CHAPTER 9. Management of the Pregnant Mare
While studying the information covered in this chapter, the reader should attempt to:
■ Acquire a working understanding of procedures used to manage the pregnant and parturient mare.
■ Acquire a working understanding of procedures used to monitor fetal viability during gestation.
■ Acquire a working knowledge of the rationale and procedures for monitoring the mare for readiness for birth.
■ Acquire a working understanding of the birth process, including the three stages of labor.
■ Acquire a working knowledge of the events that occur in the early postpartum period in the healthy foaling mare.
1. Identify the average duration of gestation in the mare and discuss effects of season on gestation length.
2. Outline differences in nutritional needs for mares during early and late gestation and during lactation.
3. Outline a preventive healthcare program for pregnant mares on a broodmare farm.
4. Describe examination findings that indicate fetal well-being is at risk.
5. Describe the desirable characteristics of a foaling area or stall.
6. List changes that occur in the mammary gland and its secretions that are useful in prediction of readiness for parturition in the mare.
7. Describe the progression of events that occur during the three stages of parturition in the mare.
8. Outline methods for induction of parturition in the mare.
9. Explain the economic pressure to breed mares on foal heat.
10. Describe the progression of events that occur during uterine involution and return to pregravid condition in the healthy foaling mare.
Mares should be managed attentively during pregnancy to help ensure the birth of a strong healthy foal with no injury incurred by the dam. Maintaining the mare in good health, being familiar with the signs of impending parturition, and preparing a foaling environment conducive to mare and foal health increase the likelihood of a healthy foal. Although managerial programs are usually adapted to meet special needs of individual mares or owners, certain strategies and methodologies are universally applicable. This chapter discusses routine care of the pregnant mare, methods for monitoring fetal viability, preparation of the mare for foaling, and the physiologic events of parturition to provide background for managing the term mare and birth process.
Average duration of gestation in the equine is 335 to 342 days. Occasionally, viable term foals can be born as early as 305 days of gestation, but foals born before 320 days of gestational age are typically premature and nonviable. Some authors define abortion as the expulsion of the fetus before day 300 of gestation and use the term prematurity to designate birth of an underdeveloped foal between days 300 and 320 of gestation. The reader should recognize that use of these precise days for definition purposes can be misleading because gestation length is so variable in the equine. Certainly, foals delivered at more than 320 days of gestation can fit other criteria used to describe prematurity. Dysmaturity, on the other hand, designates birth of a full-term but immature and often undersized foal.
The duration of gestation is sometimes exceedingly long, 360 days or more, with no untoward effects on the fetus or mare (i.e., the fetus is not oversized and is viable, and no increased risk of dystocia exists). These long gestational periods have been hypothesized to result from the ability of the equine conceptus to undergo a period of arrested development during the first 2 months of gestation and then reinitiate growth and development.
Seasonal effects on the duration of equine gestation are found, with mares due to foal in late winter and early spring carrying their foals approximately 5 to 10 days longer than mares that foal later in the breeding season (late spring or summer). This seasonal effect can partially negate efforts made to get mares pregnant early in the breeding season (February 15 or soon thereafter) and can be circumvented by exposing pregnant mares to artificial lighting regimens (beginning December 1) identical to those used to initiate early ovulatory estrus in nonpregnant mares. Exposure of pregnant mares to artificial lighting systems can reduce gestation length by an average of 10 days.
Other factors that may influence gestational length in mares include gender of the foal (males are carried slightly longer), maternal nutrition, and environmental stresses. Ingested toxins (e.g., ergot alkaloids in contaminated fescue grass or hay) may lengthen the duration of gestation.
Vaccination of the Pregnant Mare
Preventive health measures recommended for pregnant mares include regular immunization for common infectious diseases. Immunization of the pregnant mare serves two purposes: protection of the dam (and gestating fetus) and eventual protection of the newborn foal. Two viruses—equine herpesvirus 1 (EHV-1) and equine arteritis virus (the agent of equine viral arteritis [EVA]—are of special concern to the pregnant mare because they can cause abortion or birth of infected live but severely compromised foals. Many infectious organisms can infect foals, which are compromised in the ability to develop a high level of their own immunity early in life. Immunoglobulins produced in response to vaccine antigens are too large for diffusion across the placental barrier; nevertheless, the antibodies should be concentrated in colostrum and thus are made available to the newborn foal at the time of nursing (i.e., before “gut closure,” generally by 24 hours of age). If protection of the foal is of foremost concern, booster vaccines should be administered approximately 4 to 6 weeks before the projected foaling date to optimize concentration of colostral immunoglobulins to be passively transferred to the foal.
