Anesthesia for Thoracoscopy

Anesthesia for Thoracoscopy

Peter J. Pascoe and Philipp D. Mayhew

As minimally invasive procedures have increased in popularity in veterinary medicine in recent years, more complex surgeries have been described, including a growing number of thoracic procedures. With this trend has come the need to adapt anesthetic techniques to the needs of the surgeon in order to provide adequate working space for these approaches to be used within the closed confines of the thoracic cavity. Manipulation of ventilation during open chest pneumothorax, creation of one-lung ventilation (OLV), and thoracic insufflation have all been advocated for thoracoscopic procedures, but all have advantages and disadvantages. Knowledge of the physiological consequences of these techniques as well as the logistical challenges in obtaining them is key to achieving favorable outcomes; for example, failure of OLV is reported to be the primary cause of conversion to an open thoracotomy rather than complications or challenges of the surgical procedure.1,2

Pathophysiology of One-Lung Anesthesia

Surgical intervention in thoracoscopy often involves the collapse of one lung to provide enough space for the surgeon to visualize the lesion or to be able to work with abnormal pulmonary tissue. Under these circumstances, one would normally expect to see a hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV) response in the isolated lung. This diverts blood flow away from the hypoxic lung to the ventilated/perfused lung to minimize the amount of blood with a low oxygen tension mixing with the oxygenated blood. If the lung is collapsed during the procedure, the reexpansion of the lung at the end of surgery may be associated with a risk of reexpansion pulmonary edema and reperfusion injury and subsequent release of reactive oxygen species (ROS).

Hypoxic Pulmonary Vasoconstriction

This is a normal physiologic mechanism that is present in the pulmonary circulation to increase resistance in areas of hypoxia. During embryonic life, the pulmonary circulation has a high resistance in order to divert blood to the systemic circulation through the ductus arteriosus. When animals or humans reach high altitudes, HPV increases pulmonary vascular resistance, which in turn increases pulmonary arterial pressure and may lead to pulmonary edema. Animals and humans that are adapted to higher altitudes have a weaker HPV than those who are not. HPV is often shown to have two phases with the first, immediate, response involving local circulatory influences on the pulmonary vasculature and a secondary phase that involves hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs).3,4 The low oxygen tensions are detected in the pulmonary vasculature, and a response can occur in less than 1 minute, although the peak response may take up to 1 hour.5 There is some controversy over the sensing mechanisms for low oxygen tensions, but it appears that the mitochondria in the pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells are the most likely site with an increased production of ROS during hypoxia.6

Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction is affected by many factors, so the clinical result may be difficult to predict (Table 29.1). In dogs, a number of reports have identified “normal” dogs that appear to have a very poor HPV response (nonresponders), and it is not clear what factors are involved, but the proportion of nonresponders reported was up to 50%.7,8 Because the smooth muscles in the pulmonary vasculature are relatively weak, it would be expected that increases in pulmonary arterial pressure or left atrial pressure could attenuate the response. The elastance of the vessels is also limited, so increases in blood flow also tend to increase pressure and decrease HPV. By the mechanisms described, it is clear that HPV is not under parasympathetic or sympathetic control, so it is not surprising that acepromazine and dexmedetomidine appear to have minimal effect on HPV.9,10 The opioids also appear to have minimal effect.11,12 The injectable anesthetics have generally been reported to have no inhibitory effect, and in one report, propofol was reported to enhance HPV.13,14 Given that the inhalants are thought to inhibit HPV, it has been suggested that the use of a propofol infusion rather than an inhalant would provide better oxygenation during one-lung anesthesia. However, in reviewing randomized clinical trials that have tested this hypothesis, the results are not supportive.15

