David N. Schidlow1 and Stephen P. Sanders2 1 Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA, USA 2 Harvard Medical School; Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA, USA Hearts with a functional single ventricle comprise only a few percent of congenital heart defects [1], but patients with these hearts utilize a disproportionate amount of healthcare resources because of the complexity of management and the need for repeated interventions and lifelong care [2]. Optimal management depends on timely recognition, usually in the fetal period, and careful observation and planning. Treatment principles include thoughtful perinatal planning, meticulous protection of the pulmonary vasculature, ongoing surveillance for and rapid treatment of systemic outflow obstruction, and maintenance of systemic ventricular function by avoiding volume and pressure overload as much as possible. While short‐ to mid‐term results are generally good (10‐year freedom from death/transplant 87% [3], 90% 15‐year survival for double‐inlet left ventricle (DILV) and 70% for tricuspid atresia (TA) with transposition of the great arteries (TGA) [4]), the long‐term outlook for these patients is guarded [5]. Palliation of patients with functional single ventricle is likely to be effective for only two to four decades [6,7]. Most, perhaps all, such patients will eventually require an alternative management strategy such as transplantation or mechanical support. Anatomic single ventricle refers to hearts with absence of either the right ventricular sinus (anatomic single left ventricle (LV)) or the left ventricular sinus (anatomic single right ventricle (RV)). Hearts in this category have only one ventricular sinus or body, anatomically as well as functionally [8,9]. The other chamber usually present in the ventricular mass is an infundibulum or outlet chamber, which does not contribute substantially to cardiac output. These include DILV, most double‐inlet RV (DIRV), most TA, and some hearts with mitral and aortic atresia and absent left ventricular cavity. Functional single ventricle refers to a range of congenital cardiac anomalies characterized by absence or severe underdevelopment of a ventricular chamber or other complex anomalies in which reconstruction of biventricular circulation is deemed prohibitive. Hearts in this category may have two ventricular sinuses but one or both are incapable of sustaining an entire cardiac output [10]. Those in the latter category are discussed in other chapters and will only be listed here. Although not all cases of these defects have functionally one ventricle, many do and must be identified as soon as possible to maximize outcomes. Included are variants of hypoplastic left heart syndrome (Chapter 21), hypoplastic right heart syndrome (mostly pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum) (Chapter 18), straddling mitral valve (Chapter 15), straddling tricuspid valve (Chapter 14), unbalanced common atrioventricular (AV) canal (Chapter 16), congenitally physiologically corrected TGA (Chapter 27), Ebstein anomaly (Chapter 14), heterotaxy syndromes (Chapter 30), and superior‐inferior ventricles (SIV) and crisscross heart, which are included in this chapter. The genetic and/or environmental causes of these defects are poorly understood. Most cases appear to be sporadic although familial occurrences have been reported [11–14]. There are a few case reports of syndromic association of TA or other functionally single‐ventricle hearts [15–22]. Recent evidence suggests that pathogenic copy number variants may contribute to single‐ventricle abnormalities in approximately 10% of cases [23]. The recurrence risk among first‐degree relatives appears to be in the range associated with polygenic inheritance (2–5%) [24–27]. Maternal diabetes, especially if treated with insulin, appears to be a risk factor for double‐inlet ventricle [28]. Concepts about development of most congenital heart defects are speculative because no one has ever observed active, in vivo development of a defective human heart. However, it is possible to infer likely mechanisms from what is known about normal human cardiac development and abnormal development in animal models. The following brief description of normal development is provided for comparison with the proposed abnormal development in subsequent sections. During early looping, the heart tube is rather uniform with no clear demarcation of chambers. Cells from the second heart field are added to both ends of the heart tube as it elongates and loops [29]. The dorsal mesocardium, which initially joins the heart tube throughout its length to prepharyngeal mesoderm, degenerates in its mid‐portion [30] allowing the elongating heart tube to bend anteriorly and then rightward, called dextral or D‐looping [31]. As the heart chambers begin expansile growth from the outer curvature of the looping heart tube [32], the AV canal becomes apparent as a constriction between the common atrial chamber and the developing LV and the interventricular foramen as a constriction between the developing ventricles. The AV canal is exclusively aligned with the developing LV and the outflow continues from the inner curvature of the heart tube at the rostral end of the developing RV. Swellings or cushions develop in the AV canal as well as the outflow [33]. As the heart chambers continue to enlarge, the right side of the AV canal and the right atrium grow faster than the left, allowing the AV canal to expand below the right atrium and above the RV, creating a right ventricular inflow and establishing alignment of the right atrium with the RV through the right side of the AV canal [34]. At the same time, septation of the common atrium begins with growth of the septum primum or the primary atrial septum from the superior wall and invasion of the dorsal mesenchymal protrusion or vestibular spine from the posterior‐inferior wall [35]. These septal structures continue to grow into and septate the common atrium, finally fusing with the two main (superior and inferior) AV cushions. At that point the AV cushions fuse to each other as well, separating the AV canal into right and left halves, aligning the right atrium and ventricle and the left atrium and ventricle, respectively. Before completion of atrial septation, the septum primum, near its origin from the superior wall, breaks down forming the ostium secundum (the foramen ovale) and allowing continued communication between the right and left atria. The fused AV cushions then become draped over the muscular inflow ventricular septum that has developed on their ventricular side [36]. Meanwhile the outflow cushions fuse from distal to proximal under the influence of cardiac neural crest cells, dividing the outflow into aorta and pulmonary artery [37]. As this occurs, the proximal outflow undergoes counterclockwise rotation, as viewed from the ventricles, so that the aorta, which is anterior distally, comes to lie rightward and posterior proximally, and the pulmonary artery, which is posterior distally, moves anteriorly and leftward proximally [38]. The outflow septum, which developed by fusion and muscularization of the proximal parts of the outflow cushions, then inserts like a curtain onto the right side of the limbs of the primary interventricular foramen, aligning the aorta with the LV through the foramen and the pulmonary artery with the RV, and closing the communication between the left and right ventricular outflows [39]. The AV valves develop from the AV cushions by a process that involves thinning, elongation, and separation from underlying myocardium by apoptosis of cardiomyocytes [36]. The semilunar valves develop from the outflow cushions by excavation and thinning that also involves apoptosis, probably initiated by neural crest cells [40]. Double‐inlet left ventricle includes hearts in which both AV valves are completely aligned with and connected to one ventricular chamber of left ventricular morphology (Figures 28.1–28.7, Video 28.1–28.5) [9]. Figure 28.1 A heart specimen of double‐inlet left ventricle with transposition of the great arteries {S,L,L}. (a) Opened left ventricle. The smooth septal wall is to the right of the image and the free wall is to the left. The right atrioventricular (AV) valve (RAVV) is mitral‐like with a deep medial leaflet and a shallow lateral leaflet while the left AV valve (LAVV) has three leaflets and attachments onto the inferior septal wall near the outflow foramen (OF), more like a tricuspid valve. The pulmonary valve (PV) is between the AV valves. Only a right hand (upper right) can describe this L‐loop or inverted left ventricle, with the thumb in the AV valves, the fingers in the pulmonary valve, and the palm against the septal wall. (b) Opened infundibular outlet chamber. The aortic valve (AoV) is supported by the ring of infundibular muscle that comprises the outlet chamber. Part of the LAVV is seen through the OF below the AoV. (c) Zoomed view of the PV and OF. Three mechanisms for subpulmonary obstruction are illustrated here: accessory AV valve tissue (arrow), fibromuscular ridge (*), and deviation of the conal septum (dashed line). Note that the conal septum is nearly perpendicular to the plane of the muscular septum and does not occupy the OF. Figure 28.2 Three echocardiographic views of a heart with double‐inlet left ventricle and transposition of the great arteries {S,L,L}. (a) Apical four‐chamber view showing both atrioventricular (AV) valves entering the left ventricle (LV). (b) Subxiphoid long‐axis view showing the right atrium (RA) aligned with the LV through the right AV valve, the posterior and rightward pulmonary artery (PA) aligned with the LV, and the anterior and leftward aorta (Ao) aligned with the outlet chamber (OC). The conal (outlet) septum (arrowhead) is deviated posteriorly and rightward toward the PA. The space between the deviated conal septum and the LV septal wall is part of the outflow foramen. (c) Parasternal short‐axis view showing the left (LAVV) and right (RAVV) AV valves in the LV, the leftward and superior OC, and the part of the outflow foramen connecting it to the LV. A right hand (upper right) is required to describe the LV with the thumb into the AV valves, the fingers in the outflow, and the palm against the septal wall, consistent with an L‐loop LV. LA, left atrium. Figure 28.3 A heart specimen of double‐inlet left ventricle with transposition of the great arteries {S,D,D}. (a) Opened left ventricle. The smooth