Protection of newborn animals through maternal immunization has been widely practiced by the veterinary profession for many years (Box 9-1). Although the rationale for vaccination of the pregnant dam to enhance concentration of specific immunoglobulins in colostrum is well understood, documentation of efficacy for this practice for many specific vaccines so used is often lacking. Potential problems associated with vaccination of the pregnant dam include the following: (1) the pregnant dam may not respond as well to immunization (humoral response may be downregulated during gestation), which could lessen the desirable immune response of the dam to vaccine antigens administered during pregnancy; (2) administration of numerous different vaccines, even when given as multivalent products, at the same time might lessen the dam’s ability to respond favorably to specific antigens (i.e., vaccine interference). Thus, some authors recommend administering no more than four vaccine antigens at one time and waiting for 2 to 4 weeks before other vaccine antigens are administered; and (3) passively acquired immunoglobulins can interfere with the growing neonate’s ability to respond favorably to primary immunization against certain pathogens (e.g., influenza).
BOX 9-1
8 months of gestation | Rotavirus |
9 months of gestation | Rotavirus |
10 months of gestation | Rotavirus Equine influenza Eastern and Western equine encephalitis West Nile virus Strangles (Streptococcus equi) Botulism |
Note: When 10-month prefoaling vaccinations are given during a time when other vaccines are scheduled, be careful not to double-vaccinate.
Routine vaccination with inactivated vaccines directed at many antigens is accepted as safe for the pregnant mare. Adverse impacts on pregnancy have not been shown for modified live intranasally administered strangles or influenza vaccines or for the modified live EHV-1 vaccine. The recombinant West Nile virus (WNV) vaccine is also thought to be safe for pregnancy. However, modified live virus Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis (VEE) vaccines and live anthrax spore vaccines should not be used in pregnant mares.
Selection of vaccines for immunization of pregnant mares should depend on many factors, including expected exposure to the disease, economic constraints, and vaccine efficacy and safety. Immunization programs should be tailored to meet needs of individual mares or owner needs (e.g., management practices that increase exposure to infectious disease) and disease control measures used on farms where mares reside. Also, parenterally administered vaccines are generally best for use in the prepartum period because intranasally administered vaccines are less effective for stimulating high levels of immunoglobulin G (IgG), the immunoglobulin that is transferred in high concentrations into colostrum. For a more thorough discussion of vaccinations for broodmares (and foals), including potential benefits, problems, and risks, the reader is referred to Wilson (2005) and the AAEP website (
Although not exhaustive, some specific considerations regarding vaccination of pregnant dams follow.
Equine Herpesvirus Abortion
Equine herpesvirus type 1 (EHV-1) is the herpesvirus associated with abortion. The virus has also been associated with perinatal foal death; rhinopneumonitis in foals, growing horses, and some adult horses; and encephalomyelitis in adult horses. The virus is distinct from EHV-4, which is the major cause of rhinopneumonitis in foals and is only rarely isolated from equine abortions.
EHV-1 infection is acquired via inhalation, with the virus attaching to, penetrating, and replicating in upper airway mucosal epithelial cells. If local immunity fails to overcome infection, the virus breaches the basement membrane to invade the lamina propria of the respiratory mucosa and infects T lymphocytes and endothelial cells. The resulting viremia disseminates virus throughout the body. Abortion is the result of ischemia consequent to vasculitis of uterine vessels that disrupt the uteroplacental barrier. Lymphocytes resident within the endometrium are also thought to potentially transfer virus directly to uterine endothelium and result in abortion. This latter mechanism has been proposed to explain abortion of single mares in a group and abortions that occur many weeks or months after viremia.
Viral latency also occurs with EHV-1 infection, with periodic reactivation of latent virus resulting in asymptomatic shedding from the respiratory tract that may result in infection of in-contact horses. If local immunity has waned, reinfection and viremia can recur, again placing the fetus at risk. Although vaccinations do not eliminate preexisting latent EHV-1 infections, if they stimulate sufficient local immunity to prevent shedding, transmission of virus to other in-contact animals may be prevented.