Table 29.1 Effect of Different Factors on Hypoxic Pulmonary Vasoconstriction

Factor or Drug Effect on Hypoxic Pulmonary Vasoconstriction References
Increasing PA or LA pressures Attenuates HPV response because of the relatively weak musculature being overcome by the increased pressure Lejeune et al.89
PEEP or CPAP Reduces the effect of HPV Lejeune et al.90
Body temperature HPV decreases with hypothermia; <50% of the response at 31°C compared with normothermia Benumof and Wahrenbrock91
Acidosis or alkalosis HPV is depressed by metabolic and respiratory alkalosis; hypercapnic and metabolic acidosis may enhance HPV, but this is not consistent across studies Lloyd92 and Silove et al.93
Acepromazine α Blockade attenuates the response, but there are no data on acepromazine itself Brimioulle et al.9
α2 Agonists Dexmedetomidine in humans during one-lung anesthesia did not appear to alter oxygenation Kernan et al.94
Opioids Minimal effect Bjertnaes12,13
IV lidocaine Minimal effect Bindslev et al.95
Propofol Enhanced response in dogs Nakayama and Murray14
Ketamine Minimal effect but could decrease the response because of increases in PA pressure Nakayama and Murray14
Thiopental and other barbiturates Minimal effect Bjertnaes13; Carlsson et al.96
Inhalants Dose-dependent effect to reduce HPV in vitro; sevoflurane and desflurane may have less effect than isoflurane, but at low doses (1 MAC), little effect on HPV is observed Benumof and Wahrenbrock97; Lejeune et al.89; Lennon and Murray98; Lesitsky et al.99
Nitrous oxide Decreases HPV Bindslev et al.95
Nitric oxide Abolishes HPV when delivered to the hypoxic lung Sustronck et al.100
Calcium channel blockers Abolish HPV by blocking the calcium channels involved in creating the constriction Nakazawa and Amaha101
NSAIDs COX-1 inhibition tends to enhance HPV; COX-2 inhibition may decrease HPV Lennon and Murray98; Kylhammar and Radegran102

COX, cyclooxygenase; CPAP, continuous positive airway pressure; HPV, hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction; IV, intravenous; MAC, minimum alveolar concentration; LA, left atrial; PA, pulmonary artery; PEEP, positive end-expiratory pressure; NSAID, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug.

Nevertheless, it probably makes sense to limit the concentration of inhaled anesthetic by using a balanced technique with drugs such as opioids or systemic lidocaine that have minimal effect on HPV.

Reexpansion of the Lung

The incidence of postoperative complications after prolonged one-lung anesthesia in humans is relatively high.16 During one-lung anesthesia, if the side that is collapsed is left untreated, the lung will be hypoperfused because of HPV. At the end of the procedure, this may then lead to a type of reperfusion injury and the release of ROS into both the pulmonary and systemic circulation. In laboratory studies, it has been shown that the reexpansion is associated with an acute inflammatory response; this has been demonstrated in human patients as well.17 Reexpansion may be associated with overt pulmonary edema, but this is not a common sequela in clinical practice. However, it is likely that there is neutrophil recruitment to the affected lung with increased myeloperoxidase (MPO) release, and increased concentrations of cytokines such as interleukin (IL) -6, -1α, -1β, -8, and -10; tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α); macrophage inflammatory protein-1α (MIP-1α); pulmonary and activation-regulated chemokine (PARC); and soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (sICAM-1) in alveoli or serum.18,19 An experiment in rats has confirmed that the injury is attributable to reexpansion.20 In this experiment, some rats had the right mainstem bronchus clamped, and some of the rats were euthanized without reinflating the lung; others had their lungs reinflated and ventilated for a period of time before sacrifice. The lungs that were occluded but not reexpanded showed no more changes than the lungs that were ventilated throughout, but the lungs that were reexpanded had an increase in pulmonary protein extravasation, increased MPO in the pulmonary tissue, and increased IL-1β and TNF-α in fluid washed from the lung, increased IL-10 in the serum, and increased IL-6 in both. This experiment also evaluated the effect of time, with one group being collapsed for 1 hour and the other for 3 hours, and showed that the longer occlusion time was associated with greater changes in the above parameters; this is also supported in clinical studies in humans.21,22 The release of these inflammatory mediators has also been shown to affect other tissues. In an experiment in rats, malondialdehyde (MDA, an end product of lipid peroxidation) and MPO were examined in liver and ileum.23 This study showed significant increases in MDA and MPO in both tissues after 2 but not 1 hour of one-lung collapse. Hepatic leakage enzymes, alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and aspartate aminotransferase (AST)were also increased with the 2-hour collapse.