superior septal wall is to the left in this image and the free wall to the right. The left (LAVV) and right (RAVV) atrioventricular (AV) valves do not have clear mitral or tricuspid character, except that the right AV valve attaches to the septal wall. The RAVV also straddles through the outflow foramen (OF) into the infundibular outlet chamber. The pulmonary valve (PV) is between the AV valves. A posterior median ridge (*) courses down the free wall between the AV valves. Only a left hand (upper left) can describe this ventricle, with the thumb in the AV valves, the fingers in the PV, and the palm against the septal wall. (b) Opened infundibular outlet chamber. The aortic valve (AoV) is supported by the infundibular muscle of the outlet chamber. A small part of the RAVV straddles into the infundibular outlet chamber through the outflow foramen. Figure 28.4 Three echocardiographic views of a heart with double‐inlet left ventricle and transposition of the great arteries {S,D,D}. (a) Apical four‐chamber view showing both atrioventricular (AV) valves aligned with the left ventricle (LV). (b) Subxiphoid short‐axis view showing the right (RAVV) and left (LAVV) AV valves in cross‐section. The pulmonary artery (PA) is aligned with the LV. (c) A short‐axis plane showing the aorta (Ao) arising from the infundibular outflow chamber (OC). The LV can only be described using the left hand, with the thumb in the AV valves, the fingers in the outflow, and the palm against the LV septal wall, consistent with a D‐loop LV. LA, left atrium; RA, right atrium. Figure 28.5 Two echocardiographic views of a Holmes heart, double‐inlet left ventricle with normally‐related great arteries {S,D,S}. (a) A parasternal long‐axis view showing the left atrioventricular (AV) valve (LAVV) entering the left ventricle (LV) and the aorta (Ao) normally aligned and connected to the LV. The infundibular (outlet) septum (arrowhead) is small and mildly deviated posteriorly. A part of the primary outflow foramen connects the LV with the infundibular outlet chamber (OC). This solitus or D‐loop LV can only be represented by a left hand with the thumb in the LAVV, the fingers in the Ao, and the palm against the septal wall. (b) A subxiphoid short‐axis view through the base of the LV showing the LAVV and right AV valve (RAVV). The LAVV has a medial leaflet and a mural leaflet characteristic of a mitral valve. The RAVV has three leaflets – medial, inferior, and septal – characteristic of a tricuspid valve. The communication between the LV and the infundibular outlet chamber (OC) extends from the outlet septum (*), seen just posterior to the pulmonary valve (PV), behind the septal leaflet of the RAVV. The size of the OC and the inferior extension of the outflow foramen suggest the presence of some RV sinus in this heart. LA, left atrium. Figure 28.6 Apical four‐chamber view (left) and color flow map (right) of a heart with double‐inlet left ventricle, normally related great arteries {S,D,S}, and right atrioventricular (AV) valve hypoplasia. Note the aneurysm of septum primum (arrowhead) bulging into the left AV valve. LA, left atrium; RA, right atrium. Figure 28.7 Opened left ventricle of a heart with double‐inlet left ventricle and transposition of the great arteries {S,D,D}. There is a second, more apical communication (arrowhead) between the left ventricle and the outlet chamber in addition to the outflow foramen (OF). Double‐inlet left ventricle is easily envisioned as an arrest of development at the stage where the AV canal has expanded under the right atrium but is still completely aligned with the developing LV. DILV is associated with leftward bending or looping (levo or L‐looping) of the heart tube in 65–70% of cases, whereas in 30–35% of cases dextro or D‐looping occurs. DILV is associated with failure of development and growth of the RV sinus. As the AV canal expands toward the inner curvature of the heart tube it becomes aligned with the right atrium. However, the expanding edge does not cross the primary foramen between the LV and outflow as it does in the normal heart. It is unclear if confinement of the AV canal to the LV is the primary mechanism and failure of RV development secondary, or the converse. In either case, atrial septation appears to proceed correctly with the septum primum and dorsal mesenchymal protrusion fusing with the superior and inferior AV cushions as they fuse to each other to form two AV valves. It is interesting that development of the AV valves proceeds rather normally despite lacking an underlying muscular ventricular septum over which to drape themselves. This is consistent with the concept that the AV valves develop from the AV cushions and not the underlying myocardium. The infundibulum or outlet chamber derives from the outflow portion or ascending limb of the heart tube and maintains its primitive connection with the LV, the primary outflow foramen, which would have become the interventricular foramen had the RV sinus developed. In fact, the size of the infundibular outlet chamber is somewhat variable and in some cases it appears that a small portion of right ventricular sinus might be present, especially in hearts where the outlet chamber extends inferiorly toward the diaphragmatic heart border. Alternatively, the larger size of the infundibular outlet chamber could be from expansion of the apical trabecular portion of the infundibulum. Abnormal ventriculoarterial (VA) alignment, present in the great majority of these hearts, is most likely due to abnormal rotation of the outflow so that the proximal aorta remains anterior and the proximal pulmonary trunk posterior [41,42]. This abnormal rotation is also associated with persistence of the communication between the left ventricular outflow and the infundibular chamber due to failure of the conal (infundibular) septum to join the limbs of the primary outflow foramen [42]. Rarely, and essentially exclusively in D‐loop hearts, the rotation of the outflow occurs correctly, resulting in normally aligned great arteries (known as Holmes heart). Even in these cases, however, the outflow septum rarely completely closes the communication between the left ventricular outflow and the infundibular outflow chamber. The systemic and pulmonary veins and atria are usually normal (for situs solitus). Although reported in situs inversus [43,44], such hearts are extraordinarily rare because situs inversus and DILV are both rare conditions. The AV valves are often recognizable as having mitral or tricuspid valve morphology [45,46]. The morphology of the valve near the septal wall of the LV (see later) is often tricuspid in character and the one nearest the free wall more mitral (Figure 28.5). In other cases the valves are symmetrical, resembling each other more than either a mitral or tricuspid valve. Hypoplasia and stenosis of an AV valve is seen in up to 15–20% of hearts [46] (Figure 28.6). Rarely a common AV valve is aligned and connected to a single LV (common‐inlet single LV). The LV chamber has a free wall with multiple papillary muscles and trabeculae on one side and a smooth septal wall on the other side (Figures 28.1–28.3). Note that the septal wall is the most characteristic feature of the LV and is present even when there is no RV sinus on the other side. Further, the presence of a smooth‐walled septum between the LV sinus on one side and the infundibular outlet chamber on the other side is the hallmark of single LV. A large muscle bundle, the posterior median ridge, is often present on the inferior or diaphragmatic wall of the LV, running from base to apex between the AV valves, and may be mistaken for a ventricular septum in some echocardiographic views (Figure 28.3a). As noted previously, an infundibular outlet chamber is uniformly associated with the LV (Figures 28.1b and 28.2b) and the AV valve closer to the septum can straddle into it (Figure 28.3) [9,46]. The connection between the LV and the infundibular outlet chamber is variously called a bulboventricular foramen, interventricular foramen, or ventricular septal defect. In fact, the type and location of the communication is variable [46,47]. Most often it is the persisting part of the outflow foramen of the embryonic heart between the conal or infundibular septum (outlet septum) and the LV septal wall (Figures 28.1 and 28.3). The infundibular or outlet septum is readily identified between the semilunar valves because it is rarely correctly inserted into the muscular ventricular septum (Figures 28.1c and 28.2b). In other cases, the communication is a muscular defect between the mid or apical part of the infundibular outlet chamber and the LV (Figure 28.7). The size of the communication is also variable [46–48]. A small communication is a frequent cause of obstruction to whichever semilunar root arises from the infundibular outlet chamber. When the communication is through part of the primary outflow foramen, it is often large and unobstructed while more apical muscular communications are essentially always obstructed [46]. The situs or organization of the LV can be either solitus or D‐loop, or inversus or L‐loop (Figures 28.1a, 28.2b, and 28.3a). The hand rule is useful to distinguish between the types of LV organization [49]. One imagines placing the thumb in an AV valve, the palm against the septum, and the index finger in the outflow. If this can be done with the left hand, the LV is solitus or D‐loop. Alternatively, if a right hand is required, the LV is inverted or L‐loop. (Note that the handedness of the LV is opposite to that of the RV where the hand rule is more frequently applied.) The importance of determining ventricular situs or loop is threefold: first, the conduction system is usually superior to the outflow foramen in an inverted or L‐loop LV (with atrial situs solitus) but inferior in a solitus or D‐loop LV [50,51]; second, the VA alignment is essentially always transposition (discordance) when the LV is L‐looped whereas in 10% or so of DILV with a solitus or D‐loop LV, the great arteries are normally related [46]; and third, the epicardial course of the coronary arteries is determined by the arrangement of the ventricles [52]. When the great arteries are transposed, the pulmonary valve is typically wedged between the AV valves and is in fibrous continuity with both (Figures 28.1a and 28.3a), while the aortic valve is aligned with the infundibular outlet chamber and supported by infundibular muscle (Figures 28.1b and 28.3b). Conversely, in normally