Vaccination timing and efficacy against EHV-1 abortion remains controversial. Pneumabort-K +1b (Wyeth Animal Health, Guelph, Ontario) is a killed-virus preparation approved for use to protect against EHV-1 abortions in mares, with administration recommended during the fifth, seventh, and ninth months of gestation. Nonpregnant mares that may come in contact with pregnant mares should have vaccine administered at the same time as pregnant mares. Rhinomune (Pfizer, Animal Health, New York, NY) is an attenuated live virus preparation approved for use in preventing respiratory disease caused by EHV-1. Although the product label makes no claim for provision of protection against abortion, it does state that no adverse reactions have been reported in pregnant mares vaccinated with this product and further recommends vaccination of pregnant mares after the second month of gestation and at 3-month intervals thereafter. Prestige II with Havlogen (Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health, Whitehouse Station, N.J.) is a killed-virus preparation that contains EHV-1, EHV-4, and equine influenza subtypes A1 and A2; the product label makes no claims concerning provision of protection against abortion. Prodigy (Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health, Whitehouse Station, N.J.) is a killed-virus preparation of EHV-1 labeled for the prevention of abortion. Vaccination with this product is recommended at the fifth, seventh and ninth months of gestation. Recommendations for frequency of administration of booster vaccines, although they vary with the product used, are notably at frequent intervals because herpesviruses typically do not stimulate long-lasting immune protection (even immunity from natural infection wanes in 3 to 6 months). Although the efficacy of vaccination in the face of an abortion outbreak from rhinopneumonitis is unknown, Pneumabort-K +1b is labeled for this use.
Research regarding changing administration between vaccine types or brands during gestation is lacking. Some practitioners believe that switching vaccines during pregnancy leads to vaccine breaks in which EHV-1 abortion is more likely to occur. Until this phenomenon is studied, we caution against changing products during pregnancy in gestating mares.
Prevention and control of EHV-1 abortion cannot rely solely on a vaccination program because vaccination provides limited protection against viral shedding and the disease and properly vaccinated mares occasionally abort. One should use unerring management procedures in concert with a vaccination protocol to reduce mare exposure to the virus. Pregnant mares should be separated from the rest of the farm population. Permanent resident mares should not be allowed contact with transient boarders that normally reside elsewhere. Stress should be minimized to reduce the risk of activation of EHV-1 virus that may already be present in the mare. Mares that have aborted as a result of EHV-1 should be isolated from the rest of the herd. In addition, all mares that have been in contact with aborting mares should be segregated from those not yet exposed to the virus, and booster vaccines may be administered to in-contact mares in an attempt to stimulate immunity. Strict hygienic measures should be instituted to minimize spread of infection to the rest of the mares on the premises.
When facilities are limited for separating at-risk from nonexposed mares, the practitioner can perform polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing on nasopharyngeal washes and whole blood samples collected from incoming mares. Procedures for nasopharyngeal washes are described by Conboy (2005). Submitting these samples to a diagnostic laboratory that can perform PCR testing for EHV-1 (e.g., University of Kentucky Livestock Disease Diagnostic Center, Lexington, Ky.) results in timely reporting of results, which can be used as a screening measure for either keeping animals isolated or allowing them to be moved into different locales on a farm. Animals with positive results on PCR testing of nasopharyngeal washes should at least be considered to have been exposed to the virus (but may not be actively infected, nor shedding the virus), and those with positive results in blood should be considered to be viremic and therefore likely to be shedding the virus. Some practitioners require maiden mares arriving at a breeding farm to be PCR negative for EHV-1 before they are allowed to mix with other mares at the farm or before they are allowed to be sent to a stud farm for breeding. Such a screening protocol may prove to be valuable in controlling an outbreak of EHV-1 respiratory or neurologic disease (although the test does not specifically identify the variant that causes neurologic disease).
Tetanus (Clostridium tetani)
Tetanus toxoid administration should be mandatory in all vaccination programs because of the incidence and life-threatening consequences of the disease for the dam and foal. The initial series of injections in unvaccinated horses consists of a two-dose series, with the second dose given 4 to 6 weeks after the first. For the pregnant broodmare, booster vaccines are given 4 to 6 weeks before the date of expected foaling to provide passive protection from colostrum intake by the newborn foal.
Encephalomyelitis (Sleeping Sickness)
This insect-transmitted neurologic disease is caused by viruses of the Togaviridae family, of which Eastern, Western, and Venezuelan encephalomyelitis viruses are most pathogenic. Horses in endemic areas should be immunized with a suitable inactivated-virus vaccine before the mosquito season each year, which corresponds to the foaling season. In areas where mosquito resurgence occurs in late summer or fall, a second annual dose should be given in late summer, just as for the inactivated WNV vaccine. Pregnant mares are routinely administered a booster vaccination 4 to 6 weeks before the date of expected foaling in an attempt to provide passive protection to the newborn foal from colostrum intake.