A number of studies in humans have evaluated the effect of different anesthetics on these responses. Propofol is supposed to have some ability to attenuate the production of ROS, and its molecular structure is somewhat similar to α-tocopherol (vitamin E), which is a well-known antioxidant.24,25 However, despite this effect on ROS,25 human studies show that the production of cytokines and the effect on the alveolar leukocytes seem to be less pronounced with the inhalants than with propofol.22,26 In a rabbit study, propofol caused a lower increase in pulmonary cytokines than midazolam, but inhalant anesthesia was not tested in this study.27

Another factor that may decrease the inflammatory response is hypercapnic acidosis (HCA). In a number of animal studies, HCA has been shown to decrease neutrophil endothelial cell adhesion,28 decrease nuclear factor-κβ,29 decrease release of TNF-α from alveolar macrophages,30 inhibit production of xanthine oxidase and thereby reduce free radical production,31 decrease IL-8 production,32 decrease nitric oxide release, and inhibit production of nitric oxide synthase.33 In acute lung injury, HCA has provided some protection30 and improved survival times in humans.34 In contrast to these studies, HCA did not change the outcome in a ventilator-induced lung injury35 and caused injury to alveolar epithelial cells in vitro.36

A number of individual studies have looked at methods of attenuating the inflammatory response, but these methods do not appear to have been adopted widely. Corticosteroids have been applied systemically (methylprednisolone) and by inhalation (budesonide) to reduce the inflammatory response and improve lung function.19,37,38 Simvastatin treatment has also been shown to decrease some of the inflammatory markers associated with one-lung anesthesia.39 The release of cytokines was also reduced if continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) (5 cm H2O) was applied to the collapsed lung using oxygen.19 It should be recognized that this approach may decrease surgical exposure, and even during the study, the CPAP had to be removed in a number of patients to improve visibility.


In recent years, there has been further emphasis on the injury that can occur with excessive ventilation of the lungs.40 This can be divided into injury caused by excessive volume, or volutrauma; injury associated with atelectasis, or atelectrauma; and injury associated with ROS caused by hyperoxemia.


That volume, and not pressure, was the major factor was illustrated in an experiment in which the expansion of the lungs was limited by external binding and showing that despite high airway pressures, no injury ensued, compared with allowing a large volume to be delivered with unrestricted expansion, which resulted in injury.41 This has led to the use of low tidal volumes and higher breathing rates in order to provide “lung-protective” ventilation. Such a strategy has been applied in humans during surgery and appears to be associated with less inflammatory response42 and lower postoperative pulmonary complications.43 In humans, the low tidal volume used is usually around 6 mL/kg. Using allometric scaling values, the normal resting tidal volume for the dog would be of the order of 8 to 10 mL/kg.44 This would require respiratory rates of 25 to 70 breaths/min, with the higher rates being applied to smaller patients, to achieve normal minute ventilation.45


With current practices of using very high inspired concentrations of oxygen, it is common to see atelectasis in dogs and cats after relatively short periods of anesthesia.46,47 These areas of atelectasis create shear forces between the inflated and uninflated lung that can lead to tissue damage. This is exacerbated by the repeated cycling that is inherent to typical intermittent positive-pressure ventilation (IPPV). In conjunction with this, because the atelectatic areas are not expanding, the aerated parts of the lung will expand to a greater extent than normal, and this could lead to volutrauma in those regions. The management of this situation is to try to prevent the formation of atelectasis and to minimize ongoing airway collapse. The first approach is to apply positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) to the lung to prevent airway collapse.47,48 It has been shown that even when high tidal volumes are used, the addition of PEEP decreases pulmonary injury.41 As PEEP is increased, it transmits pressure to the thoracic cavity, and this decreases venous return in a pressure-dependent manner.49 If venous return is decreased, then cardiac output and oxygen delivery to the tissues will be decreased. At a PEEP of 5 cm H2O cardiac output is reduced marginally, but at 20 cm H2O, it is decreased by nearly 50% in dogs.49 It is also thought that PEEP may have an effect on ventricular distensibility, further limiting cardiac output.50 However, if the PEEP improves uptake of oxygen by decreasing atelectasis, it may improve oxygen delivery despite the reduced cardiac output. This has led to the concept of ideal PEEP whereby oxygen delivery is measured (cardiac output x oxygen content of blood) as PEEP is increased in a stepwise manner. The point at which oxygen delivery is maximized is the ideal PEEP under those particular conditions. Because it is not routine, in a clinical environment, to measure cardiac output, it would be difficult to make this titration. However, a correlation has been found for the difference between end-tidal (PE´CO2) and arterial CO2 (PaCO2) tensions such that the point of lowest difference corresponds to “ideal” PEEP for that animal. This could be achieved by stepwise increases in PEEP and the measurement of serial blood gases at each step to compare the values for PaCO2 with PE´CO2.51 This approach may not work well when significant pulmonary pathology is present.