related great arteries it is the aorta that is wedged between the AV valves and the pulmonary artery arises from the infundibular outlet chamber. In any great artery relationship, accessory AV valve tissue may contribute to subvalvar obstruction of the posterior semilunar valve. The coronary artery anatomy depends on the ventricular situs or loop because the epicardial coronary pattern seems to be determined by cues from the underlying ventricle. When the great arteries are malposed (transposition or double outlet), the arteries arise from the posterior, facing sinuses. In an L‐loop DILV, the morphologically left coronary artery is right‐sided and bifurcates into a small delimiting artery (analogous to the anterior descending artery) that runs in the groove between the LV and the infundibular outlet chamber and a circumflex artery that passes posteriorly in the right AV groove, giving off a variable number of atrial and ventricular branches along its course. The morphologically right coronary artery passes posteriorly in the left AV groove, giving off a posterior delimiting artery and a variable number of ventricular branches that run toward the apex. In D‐loop DILV with transposition of the great arteries (discordant VA alignment), the coronary pattern is just the mirror image of that described earlier. If the VA alignment is concordant (normally related great arteries), the coronary pattern is usually much like that seen in the normal heart where the ostia are in the anterior, facing sinuses. The aortic arch is usually to the left of the trachea and branching is usually normal. The orientation of a left aortic arch is often from left‐anterior to right‐posterior in L‐transposed arteries as a result of the location of the ascending aorta. The branch pulmonary arteries are usually normal, even in hearts with subvalvar and/or valvar pulmonary stenosis. The cardiotypes most frequently associated with DILV are: {S,L,L} (solitus atria, inverted L‐loop LV, leftward and anterior aorta) in ~60%; {S,D,D} (solitus atria, solitus D‐loop LV, rightward and anterior aorta) in ~20%; and {S,D,S} (solitus atria, solitus D‐loop LV, and solitus normally related great arteries) which carries the eponym Holmes heart (named after Andrew F. Holmes, the first Dean of the Medical Faculty of McGill University) in ~15% [46]. A number of associated defects can be seen with DILV. A secundum atrial septal defect is occasionally present but the atrial septum is often intact or has a small patent foramen ovale. Abnormalities of the AV valves, including hypoplasia or stenosis or regurgitation (Figure 28.6), are seen in a significant proportion [45,46]. Subvalvar obstruction of the posterior root – the one aligned with the LV – can be due to posterior malalignment of the infundibular septum, accessory AV valve tissue, or a fibromuscular ridge (Figures 28.1c and 28.2c). The portion of the primary outflow foramen between the LV and infundibular outlet chamber is frequently obstructed [46,47]. If the great arteries are transposed, this results in subaortic stenosis and often hypoplasia of the aorta with coarctation or even arch interruption [53]. Conversely, the obstruction is subpulmonary when the great arteries are normally related. DILV results in mixing of systemic and pulmonary venous blood in the LV. If mixing is complete, the oxygen saturation is similar in the aorta and pulmonary artery and determined by the ratio of pulmonary to systemic blood flow (Qp/Qs). Occasionally there can be remarkable streaming that produces a substantial difference between systemic and pulmonary arterial oxygen saturations. Obstruction of the outflow foramen with TGA favors pulmonary blood flow and diminishes systemic output but does the opposite with normally related great arteries. LV volume overload is characteristic of essentially all forms of DILV because the LV must supply both systemic and pulmonary blood flow. The higher the Qp/Qs ratio is, the greater the LV volume overload and the higher the systemic oxygen saturation. Chronic volume overload results in LV dilation, eccentric hypertrophy, and eventually adverse remodeling. Obstruction to ventricular outflow or aortic arch obstruction causes concentric hypertrophy, myocardial fibrosis, and diastolic dysfunction. Concentric hypertrophy further narrows the outflow foramen, resulting in a positive feedback loop that can quickly lead to ventricular failure. Excessive pulmonary blood flow, especially when associated with pulmonary hypertension, damages the pulmonary vascular endothelium and leads to progressive pulmonary vascular obstructive disease. An atrial septal defect facilitates mixing and reduces streaming. AV valve regurgitation increases the ventricular volume overload. The effect of AV valve stenosis depends on which valve is involved and whether an atrial septal defect is present. In the absence of an atrial defect, stenosis of the left AV valve causes left atrial and pulmonary venous hypertension with pulmonary congestion and increased pulmonary arterial and venous smooth muscle. Conversely, right AV valve stenosis causes systemic venous hypertension with liver engorgement, peripheral edema, and serous effusion. Neonatal palliation is usually undertaken for systemic outflow and/or aortic arch obstruction. Amalgamation of the aorta and pulmonary trunk is frequently used to bypass obstruction between the LV and the infundibular outlet chamber [54]. Some type of systemic–pulmonary shunt is then necessary to provide pulmonary blood flow. Usually this is a modified Blalock–Taussig shunt, although a left ventricle‐to‐pulmonary artery conduit is used in some instances. Another approach is enlargement of the outflow foramen [51]. Extensive aortic arch reconstruction may be necessary in cases of arch hypoplasia or interruption. Severe pulmonary stenosis or atresia prompts creation of a surgically placed systemic–pulmonary shunt or, more recently, stenting of the ductus arteriosus. Patients with unrestricted pulmonary blood flow and no systemic outflow obstruction often undergo pulmonary artery banding within the first few weeks of life to treat heart failure symptoms, protect the pulmonary vasculature from adverse remodeling, and improve the outlook for subsequent Fontan palliation [55]. Patients with stenosis of an AV valve can benefit from creation of an atrial septal defect, either by interventional catheter procedure or surgery, to relieve systemic or pulmonary venous obstruction. Conversely, hemodynamically significant regurgitation of an AV valve may occur at any stage due to prolapse, dysplasia, annular dilation from volume loading, leaflet restriction, or a cleft. If severe, this may prompt plasty, replacement, or even patch closure of the valve with creation of an atrial defect, to relieve the volume overload. Such interventions carry substantial risk, with one series reporting approximately 17% hospital mortality after AV valve repair, replacement, or closure [56–58]. The long‐term strategy for these patients is staging toward a Fontan procedure, with creation of a bidirectional cavopulmonary anastomosis around age 4–6 months and completion of the Fontan procedure around age 2 years [59]. However, a recent report of favorable outcome in part of a group of patients who underwent septation in the mid‐1990s has resurrected interest in this as an alternative approach [60]. Double‐inlet right ventricle is a rare heart defect (0.2% of cardiac autopsies and 1 in 11,000 patients seen by a cardiology service [61]) in which, analogous to DILV, both AV valves are completely aligned and connected with a ventricle of right ventricular morphology (Figures 28.8 and 28.9, Video 28.6). Some series [62–64] have described a preponderance of cases with heterotaxy syndrome, unbalanced common AV canal, and a hypoplastic LV. Figure 28.8 Two hearts with double‐inlet right ventricle (DIRV). (a) DIRV with double‐outlet right ventricle {S,X,D}. The ventricular loop cannot be determined in this heart because the septal wall of the RV cannot be identified, hence the “X” ventricular loop. The left (LAVV) and right (RAVV) atrioventricular valves enter the sinus portion of the RV. The junction between the RV sinus and the infundibular outflow is broad (dotted line) and the infundibular or outlet septum (*) sits directly above the RV sinus with the aorta (Ao) and pulmonary artery (PA) on either side. (b) DIRV with double‐outlet RV {S,D,D}. The septal wall of the RV can be identified in this heart because there is a small LV chamber, seen in (c) behind the hypoplastic LAVV. Only a right hand (upper left) can be used to describe the RV with the thumb in the AV valves, the fingers in the outflow, and the palm against the septal wall (under the LAVV). Here the hand rule is being applied to an RV so that a right hand describes a solitus or D‐loop RV. Note the broad junction (dotted line) between the body of the RV, with the LAVV and RAVV, and the outflow, with the Ao and PA. The outlet or infundibular septum is the muscular ridge between the Ao and PA. A posterior median ridge (*) is seen between the LAVV and RAVV. (c) Opened hypoplastic left ventricle (LV) with a part of the LAVV visualized through a ventricular septal defect. There are two ventricular sinuses present in this heart. Figure 28.9 Echocardiographic views in a patient with double‐inlet right ventricle (RV), double‐outlet RV {S,L,L} and a severely hypoplastic “hip‐pocket” right‐sided left ventricle (LV). (a) Apical four‐chamber view demonstrating both the right atrioventricular (AV) valve (RAVV) and left AV valve (LAVV) entering the right ventricle (RV). Note the large muscle bundles in the RV. (b) Apical four‐chamber view with posterior angulation shows the severely hypoplastic “hip‐pocket” right‐sided LV, which does not receive AVV attachments. (c) Subxiphoid short‐axis view demonstrating the RAVV and the LAVV entering the RV. The hypoplastic LV is also visualized. (d) Subxiphoid long‐axis view demonstrating the right atrium (RA), hypoplastic LV, and RV. LA, left atrium. The development of DIRV is more difficult to understand because there is never a time during normal cardiac development when the AV canal is completely aligned with the developing RV. Even the direction of looping of the heart tube is uncertain in most cases because there is no clear septal wall of the RV present and a rudimentary LV is demonstrable only in a minority of cases [61]. In the few cases where a small LV cavity is present, the loop appears