West Nile Virus
This insect-transmitted neurologic disease is also caused by a virus transmitted mainly by mosquitoes, and outbreaks have occurred throughout the United States and worldwide. Three vaccines are currently available for horses: (1) an inactivated vaccine that requires an initial two-dose primary immunization series; (2) a recombinant canarypox vaccine that requires an initial two-dose primary vaccination series; and (3) a flavivirus chimera vaccine that requires only a single dose for primary immunization. Revaccination in late summer before mosquito population resurgence has been recommended for both the inactivated and the recombinant products. All products are thought to be safe for vaccination of the pregnant mare, but recommendations have been to provide the primary course of vaccination to previously unvaccinated mares while they are nonpregnant. However, a recent Texas study revealed no adverse effects when the inactivated vaccine was administered to previously nonimmunized pregnant mares at all stages of gestation. Pregnant mares are routinely administered a booster vaccination 4 to 6 weeks before the date of expected foaling in an attempt to provide passive protection from colostrum intake by the newborn foal.
The risk of rabies is widespread across the United States. Because of the associated mortality and public health risks, immunization against this disease should be recommended for all horses. A single dose is recommended for primary immunization. Pregnant mares can be administered a booster vaccination 4 to 6 weeks before foaling in an attempt to provide passive protection from colostrum intake by the newborn foal. However, because of the relatively long duration of immunity, some authors recommend the vaccine be given after foaling but before breeding to reduce the number of prepartum vaccines given to a mare.
Rotavirus Diarrhea
Rotavirus is considered to be the most common infectious cause of diarrhea in foals, and farm outbreaks can affect a large proportion of the foals on a farm and become endemic. Foals of very young age are susceptible to adverse effects of rotavirus infection, which causes a profuse watery diarrhea. One of the better ways to provide protection to newborn foals is to vaccinate pregnant broodmares. A three-dose series (1 month apart) of vaccine administration is recommended, with the first dose given at 8 months of gestation. Thus, the last dose is given approximately 1 month before foaling to optimize colostral immunoglobulin concentration.
Immunization against other infectious diseases is sometimes desirable, depending on local risk factors such as endemic diseases, housing in contact with horses of other ages, and contact with outside (nonresident) horses at risk of contracting transmissible infectious diseases such as influenza, strangles, botulism, anthrax, and Potomac horse fever. Product labels should be examined because some products (e.g., FluAvert IN, Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health, Whitehouse Station, NJ, and anthrax vaccine) caution against use in pregnant mares.
Protection against equine viral arteritis (EVA) may be necessary in some instances. Special precautions are needed for use of vaccine, and state and federal authorities may need to be contacted for approval of its use and guidelines for its administration. EVA vaccine (Arvac, [Guelph, Ontario] a modified live virus vaccine) was previously thought to be unsafe for administration to pregnant mares, but recent outbreaks of the disease in Quarter Horse populations throughout the Midwestern United States prompted its widespread use in pregnant mares, with no published adverse effects on fertility or already established pregnancies. Because of potential export restrictions, all horses to be vaccinated should first have seronegative status documented. Recommendations are for mares recently vaccinated to be kept segregated from other seronegative horses for a minimum of 2 to 3 weeks to prevent in-contact seronegative horses from seroconverting.
Dental Care and Parasite Control
Regular dental examination and floating enables proper grazing and chewing of feeds, which helps maintain body condition and prevent digestive upsets. The frequency of dentistry necessary depends on each individual mare’s dental conformation and wear but generally should be at 6- to 12-month intervals The goal of dental management is to ensure an ideal functional masticatory unit with regular filing and burring or cutting of teeth that are too long to balance the chewing surfaces from side to side and front to back. Sources of chewing discomfort should be identified and corrected.
Parasite control is second only to good nutrition in proper management. Discussion of the varied anthelmintics and programs for their use is beyond the scope of this chapter. However, three common methods of parasite control used for broodmares are (1) strategic dosing based on egg reappearance period (ERP); (2) regularly scheduled use of anthelmintics, performed at intervals (usually 2 or 3 months), with different chemical classes of dewormers in a rotating fashion in an attempt to avoid development of parasite resistance to products; and (3) continuous deworming, (e.g., daily feeding of Strongid C or Strongid C2X, Pfizer Animal Health New York, N.Y.). Any method should include twice-yearly (fall and spring) deworming with a product that removes bots (with use of a macrolytic lactone such as ivermectin or moxidectin) and tapeworms (with praziquantel). Deworming medications are generally considered safe for use during pregnancy unless otherwise indicated on the product label. A variety of dewormers are approved for use during pregnancy, including ivermectin, pyrantel pamoate, and pyrantel tartrate. Thiabendazole, fenbendazole, and piperazine have been used regularly throughout pregnancy with no known untoward effects. Cambendazole should not be used during the first 3 months of pregnancy. Always read the precautions on the package insert of anthelmintics before administering to pregnant mares.
