n.d). It has been expanded and amended since its creation in 1966 with the last edition in 2013. The AWA is administered and enforced by the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) agency of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). A common criticism of the AWA relates to which species are protected. It defines “animals” as “any live or dead dog, cat, nonhuman primate, guinea pig, hamster, rabbit, or any other warm-blooded animal used for research, teaching, testing, experimentation or exhibition purposes, or as a pet.” It excludes rats, mice, and birds used for research, horses not used for research purposes, and other farm animals such as livestock or poultry used in agriculture. This means that most animals used in research (rats and mice) and all animals raised for food and fiber are not protected under this federal law (USDA 2009). Laws that impact the protection of animals exist in all 50 states, but with large discrepancies between them (Animal Law Research Center 2021). It should be noted that there is a clear distinction between animal welfare legislation, which protects animals from suffering and seeks to promote a good quality of life (i.e., imposes positive duties and obligations on those responsible for animals), and animal cruelty legislation, which empowers enforcement agencies to punish perpetrators only when animal suffering can be demonstrated beyond any reasonable doubt (i.e., does not protect animals from suffering). Despite being frequently available for common domestic species used in animal production, welfare codes of practice are not legally binding; if one fails to comply with a welfare code that does not constitute an offense. It is estimated that in 2015 approximately 79.9 million animals including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and cephalopods were used for research in the United States that involved procedures which likely caused pain, suffering, distress, or lasting harm (Taylor and Alvarez 2019). In the United States, laboratory animals are protected by two overlapping regulations. The AWA regulates the use of covered animal species in any research, whereas research involving public funds by the National Institutes of Health requires adherence to the Public Health Service Policy as stipulated by the Health Research Extension Act (HREA). The AWA outlines the role of Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees, defines requirements for veterinarians, provides standards for care, housing, and transportation, and defines reporting requirements to the APHIS. The HREA mandates that research institutions use the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, also known as the “Guide” (National Research Council 2011). The Guide has different scope and recommendations from the AWA. It covers all vertebrate animals, requires that a cost–benefit analysis be done for study protocols, and stipulates that euthanasia be conducted in accordance with the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals (Leary et al. 2020). In the EU, Directive 2010/63/EU regulates the use of laboratory animals, which covers live nonhuman vertebrates, independently feeding larval forms, fetal forms of mammals (last third of development), and live cephalopods (European Parliament and the Council 2010). The EU directive relies heavily on the principles of the Three Rs (Replacement, Reduction, and Refinement) and allows the legislation to be updated frequently according to progress in animal welfare or laboratory animal science. Since leaving the EU, the UK follows similar directives. China, Japan, and the United States are by far the three main countries using animals in research and, unfortunately, they do not have such comprehensive legislation as the EU (Taylor and Alvarez 2019). Regardless of the country, animal research is reviewed and approved in some form by Ethics Committees or Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees (IACUCs). The roles of IACUCs are to review and approve all animal activities (i.e. study protocol), inspect facilities, and investigate animal welfare concerns. They also determine that the proposed activities in the study protocol meet requirements for the avoidance or minimization of discomfort, distress, and pain to the animals, and if animals experience severe or chronic pain that cannot be relieved, they are euthanized during or at the end of the procedure. Particularly, they are expected to perform harm–benefit analysis for which a joint effort from the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science and the Federation of European Laboratory Animal Science Associations produced extensive guidelines (Bronstad et al. 2016; Laber et al. 2016). Pain and distress are the most relevant potential harms for laboratory animals, and these are weighed against the potential benefits of the research. In the harm–benefit analysis, the level of harm is discriminated according to severity classification that considers the level and duration of pain (“quantity of pain”) as well as the provision of