to have been dextral in most. Expansion of the AV canal appears to be normal or nearly so because it becomes normally aligned with the right atrium. Further, the combined size of the two AV valves is substantially larger than either a single mitral or tricuspid valve. What allows the AV canal to become situated completely above the developing RV sinus is unclear. Either the LV cavity is absent or small primarily or it becomes so after losing alignment with the AV canal. Atrial septation proceeds normally as in DILV, resulting in division of the AV canal into two separate valves, both aligned with the RV. Again, it is interesting that the AV valves develop relatively normally despite absence of the muscular inflow septum. The outflow then develops in broad continuity with the underlying RV sinus without interposition of an outflow foramen as seen in DILV. The infundibular (outlet) septum divides the outflow into aortic and pulmonary components and comes to sit above the right ventricular cavity within the infundibular outflow muscular sleeve, which is the cranial continuation of the developing RV. Outflow rotation appears to be abnormal in most cases resulting in double‐outlet RV with side‐by‐side or otherwise malposed great arteries. On the other hand, rotation may approximate normal in hearts with a rightward and posterior aorta and anterior and leftward pulmonary artery. Uneven division of the outflow, with or without deviation of the infundibular septum, likely explains the hypoplasia and obstruction of either the pulmonary or aortic outflow seen frequently in DIRV. Persistence of a left superior vena cava to coronary sinus and secundum atrial septal defect appear to be frequent findings [61]. The morphology of the AV valves resembles a normal mitral or tricuspid valve less frequently than in DILV (Figures 28.8 and 28.9). Hypoplasia or stenosis of one AV valve, most frequently the left, occurs in 25% or more of cases (Figure 28.8b and c) but more than mild regurgitation is uncommon [61]. A tiny “hip‐pocket” LV (Figure 28.8c) is present in up to 20–25% of patients [61], although some series have reported a higher prevalence [62]. It is located posteriorly near the AV groove and usually communicates with the RV through a ventricular septal defect. In such cases there are clearly two ventricular sinuses although the rudimentary LV can never function independently. The RV is often large, hypertrophied, and bizarrely shaped with a few large muscle bundles. There is a prominent posterior median ridge passing from base to apex between the AV valves (Figure 28.8b and 28.9), which often receives attachments of the AV valves. This can give the appearance of a ventricular septum on clinical imaging studies and has resulted in an erroneous diagnosis of two ventricular sinuses with multiple ventricular septal defects. A characteristic feature of DIRV is absence of a septal wall with a smooth basal endocardial surface (the left ventricular septal wall) as seen in DILV. In addition, the outflow of the heart continues broadly from the RV sinus with no constriction (outflow foramen) separating the infundibular outlet chamber from the large sinus portion of the ventricle as seen in DILV (Figures 28.8 and 28.9). The infundibular or outlet septum sits above the RV cavity, dividing the subarterial infundibular sleeve, and does not usually join a wall of the ventricular body. Uneven division of the outflow into subpulmonary and subaortic infundibula, with or without deviation of the outflow septum, is a frequent cause of obstruction, especially subpulmonary obstruction (Figures 28.8a and 28.9). Aortic arch obstruction regularly accompanies subaortic stenosis. Right aortic arch seems to be somewhat more frequent than expected [61,62]. Branch pulmonary arteries are usually normal despite the prevalence of subpulmonary obstruction. Coronary arteries arise from the aortic sinuses facing the pulmonary root and form circumflex arteries in their respective AV grooves, giving off descending branches at irregular intervals around the heart [52]. The cardiotypes most frequently associated with DIRV are: {S,X,D} (solitus atria, indeterminate ventricular loop, rightward and anterior aorta) in ~50%; {S,D,D} (solitus atria, solitus D‐loop LV, rightward and anterior aorta) in ~15%; and {S,X,L} (solitus atria, indeterminate ventricular loop, and leftward and anterior aorta) in ~20% [61]. The physiology of DIRV is rather similar to DILV in that both are common mixing lesions in the ventricle with the potential for outflow obstruction. Although the systemic and pulmonary arterial saturations are usually similar, and dependent on the Qp/Qs, considerable streaming can occur in some hearts. RV volume overload is characteristic of DIRV because the functional single ventricular chamber must pump both systemic and pulmonary blood flow. A higher Qp/Qs results in greater ventricular volume overload and higher systemic oxygen saturation. Chronic volume overload results in RV dilation, eccentric hypertrophy, and eventually adverse remodeling. Conversely, very cyanotic patients have a low Qp/Qs and only mild RV volume overload. Obstruction to ventricular outflow or aortic arch obstruction causes concentric hypertrophy, myocardial fibrosis, and diastolic dysfunction. Although reduced pulmonary blood flow is more frequent, excessive pulmonary blood flow, especially with pulmonary hypertension, can lead to progressive pulmonary vascular obstructive disease. As in DILV, in the absence of an atrial septal defect, stenosis of the right AV valve produces systemic venous obstruction and stenosis of the left AV valve results in pulmonary venous obstruction. Incompetence of either AV valve compounds the right ventricular volume overload. Pulmonary outflow obstruction occurs frequently and, if severe, results in a ductus‐dependent pulmonary circulation. Systemic outflow obstruction is less common but can limit systemic flow and lead to hypoperfusion or shock. Marked limitation of aortic flow results in ductus‐dependent systemic circulation. Aortic arch hypoplasia, coarctation, or interrupted aortic arch often accompanies severe systemic outflow obstruction. Some patients have unobstructed pulmonary and aortic outflows resulting in pulmonary overcirculation once pulmonary vascular resistance decreases. Initial palliation in DIRV is most often by creation of a systemic–pulmonary shunt for pulmonary stenosis or atresia [61,63]. More recently, transcatheter stenting of the ductus arteriosus has been used as a nonsurgical option to secure pulmonary blood flow. A small proportion of patients, those with subaortic obstruction, undergo amalgamation of the aorta and pulmonary artery to bypass the obstruction with creation of a systemic–pulmonary shunt as a source of pulmonary blood flow [61,63]. Arch reconstruction is often needed in these patients as well. Creation of an atrial septal defect can improve mixing and is indicated if one AV valve is stenotic. Long‐term palliation is staging toward a Fontan circulation with bidirectional cavopulmonary anastomosis around age 4–6 months and completion of Fontan around age 1–2 years [63]. Tricuspid atresia (TA) is characterized by absence or impatency of the usual AV valve of the RV (Figures 28.10–28.12, Video 28.7–28.10). In addition, the RV sinus or body is either absent (anatomic single LV) or extremely hypoplastic (functional single LV). As in DILV, the small chamber present in the ventricular mass in addition to the LV is an infundibular outlet chamber. Figure 28.10 A heart with tricuspid atresia and normally related great arteries {S,D,S}. (a) The opened left ventricle (LV) with a smooth septal surface to the left of the image and the mitral valve (MV) attaching to free wall papillary muscles to the right. The aortic valve (Ao) is in fibrous continuity with the MV. There is a tiny communication (arrowhead) between the LV and the infundibular outlet chamber (seen in (b)). (b) The opened infundibular outlet chamber supporting the pulmonary artery (PA). The tiny communication (arrowhead) with the LV is seen. (c) The opened right atrium showing the orifice of the superior vena cava (SVC), the right atrial appendage (RAA) with pectinate muscles, and the foramen ovale (FO). Note the small depression in the floor of the right atrium (arrowhead) marking the usual location of the absent tricuspid valve. Figure 28.11 A heart with TA, transposition of the great arteries {S,D,D} and left‐sided juxtaposition of the right atrial appendage. (a) Opened left ventricle with the smooth septal wall to the left of the image and the mitral valve (MV) with papillary muscle attachments to the free wall on the right side. The part of the outflow foramen (OF) connecting the LV with the infundibular outlet chamber is seen in the septal wall. A small ridge of conal muscle (arrowhead) separates the MV from the pulmonary valve (PV). (b) Outlet chamber comprised of conal or infundibular muscle supporting the aortic valve (Ao). The OF is seen just below the infundibular septum (*). (c) Juxtaposed right (RAA) and left (LAA) atrial appendages at the left heart border. The RAA is always superior and anterior to the LAA in left‐sided juxtaposition in situs solitus of the atria. (d) Opened left atrium showing the atrial septal defect (ASD) between septum primum below and septum secundum above. The MV is between the atrial septum and the orifice of the LAA. Figure 28.12 A heart with tricuspid atresia and transposition of the great arteries {S,L,L}. (a) Opened left ventricle with the smooth septal wall to the right of the image and the free wall with papillary muscle attachments of the mitral valve (MV) to the left. The MV is in fibrous continuity with the pulmonary valve (PV). The small outflow foramen (arrowhead) is between the infundibular septum (*) and the septal wall of the LV. Only a right hand (upper right) can describe this LV, with the thumb in the MV, fingers in the PV, and the palm against the septal wall, indicating that it is inverted or an L‐loop. (b) Opened infundibular outlet chamber with the aortic valve (Ao) supported by infundibular (conal) muscle. The orifice of the outflow foramen (OF) is surrounded by white, fibrous tissue extending onto the free wall under the Ao due to endothelial reaction to the high‐velocity jet of blood crossing the OF. (c) Opened right atrium, with the right atrial appendage (RAA) and fossa ovalis (FO), draining through a mitral valve (MV) into the right‐sided, L‐looped