Colin J. McMahon1 and Javier Ganame2 1 Children’s Health Ireland, Dublin, Ireland 2 McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is the most common form of heart muscle disease affecting children and is the leading cause of sudden death in young athletes. It is defined as myocardial hypertrophy that occurs in the absence of another disease that creates a hemodynamic disturbance capable of producing the magnitude of wall thickening evident. HCM, generally a disease of the sarcomere, represents the second most common cardiomyopathy in children [1]. It is a genetic disease occurring in either sporadic or familial forms [2,3], and is the most common cause of cardiac death in children and young adults [4]. The hallmark histologic findings are myocyte disarray and fibrosis [5]. Since its initial description, there have been significant advances in the diagnosis of HCM, in our understanding of its complex pathophysiology, and in its outcome and management. Echocardiography has played a crucial role in these advances. HCM represents a challenging condition given the marked genetic and phenotypic heterogeneity in clinical manifestations, disease course, age of onset, pattern and extent of left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy, degree of obstruction, and risk for sudden cardiac death. The estimated prevalence of HCM among adults is reported to be 0.2% of the population [6]. Primary HCM (also known as sarcomeric HCM) is an autosomal dominant condition characterized by hypertrophy of the left ventricle, interventricular septum, and only occasionally right ventricular involvement [1,7]. The first gene for familial HCM was localized to chromosome 14q11.2‐q12 [8]. Over the past 30 years, more than 1000 distinct mutations have been identified in more than 20 genes [9–16]. Most mutations occur in genes encoding for sarcomeric or myofilament‐related proteins, including beta‐myosin heavy chain, cardiac myosin binding protein C, myosin essential light chains, myosin regulatory light chain2, cardiac troponin T, cardiac troponin I, alpha‐tropomyosin, z‐disk components, telethonin, muscle LIM protein, and actin. Sarcomere mutations are found in nearly 70% of adult and pediatric patients with a family history of HCM, as well as 30–40% of sporadic cases [17,18]. Mutations in myosin heavy chain and myosin binding protein C account for 80% of primary HCM. The identification of a pathogenic sarcomere gene mutation establishes a definitive diagnosis of HCM and the exact genetic etiology of disease. This information provides insight into the patient’s prognosis and guidance in the management of their family. However, because of the genetic and clinical heterogeneity seen in HCM, robust prediction of outcome based on the genotype has proven elusive. Nonetheless, adverse outcomes appear more prominent in HCM patients with sarcomere mutations than in patients without an identifiable mutation [19]. Alfares et al. reported on limited additional sensitivity in diagnostic rates (~32% of 2912 probands) based upon expanded genetic panels [20]. Specific inborn errors of metabolism, neuromuscular disorders, and mitochondrial and syndromic diseases (i.e., Noonan, Costello, and LEOPARD syndromes) may manifest in HCM. These are called “secondary” HCMs [1,21]. In spite of the phenotypic similarities, secondary HCMs are widely different from primary HCM. Secondary HCMs usually present in infancy (up to 15% of infants with HCM) and have a poor outcome. Typically, patients with secondary HCM develop concentric HCM, often accompanied by involvement of the right ventricle [22,23]. Metabolic screening and, in certain cases, muscle biopsy will help delineate the etiology. Metabolic diseases associated with secondary HCM include Fabry disease (glucocerebrosidase deficiency), Danon disease, and Pompe disease (acid‐maltase deficiency) [24–29]. Fabry disease is an X‐linked recessive disease that accounts for 4% of cases of unexplained LV hypertrophy in young men [25]. Symptoms usually start in the first decade of life, with acroparesthesiae, heat intolerance, and development of cutaneous angiokeratomas. From the second decade onwards patients develop proteinuria and neurologic manifestations, including vestibular and hearing disturbance and autonomic dysfunction. Cardiac involvement is present early in life but is usually not detected clinically until the third or fourth decade [24,25]. Early cardiomyopathy is characterized by concentric remodeling, progressing later to concentric biventricular hypertrophy, which causes diastolic