analgesia and/or anesthesia. It is the duty of the investigators and IACUC committees to determine “humane endpoints”: however, there is a great need to determine specific and objective measures of suffering. In addition, even though pain can compromise research findings, pain management may still be withheld if it is deemed to interfere with experimental results (Larry 2019). Painful procedures in animals have been a major concern in the public forum (Lund et al. 2014). While the numbers of animals used in research are staggering, these are nowhere near the estimated number of animals produced globally for human consumption, which is well over 50 billion per year, including poultry, pigs, ruminants, fish, etc. (FAOSTAT 2021). In the United States, farmed animals are not protected under federal laws despite routinely being subjected to painful procedures without the provision of anesthesia and/or analgesia (Steagall et al. 2021). There is minimal oversight of pain management in clinical practice, therefore veterinarians decide what is appropriate for their patients. There is no doubt that many patients receive inadequate pain relief because of gaps in education and training on state-of-the-art pain management, lack of standardized objective pain assessment tools, and lack of accountability for the undertreatment of pain (Carvalho et al. 2018). For example, clients might be given the option to choose or decline analgesics for painful conditions or procedures in their pets to save money. This is highly inappropriate, and this choice should not be offered by veterinarians as clients are not educated to make such decisions and do not understand the negative consequences of inadequate pain management (Simon et al. 2017). Veterinarians have an ethical and medical duty to prevent, diagnose, and treat pain. The ethical responsibilities are stated in the AVMA Veterinarian’s Oath. Although the word “pain” does not specifically appear, it is implied within the concept of “suffering”: “prevention and relief of animal suffering” (AVMA n.d.c). Furthermore, the AVMA Principles of Veterinary Medical Ethics state that the practice of veterinary medicine requires one to “diagnose, prognose, treat, correct, change, alleviate, or prevent … pain” (AVMA n.d.d). Similarly, the Veterinary Technician Code of Ethics states that professionals “shall prevent and relieve the suffering of animals with competence and compassion” (NAVTA 2007). Violation of the AVMA Principles of Veterinary Medical Ethics might result in disciplinary action or legal prosecutions: however, this rarely happens when substandard pain management is identified since punishment requires substantial proof of misconduct, animal cruelty, or neglect. The AVMA has numerous policies related to pain management in several species. Voluntary adherence to such policies is encouraged but does not supersede laws or regulations. The medical obligations refer to the fact that pain has negative consequences including activation of the sympathetic nervous system, increased secretion of stress hormones, immunosuppression, decreased food intake, altered function (e.g. lameness), impaired healing, increased morbidity, etc. (Steagall and Monteiro 2019; Steagall et al. 2021). It is curious that despite these ethical and medical duties of veterinarians, there is a general acceptance of painful procedures in farm animals without mitigation of pain (i.e. speciesism). A classic example is the castration of piglets without anesthesia/analgesia (Yun et al. 2019). One could argue that in such circumstances, a veterinarian is disrespecting the oath and their medical responsibilities (i.e. pain is not being prevented or treated). Nevertheless, the issue is not that simple: it is one of cultural and societal norms, and the triad relationships between the animal, veterinarian, and client. A veterinarian may well face an ethical dilemma if the farmer refuses to pay for effective anesthetics/analgesics for piglet castration (Scollo et al. 2021) (i.e. protecting the animal versus complying with the client’s request). This can be approached from a principlist theory based on respect for autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, and justice (Beauchamp 2016). In this example, the veterinarian must: respect a client’s autonomy; abstain from causing harm; act for another’s benefit (to prevent harm and heal when harm has occurred); and consider the moral rules of justice according to what is fair, due, or owed. Based on the principlist theory, the Veterinarian’s Oath, and the Principles of Veterinary Medical Ethics, prevention of animal suffering should, in this example, prevail over the client’s wishes, but often does not. Ethical conflicts are part of everyday veterinary practice and different stakeholders must be considered including but not limited to the animal, owner/caretaker, attending veterinarian, policy makers, and the public. Using the same example of castration in piglets, we might analyze the situation using different ethical theories (see Chapter 4). From a contractarian view, a