LV. (d) Opened left atrium with left (LPV) and right (RPV) pulmonary veins entering. The only egress is through the foramen ovale (FO) or the coronary sinus defect (CSD) because the tricuspid valve is atretic. The primary abnormality in TA is failure of expansion of the AV canal toward the inner curvature of the heart tube. Bending or looping of the heart tube is dextral in most patients but is to the left (levo or L) in about 10%. As the chambers expand out of the greater curvature of the heart tube, the atria and LV appear to expand normally but the RV sinus does not develop or remains markedly hypoplastic. The AV canal remains confined to the left atrium and LV, never becoming aligned with either the right atrium or RV. Expansion of the AV canal appears to be less than normal because the mitral valve that forms from it, although larger than a normal mitral valve, is somewhat smaller than the combined sizes of the two AV valves that form in the normal heart or in double‐inlet hearts. Atrial septation occurs normally except that the plane of the developing atrial septum, which appears normal with respect to the common atrium, is aligned with the edge of the AV cushions toward the inner curvature and not with the center of the cushions, possibly because of inadequate expansion of the AV canal. Consequently, all of the AV cushion material goes toward making the mitral valve, with failure of development of direct communication between the right atrium and RV. The LV continues to communicate with the outflow part of the heart tube through the primary outflow foramen, which would have become the interventricular foramen had the RV developed. Instead, only the infundibular outlet chamber develops. Rotation of the outflow seems to proceed normally in most hearts with TA resulting in normal alignment of the aorta with the LV and the pulmonary trunk with the infundibular outlet chamber. In some of these hearts, the part of the outflow foramen that allows communication between the LV and infundibulum becomes completely closed by the infundibular septum, resulting in an intact septum between the LV and infundibulum. In most, however, this part of the foramen is not closed, allowing a communication of variable size between the LV and the infundibulum. In other hearts, including all of those with levo or L‐loop LV, outflow rotation is abnormal, resulting in transposed or double‐outlet alignment of the great arteries. In these hearts, the part of the outflow foramen between the LV and the infundibular outlet chamber almost always remains open. Persistence of a left superior vena cava draining to the coronary sinus occurs more frequently than in normal hearts [65]. Left‐sided juxtaposition of the atrial appendages in situs solitus (Figure 28.11c) is strongly associated with TA, occurring in about 10% of cases [66]. In hearts with this arrangement of the atrial appendages, a large atrial defect, associated with angulation of septum primum with respect to septum secundum, is the rule (Figure 28.11d). Otherwise, a patulous foramen ovale is the most frequent finding in the atrial septum (Figure 28.13). Pulmonary venous drainage is usually normal. Figure 28.13 Color flow map in subxiphoid long‐axis view in a patient with tricuspid atresia and normally related great arteries {S,D,S} showing right‐to‐left flow through the open foramen ovale (arrow) A brief left‐to‐right flow reversal is common and is best captured by pulsed Doppler. LA, left atrium; RA, right atrium. The tricuspid valve is completely absent in most cases (Figures 28.10c and 28.12d). There may be a small depression in the muscular floor of the right atrium in the usual location of the tricuspid valve, but no valve apparatus. In most hearts with TA, the dimple in the floor of the right atrium is directed toward the left ventricular outflow and not toward the infundibular outlet chamber, further suggesting absence of the RV sinus [67]. The right AV sulcus is very deep, reminiscent of the inner curvature of the early looping heart tube (Figure 28.14). In a minority of cases a tricuspid valve annulus, leaflets, and chordae, in varying stages of development, can be identified [65,67]. In these cases, the leaflets are completely fused, preventing any flow of blood across the atretic valve. Formed but atretic valves are associated with partial AV canal defects (primum atrial septal defect) [68], Ebstein anomaly [69], and congenital pulmonary valve regurgitation (absent pulmonary valve) with intact ventricular septum [70] (Figure 28.15). Figure 28.14 Apical four‐chamber views in two patients with tricuspid atresia (TA) are mirror images of each other. On the left is a D‐loop or solitus left ventricle (LV) in a patient with TA and normally related great arteries {S,D,S}. The septal wall and outlet chamber (OC) are to the right and anterior so that only a left hand fits this LV. The deep atrioventricular (AV) groove on the right indicates right‐sided tricuspid atresia. On the right is an L‐loop or inverted LV with the septal wall and OC to the left and posterior. Only a right hand fits this LV. Here the deep AV sulcus is left‐sided, indicating atresia of the left‐sided tricuspid valve. LA, left atrium; RA, right atrium. Figure 28.15 Tricuspid atresia (TA) with associated Ebstein anomaly. (a) The opened right atrium (left side) and atrialized right ventricle (right side) in a heart with TA associated with Ebstein malformation. The anatomical tricuspid valve annulus (dashed line) indicates the AV junction. The superior vena cava (SVC) and foramen ovale (FO) are seen in the right atrium. The smooth‐walled atrialized right ventricle (RV) ends blindly at rudimentary valve leaflets (arrow). (b) The opened apical trabecular portion of the right ventricle (RV) and the infundibulum (Inf), which supports the pulmonary valve (PV). There is no communication between the atrialized RV and the apical trabecular segment. A small outflow foramen (OF) connects the infundibulum with the left ventricle. The mitral valve is usually normally formed, but a cleft in the anterior leaflet (Figure 28.16) is seen in some hearts with TA and TGA [71]. The annulus diameter of the mitral valve is greater than in normal controls [72], probably due to increased flow volume. The LV is dilated but not excessively hypertrophied in the absence of outflow obstruction [73]. Nguyen and colleagues have reported that one‐third (eight of 25) of their patients (single institution) with TA also met diagnostic criteria for left ventricular noncompaction [74], much higher than any other report or our experience. Of the eight patients, six had or are expected to have completion of Fontan while one died and another underwent transplantation for ventricular failure before Fontan. Figure 28.16 Echocardiographic views in hearts with tricuspid atresia (TA) associated with Ebstein anomaly and partial atrioventricular (AV) canal. (a) Apical four‐chamber view showing Ebstein anomaly with a smooth‐walled atrialized right ventricle (RV), which ends blindly (tricuspid atresia). A large primum atrial septal defect is apparent between the right (RA) and left (LA) atria. (b) Apical four‐chamber view showing TA associated with partial AV canal or primum atrial septal defect. The deep AV sulcus characteristic of TA is seen on the patient’s right side between the RA and the outlet chamber (OC). The primum atrial septal defect (curved double arrow) is seen between the RA and LA. LV, left ventricle. The infundibular outlet chamber is small and supports one or both great arteries. In cases where the infundibulum extends inferiorly toward the diaphragmatic surface of the heart (Figure 28.17), some RV sinus might be present. In any case, it is virtually always severely hypoplastic and has no inlet component. It is also possible that these larger chambers are simply an expanded infundibulum with no RV sinus present. The LV usually communicates with the infundibular chamber through part of the primitive outflow foramen – often called a ventricular septal defect or bulboventricular foramen. In a few cases the septal wall of the LV is intact. A small communication causes subvalvar obstruction of the arterial root that is supported by the outlet chamber. Figure 28.17 The base of the left ventricle in a patient with tricuspid atresia, transposition of the great arteries {S,D,D}, and a cleft mitral valve. The medial leaflet (ML) of the mitral valve is divided into two parts by the cleft (arrow). The attachments from the cleft insert onto the left ventricular (LV) free wall lateral to the pulmonary valve (PV) rather than onto the septum as in an atrioventricular canal defect. The posterior or mural leaflet (PL) of the mitral valve is shorter than usual and extends between the postero‐medial and antero‐lateral papillary muscle groups. A restrictive outflow foramen (OF) between the LV and the outflow chamber is seen in the LV septal wall. The great arteries are normally related in most hearts with TA [65]. The aortic valve is aligned with the LV and in fibrous continuity with the mitral valve. The pulmonary artery is aligned with the infundibular outlet chamber. The pulmonary valve, trunk, and branches are remarkably well formed in most hearts despite severe subvalvar obstruction or even atresia (Figure 28.10). Only occasionally is there stenosis or atresia of the pulmonary valve and very rarely discontinuity or obstruction of branch pulmonary arteries. Abnormalities of VA alignment occur in a minority of TA hearts, most frequently transposition, with the pulmonary artery aligned with the LV and mitral‐to‐pulmonary valve fibrous continuity and the aorta aligned with the infundibular outlet chamber [65]. In a few hearts there is double outlet from the infundibulum, with both great arteries arising from the outlet chamber. Extremely rare is double‐outlet LV with TA [75]. Hypoplasia of the aortic arch, coarctation, and even aortic arch interruption are associated with obstruction of the outflow foramen when the great arteries are transposed [53] (Figure 28.18). Other conotruncal anomalies, especially truncus arteriosus, occasionally accompany TA [76]. Figure 28.18 A heart with tricuspid atresia and transposition of the great arteries {S,D,D} with a severely restrictive outflow foramen (OF) and coarctation of the aorta (Coarct). (a) Opened left ventricle (LV) showing the pulmonary valve (PV) in fibrous continuity with the mitral valve (MV) and the small portion of the outflow foramen (OF) between the LV and