dysfunction. Asymmetric septal hypertrophy and dynamic left ventricle outflow tract (LVOT) obstruction are rare (5–10% of cases), but do occur. The mitral and aortic valves are thickened and distorted, resulting in regurgitation. The diagnosis can readily be made by measuring serum levels of the enzyme alpha‐galactosidase A. This is of particular relevance because two recombinant enzyme preparations are approved for the treatment of Fabry disease. Danon disease is an X‐linked deficiency of lysosome‐associated membrane protein type 2. It can present at variable ages as multisystemic disease with skeletal myopathy, mental retardation, and cardiomyopathy. Cardiac involvement is characterized by massive hypertrophy, ventricular pre‐excitation, and heart failure. Disease clinically confined to the heart is described in some cases with later onset [26]. Pompe disease (acid‐maltase deficiency) is an autosomal recessive disorder that may also result in HCM in infancy [27]. It is associated with severe skeletal muscle hypotonia, progressive weakness, hepatomegaly, and macroglossia. The electrocardiogram typically shows broad, high‐voltage QRS complexes and the concentric LV hypertrophy is typically severe. Mitochondrial diseases may also result in HCM [29]. Friedreich ataxia, a progressive form of spinocerebellar degeneration due to lack of the mitochondrial protein frataxin, may also give rise to HCM, and all young adults with this condition should undergo routine screening. LV hypertrophy is typically concentric, and may be symmetric or asymmetric [30,31]. LV cavity dilation and systolic dysfunction occur in the third and fourth decade, leading to clinical deterioration [30]. Left ventricular noncompaction cardiomyopathy may result in an undulating phenotype, which may alternate between dilated and hypertrophic phenotypes [32]. Moreover, myocardial crypts represent a distinctive morphologic expression of HCM. The presence of myocardial crypts can resemble LV noncompaction [33]. Twenty percent of children with restrictive cardiomyopathy demonstrate an overlapping restrictive–hypertrophic phenotype which can lead to one or the other diagnosis. Furthermore, different family members with the same mutation can display different phenotypes consistent with one or the other type of cardiomyopathy [34]. Nonfamilial, nongenetic causes of LV hypertrophy that can mimic HCM include infants of mothers with diabetes, steroid‐induced LV hypertrophy, and obesity [1]. There is marked heterogeneity in the pattern and extent of LV hypertrophy from none to extreme. LV hypertrophy involves the basal and mid‐interventricular septum and is asymmetric with a septal‐to‐inferolateral wall thickness ratio of >1.3 in 60% of children and adolescents with primary HCM [2,3,35]. Up to 50% of infants with HCM demonstrate concentric LV hypertrophy [22,23]. Recently, spiral forms of HCM with variable extension of LV hypertrophy have been described [36]. Less common forms of HCM can be seen with LV hypertrophy limited to the mid or apical segments of the left ventricle. The LV cavity is typically small. This can occur with or without LVOT obstruction. The hypertrophy can develop early in life or in childhood or adolescence depending on the etiology. The mitral valve can be abnormal and thickened. The development of septal hypertrophy and anterior displacement of the mitral apparatus frequently leads to narrowing of the LVOT and the creation of a dynamic pressure gradient across the LVOT. Although this pressure gradient was initially attributed to a muscular sphincter action in the subaortic region, it is now considered to be related to further narrowing of an already small outflow tract by systolic anterior motion of the often elongated mitral valve leaflets against the hypertrophied septum [37,38]. There continues to be considerable controversy about the cause and significance of the LVOT gradient in HCM. Whether there is true obstruction to LV ejection or whether the gradient is simply the consequence of vigorous LV emptying remains a matter of debate. Most now favor the view that a true mechanical impediment to LV ejection occurs when outflow tract gradients are present, and that the gradients result from anterior and apical displacement of the mitral valve apparatus contacting the interventricular septum in mid‐systole [39,40]. Most patients with HCM also demonstrate abnormalities of diastolic function. These abnormalities of diastolic filling are largely independent of the extent and distribution of myocardial hypertrophy. Even patients