person’s own interest is what matters most. For a contractarian, piglets are not moral subjects and are not worthy of moral concern including treatment of pain (Gjerris et al. 2013). From an animal rights view, there are things that you simply cannot do to animals. Animals, like people, have rights. Rights are moral constraints (“subject-of-a-life”), and it is simply wrong to violate one’s rights, which includes castration. A utilitarian view is based on maximizing welfare for the largest number of individuals, even if it means that some will suffer to benefit the most. This approach is often referred to as “the end justifies the means.” The impact of choices on the welfare of all concerned parties is taken into consideration. While the goal is to choose the course of action that will result in the largest total sum of welfare, in most cases, the interests of humans supersede those of animals (Gjerris et al. 2013). Despite different ethical views, the Veterinarian’s Oath should prevail and guide decision making with a focus on preventing animal suffering and protecting animal welfare above all else. Other examples of common ethical issues in veterinary pain medicine include: onychectomy in cats (amputation of the last digits of the front and/or hind limbs); “cosmetic” or “convenience” surgeries in dogs (ear cropping and caudectomy); devocalization in dogs; debeaking in chickens; and castration, tail docking, dehorning/disbudding, branding, ear notching/tagging, and nose ringing in pigs, cattle, and/or sheep. In farm animals, painful procedures are generally performed for human safety (e.g. dehorning), identification (e.g. branding, tagging), or preventing problems usually caused by inadequate housing and/or environmental conditions (e.g. tail biting, feather pecking). The ethical issues in these examples are twofold: one because these procedures are not usually medically justified; and two because frequently pain management is either omitted or inadequate. Extensive literature demonstrates that these animals display pain behaviors during and after these procedures and that such behaviors subside with multimodal pain management (Steagall et al. 2021). Measures to avoid painful procedures in farm animals already exist or are being studied and include but are not limited to: genetic selection of cattle without horns; production of pigs without castration (slaughter at a younger age before boar taint occurs); improving housing, handling, and environmental enrichment of animals to improve welfare and remove the need for tail docking or debeaking; and attaching sensors or collars for animal identification to avoid branding or tagging. In companion animals, there is a need to change breed standards to avoid ear cropping and tail docking in dogs and to promote owner education regarding feline behavior to avoid onychectomy. Small animal veterinarians are for the most part free to perform procedures on animals with minimal oversight or risk of whistleblowing. Although specialized training and certification is available (e.g. surgery), it is not mandatory, resulting in some practitioners performing procedures beyond their technical expertise. There is no governing body in veterinary medicine that mandates benchmarking (i.e. what outcomes should look like) or performs clinical audits; there are no clinical registers for specific procedures, and perioperative morbidity and mortality reporting is not mandated. An emerging and growing cause of ethical conflict in companion animal practice relates to overtreatment. This revolves around the statement “just because we can, should we?”. Discussions on “drawing the line in clinical treatment” (Grimm et al. 2018) and recognizing the boundary between heroism and futility (Clutton 2017) are increasing in the veterinary community. Animals are considered property in legal terms, so despite a veterinarian’s wish to end suffering or not to perform a procedure they think will compound suffering, this may conflict with the owner’s rights. There are also veterinarians who will proceed with novel or radical procedures and invasive testing because of ego (“I can”), fear of failure (“there must be more I can do”), or because it may be self-fulfilling to do so (i.e. “the cool factor”) (Yeates 2016). In addition, a clinician’s motivation for performing a procedure may be linked to financial gain or reputation (Grimm et al. 2018). The reason for performing a procedure requires self-reflection. Defensive medicine (the practice of ordering tests, procedures, and other medical care that may not benefit the patient, solely to reduce the threat of litigation) is no longer restricted to human medicine. With advances in available treatment options, pets being considered family members or child substitutes, the client’s willingness to pay for veterinary care, and an increase in the number of owners who purchase pet insurance, it is likely that animals might undergo invasive and painful procedures despite a poor prognosis and/or short life expectancy. Surgical oncology is one area where overtreatment may