The second approach is to reduce the inspired oxygen concentration (FIO2) such that there is an insoluble gas, such as nitrogen, in the alveoli and lower airways that will not get absorbed and thus prevent absorption atelectasis. This is a really important factor because the combination of small tidal volumes and high FIO2s fosters absorption atelectasis. The addition of a nitrogen “splint” helps to reduce the likelihood of atelectasis. This has been demonstrated in both dogs and cats using an FIO2 of 0.4 and looking for areas of atelectasis with computed tomography (CT).46,52 When doing procedures on animals when only one lung is being ventilated, there is invariably a decrease in the PaO2.53-55 If the lung that is being ventilated has some pathology, then this decrease will be greater, and it may be very difficult to decrease the FIO2 and maintain adequate oxygen delivery. Ideally, the animal should not be exposed to pure oxygen so that some nitrogen is maintained in the lung, but this is often unavoidable if hypoxemia is to be prevented during the manipulations required to isolate the lungs. If the animal has been exposed to pure oxygen, it may be necessary to apply a recruitment maneuver to minimize atelectasis. This term is very vaguely defined in the literature but essentially involves applying high pressures to the lung for a defined period of time. To sustain the opening of the airways, it is best if the recruitment maneuver is followed by the application of PEEP, a reduction in the FIO2, or both. In the past, many anesthesiologists have “sighed” patients by applying a 15– to 25–cm H2O pressure for one breath every 5 to 10 minutes. This “recruitment” maneuver appears to be ineffective, and pressures of about 35 to 50 cm H2O held for 20 to 60 seconds are needed to open the lung.48,56 This may depend on the individual characteristic of the lung, but this author suggests starting with 40 cm H2O held for 20 to 30 seconds.48 This should be followed by a PEEP of at least 5 cm H2O.


These patients should be worked up in routine fashion with further testing appropriate for the signs shown. If cardiac signs are part of the clinical picture, it may be best to do an echocardiogram to fully define the lesion before anesthesia. This will allow the anesthetist to make appropriate choices for the condition involved. Ideally, a baseline arterial blood gas (ABG) analysis should be obtained to define any limitations to gas exchange, although this is not always possible.

Given the information provided, it appears that the drugs used for premedication and induction are not greatly important, although higher doses of both opioids and α2 agonists may be associated with increased pulmonary arterial pressures that could decrease HPV.57,58 For the maintenance of anesthesia, a technique using an inhalant in combination with adjuncts such as opioids, ketamine, or lidocaine would seem to be prudent to limit the effect of the inhalant dose on HPV. Pretreating the patient with a corticosteroid may be beneficial, but clinical evidence for this is currently lacking. After the animal is endotracheally intubated, it should be started on a gas mixture with an FIO2 of 0.4 and IPPV instituted with PEEP to minimize atelectasis. The FIO2 can be titrated to achieve adequate oxygenation while trying to limit the exposure to FIO2s less than 0.9. The information presented earlier suggests that low tidal volumes with higher rates should be used to limit lung injury and aim for hypercapnia rather than eucapnia. However, this strategy has not been proven to be beneficial in a clinical setting,59 and more work needs to be done to prove the superiority of this approach. It is important that PEEP is used with a low tidal volume strategy because there has been an association reported between low tidal volumes and increased 30-day mortality rates in humans when minimal PEEP was used.60


These patients need to be monitored intensively because of the risks of hypoxemia resulting from the initial disease and the significant reduction in pulmonary exchange area associated with the isolation of each lung.