with mild localized hypertrophy may show marked diastolic dysfunction, suggesting that the myopathic process occurs in ventricular regions that are not macroscopically hypertrophied. Diastolic dysfunction leads to increased filling pressures despite a normal or small LV cavity and appears to be related to abnormalities of LV relaxation and distensibility [41]. Early diastolic filling is impaired when relaxation is prolonged; this impairment is thought to be related to a number of factors including abnormal handling of calcium, subendocardial ischemia, nonuniformity of load, activation among different myocardial regions, and abnormal loading conditions secondary to LVOT obstruction [42]. Late diastolic filling is altered when LV distensibility is impaired; as a consequence, filling pressures rise. HCM may cause abnormal distensibility because of fibrosis or cellular disarray [43]. Myocardial ischemia may occur in patients with HCM. Proposed causes include impaired vasodilator reserve, perhaps related to the thickened and narrowed intramural coronary arteries; increased oxygen demand, especially in patients with LVOT obstruction; and elevated LV diastolic pressures with resultant subendocardial ischemia [44]. In children in particular, compression of intramyocardial segments of the left anterior descending artery (so‐called myocardial bridging) may predispose to myocardial ischemia and sudden death [45]. Most patients with HCM are asymptomatic or only mildly symptomatic and are often identified during screening of relatives of a patient with HCM or because of an abnormal electrocardiogram. Unfortunately, the first clinical manifestation in such individuals may be sudden cardiac death even before significant LV hypertrophy develops [3]. For this reason, it is crucial to identify the disease in childhood at the earliest possible time because mortality rate is higher in younger individuals (1–2% per year), and death is often sudden and unexpected. Syncope and sudden death are associated with competitive sport in patients with HCM; therefore, it is important to diagnose this condition so affected subjects can be excluded from these activities. Syncope can result from inadequate LV output in the presence of a LVOT gradient or from cardiac arrhythmias. The most common symptom in patients with HCM is dyspnea, which is secondary to elevated LV (and consequently left atrial and pulmonary venous) diastolic pressure. Congestive heart failure and failure to thrive are frequently the first manifestations of infants with HCM [22]. Angina pectoris with exercise is present in 50% of symptomatic patients. All first‐degree relatives of patients with HCM should be screened for this condition, with detailed family history, 12‐lead electrocardiograms, and echocardiography. The development of hypertrophy generally occurs during puberty, so repeat imaging at yearly intervals during childhood and adolescence is recommended in relatives of affected individuals. Recently, Fox et al. reported effective screening of athletes for HCM using point‐of‐care echocardiography [46]. In adults, repeat imaging can be performed at longer time intervals of 3–5 years because of the possibility of later development of hypertrophy [47]. Patients with HCM secondary to mutations in myosin‐binding protein C generally develop hypertrophy in their fourth or fifth decade. Performance of genetic testing in all those at risk remains controversial given the suboptimal diagnostic yield and only modest association between genotype and outcome. Genetic testing is, however, very useful in relatives of those affected in whom a mutation has been found because detection of the same mutation automatically leads to the diagnosis of HCM. Conversely, absence of the mutation excludes the disease and obviates the need for long‐term surveillance. The diagnosis of familial HCM is made in three circumstances: Patients with HCM resulting from mutations in troponin T often manifest with only mild LV hypertrophy but are at high risk of sudden death. Strict adherence to previous criteria would not permit the diagnosis of HCM in these individuals. Thus, care should be taken to assess the morphologic findings in the context of the family history. The electrocardiogram is usually abnormal in this setting [48]. Studies with cardiac magnetic resonance imaging have shown increased sensitivity of this technique over echocardiography for the preclinical diagnosis of HCM, especially when there is localized hypertrophy and for apical forms [49]. Complete evaluation of the child with