occur. For example, is it ethical to perform an invasive oncologic surgery in a dog when it is not likely that survival time will be prolonged, quality of life will be improved, and complications will not arise? Examples such as this demand a reflection on which treatments are morally justified. Once again, the subjective nature of assessing an animal’s current and projected well-being is a barrier to decision making. Primary clinicians, support clinicians (e.g. anesthesiologists), staff (e.g. nurses and technicians), and owners may not agree with each other regarding treatment of a patient (Lehnus et al. 2019). In human medicine, third-party clinical ethics review committees can be called upon to review individual cases: in veterinary clinical medicine such committees are rare (Rosoff et al. 2018). How information is presented to clients is important and it can be difficult to avoid unconscious bias that influences clients’ decisions (Yeates and Main 2010). Framing is defined as “the presentation of two equivalent situations, where one is presented in positive or gain terms and the other in negative or loss terms” (Garcia-Retamero and Galesic 2010). How we frame our conversation can alter the choice an owner makes; for example, when discussing a procedure for which there is a large body of information on its success and failure rate, there are two options. Option 1 is to say, “There is a 70% success rate,” but option 2 is to state that “There is a 30% mortality or failure rate.” Both statements are true but framing the outcome in a positive way is more likely to get owners to agree to treatment (Garcia-Retamero and Galesic 2010). It has been our experience that practitioners tend to diminish the degree of expected or experienced pain in patients when communicating with clients. This results in owners not requesting analgesia and not knowing what to expect or how to monitor their animals for the presence of pain-related behaviors, and, consequently, animals can suffer from untreated pain. The first steps in treating pain are to anticipate it, look for it, recognize it, and in some way quantify it. Methods of pain assessment range from the highly subjective (i.e. opinion) to sophisticated and objective analysis of activity, body posture, and facial expressions. Pain assessment in animals can be performed using different methods such as observing behavior, quantitative sensory testing, biomarkers, etc. Although physiological parameters such as heart and respiratory rates or levels of cortisol have been used to assess pain, these are nonspecific, are influenced by fear and anxiety, and should not be relied upon for the evaluation of pain (Quimby et al. 2017). In practice, assessment usually relies on the observation of pain-related behaviors. An important aspect of pain assessment is to evaluate the behaviors of animals before a painful insult such as surgery. Pain assessment can be particularly challenging in animals with shy or fearful temperaments: therefore, knowing the normal behavior of an animal before surgery can help with interpretation of pain-related behaviors following surgery (Steagall and Monteiro 2019). The most common abnormal behaviors observed in animals with acute pain are noted in Table 19.1. Chronic pain has been less extensively studied and available data generally relate to musculoskeletal conditions. Common abnormal behaviors related to chronic pain are listed in Table 19.2. Table 19.1 Common behavior changes associated with acute pain in animals. Table 19.2 Common behavior changes associated with chronic pain in animals (based on Belshaw and Yeates 2018; Monteiro and Steagall 2019). Pain assessment should utilize pain scales. Pain scales are noninvasive, inexpensive, do not require any equipment or restraint, and may be performed by remote observations (Luna et al. 2020). For this to be performed systematically and with confidence, robust species-specific scientific validation must be performed to ensure that pain scales measure what they are designed to measure (i.e. pain and not sedation related to anesthetic drugs), are repeatable with different observers and within the same observer across time, and that clinically relevant changes are detectable such as differences in pain scores between painful and pain-free animals or before and after analgesic administration (Steagall and Monteiro 2019). The development and validation of species-specific pain scales is a relatively recent area of research and only a few instruments have undergone validation. To complicate things further, pain-related behaviors are different in acute and chronic painful conditions: thus, pain scales should target these differences. For a comprehensive assessment of available facial grimace scales in nonhuman mammals and their level of scientific validation, see Evangelista et al. 2021. A recent systematic review of pain scales in farm animals is also available (Tomacheuski et al. 2021). Finally, veterinary technicians/nurses can greatly contribute to pain assessment and might be the primary detectors of pain in