Pulse Oximetry

This is a noninvasive continuous monitor that estimates the saturation of arterial hemoglobin (SpO2). It is an essential monitor for these cases because of the significant risk of desaturation associated with OLV. The reliability of these monitors is still not ideal in that they often give readings that are inaccurate, but in these cases, a low SpO2 reading should not be disregarded with a supposition that it is just an erroneous reading.


The capnograph is also a noninvasive continuous monitor that provides essential information about the state of ventilation (PECO2) and can also provide information about the circulation (e.g., sudden decrease in cardiac output) and the equipment being used (rebreathing indicated by a rise in inspired CO2). In conjunction with the measurement of PaCO2, it may also be used to optimize the ventilation strategy being used (see earlier).

Arterial Blood Pressure

Ideally, for these cases, this should be measured directly with the placement of an arterial catheter. This then provides a continuous measurement, allowing the anesthetist to see and respond to rapid changes in circulation.

With any intrathoracic procedure, there is a risk of manual compression or puncture of large vessels with a resulting sudden decrease in blood pressure. Noninvasive techniques (Doppler or oscillometric) may show such reduced pressures, but because the measurement is intermittent, they may not allow a rapid enough response to prevent serious consequences. A direct arterial line will also allow the measurement of systolic pressure variation (SPV) that is an indicator of hypovolemia. With the low tidal volume approach advocated earlier, the SPV has been shown to be predictive of fluid responsiveness.61 It is recognized that placing an arterial catheter is not feasible in all patients, so the most appropriate noninvasive technique should be used for these animals.


Electrocardiography is continuous and noninvasive and is the only monitor that allows the diagnosis of arrhythmias. Manual stimulation of the heart during surgery may precipitate an arrhythmia, and it will be beneficial to the patient if this can be accurately and immediately diagnosed and managed appropriately.

Blood Gases

Although a pulse oximeter does provide a gross estimate of desaturation, if it occurs, it does not allow the accurate titration of FIO2 that is beneficial for these cases. Ideally, ABG analysis should be obtained from the catheter placed to measure blood pressure. This will provide the best information with regard to changes in oxygenation occurring with the onset of OLV. In dogs, it is well established that lingual venous samples can be used to approximate arterial values,62 if an arterial line cannot be placed. However, the relationship between lingual venous and arterial PaO2 is not reliable on an individual sample, so this is not an ideal approach for these cases.


Several monitors now provide the capability of measuring flow and pressure of the gases during ventilation, allowing the machine to provide integrated outputs of pressure–volume and flow–volume loops and make calculations of compliance and resistance. These loops are helpful in looking at immediate changes in airway dynamics and in monitoring the expected changes in compliance associated with OLV. Such monitors usually have a function that allows a loop to be captured and remain visible on the screen. It is helpful to do this at each stage of the procedure so that changes over time can be compared with the starting point.

Body Temperature

These cases often require imaging before the procedure, during which they may lose heat rapidly. Because hypothermia will decrease the HPV response, it is important to monitor body temperature throughout the procedure and provide external heat to maintain normothermia.


To maintain anesthesia in these patients, it is ideal to have the ability to run a constant-rate infusion, and it is essential to be able to ventilate the animal.