Administration of ivermectin to the broodmare on the day of foaling is common practice to minimize the parasitic load of Strongyloides westeri. The infective larvae of this parasite are transmitted to the foal via nursing beginning about 4 days after birth.
Any deworming program should be suited to the individual requirements of a farm or stable, with evaluation of program success by examination of feces at regular intervals to monitor parasitic egg levels (eggs per gram [epg]). Sound pasture management (e.g., low stocking density, regular pasture rotation, and pasture harrowing) should be used in concert with deworming protocols to establish an effective antiparasitic program. An example of one health program, including a deworming schedule, for broodmares is presented in Box 9-2.
Box 9-2
January | Deworming (rotational) Equine rhinopneumonitis vaccine Equine influenza vaccine Streptococcus equi vaccine Botulism vaccine (if never received before, administer three doses in January, February, and March) |
February | Rabies vaccine (before breeding) |
March | Deworming (rotational) Equine rhinopneumonitis vaccine Eastern and Western equine encephalomyelitis vaccine Tetanus toxoid West Nile virus vaccine |
April | |
May | Deworming (rotational) Equine rhinopneumonitis vaccine |
June | Streptococcus equi vaccine |
July | Deworming with praziquantel and ivermectin Equine rhinopneumonitis vaccine Equine influenza vaccine |
August | Eastern and Western equine encephalitis vaccine West Nile virus vaccine |
September | Deworming Equine rhinopneumonitis vaccine |
October | |
November | Deworming with praziquantel and ivermectin Equine rhinopneumonitis vaccine |
December |
July and November dewormings include a product effective against bots and tapeworms.Note: To simplify scheduling of rhinopneumonitis vaccination, the vaccine is administered to every broodmare on the farm at 2-month intervals. Vaccination for equine influenza and Streptococcus equi (strangles) is twice yearly due to a summer-fall pregnant mare sales season. Because of mosquito resurgence, which typically occurs in the fall in this locale, a second late summer vaccination against sleeping sickness and West Nile virus is performed.
Nutritional Considerations
Proper nutritional support of the broodmare improves fertility and promotes normal growth and vigor of the developing fetus. The reader is referred to a review of nutrient requirements for gestating and lactating mares for a thorough discussion of feeding guidelines (Hintz, 1993). Pregnant mares should be kept in good body condition (body score of 6 to 7, based on a scoring system of 1 to 9). Best pregnancy rates are achieved in mares of good to fat condition. and fertility of thin mares is improved if they are gaining weight at the time of breeding. Because late gestation and early lactation place enormous metabolic demands on the mare and most are rebred within 1 month after foaling, broodmares should be in a positive energy balance at the time of parturition. However, mares should not be obese because obesity has been reported to be associated with birth of weak undersized foals. Specific nutrient requirements for gestating mares are available from the National Research Council (NRC) (1989). In general, three different feeding programs—energy, protein, and minerals—are necessary for pregnant mares, with dietary requirements dictated by lactational status and stage of gestation. Digestible energy (DE) requirements for mares during the first 8 months of gestation are the same as for maintenance and gradually increase during late gestation over the maintenance requirement (1.11, 1.13 and 1.20 times maintenance requirements for 9, 10, and 11 months of gestation, respectively). The additional maternal nutrition needed during the last 3 months of gestation is indicated because 60% to 65% of fetal growth occurs during this period. Because the growing fetus increasingly takes up abdominal space during this time, feeding of some grain and good-quality hay high in DE is necessary (perhaps as much as 0.5 to 1.0 kg grain and 1 to 1.5 kg hay per 100 kg of body weight). Initial body condition is important for optimizing fetal growth and mare lactation, so constant monitoring of body condition should be done to ensure dietary energy requirements are met.
Regarding dietary crude protein (CP) requirements, mares in late gestation need 44 g of CP per megacalorie (mcal) of DE. A rule of thumb is to provide 9% to 10% of the total ration (on a dry matter basis) as CP during the last 3 months gestation, as opposed to 7% to 8% CP in the total ration during the first 8 months of gestation (Hintz, 1993). Alfalfa hay is a good source of protein for pregnant and lactating mares.
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