infundibular outflow chamber. (b) The opened infundibular outlet chamber and ascending aorta (Ao). The small OF is seen below the aortic valve. The infundibular outlet chamber extends inferiorly to the diaphragmatic surface of the heart, suggesting that some RV sinus might be present. The obstructed OF was treated by creation of an anastomosis between the pulmonary trunk and the ascending aorta (A–P Anast). There is marked narrowing of the aortic isthmus (Coarct) creating coarctation of the aorta. (c) An echocardiogram in a high parasternal view in a similar patient showing severe coarctation of the aorta distal to the left subclavian artery (LSCA). A large ductus arteriosus (DA) continues from the pulmonary trunk to the descending aorta (DAo). LCCA, left common carotid artery. TA in the setting of an L‐loop LV is quite different anatomically and physiologically [65]. Here, because the ventricles are inverted, it is the left‐sided tricuspid valve that is atretic (Figure 28.12). Because there is situs solitus of the atria, TA in this setting causes pulmonary venous outflow obstruction. The foramen ovale is often small, probably due to a higher pressure than normal in the left atrium in utero. There is usually a small cup‐shaped indentation in the floor of the left atrium representing the atretic tricuspid valve. The mitral valve is right‐sided and the LV is L‐looped (Figures 28.12 and 28.14) and usually somewhat larger than normal, but otherwise unremarkable. The infundibular outlet chamber is left‐sided and small. The great arteries are virtually always transposed, with the pulmonary artery posterior and rightward and aligned with the LV and the aorta anterior and leftward and aligned with the infundibular outlet chamber. Obstruction of the part of the primary outflow foramen between the LV and outflow chamber produces subaortic stenosis, often associated with aortic arch obstruction or interruption. As in DILV, when the ascending aorta is leftward, the aortic arch courses from left‐anterior to right‐posterior despite being a left aortic arch. A classification of TA based upon anatomic and physiologic characteristics has been proposed (Table 28.1) [77]. Table 28.1 Classification of tricuspid atresia Source: Modified from Tandon R, Edwards JE. Tricuspid atresia: a re‐evaluation and classification. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1974;67:530–42. * Depends on the degree of pulmonary obstruction, which may increase over time.PDA, patent ductus arteriosus. Tricuspid atresia is a common mixing lesion, producing complete mixing of systemic and pulmonary venous blood. In TA with a D‐loop LV this occurs in the left atrium and ventricle. The only egress for systemic venous blood from the right atrium is the foramen ovale or other interatrial communication. Rarely, the foramen ovale can become restrictive, resulting in systemic venous hypertension, liver enlargement, and ascites [78]. A restrictive foramen during fetal life appears to be a cause of reduced fetal growth [79]. Mitral regurgitation increases LV volume overload and raises the pressure in both atria because the right atrial pressure must be at least as high as left atrial pressure for blood to flow across the foramen ovale. The LV pumps both systemic and pulmonary blood flow, resulting in dilation and eccentric hypertrophy [73]. As in other common mixing lesions, the systemic oxygen saturation is proportional to the Qp/Qs ratio. In normally aligned great arteries, aortic outflow is rarely obstructed but pulmonary outflow often is [65]. Pulmonary obstruction can be due to restriction of the part of the outflow foramen between the LV and infundibular outflow chamber, obstruction within the infundibulum due to malalignment of the outflow septum or muscle bundles, or, less frequently, valvar stenosis. Although ductus‐dependent pulmonary circulation is uncommon, subpulmonary obstruction can progress rapidly so that intense cyanosis often supervenes within 3–6 weeks of birth [80]. Conversely, subaortic obstruction occurs in TA with transposed great arteries by the same mechanisms described earlier, except that valvar aortic stenosis is even less frequent than valvar pulmonary stenosis. Ductus‐dependent systemic circulation is seen in a significant proportion of patients with transposed great arteries. Even if the ductus has closed, a small outflow is an unstable source of systemic blood flow and, without intervention, is likely to lead rapidly to systemic hypoperfusion, heart failure, or death. Subaortic obstruction is associated with aortic arch hypoplasia, coarctation, or interruption. In TA hearts with an L‐loop LV, the AV valve atresia is left‐sided in situs solitus so that pulmonary venous egress is impeded. Because of the construction of the foramen ovale, flow from left atrium to right atrium is not favored. Consequently, left atrial pressure rises acutely with the rapid increase in pulmonary blood flow after birth. Unless treated, pulmonary edema with severe cyanosis and respiratory failure is likely. Otherwise, the physiology is similar to TA with D‐loop LV and transposed great arteries. Some centers have advocated prophylactic balloon septostomy in TA with D‐loop LV to avoid restriction of the foramen ovale, but this is not necessary in most patients [78]. The few patients at risk can be identified based on the size of the foramen ovale and presence of an atrial septal aneurysm (see later) [78]. Conversely, creation of an atrial septal defect is essential in most patients with L‐loop LV to treat or prevent pulmonary venous hypertension [65]. Septostomy is often insufficient so that creation of a defect by septal puncture and dilation or stent placement is generally preferred. Alternatively, a surgical septectomy can be performed, particularly if some other surgical procedure is planned. Some patients with normally related great arteries have sufficient pulmonary blood flow to avoid any intervention until a bidirectional cavopulmonary anastomosis is performed at age 4–6 months. Others undergo creation of a systemic–pulmonary shunt or ductal stent in the first weeks of life for progressive cyanosis. Systemic outflow obstruction in TA with transposed great arteries is usually treated by amalgamation of the aorta and pulmonary artery with placement of a systemic–pulmonary shunt [81]. Enlargement of the outflow foramen is an alternative approach but can be difficult in small infants [51,81]. Aortic arch reconstruction is often necessary in these patients for coarctation or arch interruption. Occasional patients with normally related great arteries and unobstructed pulmonary blood flow undergo pulmonary artery banding to treat heart failure and limit pulmonary blood flow and pressure in preparation for a bidirectional cavopulmonary anastomosis [55]. Long‐term management is staged Fontan palliation with a bidirectional cavopulmonary anastomosis at 4–6 months of age and completion of Fontan at 1–2 years [59]. Superior‐inferior ventricles (SIV) hearts are those in which the two ventricles are stacked one on top of the other, rather than side by side, and the ventricular septum is horizontal (Figures 28.19–28.22, Video 28.11 and 28.12). In crisscross hearts the axes of the AV valves cross each other rather than being approximately parallel. These complex hearts challenge current understanding of heart development as well as diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. SIV are often, but not uniformly, associated with crisscross AV valves; either can occur independently of the other. Although two ventricles are virtually always present, the RV and tricuspid valve may be too small to permit a biventricular circulation. Figure 28.19 A heart with superior‐inferior ventricles and transposition of the great arteries {S,L,D}. (a) The aorta (Ao) is to the right and the pulmonary artery (PA) to the left. (b) The opened superior right ventricle showing the tricuspid valve (TV) entering from the left and the Ao exiting to the right. The large ventricular septal defect (VSD) is in the plane of the ventricular septum. This inverted or L‐loop right ventricle is organized from left (inflow) to right (outflow) and can only be described using a left hand (lower left). (c) Opened left ventricle showing the mitral valve (MV) and pulmonary valve (PV). Figure 28.20 A heart with superior‐inferior ventricles, dextrocardia, transposition of the great arteries {S,D,L}, and straddling mitral valve. (a) The aorta (Ao) is to the left of the pulmonary artery (PA). The right atrial appendage (RAA) is to the right of the vascular pedicle. (b) The opened superior right ventricle, composed of the small right ventricular sinus (RV sinus) and larger infundibulum (Inf). The hypoplastic tricuspid valve (TV) enters the RV sinus. A part of the straddling mitral valve (MV) enters the Inf, which supports the large aortic valve (Ao). A right hand (upper left) is required to describe this right ventricle, with the thumb into the TV, the fingers in the Ao, and the palm against the septum, the wall through which the MV straddles. The bizarre appearance of the RV is due to marked clockwise rotation of the ventricles as viewed from the apex. About 150° of counterclockwise rotation of the image results in a much more usual orientation of the RV. (c) The left atrium (LA) and inferior left ventricle (LV) which makes up the rightward apex of the heart. Figure 28.21 A series of echocardiographic views of a patient with superior‐inferior ventricles, crisscross atrioventricular (AV) valves, and transposition of the great arteries {S,D,L}. (a) Subxiphoid long‐axis views through the mitral (left) and tricuspid (right) valves. The left atrium (LA) is aligned with the left ventricle (LV) and the right atrium (RA) with the right ventricle (RV) – concordant AV alignments. The arrows indicate the axes of the AV valves, which cross at nearly 90°. The tricuspid valve is superior and anterior, running from right‐to‐left, while the mitral valve is inferior and posterior, running posterior‐to‐anterior. The ventricles are D‐loop or solitus even though the LV extends to the right of the RV. Only a right hand (bottom right) can describe the right ventricle with the thumb in the tricuspid valve, the fingers in the outflow, and the palm against the septum. (b) Subxiphoid short‐axis views through the base of the ventricles (left) and at mid‐ventricular level (right). The superior and anterior position of the small tricuspid valve (TV) in the RV is