HCM includes M‐mode, 2D imaging, Doppler evaluation of the mitral inflow and LVOT, tissue Doppler imaging, and deformation imaging. Magnetic resonance imaging and cardiac catheterization are important additional methods of evaluation but will not be described in this chapter [50,51]. Figure 36.1 Two‐dimensional echocardiograms from short‐axis views of three patients with different forms of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. (a) Asymmetric septal hypertrophy: hypertrophy is limited to the interventricular septum and the posterior wall is of normal thickness. (b) Diffuse concentric hypertrophy. (c) Hypertrophy confined to the posterior wall. Arrows indicate diastolic interventricular septal thickness and diastolic posterior left ventricular wall thickness. IVS, interventricular septum; LV left ventricle; PW posterior wall. The primary step in the evaluation of a child with suspected HCM is to rule out underlying conditions that may masquerade as HCM. 2D echocardiography provides the primary screening tool to rule out the presence of HCM. HCM may manifest as asymmetric septal hypertrophy, concentric septal hypertrophy, posterior left ventricular (1–2%), mid‐ventricular (5%), or apical (2–3%) hypertrophy [35]. Most of these forms of LV hypertrophy may be associated with an obstruction to flow in the left ventricle and the development of a gradient (Figures 36.1 and 36.2). Obstructive HCM only occurs in 30% of patients at rest [52]. The presence, magnitude, and distribution of LV hypertrophy should be first determined using 2D imaging in the parasternal long‐axis, short‐axis, and apical four‐ and two‐chamber views as well as subcostal views (Figures 36.3 and 36.4, Videos 36.1–36.3). Accurate measurements of the interventricular septum and LV inferolateral wall thickness derived from 2D imaging should be taken at end‐diastole, indexed to body surface area, and z‐score measurements obtained [53]. A scoring system has been developed to quantify the extent of LV hypertrophy (Table 36.1). This often provides additional crucial data where there is an uneven distribution of septal hypertrophy [2]. Figure 36.2 Two‐dimensional echocardiograms of asymmetric septal hypertrophy from parasternal long‐axis (a) and short‐axis (b) views at end‐diastole. The interventricular septum is thickened and has increased reflectivity. IVS, interventricular septum; LV left ventricle; LA, left atrium; PW, posterior wall. The M‐mode can be used to detect systolic anterior motion of the mitral leaflets and mid‐systolic closure of the aortic valve (Figures 36.5 and 36.6). Neither of these findings are pathognomonic of HCM as they have also been described in other conditions (Table 36.2). Diastolic filling is impaired in HCM; this may result in breathlessness on exertion, elevated filling pressures, and left atrial enlargement [41,42]. Left atrial volume reflects chronic left atrial hemodynamic burden from LV diastolic dysfunction and mitral regurgitation and correlates well with the degree of myocardial fibrosis and degree of exercise intolerance in children with HCM [54]. The transmitral inflow pattern should be carefully assessed with spectral Doppler performed at the tips of the mitral leaflets from the apical four‐chamber view. The mitral E‐ and A‐wave pattern typically represents marked perturbations in diastolic relaxation with a reduced E‐wave velocity, increased A‐wave velocity (decreased E/A‐wave ratio), prolonged E‐wave deceleration time, and prolonged isovolumetric relaxation time (Figure 36.7) [55]. Conversely, in restrictive cardiomyopathy or when HCM patients develop a restrictive filling pattern, there is an increase in E‐wave velocity, decrease inA‐wave velocity (increased E/A‐wave ratio), and decreasedE‐wave deceleration time and isovolumetric relaxation time. In children a mid‐diastolic wave (L wave) can be seen, especially in the presence of bradycardia; this suggests increased left atrial pressure. Pseudo‐normalization may occur with intermediate degrees of diastolic dysfunction when the mitral E/A‐wave ratio is normal; however, the A‐wave reversal will be increased, lateral mitral tissue Doppler velocities will be diminished, and during the Valsalva maneuver there is a reduction of flow into the left heart, left atrial and diastolic ventricular pressures decrease, and there is an E‐wave velocity reduction and reversal of pseudo‐normal E/A‐wave pattern [56]. The use of the transmitral E/e´ lateral velocity ratio will be discussed later in this chapter. Pulmonary vein Doppler recordings demonstrate a