practice because they often spend more time with patients than veterinarians. They should be involved in this task and trained in using pain scales. Just as important as using validated pain scales for pain assessment is knowledge of pharmacological and nonpharmacological modalities of pain management. Pain should be anticipated and prevented in addition to being treated. For these reasons, veterinary professionals need to be familiar with the concepts of pre-emptive, preventive, and multimodal analgesia (Mathews et al. 2014). Pre-emptive analgesia involves the administration of analgesic drugs prior to a painful insult such as surgery to reduce or prevent nociceptive impulse transmission within the pain pathway. This approach is more effective in reducing pain than using a similar analgesic protocol after the painful insult. However, in most cases, analgesic treatment must continue during and after surgery; the duration of postsurgical treatment should be related to the severity of tissue injury and pain assessments. Using analgesics for the appropriate duration is termed preventive analgesia. Multimodal analgesia refers to the use of different classes of analgesics acting at different locations in the pain pathway. This results in synergism among analgesics, improved pain control, reduced doses of each drug, and fewer adverse effects. One example may include use of local anesthetic, opioids, and sedative/anxiolytics. A holistic approach toward pain management must be undertaken and factors affecting patient comfort should be considered. For example, thermal and acoustic comfort, fear-free and low-stress handling techniques, prevention and control of nausea and vomiting, using harnesses in mobility-impaired patients, ensuring opportunities to void, emptying the urinary bladder, etc. Particularly in companion animal practice, these considerations reinforce the concept of care-based ethics as veterinary professionals are the ones caring for those at risk of suffering. Such relationships (between the responsible and the vulnerable) might be viewed as a therapeutic alliance for optimal pain management (Carvalho et al. 2018). Patient-centered practice is increasingly important with the evolving status of animals in modern societies (Grimm et al. 2018). Decisions around treatment of pain depend on the triad of owner, patient, and clinician (See Case Studies 19.1 and 19.2). For example, balancing clients’ expectations of having their pet home soon after surgery and minimizing costs are weighed against the potential stress to the animal of a longer hospital stay and higher costs, but where monitoring and tailored analgesic administration can occur. Following major surgery, many animals should remain hospitalized for monitoring and continuous administration of analgesics. If the hospital where the surgery was performed cannot provide 24/7 coverage, the patient should be referred to another facility where appropriate care can be provided. The availability of long-acting drugs approved for use in dogs and cats such as liposome-encapsulated bupivacaine, which has a duration of up to 72 hours, and special formulations of long-acting opioids (e.g. buprenorphine for cats) allows some patients to be returned home earlier with the knowledge that analgesics should still be effective.
Animal Pain
Understanding the Difference Between Nociception and Pain
Types of Pain
Pain and Emotions
The Debate of the Pain Experience in Animals
Laws, Regulations, Policies, and Guidelines Pertaining to Pain Management in Domestic Animals
Relationship Between Animal Welfare Science, Ethics, and Law
Laws Protecting Animals
Animals Used for Research
Farmed Animals and Pain Management
Companion Animals
Ethical Duty of Veterinary Professionals to Manage Pain
Provision of Futile Care in Companion Animal Practice
Assessing and Treating Pain in Animals
Behavior change
Changes in facial expressions
Changes in ear position and orbital tightening are common
Decreased activity
Animals in pain are less willing to move and perform species-specific behaviors
Decreased interest in surroundings
Decreased socialization
Reported in cattle, sheep, and horses
Attention to the injured area
Animal turns its head toward and/or licks a wound or painful area
Aversive reaction to palpation of painful areas
Animals in severe pain may not allow an observer to approach the painful area
Abnormal body positions
Abnormal gait
Increased vocalization
Changes in appetite
Fear-motivated aggression
Behavior change
Exercise intolerance
Observed in working horses, donkeys, and dogs
Difficulty rising after long periods of rest
Decreased ability to perform routine activities
Including going up and/or down the stairs, jumping up and/or down, playing/interacting with conspecifics, grooming, and positioning to urinate or defecate
Decreased socialization
Changes in demeanor
Owners may report the animal is “grumpier,” “more irritable,” “less patient,” or “less playful”
Sudden vocalization or agitation
Changes in sleeping/resting patterns

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