apparent. The pulmonary valve (PV) is aligned with the left ventricle (LV). The superior‐inferior arrangement of the ventricles and the horizontal orientation of the ventricular septum (parallel to the diaphragm) are apparent. (c) A more anterior subxiphoid long‐axis cut showing the outflow. The small infundibular septum (arrowhead) is seen between the aortic and pulmonary valves. The conoventricular septal defect is between the conal or infundibular septum and the muscular septum. Ao, aorta; MV, mitral valve. Figure 28.22 Subxiphoid long‐axis views in a patient with superior‐inferior ventricles, crisscross, and double‐outlet right ventricle {S,L,D}. On the left is an inferior cut showing the right atrium (RA) aligned with the inferior left ventricle (LV) – AV discordance. The mitral valve (MV) is seen in long axis while the tricuspid valve (TV) is seen in cross‐section, indicating that the planes of the valves cross at approximately 90°. The pulmonary artery (PA) is aligned with the RV. The inverted or L‐loop RV can only be described using a left hand (lower left) with the thumb in the TV (into the plane of the image), the fingers in the PA, and the palm against the ventricular septum. A more superior and anterior cut (right panel) shows the aorta (Ao) also aligned with the RV. The mechanisms for abnormal superior‐inferior placement of the ventricles and for crossing of the ventricular inflows are likely related but separate, and at least partially independent. Horizontal formation of the ventricular septum, with a superior RV and inferior LV, could be due to incomplete looping [31]. Interruption of looping at an early stage, after formation of the “C” loop but before completion of the “S” loop, would result in variable failure of caudal and ventral descent of the outflow limb of the heart tube. The outflow remains cranial to the developing LV rather than descending to lie beside it. As the RV sinus balloons out of the proximal infundibulum (outflow), it is cranial or superior to the LV, rather than to the right or left of it, and the interventricular septum is horizontal. The ventricles can be either D‐loop (solitus or right‐handed) or L‐loop (inverted or left‐handed) so “S” looping can begin in either direction before arresting. The mechanism for crossing of the axes of the AV valves seems to be real or apparent twisting or axial rotation of the ventricles while the atria and AV valves remain relatively fixed. A mechanism for twisting of the ventricles is unknown and the timing of this process is unclear but seems likely to be near the end of or even after completion of looping. Clockwise twisting of the ventricles in a D‐loop (and counterclockwise twisting in an L‐loop), as viewed from the apex, would explain both the crossing of the AV valves and the large angle observed between the atrial and ventricular septa [82]. Usually the septa are nearly parallel with an angle of <10° between them. In crisscross hearts, however, the angle can be as large as 150°. Twisting of the ventricles with fixed atria and distal outflow also explains the curved elongation of the inflow and outflow tracts often observed in these hearts. Hypoplasia of the tricuspid valve and RV, seen in many cases of SIV and crisscross heart, could be due to entrapment of the right side of the AV canal between the ventricular and atrial septa, limiting its capacity for expansion. More rotation of the ventricular septum would lead to a smaller tricuspid valve and RV sinus. This concept is supported by the inverse relationship between the crossing angle of the AV valves, an indirect measure of twisting or rotation of the ventricles, and the size of the tricuspid valve and RV sinus seen in infants with this condition [83]. However, it is not known if hypoplasia of the tricuspid valve and RV sinus is primary, leading to abnormal placement of the ventricular septum, or secondary, resulting from the unusual location of the ventricular septum. The high prevalence of dextrocardia and mesocardia in patients with SIV and crisscross heart is likely related to failure to complete the looping process and/or reduced growth capacity of the RV [31]. The markedly abnormal outflow in these hearts is potentially explained by abnormal rotation of the outflow, as seen in many other types of abnormal VA alignment [38]. However, VA situs discordance frequently seen in these hearts (D‐loop ventricles with L‐malposition of the aorta or vice versa, see later) could also result from a rotation or twist of the ventricles that “pulls the outflow along.” Rotation of the outflow along with the ventricles would have the effect of inverting the relationship between the great arteries. As indicated by the discussion of possible developmental mechanisms, the anatomy of SIV and crisscross heart is complex and variable. In about half of cases these two anomalies coexist. Because of the abnormal position and shape of the ventricles in these hearts, use of the hand rule to establish chirality or topology is especially important [49]. In considering complex hearts like these, a brief review of segmental situs and alignments provides important background (see Chapter 3). In the majority of hearts, the atria are either solitus (usual arrangement with the right atrium anterior and to the right and the left atrium posterior and to the left) or inversus (the mirror image of solitus). Hearts with ambiguous atrial situs or heterotaxy syndrome occur infrequently in this setting and are described in Chapter 30. Similarly, the arrangement of the ventricles is generally either D‐loop (solitus or right‐hand topology) or L‐loop (inverted or left‐hand topology). Finally, in the arterial segment the aorta is either to the right or to the left of the pulmonary artery (and sometimes anterior). There is typically concordance or harmony between the atrial situs, the loop or situs of the ventricles, and the situs or position of the great arteries. When the atrial situs is solitus, there are usually D‐loop ventricles and the aorta is usually to the right, either solitus normally related great arteries or D‐malposition of the great arteries. Conversely, in atrial situs inversus there are usually L‐loop ventricles and the aorta is usually leftward, inversus normally related great arteries, or L‐malposition of the great arteries. In SIV and crisscross hearts, one frequently sees segmental situs discordance or disharmony [84]. Review of several case series [82,83,85–89] shows that more than 90% of these hearts occur with situs solitus of the atria and relatively normal systemic and pulmonary venous anatomy. About 75% have D‐loop ventricles and about 25% have L‐loop ventricles. Consequently, AV situs concordance occurs in about three‐quarters and discordance in about one‐quarter of cases (Figures 28.21 and 28.22). Conversely, in about 75% of cases, D‐loop ventricles are associated with L‐malposition of the aorta and vice versa (Figures 28.21 and 28.22). So AV situs discordance is seen in a significant minority while VA situs discordance is the rule. Further, some of these hearts are characterized by discrepancy or disharmony between segmental situs and segmental alignments [84,89,90]. In the vast majority of hearts, when there is situs solitus of the atria and D‐loop ventricles, or situs inversus and L‐loop ventricles, the right atrium is aligned with (drains into) the RV and the left atrium is aligned with the LV. The situs of the segments correctly predicts the alignments. There is said to be concordance or harmony between situs and alignment. It is mostly in SIV and crisscross hearts where one sees discordance or disharmony between situs and alignment: a solitus right atrium aligned with a D‐loop LV and a solitus left atrium aligned with a D‐loop RV (and the converse). Especially in these hearts one cannot assume that situs correctly predicts alignments; one must specifically elucidate and record both. Virtually all the hearts with situs‐alignment discordance that have been reported also have right juxtaposition of the atrial appendages [90]. The tricuspid valve is usually smaller than normal (Figure 28.21) and often severely hypoplastic [83,85]. The mitral valve is typically normal or large. In crisscross hearts the tricuspid valve is anterior and oriented from right to left in D‐loop ventricles (Figures 28.20 and 28.21) and from left to right in L‐loop ventricles (Figures 28.19 and 28.22). The mitral valve is posterior and inferior to the tricuspid valve and is oriented from left/posterior to right/anterior in D‐loop ventricles (Figure 28.21) and from right/posterior to left/anterior in L‐loops (Figure 28.22). The crossing angle between the valves varies from 20° to 100° [68] and is inversely proportional to the size of the RV sinus. In one type of crisscross heart, the mitral valve straddles into the infundibulum [82] (Figure 28.20). The RV sinus is usually hypoplastic while the infundibulum is larger than normal, especially with a straddling mitral valve [83] (Figure 28.20). Crisscross hearts with straddling mitral valve are associated with a larger angle between the atrial and ventricular septa, indicating more apparent rotation of the ventricles with respect to the atria [82]. In virtually all hearts with SIV, and in most crisscross hearts, the RV is superior and the LV inferior, but there are at least two published exceptions [91,92]. In D‐loop ventricles the inferior LV often extends to the right of the small, superior RV giving the impression of inverted ventricles (Figure 28.21a). In fact, this characteristic of these hearts led Van Praagh and colleagues to emphasize the internal organization of the ventricles (chirality or topology) rather than spatial position as an indicator of ventricular loop or situs [49]. Although SIV and crisscross hearts have been reported with an intact ventricular septum [93], most have one or more ventricular septal defects. The defect is often between the infundibular (conal) septum above and the muscular ventricular septum below (conoventricular defect) (Figure 28.21c). The infundibular septum is often malaligned or deviated out of the plane of the muscular septum, most often producing or contributing to subpulmonary stenosis. Other types of defects, including membranous and AV canal type, have been reported as well. Occasional patients have normally related great arteries (or nearly so) [94] but the great majority have either transposition of the great arteries or double‐outlet RV. In most the pulmonary valve is posterior