progressive decrease in systolic flow and an increase in A‐wave reversal velocity and duration with increasing degrees of diastolic dysfunction (Figure 36.8). Figure 36.3 Optimal evaluation of patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy includes the use of apical four‐chamber (a), two‐chamber (b), and long‐axis (c) views to determine the degree, extent, and distribution of hypertrophy. Considerable (25 mm) hypertrophy of the entire interventricular septum with extension onto the inferior wall can be seen. In the four‐chamber view a dilated left atrium (LA) can be seen. The hypertrophied myocardium has increased reflectivity. LV left ventricle; RV, right ventricle; RA, right atrium. Figure 36.4 Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy secondary to metabolic diseases usually present in infancy, showing diffuse concentric biventricular hypertrophy and involvement of the papillary muscles as can be seen in these 2D echocardiograms from short‐axis (a) and long‐axis (b) views. Table 36.1 Extent of left ventricular hypertrophy according to echocardiographic point score Source: Wigle ED, Sasson Z, Henderson MA, et al. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. The importance of the site and extent of ventricular hypertrophy. Prog Cardiovasc Dis 1985;28:1–83. © 1985, Elsevier. Figure 36.5 M‐mode echocardiogram from the parasternal long‐axis view showing systolic anterior motion of the anterior mitral leaflet and septal contact (arrows) during mid and late systole contributing to left ventricular outflow obstruction. Figure 36.6 M‐mode echocardiogram from the parasternal long‐axis view showing premature closure of the aortic valve (solid arrow) secondary to systolic anterior motion and left ventricular outflow tract obstruction occurring in mid‐systole. Reopening of the aortic valve (dashed arrow) occurs in late systole when systolic anterior motion ceases. Table 36.2 Causes of systolic anterior motion and dynamic left ventricular (LV) outflow tract obstruction In adult patients the LV filling pressure may be estimated comparing the time duration between the pulmonary venous A wave and the mitral A wave. Late diastolic left atrial contraction results in antegrade flow of blood through the mitral valve and retrograde flow into the pulmonary veins. In cases of elevated left heart filling pressures, the pulmonary venous A‐wave duration exceeds the mitral A‐wave duration [56]. In such cases this predicted a LV end‐diastolic pressure of >15 mmHg with 85% sensitivity and 79% specificity. This can be difficult to measure in children, however, because of increased heart rates and the small differences that may exist between these two measurements. A pediatric study demonstrated correlation between E/A‐wave ratio and LV filling pressures but poor correlation with tissue Doppler velocities [57]. In the presence of significant LVOT obstruction eddy currents are generated in the subaortic region. This hemodynamic abnormality results in anterior displacement of the mitral valve leaflets, known as systolic anterior motion (SAM) of the mitral valve [58]. The parasternal long‐axis view demonstrates SAM very well (Figure 36.9). SAM often results in noncoaptation of the mitral valve leaflets with a jet of mitral regurgitation directed posteriorly along the left atrial wall (Figures 36.10 and 36.11). Similar to the timing of LVOT obstruction, the mitral regurgitation is typically late in systole and may range from mild to severe (Videos 36.4–36.6) [59]. Given the high LV systolic pressures, the mitral regurgitant jet velocity may be in supraphysiologic ranges [38]. Severe mitral regurgitation may result in retrograde flow into the pulmonary veins, contributing to pulmonary venous and arterial hypertension. Figure 36.7 Mitral inflow pulsed‐wave Doppler recording of a patient with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. The Doppler pattern shows abnormal relaxation. The early rapid filling velocity (E) is decreased (60 cm/s), there is prolonged deceleration time of the E wave (230 ms), and a prominent atrial filling velocity (A) of 94 cm/s. Figure 36.8 Pulmonary venous pulsed‐wave Doppler recording from the same patient as in Figure 36.7. There is a blunted systolic component (S) and prominent and prolonged atrial flow reversal component (A). This is suggestive of increased left ventricular end‐diastolic pressure. D, diastolic component. Mitral regurgitation in patients with HCM can also be secondary to intrinsic mitral valve disease; this is present in roughly 40% of patients with