Ideally, the ventilator used for these cases should be volume limited and have a setting to allow PEEP to be added to the ventilation. Being able to use a volume rather than a pressure setting to control tidal volume allows the anesthetist to provide a protective ventilator strategy in order to limit the volutrauma to the lung. A pressure-limited ventilator can also be used in conjunction with spirometry to allow measurement and adjustment of the tidal volume. PEEP can be added in any circumstance by simply submersing the expired limb of the breathing circuit under water to the depth desired for the PEEP (e.g., submersing the tubing 10 cm under water will provide 10 cm H2O of PEEP). However, it can be difficult to capture the gas from the fluid, so it is much easier if a PEEP valve can be attached to the expired side of the circuit. Such valves come in fixed increments (e.g., 2.5, 5 or 10 cm H2O) and can either be spring-loaded or use a weighted ball. For the latter, the valve must be kept in the vertical position for the ball to seat properly in its mounting; the spring-loaded valves can be oriented in any direction. The valve must be connected in the direction specified by the manufacturer, or it may cause complete obstruction of the outlet, which could lead to death of the patient. Modern electronic and some older pneumatic ventilators may have a PEEP setting that allows the anesthetist to set an exact value in increments of 1 cm H2O. This is obviously the most convenient approach because it can be adjusted very rapidly as determined by the clinical needs of the patient. If a recruitment maneuver is required, it usually needs to be done manually, so it is helpful if the ventilator can be switched in and out of the circuit rapidly.

Anesthetic Machine

Most machines provide the essentials of a variable flow of oxygen and a precision vaporizer to deliver the anesthetic. For these cases, it is also helpful to be able to vary the FIO2, so the addition of a compressed air source, an air flowmeter, and a method to measure the resulting concentration of oxygen in the mixture would be useful.

One-Lung Ventilation

The requirement with thoracoscopic surgery is to be able to view the lesion and to have enough space that surgical manipulation can be carried out. In a procedure carried out in lateral recumbency, it may be sufficient to block the airway to the nondependent lung and ventilate the dependent lung. For procedures carried out in dorsal recumbency, it may be best to be able to ventilate one side or the other depending on surgical requirements. These differences give rise to the two basic approaches to isolating the lung: block one bronchus with a balloon tipped catheter or use a double-lumen tube to separate the ability to ventilate one side or the other. The use of bronchial blockers appears to be associated with a lower incidence of sore throat after use in humans.63 In patients with fluid-filled masses in their pulmonary tissue, isolation of the lung is imperative before surgery to prevent that fluid (especially if it is pus) from flowing from the surgical site down the airway and into the opposite lung.

Tracheobronchial Dimensions

These are important because the equipment currently available is designed for people. The tracheas of dogs are longer and wider than that humans of similar weight, so the equipment designed for humans is not easily applicable to all of our canine patients. The length of the trachea in a dog has been described by the formula 6.2 × (BW [kg])0.4 and the diameter as 4.1 × (BW [kg])0.39,64 where BW is body weight. However, this does not seem to fit well with dogs at the high and low ends of the spectrum of size, and based on some other measurements,65 a better formula for tracheal diameter might be 5.1 × (BW)0.34. This and further information give the data presented in Table 29.2 for tracheal and bronchial internal diameters and length related to weight. The lengths presented from the incisors to the carina were measured by the author from CT scans of dogs weighing 2.6 to 44 kg. There may be significant variations in these values between breeds. English Bulldogs are the most likely to have a much smaller airway than expected for their weight. In cats and small dogs, the airway is small enough that it is very difficult to use standard approaches developed for humans. There are currently no double-lumen endotracheal tubes (DLTs) available for these small patients, so the bronchial blockers or selective intubation of one bronchus with a standard endotracheal tubes (ETT) are the only choices.

Table 29.2 Tracheal and Bronchial Dimensions in Dogs*

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Weight (kg) Tracheal Diameter (mm) Left Mainstem Bronchus (mm) Right Mainstem Bronchus (mm) Length from Incisors to Carina (cm)
1.0 5.1 3.9 4.6 15.6
5.0 8.8 6.7 8.0 26.9
10.0 11.1 8.5 10.1 34.0
15.0 12.8 9.8 11.6 39.0
20.0 14.1 10.8 12.7 42.9
25.0 15.2 11.7 13.7 46.3
30.0 16.2 12.4 14.6 49.2
35.0 17.0 13.1 15.4 51.9
40.0 17.8 13.7 16.1 54.3
45.0 18.6 14.2 16.8 56.5
50.0 19.2 14.7 17.4 58.5
55.0 19.9 15.2 18.0 60.4
60.0 20.5 15.7 18.5 62.2
65.0 21.0 16.1 19.0 63.9