to the tricuspid valve (Figure 28.21b) and there is little or no subpulmonary infundibular muscle, leaving the pulmonary valve in continuity or near continuity with the AV valves. Proximity of the infundibular septum to the tricuspid valve is an important mechanism for subpulmonary stenosis. The aorta is usually large and unobstructed although there are occasional cases with subaortic stenosis and aortic arch obstruction [85]. Many of these complex hearts are candidates for staged Fontan palliation [95,96] although most of those with an adequate RV and tricuspid valve are candidates for a two‐ventricle repair [97,98] or palliation [99]. Initial palliation often consists of a systemic–pulmonary shunt or ductal stent because of the prevalence of severe pulmonary stenosis. Some with less severe pulmonary stenosis can proceed directly to a bidirectional cavopulmonary anastomosis or biventricular repair. Rare patients benefit from pulmonary artery banding because of pulmonary overcirculation. Completion of the Fontan is usually carried out by 1–2 years of age. Timing and strategy of biventricular repair (single or staged procedure) depend on the details of the anatomy and physiology and the type of surgery needed such as an atrial switch operation or complex intraventricular baffle. The initial exam is typically in utero (see Chapter 43) or in the neonatal period. Multiplane and 3D imaging are essential for a complete and accurate diagnosis. Subxiphoid views provide an excellent overview of the heart, facilitating diagnosis of situs, alignments, and connections. In addition, these views afford excellent images of the veins, atria, atrial septum, AV valves, and ventricle(s). The position of the ventricles in SIV and the crossing of the AV valves in crisscross heart are also best appreciated from subxiphoid views (Figures 28.21 and 28.22) [83,87]. Apical views are useful for examining and measuring the AV valves and can provide an apex‐to‐base dimension of the outflow foramen or ventricular septal defect (Figures 28.2a, 28.6, 28.14, and 28.23). Parasternal views provide a dimension of the AV valves orthogonal to that obtained from the apical views. The diameter of the semilunar valves, ascending aorta, and pulmonary trunk can be obtained from the parasternal long‐axis and the valve morphology from the short‐axis view. The parasternal long‐axis is another view for obtaining an apex‐to‐base dimension of the outflow foramen or ventricular septal defect, and the parasternal short‐axis view provides the orthogonal dimension. The parasternal short‐axis view at the level of the aortic root also shows the coronary artery anatomy. Suprasternal and high parasternal views show the aortic arch, isthmus, branch pulmonary arteries, and ductus arteriosus. 3D imaging may enhance depth perception and appreciation of spatial relationships between structures. Figure 28.23 An apical four‐chamber (left panel) and a parasternal short‐axis (right panel) view in a patient with tricuspid atresia and normally related great arteries {S,D,S}. Orthogonal dimensions (double‐headed arrows) of the part of the outflow foramen between the left ventricle (LV) and the infundibular outlet chamber (OC) can be obtained in these views: apex‐to‐base dimension in apical four‐chamber and left‐to‐right dimension in parasternal short‐axis view. LA, left atrium; RA, right atrium. Color flow mapping and pulsed (PW) and continuous‐wave (CW) Doppler are used to define the physiology. Subxiphoid and parasternal short‐axis views show an interatrial communication as well as the communication(s) between the LV and the infundibular outlet chamber (Figure 28.24). Semilunar roots are often seen well in subxiphoid long‐ or short‐axis views and these views usually afford a low‐angle approach for spectral Doppler as well (Figure 28.25). Apical views allow interrogation of the AV valves and the semilunar root arising from the LV. Parasternal long‐axis views usually provide the best angle for assessing the gradient between the LV and the infundibular outlet chamber or across a ventricular septal defect in SIV (Figure 28.26). The function of the semilunar valves can be assessed in this view as well. High parasternal and suprasternal views provide the best vantage points for color and spectral Doppler exam of the branch pulmonary arteries, the aortic arch, and the ductus arteriosus. Suprasternal axial or coronal views also show the pulmonary veins and allow Doppler interrogation. Figure 28.24 Parasternal short‐axis view and color flow map in a patient with tricuspid atresia and normally related great arteries {S,D,S}. There are two communications (arrows) between the left ventricle and outlet chamber (OC). The color flow map shows unrestricted flow through the communications. LA, left atrium; LVOT, left ventricular outflow tract. Figure 28.25 Tricuspid atresia (TA) and transposition of the great arteries {S,D,D}. (a) Subxiphoid short‐axis view (left) and color flow map (right) in a patient with TA and transposition of the great arteries {S,D,D}. This view affords excellent alignment of the ultrasound beam with the arterial outflows for Doppler interrogation. Despite posterior deviation of the infundibular or outflow septum (arrowhead), there is no flow disturbance in the pulmonary artery (PA). Similarly, the part of the outflow foramen between the left ventricle (LV) and outlet chamber (OC) appears unobstructed. (b) Alignment of the spectral Doppler cursor. The spectral Doppler recording (right) allows estimation of the pressure gradient across the outflow. Ao, aorta; LA, left atrium; RA, right atrium. Figure 28.26 Parasternal long‐axis view (left) in a patient with tricuspid atresia and normally related great arteries {S,D,S}. The part of the outflow foramen between the left ventricle (LV) and outlet chamber (double arrow) is restrictive causing subpulmonary stenosis. The color flow map (upper right) facilitates proper alignment of the spectral Doppler cursor with the flow jet through the outflow foramen for estimation of the pressure gradient (lower right). Ao, aorta; LA, left atrium; OC, outlet chamber. The relationship between velocity of shortening and end‐systolic wall stress has been used as a measure of contractility [100]. This technology is not useful for a functionally single RV, or an unusually shaped LV, or one with regional wall motion abnormalities. Ventricular volume and ejection fraction can be calculated using 2D echo views (see Chapters 6 and 7), but the validity of these measures is unclear [101]. Recently, 3D echocardiography has been compared with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for estimation of volume and ejection fraction in patients with functionally single ventricle [102,103]. While size and function measures were highly correlated, 3D echocardiography produced lower (~10%) end‐diastolic volume and ejection fraction estimates. Systolic function can also be evaluated using myocardial velocity [104,105], strain, and strain–rate imaging [106,107]. Most experience has been in functionally single RV associated with hypoplastic left heart syndrome [108,109]. Correlation between some of these functional measures, especially myocardial velocity measures, and other established function parameters has been poor in some reports [110]. These measures may be useful for serial evaluation although the meaning of a single measurement is unclear. Lopez and colleagues [111] compared strain and rotational mechanics measured using speckle‐tracking echocardiography between 52 children (mean age 9 years, 7 years after Fontan) with various types of functional single LV and age‐matched controls. Longitudinal strain was preserved but basal circumferential strain was reduced as was basal rotation. Apical rotation was increased, resulting in increased torsion. Some differences between subtypes of single LV were noted, with those with transposition having slightly higher longitudinal strain than those with normally related great arteries. The authors speculate that differences in performance might be due to previously reported variation in myofiber architecture [112]. Dyssynchrony appears to be prevalent in hearts with functional single ventricle [107,113] and is associated with systolic dysfunction and measures of myocardial fibrosis. Dyssynchrony is readily detectable by speckle deformation and 3D volumetric imaging and could have important implications for therapy (Figure 28.27). Although experience with resynchronization therapy is still limited in patients with functional single ventricle, some patients appear to have benefited [114]. Figure 28.27 Regional left ventricular (LV) function analysis performed using semi‐automated volume measurement from a 3D echocardiogram recorded from an apical view and divided into 16 segments. Synchronous regional function in a normal heart is shown in the left panel. Marked dyssynchrony, indicated by marked variation in the extent and timing of shortening, is seen in a patient with TA following a Fontan operation (right panel). Source: Ho P‐K, Lai CTM, Wong SJ, Cheung Y‐F. Three‐dimensional mechanical dyssynchrony and myocardial deformation of the left ventricle in patients with tricuspid atresia after Fontan procedure. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2012;25:393–400. Reproduced with permission of Elsevier. Diastolic function can be evaluated using blood‐pool or myocardial velocity, but again, the clinical utility of these measures is uncertain (see Chapter 8).
Hearts with Functional Single Ventricle,Superior‐Inferior Ventricles, and Crisscross Heart
Normal embryologic development
Double‐inlet left ventricle
Embryologic development
Treatment strategies
Double‐inlet right ventricle
Embryologic development
Treatment strategies
Tricuspid atresia
Embryologic development
Ventricular septal defect
Pulmonary outflow
Type I, normally related great arteries (ventriculoarterial concordance)
Systemic–pulmonary shunt or PDA stent
Pulmonary artery band
Type II, D‐loop transposition of the great arteries (ventriculoarterial discordance)
Usually large
Systemic–pulmonary shunt or PDA stent
Often small
Systemic outflow obstruction
Stage 1 Norwood
Type III, complex lesions, including L‐loop ventricles, variable systemic and pulmonary outflow anatomy
Treatment strategies
Superior‐inferior ventricles andcrisscross heart
Embryologic development
Treatment strategies
Imaging of hearts with functionalsingle ventricle

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