HCM. The anterior leaflet is enlarged and redundant. The presence of a nonposteriorly directed jet in apical or parasternal long‐axis views suggests primary leaflet pathology independent of SAM [60]. The detection of intrinsic valve disease is particularly relevant in patients who are candidates for surgical myectomy, as the presence of intrinsic mitral valve disease is associated with persistence of mitral regurgitation if not addressed during surgery. Figure 36.9 Parasternal long‐axis view with color flow mapping showing the temporal relationship between left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) obstruction and occurrence of mitral regurgitation (MR). First obstruction to flow occurs; subsequently mitral regurgitation ensues. LA, left atrium; LV, left ventricle. Figure 36.10 Apical four‐chamber view showing systolic anterior motion (SAM) of the anterior and posterior mitral leaflets producing septal contact. This contributes to left ventricular outflow tract obstruction. LA, left atrium; LV, left ventricle. Figure 36.11 Apical long‐axis view with color flow mapping showing left ventricular outflow tract obstruction and eccentric, posteriorly directed mitral regurgitation occurring at mid‐systole. The degree of LVOT obstruction is often multifactorial and dynamic. The pattern of LVOT obstruction in HCM is typically in mid to late systole with no significant obstruction in early systole [39]. LV ejection typically diminishes during mid to late systole resulting in partial closure of the aortic valve, often with reopening with final ejection (Figure 36.6). The presence of SAM usually indicates some form of LVOT obstruction, particularly when SAM persists for >40% of systole [39,52]. 2D imaging can also detect SAM in addition toM‐mode imaging. The degree and location of LVOT obstruction is measured using color, pulsed‐wave, and continuous‐wave Doppler imaging typically from the apical five‐chamber view. Color Doppler imaging often demonstrates aliasing due to outflow tract gradients exceeding the Nyquist limit and provides a visual impression on where flow acceleration occurs (Figure 36.11). Pulsed‐wave Doppler traces are then obtained sequentially at the LV apex and mid LV cavity, as well as the proximal and distal LVOT (Figure 36.12). The peak velocity increases as the sample volume approaches the site of obstruction. This provides more accurate information on where the obstruction to flow begins. Pulsed‐wave Doppler is often inadequate to measure the true peak gradient because of aliasing. Continuous‐wave velocity is used to measure the true gradient (Figure 36.13) [38]. In those patients with SAM, the location of the obstruction is clear, and hence the direct use of continuous‐wave analysis is appropriate. In patients with a noncompliant left ventricle there may be evidence of pre‐systolic forward flow in the LVOT obstruction secondary to atrial contraction and the A wave being transmitted to the LVOT. This is akin to the appearance of antegrade diastolic flow in the pulmonary arteries in patients with restrictive right ventricle physiology. In addition, the degree of dynamic obstruction can be elucidated from the appearance of the Doppler envelope. A dagger shape to the spectral wave pattern indicates a dynamic form of obstruction [39].
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Incidence, etiology, and genetics
Primary hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Secondary hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Clinical presentation
Family screening and preclinical diagnosis
M‐mode and 2D echocardiography
Assessment of diastolic function
Extent of hypertrophy
Basal septal thickness:
15–19 mm
20–24 mm
25–29 mm
>30 mm
Extension to papillary muscles (basal 2/3 septum)
Extension to apex (all septum involved)
Anterolateral wall involvement
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with basal septal hypertrophy
Sigmoid basal septal hypertrophy of the elderly
Anomalous papillary muscle
After aortic valve replacement with hyperdynamic LV systolic function
After mitral valve repair
Apical ballooning
Apical myocardial infarction with hyperdynamic function of basal myocardial segments
Massive mitral annular calcification
Hypovolemia in patients with small LV cavity
Subpulmonic left ventricle (after atrial switch operation, double discordance) with severe subaortic right ventricular dilation causing a septal shift to the left ventricle
Mitral valve function
Left ventricular outflow tract Doppler

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